PC Minutes 1996-10-291 1 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 29, 1996 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in special session with Chair Tappan presiding. Present were Commissioners Lubin, Keen, and Deviny; Commissioner Titus was absent. Community Development Director Doreen Liberto - Blanck, and Associate . Planner Lori Rosenstein were in attendance. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION THAT A DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT IS REQUIRED TO BE PROCESSED CONCURRENTLY WITH A REQUEST FOR. A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT; APPLICANT TATSUMI KAWAOKA; REPRESENTATIVE - BURTRAM JOHNSON; LOCATION - GENERALLY EAST OF OAK PARK BOULEVARD, BETWEEN GRAND AVENUE AND ASH STREET Associate Planner Rosenstein stated that the applicant representative Mr. Burtram Johnson was unable to attend the meeting, but had provided a five (5) page FAX in response to the staff report. Staff distributed the FAX to the Planning Commission at the meeting. Associate Planner Rosenstein discussed the background of the appeal. She stated that the applicant had submitted an application which was determined to be incomplete. The applicant was advised, in writing, of the City procedure for General Plan Amendment and Development Code Amendment but has not provided the required information. This procedure has been consistently applied by the City to all applicants. The City Attorney has been consulted and concurs with the staff determination. Staff discussed alternatives available to the Planning Commission as outlined in the staff report. Staff recommended that the Resolution upholding the Community Development Director's determination be adopted. Chair Tappan opened the public hearing, no one wished to speak, so the public hearing was closed. The Planning Commission discussed the fact that it would be inconsistent not to have the Development Code amended concurrently with the General Plan; that they would like to see a written opinion by the City Attorney when possible; the fact that the policy is applied to all developers consistently; the amount of additional material that the applicant would need to provide for a complete application; and, the additional cost that the applicant would incur by submitting the rezone application. Chair Tappan stated the Commission should take time to read the fax from Mr. Johnson. The Planning Commission took time to read the FAX provided by Mr. Johnson. Staff was asked why the applicant's representative indicates that the project is being hindered. Staff replied that they had responded promptly to the application and were not aware of any intent to hinder the project. The Commission expressed need for consistency between the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance and recommended review of any specific sections of the Development Code which might help to clarify this issue. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 October 29, 1996 The following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 96 -1588 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMVINIISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING THE APPEAL OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION; APPELLANT: BURTRAM JOHNSON, ON BEHALF OF TATSUMI KAWAOKA On a motion by Commissioner Deviny, seconded by Commissioner Lubin, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Deviny, Lubin, Keen and Chair Tappan NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Titus The Planning Commission expressed concern that the applicant did not appear for the hearing but instead sent an inflammatory letter. The Commission recommended that the letter be provided to the City Council for their information and review. PLANNING COMMISSION /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ITEMS AND COMMENTS A. Update of Projects - • Director Liberto -Blanck stated that staff had been advised that there is a new Project Manager for the former GenCom, Inc. project. There have been changes to the original plan and staff is studying them to determine if they are in substantial conformance with the original approval. The new group intends to break ground in February of 1997, if possible. No further information was available regarding prospective tenants. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. Agenda Item No. II.A. - FAX received in Community Development Department from Burtram Johnson ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Keen, seconded by Commissioner Deviny, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. to the regular meeting of November 19, 1996. ATTEST: u i Brr eese ommission Clerk Willi PP am Ta ` Chair AS TO CONTENT: Doreen Li rto- Blanck, Community Development Director