PC Minutes 1997-07-15ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMIVIISSION JULY 15, 1997 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met with . Chair Lubin presiding. Present were Commissioners Greene, Haney, Lubin and O'Donnell present; Commissioner Rondeau absent. Associates Planner Bruce Buckingham and Helen Elder were in attendance. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Howard Mann. AGRA. Inc. - clarified a question with the Chair regarding comments which would be allowed to be made during the "Oral Communications" portion of the agenda; noted that a letter of concern had been sent to the City Manager and Community Development Director (a copy was provided to the Planning Commission for information) stating AGRA's interpretation of the City Council motion which returned the project to the Planning Commission for two (2) public hearings; expressed his disagreement with the action and his concern with the economic hardship further delay would afford him; stated that his understanding was that the project was to be returned to the City Council prior to the August 12, 1997 meeting; and requested Planning Commission set the two hearings on August 5 and 6 to accommodate that timeline. Otis Page. 606 Myrtle St - City of Arroyo Grande representative to San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) Citizen Traffic Advisory Committee (CTAC), reported on recent events at SLOCOG regarding the Brisco Road /Halcyon Road interchange and requested a point of contact with the Planning Commission for further progress reports. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASES NO. 92 -502 AND 94-527; REVIEW OF PROJECTS FOR NOISE, LOITERING, TRASH AND OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS. THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS ARE FOR OPERATION OF LOPEZ HIGH SCHOOL INCLUDING A TEENAGE ACADEMIC AND PARENTING PROGRAM (TAP) AT 227 BRIDGE STREET; APPLICANT, LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham presented the staff report; stated that this item had been continued from the June 3, 1997 meeting to allow noticing to occupants within 300' of the subject property, he noted that no comments had been received; recommended that the project be found in compliance with their Conditions; and noted that the project would return to the Commission in January of 1998 for their last annual review prior to the expiration of the CUP. Chair Lubin opened the public hearing. Perry Judd. Interim Director for Lucia Mar Unified School District - stated that the School District had received no complaints; informed the Commission that they were in the process of advertising for bids for construction of the Lopez High School permanent campus and felt that there would be no need to request an extension of the permits; and requested PC determination of compliance with conditions of approval. There being no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Greene noted that he was prepared to find that the CUP was in compliance with the conditions of approval based upon the school district presentation. Commissioners Haney and O'Donnell concurred. 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 July 15, 1997 Chair Lubin expressed concern with the lessening of the monitoring of students that seemed to occur when the principal had changed. He discussed the need for the monitoring. Mr. Judd agreed that he would emphasize this fact to the school faculty. On a motion by Commissioner Greene; seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell; and by unanimous consent with Commissioner Rondeau absent; it was determined that CUPs 92 -502 and 94 -527 are in compliance with the conditions of approval. PUBLIC HEARING - DEVELOPMENT CODE CASE NO. 97-006; VILLAGE PARKING ORDINANCE TO DELETE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF - STREET PARKING FOR NEW USES LOCATING IN EXISTING BUILDINGS IN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL AREA; APPLICANT, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Associate Planner Helen Elder presented the staff report; stated that the amendment had been requested by the City Council because of the high vacancy rate in the Village area; summarized the proposed revisions to the Ordinance; stated that the changes had been discussed with the Village Improvement Association and reviewed by the Parking Advisory Board; stated that one phone call and one letter had been received from the same person regarding the matter; advised the Commission that new construction or intensified use would still require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and the Commission would have the ability to require additional parking as needed; and read into the record a recommend change to No. 3 of Attachment A: 3. Existing buildings that are remodeled or enlarged shall not be required to provide parking if the increase in the square footage is less than 25 % of the, floor area before the addition. If the addition is greater than this amount, or if it is the construction of a new building, offstreet parking shall be required consistent with the following: Commissioner O'Donnell questioned the. deletion of "500 sq. ft." in the language and suggested maintaining that language. Ms. Elder addressed the issue of building size in the Village and noted that the Commission will retain discretionary review through the CUP process, she stated that the changed language will provide more flexibility for potential applicants. Commissioner Haney questioned the Village area vacancy rate. Ms. Elder replied that it varies according to the source but it has been quoted as approximately 20 %. Commissioner Haney inquired if the two recent cases that the Commission had reviewed in the Village area would be affected by the change in the ordinance. Associate Planner Buckingham noted that if the Development Code were to be changed the conditions would be null and void. Commissioner Haney inquired about the in -lieu fee and how it was determined. Ms. Elder replied that if the City had to acquire land the cost would be about $6,000 per space but the true cost of construction for a parking space was closer to the proposed $3,500. Commissioner Haney noted that he was not in favor of automatic increases and proposed removing item #4 from the Resolution. Commissioner Greene discussed the necessity of maintaining item #4 as a discretionary tool. Ms. Elder discussed the potential fee increase and how it would be accomplished. There was further discussion regarding how the amount of the fee would be determined and by whom; the perceived as opposed to the actual parking problem in the Village; the concept of bringing life back to the Village and how to accomplish this goal; and the need to support business. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 3 July 15, 1997 Chair Lubin opened the public hearing. John Gutierrez. 492 Printz Road - stated that he was the applicant for the new deli in the Village and strongly supported the ordinance; stated that the buildings were constructed long ago and parking was not considered at that time; stated that there are many parking spaces available during the week; noted if people have to walk from their car it will encourage them to visit other businesses within the area; and stated if there were a severe problem in the future, the ordinance could again be changed. There being no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner O'Donnell noted for clarification that if an existing retail area was changed to a restaurant, a CUP would be required with Planning Commission review. Staff agreed that this was correct. The Commission discussed the parking problem that exists in the Village on certain weekends and the City Council intention to support business in the Village. The following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 97 -1627 A RESOLUTION OF 1 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A REVISION TO THE IN-LIEU FEE FOR OFFSTREET PARKING FOR THE COMMERCIAL AREAS Adopted the Resolution with the following amendments: delete Item No. 4 4. The fcc may be increased on an annual basis consistent with the increases On a motion by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Greene, Haney, O'Donnell and Lubin NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Rondeau The following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 97 -1628 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMNIISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL: ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION; APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT REGARDING VILLAGE AREA PARKING STANDARDS 1 1 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 4 July 15, 1997 Adopted the Resolution with the following amendments: Amend No. 3 of Attachment A as follows: On a motion following roll AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 3. Existing buildings that are remodeled or enlarged shall not be required to provide parking if the increase in the square footage is less than 25 % of the floor area before the addition. If the addition is greater than this amount, or if it is the construction of a new building, offstreet parking shall be required consistent with the following: by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell, and by the call vote, to wit: Commissioners Greene, O'Donnell, Haney and Lubin None Commissioner Rondeau NON - PUBLIC HEARING - PLANNING COMMISSION INTERPRETATION TO DETERMINE IF EXPOSED LIGHT BULB SIGN IS PERMITTED Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham presented the staff report; stated that the Easy 8 Motel is requesting the ability to change a portion of their existing sign; noted that the Development Code (DC) does not address "exposed light bulb signs; and staff is requesting Planning Commission interpretation if this type of sign is allowed. Commissioner O'Donnell inquired if this could be considered a "reader board sign" which is expressly prohibited per the Development Code. Staff replied that reader board signs are not defined in the Development Code, but was commonly defined as a sign with a constantly changing message. Commissioner Greene discussed the Commission's authority to direct staff to draft Development Code amendments. Staff replied that only the City Council had the authority to do so. Commissioner Greene discussed his preference to have the Development Code amended rather than to provide an interpretation via Resolution. Although not a public hearing, Chair Lubin invited the audience to address the Commission. Tim Schmidt. sign manufacturer - described how the proposed sign will operate; discussed maintenance and operation of existing sign; explained that rates change seasonally; emphasized that the sign is not an electronic reader board, but a state -of -the -art sign; and discussed the safety concerns caused by the existing sign. The Commission discussed the following items with the applicant: if there were examples of the proposed sign in the county; how often the rates change; if alternatives were considered by the company; and if a cover could be installed over the bulbs so that they were not exposed. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 5 July 15, 1997 There being no further comments from the audience, the Chair returned the item to the Commission for discussion. Associate Planner Buckingham suggested a fifth alternative to those listed in the staff report: Direct staff to find that this display is numerical and therefore similar to "time and temperature" signs which are allowed by the Development Code and can be approved. Commissioner Greene stated that he is in agreement with the applicant that the proposed sign is not a reader board; however, he questions whether the sign is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Development Code. Commissioner Haney can understand the applicant's issues; however, he feels that the new sign is not consistent with the intent and purpose of the Code as it is not of a similar style as the existing sign. He noted that he is additionally concerned with the aesthetics of the sign. Commissioner O'Donnell expressed his concern with the overall appearance of the sign and agrees that option #4 is appropriate. Chair Lubin expressed his concern with making an interpretation regarding exposed light bulb signs which would then allow other signs which might not be appropriate. The following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 97 -1629 A RESOLUTION OF THEE PLANNING COMNIISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INTERPRETING THAT EXPOSED LIGHT BULB SIGNS ARE PROHIBITED On a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Haney, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: The Commission discussed adding direction to staff to amend the Development Code, they concurred that it was not necessary at this time but the interpretation would be included in a Development Code update. AYES: Commissioners O'Donnell, Haney, Greene and Lubin NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Rondeau The Commission took a ten (10) minute recess. 1 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 6 July 15, 1997 NON - PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE. PERMIT CASE NO. 96 -541; REFERENCE TRACT 2220 LANDSCAPING AND PARKING PLANS AT WEST BRANCH STREET, CAMINO MERCADO AND RANCHO PARKWAY (RANCHO GRANDE); APPLICANT, AGRA, INC. (CENTRAL COAST TOWN CENTER); REPRESENTATIVE, HOWARD MANN Associate Planner Helen Elder presented the staff report; noted that the staff report in the Planning Commission packet had been prepared prior to the City Council meeting of July 8 where the City Council voted to return the project to the Planning Commission for a minimum of two public hearings on the issues noted in the memorandum dated July 15, 1997 and attached to the staff report; the City Attorney has recommended that the Commission move forward with the project landscaping and parking plans; noted that the applicant is working on the Water Conservation Plan for the project. The City Engineer will review the plan and has discretionary approval over the plan; the applicant has requested the opportunity to address the Commission regarding scheduling the hearings .referred by the City Council; reviewed additional correspondence received on the item; clarified Page 17 of staff report: Reference under "statement of consistency" should read: site plan location which states that the total square footage of landscaping is 11% of parking lot and add additional notation to site plan consistent with the architect's memo stating that the total amount of landscaping shown for the entire site represents approximately 30% of the project area. Chair Lubin initiated a discussion with the Commission and staff as to whether to pursue the item at this meeting or continue based on staff report and memo from City Attorney. Commissioner Greene noted that Chair Lubin has had the opportunity to be involved in the planning process on this project; noted that he had only been appointed recently; stated that documents he had reviewed have not been comprehensive but only included landscaping and parking; noted that the Council has returned the matter to the Commission and he had not had benefit of comprehensive review of project; expressed need to study project and become more familiar with project and Council concerns; noted Mr. Mann's financial concerns; noted minor concerns with landscaping plans he received on Friday; expressed need to become more familiar with a project which affects the community to such a degree; and stated that the landscaping is one of the most visible aspects of the project. Commissioner O'Donnell expressed his reservations with proceeding at this meeting; noted that he had not had sufficient opportunity to review entire project; stated that more time is necessary to review landscaping and parking plans; requested more background information from staff regarding the project which they have agreed to provide; and will go forward with landscaping if the rest of the Commission feels it is appropriate. Commissioner Haney noted that he agreed with many of the concerns expressed by Commissioner Greene; noted that he had reviewed only a portion of the landscaping plan but liked what he had seen to date; expressed reservations that some of the issues referred by the City Council could dictate major revisions to the project site thus it would be unwise to approve any plans which might change. Chair Lubin noted that he too was surprised that the Council had returned the project to the Commission; felt it would not be appropriate to move forward on landscaping plans without clear direction from the Council; noted that he received Council Resolution and City Attorney opinion recommending that the Commission move forward; expressed his belief that all of the issues are inter- related and should be reviewed concurrently, so that a comprehensive recommendation may be made to the Council for their final decision; noted that he had received much input favoring both sides of the decision; suggested that the landscaping and parking plans be continued to the second evening of public hearings; and asked staff for proposed dates for public hearings. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 7 July 15, 1997 Associate Planner Elder noted that holding the two hearings on August 5 and 6 as suggested by the applicant would not allow the project to be heard at the City Council meetings of August 12th, since that agenda is a full agenda with mobilehome rent ordinance which will have a full audience in attendance; stated that the Planning Commission meeting dates in August were the 5th and 19th and that any recommendation formulated at those meetings could go to the Council at the earliest on August 26th. Chair Lubin asked for input from the audience prior to the Commission making a decision; invited the applicant to address the Commission; and set ground rules for comments to the Commission. Howard Mann. applicant representative - noted his appreciation of the candid Commission comments; asked Commission to separate landscaping and parking issues from those referred by the City Council; asked that the Council be the body to decide when they wished to hear the issues; requested Commission set the hearings as soon as possible preferably August 5 and 6 and then the matter could be returned to the Council within 30 days; noted that the applicant has attempted to follow all City regulations; stated that since the last Commission meeting the concerns expressed had been addressed and they were prepared, with all consultants present, to request Commission approval; noted need to move forward so that construction of the project could proceed; noted that they are not requesting any changes to the approved plan; and requested that the Commission expedite the hearing process. Tony Ferrara. Citizens Committee for Responsible Development. representing Tom Talbert - thanked the Chair for the opportunity to address the Commission; noted that he was unaware of 30 day time limit for matter to be returned to the Council; stated that the staff report says the Commission has a minimum of two (2) public hearings to conduct, there could be additional hearings required; requested that the Commission follow the proposed staff timelines to allow everyone time to address the Council concerns; and stated that he felt considerable changes to the site plan would occur and therefore it would be unproductive to review the landscaping and parking plans presented at this time. Otis Page. 606 Myrtle - stated that there should be a thorough review of the proposed project but that the applicant should receive a reasonable time table to fully study the project, especially the adequacy of the traffic issues. Howard Mann. - noted that regarding scheduling, in his opinion on the four (4) City Council issues, that the record will show they were to be returned, by the Planning Commission, to the Council within 30 days; he also noted that the City Attorney had cleared the way for Planning Commission review of the Landscaping and Parking plans as presented; and requested that the Planning Commission set the hearings in a manner to expedite review of the project. Chair Lubin inquired if staff was aware of a 30 day time limit for the Commission to return the matter to the Council. Staff indicated that they were unaware of such a limitation. The Commission discussed the amount of time necessary for public hearing notices; ,how much time staff required to provide the background documents to the Commission; requested a summary of information provided; discussed need for clear direction from the Council and ability to review Council Resolution; discussed segregating the issues to be reviewed; discussed upcoming items on the Council agenda; discussed sequencing of discussions - all four items of Council concern to be reviewed on August 5 and then a recommendation to the Council on the items as well as the review and possible approval of the landscaping and parking plans on August 19; discussed other items that might be on the upcoming Commission agendas; requested information from staff regarding traffic concerns, economic studies, lot line issue and store configurations, relocation of loading ramps, and the Commission requested that this information be provided as soon as possible. 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 8 July 15, 1997 A motion was made by Commissioner O'Donnell; seconded by Commissioner Greene; to set two (2) public hearings: August 5 and August 19 to discuss the four (4) items referred by the City Council and to continue the landscaping and parking plans to August 19. There was discussion regarding the motion and it was withdrawn. On a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell; seconded by Commissioner Haney; and by unanimous consent with Commissioner Rondeau absent; it was determined to continue the review of the landscaping and parking plans to August 19. On a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell; seconded by Commissioner Haney; and by unanimous consent with Commissioner Rondeau absent; it was determined to set two (2) public hearings: August 5 and August 19 to discuss the four (4) items referred by the City Council. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 97-551 AMENDED PARKING PLAN AT 238 WEST BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT, L. C. LAVINE Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham presented the staff report; requested that the Commission review the revised plan and determine if it is in compliance with Condition of Approval 8a as imposed on CUP 97 -551. The Commission discussed the specific safety issues involved with backing out of the long driveway onto West Branch Street. Although not a public hearing, the Chair invited the applicant to address the Commission. L. C. Lavine, applicant - discussed proposed tandem parking and necessity for it due to site restraints; noted that he was providing parking on site; discussed parking arrangements on neighboring properties; and how tenants currently park on the site. The Commission discussed with the applicant: the lack of alternative for parking on the site; the amount of traffic on West Branch; safety issues; and the setback requirements for the carport. On a motion by Commissioner Greene; seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell; and by unanimous consent with Commissioner Rondeau absent; it was determined that the parking plan as submitted is in compliance with the Conditions of Approval for CUP 97 -551. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW PLANNING COMMISSION RULES AND REGULATIONS Associate Planner Helen Elder presented the staff report; and recommended that the Commission might want to appoint a subcommittee to review their Rules and return with recommended changes. The Commission discussed with staff that there appeared to be no specific problems which would require a change in the manner the Commission was operating; and that the most recent change had been in the structure of the Commission Arroyo Grande Planning Commission July 15, 1997 The Commission concurred that the annual review had been completed an d there -were ono specific changes recommended. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - 1. Agenda Item No. III.A. 2. Agenda Item No. IV.B. Heinrich 3. Agenda Item No. IV.B. from Howard Mann ATTEST: 61L Luc e B s e, Commission Cler AS TO CONTENT: l elts1„— Doreen Libertb- B1anck, AICP, Community Development Director Page -9 PLANNING COMIVIISSION /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ITEMS AND COMMENTS A. Update of Projects - Associate Planner Helen Elder noted that: The City Council had a number of public hearing items on their upcoming agendas; and Directed the attention of the Commission to the City press release, noted that the Community Development Director had achieved certification from the American Institute for Certified Planners. Congratulations were extended by the Commission and recognition for achieving the designation. The Commission discussed with staff the timelines for receiving the requested information regarding the Central Coast Town Center. - Letter dated July 15, 1997, from Lara Battles, 210 Mason Street - Memorandum dated July 14th faxed July 15, 1997 from Michael - Letter with attachments dated July 14th faxed July 15th, 1997 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by . Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Rondeau, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11: p.m. 1 1