PC Minutes 1997-04-01ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 1, 1997 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met with Commissioners Greene, Haney, Lubin, O'Donnell and Rondeau present. Community Development Director Doreen Liberto -Blanck and Associate Planners Helen Elder and Bruce Buckingham were in attendance. LETTERS OF APPRECIATION - On a motion by Commissioner Lubin; seconded by Commissioner Haney; by unanimous consent, it was agreed that the proposed letters of appreciation to the former Planning Commissioners be signed and forwarded. SELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR On a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell; seconded by Commissioner Rondeau; by unanimous consent, Commissioner Lubin was selected as Chair. On a motion by Commissioner Greene; seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell; by unanimous consent, Commissioner Haney was selected as Vice Chair. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Mayor Dougall welcomed the new Planning Commission and expressed his appreciation for volunteering to serve the City. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 97 -550; PROPOSAL TO REMODEL EXISTING VACANT RETAIL SPACE INTO A DELI WITH OUTDOOR DINING AT THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING AT 203 EAST BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT, JOHN & MAUREEN GUTIERREZ Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham presented the staff report; noted that the application was for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to remodel an existing commercial building into a deli with outdoor dining; discussed the problem of access to the rear parking area; stated that the City Council had discussed the access issue across the property leased by the City from Mr. Howard Mankins, and pointed out that Mr. Mankins can rescind the lease with the City on 30 days notice which would require the applicant to provide an alternate legal access; advised the Commission that a Condition of Approval (COA) had been included requiring alternative access should the lease be rescinded or the CUP would be invalid; stated that there is a problem with access across the adjacent property owned by Mr. Langwell; addressed the parking requirement in the Development Code and advised the Commission that the Council had granted the applicant the ability to provide 16 parking spaces now and the remaining 8 parking spaces within three years; noted that an Initial Study had been performed and standard mitigation measures included for drainage, traffic and water; stated that a lot merger is required to satisfy Uniform Building Code (UBC) requirements; noted that Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) and Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC) had both reviewed the project, and recommended approval; stated that two (2) written communications had been received in response to the public notice, one from Mr. Langwell's attorney regarding the access issue; and recommended continuance until the access issues have been resolved. Commissioner O'Donnell asked about the separation of the parking for the realty office; Associate Planner Buckingham stated that they would be separated by bollards. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chair Lubin opened the public hearing. • Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 April 1, 1997 Commissioner Haney questioned egress to the patio; the height of the proposed fence; and landscaping in the parking area. Associate Planner Buckingham noted that access to the patio was possible from the front, the rear and the deli; noted that the fence was 3' high on Branch Street only and 4' the balance of the fence; and stated the landscaping requirement was to continue the bushes that were adjacent to spaces 1 & 2 to provide a buffer for the adjoining residence. John Gutierrez. applicant - congratulated the new Planning Commission on their appointment; thanked staff for their assistance with his project; explained what he hoped to do at the site; stated that he had no problem with most of the COA but was concerned with the access question; stated that he met with Mr. Langwell, the neighboring property owner, and is attempting to work out the access question; proposed possible solutions to the problem which include: 1) continue to work with Mr. Langwell to solve the access problem; 2) City grant access across the 10' wide City alley between Mrs. Baxter's parcel and Mr. Pool's parcel; and 3) Planning Commission waive the COA for legal access. There being no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner O'Donnell asked about the possibility of access by way of the City owned property and if the question would have arisen had the use remained commercial retail. Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck stated that the access over City owned property would require City Council approval and review by other City Departments and the City Attorney. Commissioner Haney stated he felt it would be constructive to continue the hearing and have the applicant resolve the issues. Commissioner Rondeau asked if all City Departments would review the question of allowing the use of City owned 10 foot alley. Community Director Liberto -Blanck stated that a memo would be sent to all Department Directors asking them to review the issue and advise of their concerns. Commissioner Greene asked if the existing parking area was used exclusively for patrons of one business. Associate Planner Buckingham stated that it was uncertain exactly who utilized the parking and that there was no formal agreement between the City and Mr. Langwell regarding access over his property. Chair Lubin expressed concern that the parking lot should not be utilized without Mr. Langwell's permission; expressed a need for more information regarding historic use of the area; would like to know exactly where the property lines are in this area; stated that the thirty day expiration on the lease was not a Planning Commission concern; and expressed hope that the problems could be resolved so that the Commission could approve the project. The Commission directed staff to research the option of utilizing the City owned 10 foot wide alley and having the property lines more clearly defined. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 3 April 1, 1997 On a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell; seconded by Commissioner Rondeau; by unanimous consent, the item was continued to the April 15, 1997 Planning Commission meeting with direction to staff to look into allowing use of the 10 foot easement for access, and requesting Mr. Gutierrez to work on legal access and having the area surveyed to better determine where the property lines exist. Mr. Gutierrez was asked if he would have enough time to provide the required information. He stated that he had hoped for approval this evening, but would work toward providing the required information. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 97 -535; PROPOSAL TO SPLIT A 19,600 SQ. FT. LOT INTO TWO RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AT 198 SOUTH ALPINE STREET; APPLICANT, ROBERT OLDEMEYER Associate Planner Helen Elder presented the staff report, and recommended including the following COA: n >e?tlri n :rneasureo Chair Lubin opened the public hearing. • #ordGiard .................... .............................. There being no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed. :service:. s l:t e E Len a .......................................... ............................... .......................................... ............................... ......................................... ............................... .......................................... ............................... She stated that in response to the public notice, a letter had been received from Stott Spierling which addressed two issues regarding the project: drainage and viewshed; noted that drainage was covered in COA 16 and 17 and that the Viewshed Ordinance was not ordinarily applied to vacant property; however, staff recommeded including the following COA: The Commission discussed drainage and the need for a site specific COA rather than the standard and the character of the neighborhood regarding one and two story homes. Community Development Director Liberto -Blanck explained the application of the Viewshed Review Ordinance. Jim McGillis, applicant representative - noted that the owner lives in the front house and would concur with a one -story height restriction on the rear unit; stated that they have no objections with the COA; noted that the proposed 10,000 square foot lot would accommodate a large one - story home; and discussed how drainage could be handled by appropriate grading on the site. Don Selvey, 251 South Alpine Street - stated that South Alpine leads into Sierra Vista; expressed his support of the project; and asked that the Commission not place a height restriction on the site which would limit the ability to build a two -story home. 1 1 1 1 1 Then the following action was taken: Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 4 April 1, 1997 Commissioner Greene asked about options presented. by staff. Community Development Director Liberto - Blanck stated that structures on parcel 2 could be restricted to no higher than 18 feet with a recorded deed restriction. Commissioner Haney asked how the issue had been handled in other existing neighborhoods. Community Development Director Liberto -Blanck stated that other properties had been restricted in this manner. Commissioner O'Donnell asked if the applicant could request a variance from the height restriction at a future time. Community Development Director Liberto -Blanck stated that would be possible if the findings of approval could be made. There was further discussion of how to limit the height. Chair Lubin commented that there are other two -story homes in the immediate neighborhood and they didn't destroy the neighborhood character. RESOLUTION NO. 97 -1610 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMNIISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WITH MITIGATION MEASURES, INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 97 -535, LOCATED AT 198 SOUTH ALPINE STREET, APPLIED FOR BY ROBERT OLDEMEYER Adopted the Resolution with the following amendments: t ttercte > °ae< ............................... On a motion by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Greene, O'Donnell, Haney, Rondeau and Lubin NOES: None ABSENT: None Staff advised the audience of the appeal procedure. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 5 April 1, 1997 PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 93 -508 AMENDMENT #2 TO ALLOW AUTOMOTIVE DETAILING IN AN EXISTING SELF SERVICE CAR WASH AT 1203 GRAND AVENUE; APPLICANT, ROBERT BARRON; REPRESENTATIVE, MARK VASQUEZ, NORMAN & VASQUEZ ASSOCIATES Associate Planner Bruce Buckingham presented the staff report; noted that the existing self serve car wash was requesting auto detailing in an existing bay, no change was proposed to the building, landscaping or circulation; noted that Development Code requirements were met; stated that the Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) had reviewed the proposal and had no additional concerns; stated that a Negative Declaration was proposed; and staff recommended approval of the project. Commissioner Haney asked about the previous Resolution 95 -1542 which discussed the specific number of employees allowed; why auto detailing was not included at that time; and asked if additional parking would be required. Associate Planner Buckingham stated that the interpretation found that the original CUP did not allow detailing and so the applicant was requesting a modification to allow the use at this time. Staff requested some time to review the original CUP and determine how the parking standards had been calculated. Commissioner Rondeau asked if the detailing bay would differ from other bays in the car wash; staff replied there would be no difference. The Commission discussed why an interpretation had been required. Chair Lubin noted that at the time of the interpretation the opposing car wash had objected to employees assisting customers in preparation and still being considered a self serve car wash. Chair Lubin opened the public - hearing. Mark Vasquez, applicant representative - welcomed the new Planning Commission; stated that he had worked on the original approval of the car wash and noted that the parking was based on a variety of standards since there was no specific standard for car washes. He noted that Mr. Barron was proposing an associated service that had been requested by his customers; stated that the work would be done by existing employees in their off - times; stated that all employees were not on site at one time and parking was not a problem now, there is currently one employee space; discussed how appointments would be handled; and noted that cars were proposed to be on site for a short period of time and not all day. There being no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Haney expressed his concern with parking for both employees and patrons of the detailing service and suggested a possible reciprocal parking arrangement with adjoining property owner. Commissioner O'Donnell asked about the noticing that was done for the meeting and if any comments had been received; noted that the car wash across the street was a much larger operation; and asked if any complaints had been received by staff regarding this operation. Staff replied that the adjacent property owners had been noticed regarding the hearing and no comments had been received. 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 6 April 1, 1997 Commissioner Rondeau stated that he saw no problem with allowing this use. Commissioner Greene asked if there was a remedy available to the adjacent property owner if parking of vehicles did become a problem. Community Development Director Liberto -Blanck noted that the owner could post the property. Chair Lubin noted his surprise that there had been no objection from other business owners; agreed that parking could be a concern but felt that it was being handled in an acceptable manner at this time; does not favor returning the CUP for review; and felt comfortable with the fact that if parking became an issue, the business owner would find a solution rather than inconvenience his customers. Community Development Director Liberto -Blanck stated that in the previous staff report it was noted that the adjacent property owner did not favor a reciprocal parking agreement. She also stated that the Development Code does not specifically address Self - Service Car Washes but a COA could be added requiring that the project be reviewed within a specific time period to see if the issue had become a problem. The following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 97 -1611 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 93 -508 AMENDMENT #2, APPLIED FOR BY ROBERT BARRON TO OPERATE AN AUTOMOTIVE DETAILING BUSINESS WITHIN AN EXISTING SELF - SERVICE CAR WASH BAY AT 1203 GRAND AVENUE On a motion by Commissioner O'Donnell, seconded by Commissioner Greene, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners O'Donnell, Greene, Rondeau and Lubin NOES: Commissioner Haney ABSENT: None Staff advised the audience of the appeal procedure. PLANNING COMMISSION /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ITEMS AND COMMENTS A. Update of Projects - • At their next meeting the City Council will: - award the marketing grant contract study contract of $35,000, Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 7 April 1, 1997 • At their April 22 meeting, the City Council will hear an appeal of Lack of Substantial Conformance determination by the Community Development Director regarding Central Coast Town Center. • Advised the Commission that staff is interviewing two consultants who have placed proposals for the General Plan Update. • Noted that the Commission had received a copy of the City Planning Commissioner Handbook. • Chair Lubin asked staff for the calendar showing future Planning Commission attendance. • Chair Lubin expressed his congratulations to the new Commission and stated that he looks forward to future meetings. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner O'Donnell, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ATTEST: Lo Lucille re�se, Commission Clerk AS TO CONTENT: discuss the appeal of Sunrise Terrace Mobile Home Park Association request for a rental increase. c„.L lanck, Community Development Director Sandy Chair 1 1 1