PC Minutes 1999-02-021 1 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 2, 1999 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Acting Chair Greene presiding. Present were Commissioners Parker, Keen and Costello. Also in attendance was Community Development Director Jim Hamilton. Acting Chair Greene welcomed new Commissioner Costello. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS — None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter from Ted and Millie Holmbeck dated January 25, 1999 concerning the Village Glen Development 2. Letter from Gary Young dated January 26, 1999 concerning the James Way Annexation project. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS — None NON- PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS — Election of Officers Jim Hamilton stated that at this time they are waiting for an additional Commissioner to be appointed to the Planning Commission. He felt it would be appropriate to wait until they have a full Commission before they select the Chair and Vice- Chair. He went on that it would be appropriate to select an Acting Chair to carry the Commission through until that appointment in made. Acting Chair Greene asked when the appointment for the additional Commissioner would be made. Jim Hamilton said at this time he does not know, but believes it will be within the next 30 days. Acting Chair Greene called for nominations for the Acting Chair position. Commissioner Keen nominated Commissioner Greene; the nomination was seconded by Commissioner Parker. Acting Chair Greene called for any other nominations. Being none Acting Chair Greene closed the nominations and the Commission unanimously elected Commissioner Greene for the Acting Chair position. Commissioner Keen requested that the Commission select an Acting Vice - Chair. He felt it would be in the best interests of the Commission because if there was a situation where Chair Greene had to step down, then there would be a Vice -Chair ready to take over. He felt that if they selected the Acting Vice -Chair then they would be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Jim Hamilton said it would be the pleasure of the Commission to select an Acting Vice - Chair. Acting Chair Greene called for nominations for Acting Vice - Chair. ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 2, 1999 Page 2 Commissioner Keen nominated Commissioner Parker, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Costello. Acting Chair Greene called for anyy other nominations. Being none Acting Chair Greene closed the nominations and the Commission unanimously elected Commissioner Parker for the Acting Vice -Chair position. Jim Hamilton commented that it would be recommended that the Planning Commission Rules be amended so that the election of the Planning Commission Chair and Vice -Chair is held in February instead of July. Acting Chair Greene made a suggestion for staff to draft the appropriate language for that change. Jim Hamilton responded that when there are all five commissioners then he would bring that item back to the Commission. Commissioner Costello commented that it makes sense to change the time of the election. Commissioner Parker commented that it makes sense to make those changes. She said it is difficult to elect a Chair and Vice -Chair and have to re -elect them in a couple of months. Acting Chair Greene asked Mr. Hamilton if he was willing to take suggestions from the Planning Commission to make changes in the Commission Rules. Mr. Hamilton replied that he would be happy to put it on the next agenda as an item for discussion. Commissioner Keen moved that an item for discussion regarding updates and modifications of the Planning Commission Rules be placed on the next agenda. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS — None PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS Commissioner Keen asked why the Negative Declaration for Rosemary Lane went to Don Spagnolo and not Jim Hamilton, who initiated it, and if the Negative. Declaration had cost anything. Jim Hamilton responded that it is currently in the process of the environmental review for an emergency access road and utility easement to service an approved subdivision map that has been designated as Rosemary Lane Extension, so it was part of the public review process of that negative declaration that it was open for public comment and he thinks that was how it was brought forward. He said there were members in community that were concerned about the project and he believes they contacted EDC about the project and provided them with information and the City provided EDC with additional information. He said it was addressed to Don because it really involved a grading permit and that Don would ultimately make the determination as Public Works Director on the level of environmental review. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 2, 1999 Page 3 Commissioner Parker commented that apparently the Environmental Defense Center (EDC) was run from donated funds and they only work for non - profit groups. She then asked if the report from the EDC is handled as any other piece of public comment. Mr. Hamilton responded that it is part of the CEQA process and that comment is taken into consideration in the final determination in regards to the level of environmental review required for the project. Commissioner Parker asked if any specific action needed to be taken on the report. Mr. Hamilton responded that it is handled just as any other party would respond to environmental issues under the CEQA process. Commissioner Keen asked if the commission would have a chance to comment on the report. Mr. Hamilton responded that the report goes into the decision process just as any other Negative Declaration. He said as a Negative Declaration process under CEQA, the approving body is the permitting authority, which in this case is the Public Works Department. Commissioner Keen stated that he is concerned with the report because it is presented as an official document that is final. He went on to say he found some problems with the report and feels it should not be presented without anybody commenting on it. Mr. Hamilton stated that they are just letting the City know of their opinion and it is treated accordingly. Acting Chair Greene confirmed with Mr. Hamilton that the report is just a part of the public comment process and that there is no more or less weight on it. Acting Chair Greene commented that he hasn't seen any work on track 1834. He asked if the delay was a•product of.the City's decision making process with regard to the Rosemary Lane. Mr. Hamilton responded that he couldn't say with regards to the developer himself what the developer's ultimate goals were. He stated that before homes could be constructed the issue of the secondary emergency access roads needed to be resolved. To his knowledge the final subdivision map has not been approved. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW -UP REPORTS A. Update of Projects Mr. Hamilton reviewed that current project status report with the Commission. He responded to Commissioner Parker's question about the draft EIR for Frederick's saying that it may be ready for circulation by the end of February. . ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 2, 1999 Page 4 B. Follow -up Reports - Status of Anderson Appeal Mr. Hamilton stated that the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision on CUP 98 -565 went to the City Council at their last meeting. The City Council did not take action on the appeal, the directed the applicant to go back, modify his project and work with staff. Then, if it became necessary, submit for the variances required and bring those items back to the City Council for action. C. League of California Cities Planners Institute Mr. Hamilton went over the Planners Institute Meeting that is really a meeting of Planning Commissioners all over the state. There are various seminars and events put on for Planning Commissioners. Mr. Hamilton said that if the Commissioners have the time he would recommend that they attend. D. Arroyo Grande Valley Agricultural Land Conservation Workshop This is an issue of concern to many residents in the area and Council Member Dickens has taken a leadership role in this issue. E. "Guiding and Participating in Effective Meetings" Workshop Mr. Hamilton reminded the Commission that there was going to be a workshop on "How to Run An Effective Meeting" on March Acting Chair Greene asked if Proclamations could be made to honor the service by Former Chair Lubin and Commissioner Haney. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at • 8:05 p.m. on motion by Commissioner Keen ATTEST: AS TO CONTENT: F 1 Jim Hamilton, PICP Community Development Director ission Clerk alittAACt 6 PO 419L) Laurence Greene, Acting Chair