PC Minutes 1996-09-171
SEPTEMBER 17, 1996
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in special session with Chair Tappan presiding.
Present were Commissioners Deviny, Lubin, Keen, and Titus. Associate Planner Scott Spierling
and Public Works Director John Wallace were in attendance.
Darren Shetler of Shetler Construction Inc., representing Ottse, Inc. and Shetler
Construction, Inc. - expressed his apologies to the Planning Commission and City Council for
siting the advertising signs in the Rancho Grande subdivision prior to approval of the sign
program by the Commission.
Associate Planner Spierling stated that the Brisco Road Interchange portion of the Long Range
Circulation Studies had been continued from the July 30, 1996, Planning Commission meeting
because the Commission did not feel any of the alternatives were appropriate. The Commission
specifically wanted to have more information regarding the possibility of utilizing a roundabout
at the Brisco Road interchange. The City Council authorized an amendment to the consultant
contract which allowed further study of the Brisco Road interchange. Staff recommends that the
Commission recommend an alternative to the City Council if the Commission feels that enough
information has been provided. Associate Planner Spierling introduced Marty Inouye of Omni -
Means to present the alternatives.
Marty Inouye discussed how his company had conducted studies of roundabouts as requested by
the Planning Commission; presented options on aerial photographs; discussed roundabouts versus
traffic circles; pointed out the importance of following guidelines and sight distance requirements
to establish a working roundabout; discussed why the proposed roundabout would have shortened
sight distance due to site conditions; discussed the constraints of topography in the area;
presented scenarios featuring roundabouts, signalized intersections, altered circulation patterns,
and a variety of freeway ramps; and informed the Commission that the ultimate decision
involves Caltrans who will institute a Project Study Report (PSR) process which either agrees
with the City recommended concept or provides alternatives.
Chair Tappan opened the public hearing.
Howard Mankins. property owner - expressed concern with the approval of the GenCom, Inc.
project due to the traffic it will generate; read a letter into the record opposing the consultant
report; suggested utilizing the current circulation system with additional signalization; and
expressed agreement with Mr. Sebastian's letter to the Planning Commission.
Don Walk. representing U.S. Rentals - stated his opinion that most people utilize the Oak Park
intersection; expressed support for Mr. Mankin's concept of increased signalization to alleviate
congestion; expressed concern that all options have not been considered; and stated that the local
business owners, property owners, and residents should be more involved in providing
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September 17, 1996
Steve Devencenzi. San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) - stated that his agency
had originally suggested the roundabout concept and he can understand the potential problems
at this particular location; reminded the Planning Commission that a draft Major Investment
Study for Highway 101 for the area from Traffic Way through San Luis Obispo will be
published in the next couple of weeks; and stated that the City might be eligible for cost sharing
regional funds of only 20% for the project with the balance to be provided by the City.
Mike Mier. partner in the landscaping company at 1049 El Camino Real - stated that the
roundabout would effectively put him out of business and expressed his concern with the
decision that will be made.
With no further comments from the audience, Chair Tappan closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Lubin discussed the size of the proposed Rancho Parkway overpass; expressed
concern with the amount of traffic it could accommodate; asked about the cost of widening
Brisco Road; and discussed the size of the hook ramps at the Oak Park on /off ramps.
Mr. Inouye stated that the proposed Rancho Parkway overpass would be three (3) lanes and
would be designed to handle the proposed traffic increases over the next twenty (20) years. He
also indicated that the proposed overpass and the widening of Brisco Road would each cost
approximately the same.
Commissioner Deviny asked about the distance between the Fourth Street and the Oak Park
interchanges. Mr. Inouye indicated that to the best of his knowledge the distance was a design
exception by CalTrans.
Mike Harmon of SLOCOG - stated that CalTrans has a requirement that accommodation for
three (3) lanes be provided in each direction when a new overpass is constructed however that
may not be true of an existing structure.
Commissioner Deviny expressed his understanding that GenCom, Inc. was not the major reason
for increased traffic in the area but instead it was a culmination of the residential development
as well. He also expressed a desire to see another option since the roundabout was not practical.
Commissioner Keen expressed his concern with the consultant option which destroys the
industrial frontage along Highway 101. He suggested utilizing Halcyon Road, which is a main
collector street, and providing an overcrossing at that location.
There was discussion of how an overcrossing at Halcyon Road would be designed; the amount
of traffic contributed to the area by the school; and, the .need for a traffic signal at the
intersection of Grand Avenue and Barnett Street and how the City Council had changed the
condition of approval that addressed that particular signal.
Commissioner Titus stated that she would like to see the concept of the Halcyon overpass
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September 17, 1996
Chair Tappan expressed support for exploration of the Halcyon overcrossing concept and also
stated that he would like to see the concept of an overcrossing without ramps at a location near
the Sizzler restaurant.
There was further discussion regarding short range versus long range solutions to the circulation
issues; the mitigation measures for the GenCom, Inc. project and what the money was intended
to do; availability of funding options for any type of solution; the study that was done to address
GenCom, Inc. traffic impacts and exactly what the project was responsible for; the Commission
expressed concurrence that the industrial area on El Camino should remain intact; and,
determined that they would like to see further study done before a recommendation is made.
Associate Planner Spierling indicated that any further study would be contingent upon City
Council authorization of additional funds. The Commission indicated that they would like to see
the Halcyon concept studied and if possible the separate overpass without ramps.
Commissioner Keen made a motion to continue the public hearing to the first meeting in
November, this was seconded by Commissioner Deviny and unanimously carried. Staff
indicated that the first meeting in November was Election Day, the motion was amended to
cancel the first meeting and continue the item to November 19, 1996.
A. Update of Projects
• discussion of the possible cancellation of the November 5th meeting as suggested
by the Commission;
• Commissioner Deviny stated that he appreciated Mr. Shetler offering the
Commission an apology for placing the signs at Rancho Grande, the rest of the
Commission concurred;
• Commissioner Keen asked about the subcommittee meeting for the Long Range
227 study. Associate Planner Spierling indicated that there were a number of
people in attendance and stated that Mr. Inouye had answered questions and
explained how a traffic model works. The next meeting is scheduled for October
1st between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
• Commissioner Lubin asked if any decision had been reached by the City Council
regarding the size of the Commission, staff indicated that this might be a topic
of discussion at the joint meeting on September 19, 1996.
1. Letter dated September 16, 1996 from Edwin S. Dorfman for the Farroll Road Group,
regarding Tree Removal Plan
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September 17, 1996
2. Agenda Item No. II.A. - Letter dated September 17, 1996 from Manuel L. Sebastian.
3. Agenda Item No. II.A. - Letter dated September 17, 1996 from Howard Mankins.
There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Deviny,
seconded by Commissioner Keen, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:18
p.m. to a Special Joint City Council and Planning Commission Meeting on September 19, 1996
at 6:30 p.m.
115 —� k
ci ► e Breese, Commission Clerk
Scott E. Spierling, Asso , / to Planner J