NOVEMBER 17, 1998
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Lubin
presiding. Present are Commissioners Haney, Greene, Parker and Keen. Also in
attendance are Community Development Director Jim Hamilton, Contract Planners
Lezley and Tom Buford and Senior Consultant Engineer Craig Campbell.
Commissioner Parker corrected the minutes of the meeting of October 20, 1998.
There being no additional corrections, the corrected minutes of October 20, 1998 and
the minutes of October 28, 1998 were approved on motion by Commissioner Keen,
seconded by Commissioner Haney, and unanimously carried.
Otis Page, 606 Myrtle Street, spoke regarding Councilman Fuller's comments at the
last meeting regarding a letter Mr. Page had written to the City Council and Planning
Commission pertaining to the El Campo Road project. Mr. Page stated he believes
everything he stated in that letter to be true and accurate. He further stated he
doesn't believe the El Campo Road project has come before the Commission for
approval and, in his opinion, that is a mistake.
Coleen Martin 855 Olive Street, spoke regarding the General Plan Update, stating that
over 750 surveys have already been received by the City. She complimented the
Planning Commission for all of their hard work on the signage for the Wal *Mart
project. She also referred to the Lucky Payless Center on Grand Avenue, stating that
three years ago a permit was pulled to remove 88 trees from the center and to date
only 22 trees have been replanted. She suggested that the permit be looked at and
some steps taken to enforce replanting.
Contract Planner Tom Buford reviewed the staff report dated November 17, 1998. He
advised the pre - application review is for a 5,000 square foot office on the first floor
and four apartments on the second floor. He stated the project has been reviewed by
the Architectural Advisory Committee and by the Staff Advisory Committee. There
were a number of comments made at the Staff Advisory Committee meeting. One of
the concerns related to the drainage on the property making sure that a grading plan
was eventually submitted to indicate clearly the manner in which the property would
drain. Also the water mains on the property are currently 4" and would have to be
8 ", and the buildings would need to be fully equipped with sprinklers. He stated that
with the slope on the property, there was a concern with regard to grading, and the
question of whether the retaining walls might exceed the 6 foot height limitation and,
if so, a variance would be required. In addition, the design of the property appears to
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show that the building exceeds 30 feet in height and, if that were the case, in order to
proceed they would need a variance. He also reviewed the parking, stating that the
site plan shows 22 spaces, which may be in compliance with the requirements,
however, he would have to check to be sure.
In answer to Commissioner Keen's question regarding drainage, Mr. Campbell advised
there are several options that have been explored with the applicant, however, at this
point it is still in the exploration stage.
After Commission and staff discussion, Chair Lubin invited the applicant to speak.
Fred Baur, representing the applicant, stated that the concept of this pre - application
review process is very valuable and because of the information provided by the
committees and the Commission, he feels this will be a much better project. He
reviewed the plans for the proposed project citing various issues with the alley /parking
lot design. He pointed out the proposed connection to the parking lot at Amanda's,
stating it actually works out nicely with their property and is a good place to enter.
He commented that what the City is proposing is a floating easement instead of an
Mr. Baur stated what he would like to do, after receiving the Commission's
comments, is to bring the project back with a redesign of the parking lot and the
connection to the parsonage, better buffer zone, addition of the third story, and
development of pedestrian access. He stated they would like to build a model for the
Commission's review, which would be helpful, especially on a sloping site such as
With regard to height calculation, Mr. Hamilton advised they basically take the
average of the highest and lowest points along the foundation. He read the definition
of how heights are measured.
Commissioner Keen stated he is aware of the number of guest parking spaces that
can be required, however, the more you can have, especially in an isolated area where
people have to park behind the building, if the project could provide parking for a
couple of more cars in there, the tenants would probably really appreciate it. Mr. Baur
referred to the site plan, stating that one of the Fire Chief's comments was that if
there is ever a fire in the canyon by the Methodist Campground, they would like to be
able to come up right to this spot, which would be a good turn around, would solve
the garbage man's problem, the Fire Department's problem, and would also be a nice
place to tuck in some extra parking.
Commissioner Haney noted that there is a single family residence on the east side of
the property and questioned if adequate landscaping is being proposed for the privacy
issues that are important for that residence. He also referred to the windows on the
east side of the elevations of the proposed project, stating people looking out of those
windows on the second story could be looking into the kitchen or what other
residential elements are there, and one of his concerns is a treatment that respects
that residence's privacy. Regarding the height limitation of 30 feet or two stories,
Commissioner Haney stated in looking at the project, in terms of desirability, he could
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see where a third story would make a lot of sense for the project. However, in
looking at it in the context of the other buildings, particularly the single story residence
adjacent to it, the parsonage and some of the other things there, he sees a fairly
massive structure in proximity to the other elements that are much smaller.
Therefore, he stated he has some concerns as to whether or not the project
appropriately fits into and respects the existing structures because of the significant
scale difference. He noted the third story issue is one of the things he will be looking
at very carefully.
Commissioner Haney stated he has some concerns about the mix of residential /office
uses. He suggested perhaps restricting the types of uses to insure that they are
significantly compatible with the residential element.
Commissioner Haney noted that several sections of the General Plan deal with
guidelines for fitting into hillsides and slopes. He suggested the applicant review that
section to make sure he is in line with the intent of the General Plan. He stated he
finds this to be an interesting project and feels it is adding something to the Village
and creates some character that is not there now. His comments are designed to help
accomplish the objectives the applicant is looking for.
Commissioner Greene stated he feels the project has tremendous merit and he
supports the concept of a mixed use because he feels it is good for the Village. He is
concerned about the transition between the subject property and the property
immediately to the east. He feels we do have to respect that particular property and
try to be as unobtrusive as possible. He suggested that perhaps a closer look at
landscaping and consideration of the direction the windows will be looking is
appropriate. With respect to moving the residential element over bringing it down
closer to the parking area, and the proposal of creating a third story, he stated he
shares Commissioner Haney's feeling that they may be creating a building that is out
of character for the surrounding uses. He suggested looking very closely at that
issue. He commented the way it looks right now, there is a visual distinction or
separation between the residential uses and the business uses, and that particular
separation appeals to him. He further stated that adding additional driveway space
will probably increase safety and usability for the upper parking areas and he would
approve that plan. With regard to landscaping, Commissioner Greene stated he would
like to see more effort from the landscape architect to use native plants because of
the transition into the Miller Heights greenbelt, and he would like to see less exotic
plants non - representative of the surrounding habitat. He also encouraged the
applicant to consider using as many Oak trees as possible for the larger trees, because
the hillside behind is a predominantly Oak area and it would be appropriate to preserve
the character of the Village in that respect by bringing more of that kind of vegetation
and habitat down as far as possible.
Commissioner Greene commented that overall the project has a great deal of merit,
and the idea of using the alley as additional parking is a good one and he feels it is
something that could be supported when it comes back to the Commission.
Commissioner Parker stated she was pleased to see this project and feels this is a
good place for it. She commented it creates a good transition between a commercial
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district abutting single family homes. She also believes there is a big need for smaller
affordable homes in this area such as apartments and townhouses. She stated that
because of the terrain she likes the way they have the houses in the back going up
the hill, and she believes it does separate them from each other to some extent. She
stated she had some concerns about adequate parking for the houses and shared
Commissioner Keen's suggestion that a couple of additional parking spaces there
would be very helpful to everyone. She further stated that she likes the idea of a turn-
around, and she would like to see some private space for each individual tenant such
as a small patio or a small garden area in the front with a wall blocking it off for
privacy, or perhaps a combined open space area. She also mentioned that it might be
helpful to provide soundproofing between the office spaces and the townhouses. She
commented it would be her assumption that the offices would be limited to daytime
uses so that the evening time would be left for the tenants.
With regard to lighting, Commissioner Parker stated safety lighting would be a big
factor, especially in front of the offices and around the driveway, and at the same
time, lighting would need to be deflected not only from the tenants, but also from the
existing residence. She also liked the idea of cutting out the alley way and putting in
more greenbelt as long as there is access through the other side. She would not want
to see that alley way cut off and then not have access through to the areas on the
other side.
Chair Lubin stated he likes the idea of the alley being moved inside the parking lot
because he doesn't like the idea of it being a straight through shot. Also, if at
sometime in the future when the lot next door is developed, they can worry about
how they can access the Village Center property. He further stated he is going to
reserve his opinion on the third story until he sees the model, because he feels it could
be done and could look really nice if done correctly. He commented he is in favor of
the mixed use and feels it is a good idea and would be a good use in that area. With
regard to the size of the project, Chair Lubin stated he will reserve his opinion on this
issue until he sees the model. He stated it does seem massive, however, when it is
presented in a model, it might be fine.
Contract Planner Tom Buford reviewed the staff report dated November 17, 1998. He
advised that the application on agenda items 4.B and 4.0 are related to some extent.
The site shown on the overhead is the site plan that was submitted by Mr. Kennedy,
and there is an existing building on the corner of James Way and Oak Park Boulevard.
The pre - application review report that was submitted by staff discusses some of the
history of the parcel in question. He reviewed the overhead showing what has been
planned for the site.
Mr. Buford advised that Parcel 2 is the parcel in question and was created by a lot line
adjustment for the purpose of allowing development of the medical office building and
some improvements to the property. He stated that the site as shown on the screen
was intended as a Master Plan project, and was eventually divided by a lot line
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adjustment. Parcel No. 1 is where the medical building now sets, and Parcel No. 2 is
the project Mr. Sheppel is proposing in Item 4.C, and Parcel 3 is directly below that
and is a separate parcel map. Mr. Kennedy's parcel (4.B) is also separated. He
advised that access to the site is solely by way of James Way. That entails some site
planning for access and circulation on the site, and when the existing medical building
went in, much of the infrastructure for parking and access was developed.
Mr. Buford commented that when this was previously considered, there was some
discussion of the parking on -site and the staff report indicates that the 1 - 300
standard was used in the original Conditional Use Permit back in 1988. There was a
traffic study submitted at that time and, in reviewing that report, it was reliant to a
great degree to other Kennedy Fitness Centers. In this case, the parking was
calculated at 1 - 300, which would be 63 spaces, and the applicant has proposed 61.
Mr. Buford noted that the Institute of Traffic Engineers has suggested a ratio of 4.37
spaces which would result in a requirement of 83 spaces. The Development Code
provides for a reduction of 30% in parking requirements under certain circumstances.
After a brief discussion between the Commission and staff, Chair Lubin invited the
applicant to make his presentation.
Warren Hamrick, Hamrick Associates, representing Kevin Kennedy, stated they have
read and concur with the staff report. They have also been to the Architectural
Review Committee and Staff Advisory Committee and appreciate their comments.
They are here tonight to hear the Commission's comments. He responded to
Commissioner Parker's question regarding the zero lot line and landscaping.
Regarding the parking issue, he advised the proposal is for an 18,000 square foot
building and at a ratio of 1 space per 300 square feet calculates to about 63 spaces,
and 61 spaces are being proposed. This number is directly out of the Master Plan for
the project. He noted it is their feeling the 61 spaces will satisfy the parking
requirements for the club.
With regard to shared parking, Mr. Hamrick stated that the peak hours for use of the
club are from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m., so it is felt that with the 30% reduction of parking
would be adequate and would bring the spaces down from 63 spaces to 40 spaces.
He noted there is a discrepancy between what has been provided, 61 spaces, and the
63 which would be required at 1 space per 300 square feet. He stated they feel this
could be mitigated by providing some motorcycle and bicycle spaces or whatever is
required to make up the difference of the two spaces.
After a brief discussion between the Commission and applicant, Chair Lubin invited
interested persons in the audience to speak on the proposed project.
Tom Talbert, 1015 Meadow Way, stated he lives in a condominium complex adjacent
to these proposed projects, and this looks like it could be a good project. He
commented that there are some issues to consider. One thing to consider is the
expansion from 16,000 to 19,000 square feet for the Nautilus Center, stating that is a
significant increase in the size of the project in relation to the project as it has been
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laid out. He stated he feels that a model might be helpful to visualize the maximum
33 foot height for the proposed building. There are a number of different elevations
relative to that site now, and in picturing where the Oak Park Leisure Gardens
development is, and looking upward to the medical center on the corner, there is a
significant increase in height overall with some plateaus there. He suggested that a
model would be helpful in visualizing the building and would provide a little more
understanding of what is being proposed.
Mr. Talbert commented that traffic is a major concern for everyone in that area.
James Way and Oak Park Boulevard is becoming a major intersection in Arroyo
Grande, and now this complex and the Five Cities Town Center will certainly have an
impact on the traffic and is an issue that everyone is becoming more and more
concerned about. Also, the access issue is something that really needs to have some
very careful study. He stated it is his personal opinion that this is a nice commercial
spot that is going to be developed, and this looks like a very reasonable use of that
Janet Talbert, Oak Park Leisure Gardens, stated she also believes that this project
would be very good for that location. She noted that she is concerned about traffic
and access. She advised that the space between the existing dental offices and the
motel appears to be large enough to provide an in only access to the new project.
If there is a wide entrance, it should be easy to enter from the right hand lane of Oak
Park Boulevard and, hopefully, this could alleviate some of the congestion from James
Way. With regard to the elevation, she suggested it would be helpful if the developer
could make a mock -up of the project that would include the areas one mile in each
direction to illustrate what effect the height of the building would have on the
surrounding landscape. Also, on another subject, she was also curious about the
earlier discussion regarding replanting the trees at the Lucky /Payless Center. She was
advised that there was a code enforcement officer that will be following up on the
tree planting issue. Ms. Talbert stated she likes the idea of this project, and feels it
would bring less traffic than many other uses that could be developed in that zone.
Hearing no further comments from the audience, Chair Lubin requested Commission
comments on the project.
Commission Parker stated she was under the impression this building was going to be
started underground, not above ground, with two stories showing. She agreed it is a
very good plan and is something the community needs. Her concerns are the shared
parking and she would like to see more green space with more trees. She commented
she would like to see some greenery between the parking lot and building itself, so it
does not look like the building is looming out of the parking lot. She further
commented she feels there will be an overlap of people fighting for parking spaces
between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner Keen referred to the original resolution of the City Council #2223
relating to the Oak Park Acres PD, which lists the Kennedy and the Sheppel
properties. He stated at that time the property was not subdivided into separate
parcel. When the property was subdivided into three separate parcels, he recalled
there was a big discussion about the shared parking issue. He stated his concern with
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shared parking is that when property is subdivided, the shared parking provision
seems to come back and haunt the City, and does not appear to work out. He
commented his concern is whether or not the facility that is there now has to share
part of this facility's parking to meet their standards. He noted that this project has
been proposed since 1988 and he would be glad to see it go in. Also, he would like
to see some kind of context of relationship of the 33 feet in comparison to the
building that is now existing. He noted he was glad to see that the setback off of
James Way is lined up with the other building because that makes it more of a
uniform project.
Commissioner Greene agreed that this is a good project and the Kennedy Health Club
has been a valuable asset to the community. In order to mitigate some of the
concerns raised by Mr. Talbert, he suggested considering adding extra landscaping in
the parking lot in order to soften the architectural facades, especially along the east
side where there is some landscaping space between the parking Tots. He stated he
believes the project height is appropriate because the existing office building is
probably higher than the health club and it will not look out of character. He further
suggested that some effort be made to make this building look in some way like the
existing building so that there is some continuity. Also, he didn't think there would be
a parking problem because of the overlap, and given the spaces that are being
proposed, he didn't feel there would be a problem. He indicated he believes this is a
good project and he would support it.
Commissioner Haney stated some of his concerns include the area traffic. He
commented that the study that was done in 1988 was not given to the Commission
and it would be very useful to see this study. He noted that there have been many
changes since the 1988 study was prepared, particularly the West Branch /Oak Park
area where there is going to be a tremendous amount of traffic flow through for the
Wal Mart center. Similarly, there will be dramatically different numbers at the Oak
Park /James Way corridor. We need to identify the area traffic concerns here because
what we are not looking at are volumes and capacity carrying capabilities that are on
Oak Park Boulevard. He stated his feelings that we need to look a little bit closer at
the 1988 study and see what was included at that time, and see what changes in
terms of volume, etc. that are going to be flowing through these intersections.
Commissioner Haney stated he has some very specific concerns about James Way,
and he feels that we need to diagram and lay out the stacking and the ingress and
egress on James Way, because with the two driveways there, there is capacity for
stacking for about four or five cars. His concern is how to get the people in the
eastern most driveway turning out onto James Way if that one is stacked up turning
into the one that is to the west.
With regard to parking, Commissioner Haney stated, in his opinion, we need to look at
what our current uses are and look at a factor above that for the growth that is going
to occur in the area, and this area is obviously going to expand. We also need to
factor in parking for changes in uses that may occur over the 20 or 30 year life cycle
of the property. He commented that the landscaping in the parking area, in his
opinion, is less than ideal. Also, the 1988 approvals noted that mature and larger
trees would be introduced into the landscape site, particularly adjacent to the buildings
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to address breaking up the buildings and some of the masses that are created by their
size. He agreed with the other comments about the mass and scale of the building,
and suggested looking at some elevations and adjacent properties to see if it fits in
with the context of what is already existing. He is also concerned about the
residential neighbors and would like to be sure the project fits into the area and is
respectful of the adjacent residences.
With regard to the on -site circulation, Commissioner Haney stated he has concerns
particularly for people who want to access the Sheppel building and also for people
that want to access the building at the bottom right -hand side, commenting it is going
to be problematic for them to do that. He referred to the second driveway on the
bottom coming off of James Way and suggested that the aisle on the bottom of the
parcel be left open. Commissioner Haney also expressed some overall concerns about
the proposed increase in the square footages on the site, stating with the bump -up in
square footage being proposed, the other owners are going to want the same thing.
Also, we are going to be bumping above thresholds of the capacity for some of the
adjacent street systems to appropriately handle the traffic and the parking here. In his
opinion, the increase in the square footage may be O.K. once the traffic and the other
major projects in the area that add to the circulation elements are looked at. Just
these two projects, 3,000 for this project and the next project with 4,000 increase in
square footage is essentially adding another 7,200 square feet to this site, which is
the equivalent of one of the remaining buildings. In summary, Commissioner Haney
stated he believes this is a great use and a great location for the project and
encouraged the developers to work on it to fruition because it is a great idea.
Chair Lubin stated he agrees with previous comments that this is an excellent project
and he would be very supportive of it. In terms of the expansion from 16,000 to
almost 19,000 square feet, it is his feeling that size is an individual issue for each
building and specifically for this type of usage. He also agreed that the height may or
may not be a problem depending on what it looks like in comparison to the other
building. He indicated he also has a problem with the traffic. He would like to be
consistent and say no entrance from Oak Park, but he can also see that may be a
possible solution, and if there is a way to work that out, maybe an "entrance only" is
a possibility. He further stated he doesn't think there is going to be a parking
problem, and the shared parking easements would work well in this type of project.
With regard to Commissioner Haney's comments regarding future usage of the
building, Chair Lubin stated he is not sure he would have the ability to look to the
future and he would have to look at the existing project and the usage of the building.
If that usage were to change under a new CUP, then that would be a parking problem
that a new owner at some time in the future would have to deal with. He didn't
believe that is an issue to be dealt with at this time. He further echoed Commissioner
Greene's comments concerning the visual impact of the building and making sure it
fits in with the other buildings in the complex. He also would like to see an increase
in the landscaping, and would be in favor of additional landscaping in the courtyard
Contract Planner Tom Buford reviewed the staff report dated November 17, 1998. In
response to Mr. Talbert's comment regarding public notification, he advised that pre-
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application reviews such as this are not noticed to the public since the Planning
Commission does not take any action on the application.
He advised that the applicant of this project intends to identify 11 spaces on the
existing office building parking that are in excess of that building's parking
requirements, and to use those spaces for the new building.
After a brief discussion between the Commission and staff, Chair Lubin invited the
applicant to make a presentation.
Kim Hatch, Pults and Associates of San Luis Obispo, presented the Commission with
the approved and finished as -built grading plan for the project for their review to give
some indication of what was recently done on the site. With regard to the building
size, Mr. Hatch advised that the building originally shown on the Master Plan was
strictly speculative based on the best guess of what the building size might be for that
space; it was a footprint and not a designed building. Based on Code, the building
being proposed would be allowed to be 16,000 square feet with fire sprinklers in the
building. The increase being proposed does not in any way affect the coverage
percentage that is required. The proposal is about a 25% coverage, which is less
than the minimum Code requirement. The percentage of parking required for this
facility, based on the 11,000 plus square feet, can be met without any exceptions.
The existing 11 spaces that are already on -site that are over - parked for the original
project is based on the 1 per 200 ratio, and we are not asking for a change on that.
We are only asking to provide 45 spaces based on the 1 to 250 ratio for the 11,300
square feet. He noted it is their feeling that the issues of parking and the building size
are all within code, and it is a matter of subjectivity that the buildings were meant to
be only 7,000 plus square feet in the Master Plan.
Mr. Hatch discussed some of the concerns with regard to traffic and access. He
noted there is a 13 foot grade change from parking lot grade to Oak Park, and the
only area they would be able to bring in from Oak Park would be in between the
existing office building and the proposed building, which would eliminate probably
every parking space down the center of the already approved and installed parking.
He commented probably the only option is to maintain the access within the James
Way area. He further stated, in speaking with Rob Marsh regarding traffic in this
location, it was indicated that the Level of Service is well within the approved areas as
they are, and it is unlikely they will drop below the allowable Level of Service at this
Mr. Hatch advised that the height limit of this particular building is probably about two
feet taller than the existing Sheppel project, which is basically because of the center
tower section, otherwise the building is about the same size. With regard to the 11
parking spaces, Mr. Hatch advised those were developed in the initial development of
the first building because of the way you had to drive into the project. When they
were developing the drive into the project, they were developing all of the parking
spaces in that area and they ended up having to add 11 more than required. These
spaces do not represent any of the parking that they are proposing. Mr. Hatch
advised he has contracted with Oasis Landscaping to do the landscaping and he
would like to provide a landscaping plan between now and the actual application to
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get some feedback from the Commission.
Mr. Hatch referred to the Architectural Advisory Committee Notes regarding
architecture of the building, stating he wanted to clarify some of the comments that
were made. First, he stated a flat roof was not being proposed; a slight sloped
shallow roof to match the horizontal element of the design, and they are not
proposing a Town and Country Craftsman style design. However, he did state a
Prairie Style architecture would probably be more suitable. He briefly reviewed the
color scheme and landscaping plan being proposed for the project.
In response to Commissioner Haney's comments regarding the 11 common parking
spaces, Mr. Hatch advised his client is proposing to encompass Parcels 2 and 3 with a
new written agreement that includes Parcels 1, 2 and 3 in a shared parking master
plan that would be part of the documentation, even if a parcel was sold, that would
clearly define that all parking is shared parking.
Commissioner Haney stated he has the same concerns regarding traffic, access, and
issues about the overall Master Plan. It was his feeling that there are some parcels
here that are essentially landlocked in the sense they are dependent on the adjacent
parcels for how they are to be utilized. In the overall consideration of this, he stated it
would be important to him to understand what the total buildout under the current
codes would be for the allowable square footage for the entire project, including the
parcels that are listed here.
Commissioner Greene stated he is concerned about the increase in the size of the
building, and those concerns were articulated very effectively by Commissioner Haney
when discussing the Kennedy project. His concern is that if Parcels 2 and 3 are
developed within code, but larger than replicated in the Master Plan, in his opinion,
that will begin to overburden the circulation problems that will be experienced at Oak
Park, West Branch and the freeway. He also referred to the need for landscaping to
soften the impact of large buildings on the community.
Commissioner Parker stated she likes the project and the layout of the building, and
believes additional office space is something we need. She stated she is concerned
about the circulation problems at James Way and Oak Park Boulevard. A concern she
shares with the other Commissioners is the fact that if the parcels are split and
someone purchases a parcel who has already designated 11 parking spaces to your
client, and the new owner doesn't want to give up those spaces, it is not within the
Commission's realm to solve that disagreement and this becomes a real hard issue to
deal with.
Chair Lubin stated his comments on the other building would also apply here. He
feels that traffic is going to be a problem and he would prefer to see the building
down -sized a little bit. He stated he is pleased with the project and does not have any
problems with it overall. He commented he would like to see some coordination with
the Kennedy project architecture.
The Commission discussed briefly the role of the Traffic Commission review of
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pending projects. It was noted that the Traffic Commission will be requesting that the
Council authorize the formation of an ad -hoc committee to review the
"Commissioner's Handbook" and clearly define the responsibilities of the Traffic
Commission. It was pointed out that the Commission will not be making this request
until early in 1999 because of potential membership changes of the Commission.
Update of Projects. Community Development Director Jim Hamilton reviewed some of
the projects that will be coming before the Planning Commission in the near future,
including the Rodeo Heights General Plan Amendment /Rezoning application and the
James Way Annexation.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at
11:00 p.m. on motion by Commissioner Haney, seconded by Commissioner Keen, and
unanimously carried.
Pearl L. Phinney, Commission CI
0 Hamilton, AICP
Community Development Director
2 IAA) K aE