HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1997-09-02ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met with Chair Lubin presiding. Present were Commissioners Greene, Haney and O'Donnell. Commissioner Rondeau is absent. Associate Planner Helen Elder is in attendance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion by Commissioner Haney, seconded by Commissioner Greene, and unanimously carried the minutes of the August 5, 1997 Planning Commission . meeting were approved as prepared. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARING ITEM (CONTINUED) - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 96 -541, TENTATIVE TRACT 2220, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT CASE NO. 96-001; REQUEST FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO REVIEW AND PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS ON FOUR (4) ITEMS REFERRED BY CITY COUNCIL REGARDING REVISED PLANS FOR THE CENTRAL COAST TOWN CENTER (CCTC); APPLICANT, AGRA, INC. (CENTRAL COAST TOWN CENTER; REPRESENTATIVE, HOWARD MANN; LOCATED AT WEST BRANCH STREET, CAMINO MERCADO AND RANCHO PARKWAY (RANCHO GRANDE) Chairman Lubin pointed out that tonight's meeting is not a public hearing. We are in the process of deliberation and will be hearing from the Planning Commission concerning the subcommittees that have met on three (3) different items. He noted the subcommittees will be reporting to the full Commission tonight to review their findings and submit them to the City Council by September 9th. The first item to consider is the subcommittee findings for overriding economic conditions. The subcommittee consists of Commissioners Haney and Greene. Since the Planning Commission has reviewed the findings in their packets, they will be talking about substance and errors or corrections without reading through the complete findings. Commissioner Haney stated that Commissioner Greene and he were charged with the issues regarding overriding considerations. There are seven findings that summarize the essence of the Planning Commission hearings on this topic. In addition to the findings, there are five (5) recommendations to the City Council concerning overriding considerations and the economic issues. Commissioner Haney read the Summary of Findings. Commissioner Greene stated there was a split of opinion on Recommendation No. 4, found on Page 2, which resulted in alternative language proposals, therefore, we need to select Alternative 4.a or 4.b, whichever one reflects the majority view of the Commission on that particular recommendation only. Chairman Lubin stated that in talking about the specifics in terms of sales tax, net sales tax and some of the other items, he wants to make sure it is clear that we are talking about the currently proposed project. It may be best to place that language in the Summary of Findings or in the title of the first section which is "The Commission Finds the Following Facts to be True." 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 September 2, 1997 Commissioner Haney referred to the first sentence in the Summary of Findings, and suggested revising it to read: "The Planning Commission finds that the currently proposed project is a significantly different project overall than was originally evaluated..." Commissioner Haney pointed out that Commission findings 1 and 2 specifically relative to the sales tax, reference the currently proposed project and suggested this reference could be bold and underlined. With regard to Recommendation No. 4, "Alternative Language Proposals ", Commissioner Greene stated that if the perspective is that the developer, being the primary and sole reason for the decision to change the proposal from the July 1996 plan to the currently proposed project and thereby the basis for the need for a supplemental economic analysis, he wouldn't have a problem with selecting the one that requires the developer to bear the entire cost associated with the preparation of a supplemental economic report. Commissioner Haney commented regarding the alternative language proposals, stating he tends to lean a little stronger toward Alternative 4.(a). Commissioner O'Donnell inquired if the Planning Commission is deciding which of these two language proposals to send to the City Council, or recommending they look at the alternatives and make a decision rather than the Commission make a decision. He stated at this point he is not leaning heavily toward either one. Chairman Lubin stated he would lean toward Alternative A because he agrees with the general consensus that had there been no changes in the plan, which would have necessitated these discussions, there would have been no need for additional costs. It was the consensus of the Commission to recommend alternative language proposed in 4.(a). Commissioner Haney recommended that under Item 2 of the recommendations, the first sentence be modified to read: "Prior to issuing further project approvals or permits, the City Council requires that the currently proposed project and any future proposal clearly and conclusively demonstrate (using conservative estimates) that it meets the previously approved Overriding Considerations findings of $300 - 400,000 in net sales tax benefit to the City, and 820 -850 net new jobs after consideration of job displacement." Commissioner Haney suggested a change under Appendix A. III. 4. as a clarification, adding to the beginning "The identification of... Also, under Appendix A. I, we have provided under Item 3 projections for 1 year, 5 year and 10 year periods involving our sales tax benefits and our estimate of sales tax revenue to the City. The original was not included in Appendix A. (II) affecting jobs, and perhaps we should look beyond the initial job creation period to some reasonable period, three (3) years or five (5) years out. He stated that in some of the national studies, there is a job loss factor that goes beyond the initial year. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed to do the same thing on job benefit estimates as for sales tax benefits. Commissioner Haney proposed modifying II to include as a lead item No. 3 in Appendix A. I, as follows: "1. Projections should involve more than the initial period (a minimum of years 3 and 5) and should identify a range of estimates (from conservative to realistic to optimistic). Item numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 under II would be renumbered as 2, 3, 4, and 5. On motion by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell, and unanimously carried, the Commission adopted the subcommittee findings relative to overriding considerations with the modifications approved by the Commission during deliberations. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 3 September 2, 1997 Chairman Lubin advised that the subcommittee regarding the traffic aspects of the currently proposed project consisted of Commissioners Haney and O'Donnell. Commissioner O'Donnell reviewed the Summary of Findings regarding the Traffic Aspects of the currently proposed project and the July 9, 1996 approved plan, recommending the Planning Commission find this is a significantly different project overall than was originally evaluated: traffic volumes are substantially higher, impacts are substantially greater, and the conditions, mitigations and fees originally adopted are not adequate to mitigate these significantly greater impacts. Two additional addenda were added which were part of the Environmental Impact Report. One was Appendix B which was the CCTC Summary of Trips, and the other was Appendix C which is the buildout levels of service which is referred to in our findings. It was noted that the addenda should be changed to Appendix B and Appendix C. Commissioner Haney referred to the draft dated September 2, 1997 regarding the Committee's findings and recommendations to the City Council. With regard to the report, Commissioner Haney made corrections and language modifications, noting that the Committee worked over the weekend on the report and it does need a few changes. Chairman Lubin referred to Item No. 6 of the Summary of Findings relative to Condition #134. He stated staff commented to him that, in reviewing the minutes, this condition was added prior to the public hearings held by the City Council, so Conditional #134 was in effect at the time of the City Council public hearings. This item was reworded to clarify the intent. The Commission was in agreement with the revision. After further discussion staff was directed to make the changes and language modifications as discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Greene, and unanimously carried, to forward the Findings and Recommendations of the Subcommittee on the Traffic Aspects of the currently proposed project to the City Council with the changes and modifications as previously discussed. The next items for discussion are Subcommittee Items 3 and 4 of the July 8, 1997 Council motion concerning the map act conformity and relocation of loading docks. Commissioner Green reviewed a copy of the report with the Commission pointing out minor corrections and changes needed for clarification. With respect to Finding #1, Commissioner Green stated the Subcommittee found that the currently proposed project cannot accommodate a grocery store such as a store that is currently contemplated without creating new and significant environmental impacts violating the terms, conditions and limitations of the July 1996 agreement to develop the property. Regarding the findings with respect to substantial conformance within the meaning of the Subdivision Map Act, the Subcommittee found, that the currently proposed site plan is not in substantial compliance with the tentative site map approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council in 1996. With respect to the location of the loading docks, the Subcommittee found in summary that the loading docks must be relocated so as to mitigate the identified environmental impacts and to avoid violating the relevant provisions of the City's General Plan and Development Code. 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 4 September 2, 1997 Commissioner Haney proposed an alternative to the second item on the list "Proposed Additional Findings to Section 3" as follows: 1. The currently proposed project provides for an additional 4 major loading docks behind tenant spaces 3 through 7, now known as Buildings C, D and E and two additional loading docks serving Building 8 (Major I). These loading docks were not reflected on the July 9, 1996 approved plan or the accompanying elevations. 2. The increase in the number of loading docks and the attendant increase in noise, pollution and major truck traffic serve to intensify the project and will have impacts beyond those which were evaluated in the original Environmental Impact Report. It was suggested that the first paragraph be added as Finding B and the second paragraph as Finding C, and then make the original Finding B amended to Finding D. The Commission was in agreement with the recommended alternatives. With regard to Finding "I ", Commissioner Haney proposed an expansion of the language to Section 2, Finding I. the Commission was in agreement with the proposed language addition. A motion was made by Commissioner Greene and seconded by Commissioner Green and unanimously carried to approve the subcommittee findings with the changes and language modifications as discussed, for Item No. 3 (alternatives to the size and location of the grocery store, substantial compliance with the meaning of the Subdivision Map Act) and Item No. 4 (alternatives to relocating loading docks so they are not that close to residences). Chairman Lubin stated he thinks it would be appropriate that the Chairman of the Planning Commission attend the City Council meeting on September 9, 1996 to provide a summary and be available for comments and questions. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Greene, and unanimously carried, Chairman Lubin was requested to attend the City Council meeting during consideration of the Commission's findings and recommendations. NON - PUBLIC HEARING ITEM (CONTINUED) - REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPING AND PARKING PLAN, WEST BRANCH STREET, CAMINO MERCADO AND RANCHO PARKWAY, AGRA, INC. (CEN'T'RAL COAST TOWN CENTER); REPRESENTATIVE, KEN KAMMEYER Commissioner Greene stated that the last time this item was discussed it was the consensus that any consideration of the landscaping and parking plans would be premature and since there will probably be some modifications in the project, any consideration devoted to the landscaping and parking plans at this time would be a wasted effort. He further stated that he and Commissioner Haney met with Mr. Kammeyer for about three hours at the site and discussed modifications and improvements, and Mr. Kammeyer indicated to us that he would consider their recommendations and would be updating the landscaping plan. Commissioner Greene recommended that this item be dropped from the agenda pending further direction from the City Council. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission September 2, 1997 Howard Mann representing AGRA, requested this item be continued to the next regular Planning Commission meeting on September 16, 1997 and not put off indefinitely. He stated that, depending on the outcome of the City Council meeting next Tuesday, he would like to be in a position to have the Commission review the landscaping and parking plans. Ty Green, Attorney for the applicant, stated he doesn't feel it is appropriate to put this matter off indefinitely and urged the Commission to at least have this item on the agenda for the meeting of September 16, 1996. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Green, and carried with one "no" vote, this agenda item was continued to the next Planning Commission meeting of September 16, 1997. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ATTEST: TO CONTENT: Pearl L. Phinney, Commission Cle Doreen Lib - o- Blanck, AICP Community Development Director CSandy'Lubin, Ch' Page 5 1 1