PC Minutes 1998-02-031 1 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 3, 1998 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Lubin presiding. Present are Commissioners Haney, O'Donnell and Rondeau. Commissioner Greene is absent. Also in attendance are Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham and Associate Planner Helen Elder. ORAL CO1VIMUNICATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 97 -564, TWO BEDROOM BED AND BREAKFAST IN AN EXISTING RESIDENCE; APPLICANT: PAMELA A. CLARE; LOCATION: 851 TODD LANE Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham advised that the applicant is requesting approval to allow for a two room bed and breakfast within an existing two story single family residence. The proposed project meets all Development Code standards for the establishment of a bed and breakfast, including the proposed sign. Mr. Buckingham stated the parking requirement for the proposed use is one parking space for each guest room and two enclosed parking spaces for the manager's unit. There are two spaces within the two car garage and two designated uncovered guest parking spaces in the 85 foot long driveway. The applicant proposes widening the existing 12 -1/2 foot wide driveway to 16 feet with turf block in order to accommodate two vehicles. The wider driveway would allow guest parking without blocking access to the garage and would alleviate the problem of a guest blocking ingress or egress of another guest. He noted that the applicant has also stated they would coordinate with guests to insure they park in the driveway and not on the street. Mr. Buckingham advised the project was reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee and has recommended approval of the project subject to the conditions of approval included in Attachment "A ". He also advised the Commission that a letter was received from Olivia Tarwater, 880 Todd Lane, objecting to a business in the neighborhood. After staff's presentation, Chair Lubin opened the public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Michael and Pamela Clare, 851 Todd Lane, applicants, presented pictures to the Commission addressing the parking issue. Mr. Clare described the proposal to widen the driveway and install turf block. The total size of the driveway and parking area would be 16 -1/2 feet wide by 85 feet long. He further stated that under no circumstances would they allow the guests to park out on the street. Hearing no further comments from the audience, Chair Lubin closed the public hearing. Commissioner Rondeau stated the only concern he had was the parking and, after reading the staff report and checking the property, he could see no other problems with the proposed use. However, he did feel further inspection should be made by the Fire Department. Commissioner Haney questioned where the proposed sign would be located. Mr. Clare advised the sign would be placed on a pole and located on the porch, and no other signs would be used. Commissioner O'Donnell stated he was glad to see they are putting in a wider driveway and making more parking spaces available, and he couldn't see a problem with the proposed use. Commissioner Haney stated the safety issue regarding access to the residences and the location of parked vehicles should be reviewed by the Fire Department. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 February 3, 1998 Chair Lubin stated he felt comfortable that the parking would be moved to the left side to leave more room for getting in and out, and he didn't have a problem with the applicant's proposed parking plans. There being no further comments, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 98 -1648 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF '1'HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 97 -564, APPLIED FOR BY PAMELA CLARE, LOCATED AT 851 TODD LANE On motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners O'Donnell, Rondeau, Haney and Lubin NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Greene the foregoing resolution was adopted this 3r day of February 1998. PUBLIC HEARING, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 97 -542 AMENDMENT TO DELETE CONDITION OF APPROVAL REQUIRING A RECIPROCAL PARKING EASEMENT; APPLICANT: DAN BLOUGH; LOCATION: 495 GRAND AVENUE Associate Planner Buckingham reviewed that the Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 97 -542 on December 16, 1997 subject to 15 conditions of approval. On January 20, 1998 the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 97 -560 for the development of an automotive repair facility on Parcel 1, and the applicant has submitted an Amendment to the Tentative Parcel Map requesting the deletion of the requirement for a common parking easement. Mr. Buckingham advised that the Community Development Department and Public Works Department reviewed the project and recommend approval of the Amendment to Tentative Parcel Map 97 -542 subject to the conditions of approval. Chair Lubin opened the hearing for public comment. Bob Miller, Co -Owner and President of Wayne's Tire, stated he attended the meeting to answer any questions the Commission might have. Hearing no additional comments, Chair Lubin closed the public hearing, and the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 98 -1649 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 97 -542, APPLIED FOR BY DAN BLOUGH, LOCATED AT 495 GRAND AVENUE Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 3 February 3, 1998 On motion by Commissioner Haney, seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Haney, O'Donnell, Rondeau and Lubin NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Greene the foregoing resolution was adopted this 3` day of February 1998. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CASE NO. 96 -531, CHANGE STREET NAMES; APPLICANT: PETER KEITH AND LARRY GIN; LOCATION: 543 SOUTH ELM STREET Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham reviewed the staff report dated February 3, 1998 by Public Works Director Don Spagnolo. Mr. Buckingham advised when the Lot Line Adjustment was approved in November 1996, the three street names shown on the plan were not approved, and condition of approval #8 required that street names for the project be approved consistent with Municipal Code Section 8 -2.05. He further advised that the applicant has requested that "Main Street" be names "Brittany Lane" and the cul -de -sacs be named "Hampton Court" and "Carrington Court ". Mr. Buckingham stated staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the proposed street names subject to the following changes: "Brittany Lane" be changed to "Brittany Avenue ", and "Hampton Court" and "Carrington Court" be changed to "Hampton Place" and "Carrington Place ". After a brief discussion, asked if anyone in the audience wanted to address the Commission on this issue. Hearing no comments from the public, on motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and unanimously carried, the proposed street names were approved with the changes as noted by Associate Planner Buckingham. PLANNING COMMISSION /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ITEMS AND COMMENTS General Plan Update - The Commission was reminded of the Community Visioning Workshop to be held on Saturday, February 28 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Arroyo Grande High School Gym. Update of Projects - Associate Planner Buckingham advised the Commission of the joint meeting of the City Council, Planning Commission and Traffic Commission on February 12 at the Community Center to discuss the Berry Gardens Specific Plan, and the Arroyo Linda Crossroads Specific Plan. Planners' Institute - March 5th-7th in Long Beach. Mr. Buckingham reminded the Commission about the Planners' Institute in March, and requested anyone interested in attending to contact Community Development staff. Update on Five Cities' Center (formerly CCTC) Landscape Plans. Associate Planner Helen Elder stated that at the last meeting the Planning Commission had asked for a status report on staff review of the final landscaping plans, and advise whether the Commission's comments and suggestions had been incorporated in the changes. Ms. Elder advised that staff reviewed the latest set of plans and it appears that the Commission's recommendations and suggestions have been incorporated into the plans. She referred to a letter from Ken Kammeyer, landscape architect for the project, dated January 16 and a letter from John Hansell, of Musil Govan Azzalino, Architects and representatives for the project, in response to the request for a final set of plans. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 4 February 3, 1998 Commissioner Haney stated that he and Commissioner Greene reviewed the landscape plans and, in their opinion, the developer and Mr. Kammeyer have done an excellent job in incorporating the Commission's comments. He stated there were two minor areas they felt still needed attention. It appears that a section of bumper screening is needed along West Branch Street, Rancho Parkway and the entry to the shopping center. Also, there is a small area south of Building G at the corner of Rancho Parkway and West Branch Street, it appears that some landscaping has been inadvertently left off the plans. Commissioner Haney suggested a few larger trees be interspersed along Camino Mercado, and also adjacent to the school for screening purposes. Chair Lubin suggested that Commissioner Haney's comments be passed on to the developer. Associate Planner Elder indicated that staff would forward the comments. Fire Chief Terry Fibich was present and gave a brief summary on damage from the recent storm. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE 1. Agenda Item No. ILA. - Letter from Olivia Tarwater, 880 Todd Lane, dated January 30, 1998. ADJOURNMENT Chair Lubin advised he would be absent at the March 17, 1998 meeting. There being no further business before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ATTEST: /./ Ink . tddd . i Pearl L. Phinney, Commission C k AS TO CONTENT: a Pcb.t.. 615u Doreen Liberto - Blanck, AICP Community Development Director