PC Minutes 1995-03-21ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 21, 1995 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairperson Keen presiding. Present are Commissioners Tappan, Soto, Carr, Deviny, and Beck. Absent is Commissioner Hatchett. Current Planner Scott Spierling is in attendance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a notion by Commissioner Tappan seconded by Commissioner Carr and upanimously carried, the minutes of March 2, 1995, and March 7, 1995 were approved. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO. 95 -188 TO REDUCE RIGHT -OF -WAY WIDTH OF A LOCAL STREET FROM 52 FEET TO 50 FEET AT 1131 FARROLL AVENUE, APPLICANT IS FARROLL ROAD GROUP Using the overhead projector, Current Planner Spierling explained the proposed variance reducing the width of the interior road. Mr. Spierling stated that the Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) had no concerns when they reviewed this project, but went over some of the concerns of the Interim Public Works Director. He ended by advising the Commissioners there were two resolutions for them to consider, one approving and one denying, and that if approved, Condition of Approval Number 7 would need to be modified. Chairperson Keen opened the public hearing. Ed Dorfman, one of the applicants, briefly summarized the project and reasons for the requested variance, requesting approval by the Commission. With no further comments from the audience, Chairperson Keen closed the public hearing. Discussion was then held among the Commissioners. Some of the concerns were that the 5 -1/2' sidewalk would not be handicap accessible, that the narrower width would impede City maintenance vehicles and might cause an unsafe condition, that a precedent could be set, and so forth. The Commissioners also noted that the decreased width would result in an increase of the size of the yard areas. After completion of the discussion by the Commissioners, the following action was taken, changing Condition 7, sentence 2 to read: The approved street section shall consist of two 11 foot travel lanes, two 8 foot parking lanes, and two 6 foot sidewalks. The curb to curb dimension shall be 38 feet. RESOLUTION NO. 95 -1502 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 95 -188, APPLIED FOR BY FARROLL ROAD GROUP, AT 1131 FARROLL AVENUE, VARIANCE FROM DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 9- 15.020 TO REDUCE THE RIGHT -OF -WAY WIDTH OF A LOCAL STREET FROM 52 TO 50 FEET; ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND INSTRUCTION THAT THE SECRETARY FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 March 21, 1995 On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Deviny, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Deviny, Beck, and Chairperson Keen NOES: Commissioners Tappan and Soto ABSENT: Commissioner Hatchett the foregoing Resolution was a passed and adopted this 21st day of March 1995. Planning Staff apprised the public of the appeal period on this project. PUBLIC HEARING - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CASE NO. 95 -523 TO RECONFIGURE 20 LOTS AND 10 LOT FRAGMENTS INTO 21 LOTS AT 1081 FARROLL AVENUE, APPLICANTS ARE PETER KEITH AND LARRY GIN Current Planner Spierling presented this item to the Commissioners, referring to corments by the Planning Commission at the preapplication review of this project. He said that Staff did discuss the possibility of a through street rather than a cul -de -sac. Current Planner Spierling said that though in general Staff did not feel strongly about requiring a through road, the Public Works Department included Condition 16 that suggests the road be designed for future connection. Therefore, he continued, if the Commissioners decided to approve this project with the cul -de -sac, Condition 16 would need to be deleted. Referring to a posted map of this proposed project and two additional naps of adjoining properties, Mr. Spierling discussed the stubbing consideration and its effect on that particular area, as well as the project itself. Current Planner Spierling said that Staff recommended approval of the Lot Line Adjustment, but further stated the Planning Commission had other options, such as having the project be redesigned to include a stub for a future road or deny the project based on the finding that approval would constitute poor land planning, impair existing access, or other findings which may arise during the discussion of this project. After several questions from the Commissioners to Staff, Chairperson Keen opened the public hearing. Peter Keith, one of the applicants, gave reasons he requested approval of this project. He provided the Commissioners and Staff with diagrams showing the cul -de -sac and knuckle considerations. Using the overhead projector, he showed the audience these same diagrams. Mr. Keith requested approval of the variance, preferring the cul -de -sac arrangement. With no further comments from the audience, Chairperson Keen closed the public hearing. Commissioner Beck was concerned that stubbing this street would be unsightly for the residents in that it may not be connected for many years. Commissioner Deviny said that long -term he felt stubbing was preferable. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 3 March 21, 1995 Commissioner Soto was concerned about the Fire Department not having access and said it was his understanding from the Fire Chief that sprinklers were not adequate for extinguishing a fire, but rather an interim measure for occupant safety until fire trucks arrived. Commissioner Beck asked about the residents obtaining fire insurance if their homes were not accessible to the fire trucks to which Mr. Keith responded it would not have a negative affect and that sprinklers were sufficient. Commissioner Tappan said he agreed with Commissioner Soto that the sprinklers were just for the safety of the people, but not for putting out the fire, and was concerned about how long the residents would have to live with the stub until the adjacent property was developed. However, he continued, he liked the idea of the residents having two accesses into their property. Commissioner Carr said he preferred the knuckle for fire safety and better traffic flow. Chairperson Keen said it was overdevelopment and though legal to do so, he said it was too many homes for that size area. Commissioner Deviny stated that even if they decided on the knuckle, the developer should keep the sprinklers in as it was unknown when the road connection would take place. Current Planner Spierling apprised the Commissioners regarding the fire conditions to take care of this matter. Chairperson Keen asked the Farroll Road Group their opinion on the access road. Jim Garing of the Farroll Road Group said they were not in favor of the knuckle. Continued discussion was held concerning the above concerns. Because of the consensus of the knuckle probably being the better way, a recess was called so that Current Planner Spierling night advise the Planning Commission of recommended conditions that would clarify their intent if deciding on the knuckle arrangement. After the recess, Current Planner Spierling posted Exhibit A (Revised) for the Commissioners perusal. He then went over the changes /additions of the conditions. After more discussion by the Commissioners, the following action was taken, with the following changes: General Condition 2 The word "Revised" is to be inserted after the words "Exhibit A ". At the end of this sentence, the period is to be removed after the word "conditions" and a comma (,) inserted followed by this wording: "and subject to minor modifications of the location of the road stub and minor reconfiguration of the adjacent lots." Public Works Condition 9 On the first line, change "cul -de -sac" to read "interior street ". 1 1 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 4 March 21, 1995 Public Works Condition 16 Eliminate the first two words, "suggest that ". Capitalize "the" to read "The ". Change the word "cul-de-sac" "interior read interior street . After "as" insert "City standard". At the end of the sentence omit the period after project and add "with appropriate temporary barricades per City standards. Building and Fire Department, add Condition 31 Street name shall be pursuant to Municipal Code Section 8 -2.04. RESOLUTION NO. 95 -1503 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CASE NO. 95 -523, LOCATED AT 1081 FARROLL AVENUE, APPLIED FOR BY PETER D. KEITH AND LARRY D. GIN; ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WITH A MITIGATION MEASURE AND INSTRUCTION THAT THE SECRETARY FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION On motion by Commissioner Tappan, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Tappan, Carr, Deviny, and Beck NOES: Commissioners Soto and Chairperson Keen ABSENT: Commissioner Hatchett the foregoing Resolution was a passed and adopted this 21st day of March 1995. Planning Staff apprised the public of the appeal period on this project. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Deviny, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 to a special joint meeting with the City Council on April 4, 1995. ATTEST: Nancy Brown =mission Clerk Joly een, Chan e son