PC Minutes 1995-08-29ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 29, 1995 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in special session with Chairperson Keen presiding. Present are Commissioners Soto, Carr, and Beck. Commissioners Tappan, Deviny and Lubin are absent. Planning Director Doreen Liberto - Blanck and Current Planner Scott Spierling are in attendance. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None Commissioner Soto stated, due to a potential conflict of interest he would not participate on the 260 Spruce Street item. Since there would not be a quorum without Commissioner Soto for this item, Chairperson Keen said the Planning Commission would first take the Sunset North Car Wash project, hoping another Commissioner would appear at the meeting in response to phone calls made by Staff. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDED ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 81 -238 AT 1198 GRAND AVENUE, APPLICANT IS SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH Chairperson Keen stated the applicant requested this item be continued indefinitely. On a motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried, this item was continued until after the AAC meeting of September 11, 1995. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION BY -LAWS Planning Director Liberto - Blanck pointed out the various items the Planning Commission had discussed. Regarding the limit of public speaking time, it was agreed for Staff to make a minor change in the present wording. Discussion was held regarding the reporting of absences and the consensus was to leave it as written. On a motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried, this item is continued until September 19, 1995, to allow Staff to make the requested modification. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 2197 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (P.U.D.) CASE NO. 95-534 WITH ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW FOR A FIVE UNIT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND FIVE LOT SUBDIVISION AT 260 SPRUCE STREET, RICHARD ARMSTRONG IS THE APPLICANT Because there was still not a quorum, Planning Director Liberto - Blanck gave the options to the Commissioners. Chairperson Keen asked the applicant his preference and Richard Armstrong said he preferred to have the item returned to the City Council. Chairperson Keen forwarded this item on to the City Council and stated he would request that Mr. Armstrong's item be heard on September 12, 1995, and that it be the first item on that agenda. PLANNING COMMISSION /PLANNING DIRECTOR ITEMS AND COMMENTS Planning Director Liberto - Blanck and Current Planner Spierling gave an update on projects to the Commissioners. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. 1994/95 Annual Report, San Luis Obispo Council of Governments 2. Zoning News, American Planning Association, July 1995 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission August 29, 1995 3. Handwritten Memo from Patrick R. Devaney, CEO, Sunset Etc. North Car Wash, dated 8- 29 -95, to the Planning Commission, Arroyo Grande, requesting a continuance. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:09 P.M. to the next scheduled meeting on September 19, 1995. ATTEST: lksr.c ! lm NANCY BR WN, COMMISSION CLERK JOHN , CHAIRPERSON pproved ; s to C me L DOREEN L BERTO - BLANCK DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Page 2 1 1 1