PC Minutes 1995-03-021
MARCII 2, 1995
The Arroyo Grande Planning and Traffic Commissions met in a Special Session with
Chairpersons Keen and Franks presiding. Planning Commissioners present are Tappan, Carr,
Hatchett, and Beck. Commissioners Soto and Deviny are absent. Traffic Commissioners
present are McAustin, Pilkington, Borda, LaPlante, and Jensen. Planning Director Doreen
Liberto - Blanck and Interim Public Works Director John Wallace are in attendance.
Planning Director Liberto - Blanck gave an overview of the various entities involved in
comrnenting on the short range and long range transportation concerns. Ms. Liberto - Blanck
encouraged members of the audience not on the mailing list to sign their name and address on
the sheets provided in the foyer, so they could be added to the mailing list for notice of future
meetings. She said one of the questions she is frequently asked is 'where is the funding to
implement the studies'? Planning Director Liberto - Blanck introduced Ron De Carli and Jill
Peterson from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) and asked for a brief
overview of funding. Jill Peterson apprised the Commissioners of available and future funding.
Planning Director Liberto- Blanck stated that comments from the Commissioners and the public
were important. She then acquainted the audience with the agencies, organizations, and
committees involved in receiving information on this project.
Ms. Liberto - Blanck introduced Ross Ainsworth and Marty Inouye of Omni- Means, stating that
the three transportation studies would be discussed one at a time and after each study is
presented, input would be requested from both the audience and the Commissioners. The first
item for discussion, she stated, would be Short Range Improvements along East Branch Street.
Commissioner Soto entered Council. Chambers and is now present.
Ross Ainsworth gave a brief overview of the entire project on both the short and long term
studies. Referring to charts, he gave the particulars on each alternative, pointing out advantages
and disadvantages.
Chairperson Keen opened the public hearing, but with no comments from the audience, he
closed the public hearing.
Chairperson Keen asked Interim Public Works Director John Wallace about the proposed raised
medians shown in Alternative #2. Mr. Wallace stated that rolled curbs could accommodate
emergency vehicles. He said he preferred rolled curbs to painted curbs for pedestrian safety.
Regarding the crosswalk on Branch near Bridge Street, Mr. Wallace said that when the new
configuration was put into operation it could then be determined whether the location was
appropriate and it would be easy to relocate if necessary.
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Chairperson Keen asked for comments from the Commissioners.
Commissioner Beck inquired about the alternative of first painting the median. Mr. Ainsworth
responded that painting the median would cost less than the raised median, but that paint would
not have the aesthetic value nor provide the same pedestrian safety. During the discussion of
painting the median first and later installing the raised median, Planning Director Liberto - Blanck
asked Jill Peterson and Ron De Carli of SLOCOG if this would impede the funding in any way
and they responded it could, because of this being a State highway.
Commissioner LaPlante pointed out that if emergency vehicles would go over the medians, there
would be no point in landscaping. Mr. Ainsworth answered that the rolled curb would be at the
edges with the landscaping in the center. Commissioner Jensen asked if there was an example
of a median in the area that could be viewed. Ron De Carli and Jill:Peterson mentioned several
in San Luis Obispo. Mr. De Carli stated that this type of median is workable and SLOCOG
would be supportive of it.
Commissioner Tappan asked how a raised median on East Branch Street would affect the parade
route? Mr. Ainsworth responded that 23 feet on either side of the corridor would be sufficient.
Commissioner Tappan mentioned the problem of the north side not having off - street unloading
of trucks. In addition, he also felt the bicycle route was a consideration. Commissioner Tappan
supported Alternative 2.
Commissioner Pilkington said he was opposed to landscaping in the middle of the street, stating
we should be widening it to improve traffic flow. Mr. Ainsworth replied that the landscaping
was planned in locations where there was no need for center turn lanes and are not using areas
that are needed for capacity.
Commissioner Hatchett said he agreed that there should not be landscaping, preferring painting
a median.
Commissioner Borda stated he liked Alternative 2 because the median would give a feeling of
openness and there would not be as much visual congestion as there is now. He said it would
make a dramatic improvement in appearance to the downtown area and designate proper turning
Commissioner Carr said Alternative 2 would not be preferable to the way it is now. He stated
he would like to see something that is similar in design to this before a decision can be made.
Commissioner Carr said he did like the proposed improvement in front of JJ's Market, and the
island at Traffic Way and Bridge Street as proposed in Alternative 2. He stated he would hold
his judgment until he had more information and a better vision of what it was going to look like.
Commissioner McAustin said he liked Alternative 2 because the medians would prevent the
illegal turns that are being made at the Nevada Street /Bridge Street intersection. He said he
agreed with the reconstruction of the corner at Mason.
Commissioner Soto said he agreed with Commissioners Borda and McAustin, because
Alternative 2 clearly defines the roadway and eliminates much of the present confusion. He
stated the painted median would cause confusion. Commissioner Soto said he supported
Alternative 2 with the raised median and the improvement on Mason Street.
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Chairperson Keen asked Commissioner Soto to enlighten the commissioners regarding the
bicycle plan that he had been involved with in the Village. Commissioner Soto responded that
he recalls they were routed down Mason Street and off of East Branch.
Chairperson Franks said he liked Alternative 2, stating painting a median at the onset may cost
less money, but the ongoing maintenance was costly. A painted median is too easy to ignore,
whereas the raised median would direct the traffic where it should go.
Chairperson Keen said that making the median six feet and the lanes each three feet wider was
very important in the downtown area for safety. He agreed with other Commissioners that the
reconfiguration of the radius on Mason Street and the intersection change at Traffic Way were
both good.
Commissioner Pilkington said he felt rather than spend money on East Branch now, it would be
better to wait until the Long Range Plan of getting traffic off East Branch Street was put into
effect. Mr. Ainsworth explained that the Short Range Plan answers what needs to be done
within the next 5 to 10 years to improve traffic operations. However, he said, the Long Range
Plan is looking at City build -out of the general plan.
Chairperson Keen said this plan would take care of the immediate needs, whereas the Long
Range Plan would take care of the increased traffic.
Commissioner Tappan questioned landscaping the median when pedestrians would use it crossing
to shop both sides of the street. Planning Director Liberto - Blanck answered it has been done
elsewhere and a landscape architect would know what type of landscaping would be workable.
Commissioner Pilkington asked about maintenance of the landscaping to which Planning Director
Liberto - Blanck stated maintenance would be a consideration.
Commissioner Soto informed the Commissioners that an architectural class from Cal Poly did
a thorough study on downtown Arroyo Grande, and one item they presented was landscaping
in the Village.
On a motion of the Traffic Commission by Commissioner LaPlante, seconded by Commissioner
Borda, with a 5 -1 vote, it was agreed that Omni -Means be directed to refine Alternative 2,
including rolled curbs and an improved radius at Mason Street.
On a motion of the Planning Commission by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner
Tappan, with a 5 -0 -1 vote, it was agreed that Omni -Means be directed to refine Alternative 2,
including rolled curbs and an improved radius at Mason Street.
Commissioner Carr asked the effect of the motions. Planning Director Liberto - Blanck stated
it was direction to Omni- Means. Mr. Inouye said the next task in the scope of work would be
to refine the preferred alternative and do a detailed cost estimate and bring it back in a final
report. Planning Director Liberto - Blanck added that the final report would go to a Planning
Commission public hearing with a recommendation onto the City Council.
Planning Director Liberto - Blanck introduced Marty Inouye of Omni-Means to present the Long
Range Transportation Studies.
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Mr. Inouye described the planning process involved with the alignment study, which would lead
to the circulation element update, the supporting environmental document, and to the update of
the AB 1600 Study. Inouye, referring to various charts, described each of the six options in
detail. He stated these were not exact routes, but general areas. He said through input from
the Commissioners and the public, they hope to reduce the six options to three.
Chairperson Keen opened the public hearing.
Phil Whitaker of 615 East Cherry Avenue said he had represented the homeowners at the last
meeting of 227 extension. Mr. Whitaker congratulated the City for taking the time and effort
to put together this study and presenting the various options. He asked if the idea was to focus
on Branch Street or was it to incorporate the Village as a whole, as he did not see Branch Mill
Road on any of the maps. Mr. Whitaker said a traffic study was not done on the flow from
Branch Mill Road on to Cherry Avenue and onto Traffic Way, which would probably change
the whole picture.
Marty Inouye answered they were trying to narrow the six options to three and later would do
a detailed evaluation and then there would be potential for different connections for other roads,
but this information was not available at this time.
Buddy Jaquith of 633 Myrtle Avenue said on the Branch Street recommendation a vote was
taken by the Commissioners and he did not feel that there was proper notice given for any voting
to be done relative to the Long Range Transportation Plans. Mr. Jaquith said he hoped that
property owners in the affected areas would receive detailed notices. Regarding Options 4, 5,
and 6, he was very concerned about the Paulding Middle school, environmental impacts, the
impact on long - established neighborhoods and the kind of traffic impact that would be involved.
Tony Jacobson, 537 East Cherry Avenue, questioned Mr. Inouye about Option 3 (the James Way
Extension) regarding the license plate study. Mr. Jacobson said that James Way is already a
wide, well - traveled road and, if people coming from Corbett Canyon or Huasna Road want to
go north or south on the freeway, rather than fight the traffic going through Branch Street they
probably would go up to a new bridge at James Way. He said this option would probably
involve a bridge and eminent domain to acquire few homes rather than building another bridge
and involving a school. He felt it would be a good consideration, especially for northbound and
southbound traffic.
Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane, said Cherry Avenue can barely handle the existing traffic and there
are two school bus stops on that road. He understood the plans presented are conceptual and
long range, but traveling Corbett Canyon and Route 227 quite frequently to San Luis Obispo,
found it rare to see more than one or two cars. His other concern was routing traffic on East
Cherry as almost impossible in terms of safety of children and existing traffic.
Mike Frederick, 1015 Evy Lane, said that one of the things the study does not consider is the
development and growth in the City of Arroyo Grande but is concerned only with what exists
today. He said there has been much discussion about annexation to the south which would
completely alter all traffic patterns as they exist today. If the City Council is going to pursue
annexation, Mr. Frederick continued, then Option 6 would be more viable. Although more of
an expense, Option 6 would effect the least number of people and perhaps monies could be
received from the State, County, and so forth.
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Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, said Option 6 on the Trinity /Orchard Lane area seemed to be
the least disturbing and the best plan to get traffic out of town and expand the commercial
development. She asked that considerations be made in order to disturb the least amount of
established residents and businesses as possible. Ms. Cattoir stated definite parcels affected
should be presented.
With no further comments from the audience, Chairperson Keen closed the public hearing.
Mr. Inouye stated that though they had originally hoped to have the six options reduced to three.
However, due to the testimony, they want to work on the six options and present them in more
detail at another public hearing.
Chairperson Keen asked each Commissioner to give their comments.
Commissioner Hatchett said whatever option was chosen, people would be upset, and the bottom
line was what would be the benefits to the City and to the citizens of Arroyo Grande and which
option would affect the least number of people. He stated he supported Option 6, even though
the cost would be more.
Commissioner Borda said he felt they did not have enough specific information at this point, and
that all of the options should be presented again with more information.
Commissioner Carr noted that during the last 25 to 30 years, the City and Caltrans have been
discussing this issue. Option 6 looked fairly attractive, but did not solve the east /west travel
needs, which is a problem. He said that Option 3 (James Way Extension) had some good
points, but that it might funnel people from the east part of town into the commercial areas of
Pismo Beach to do their shopping. The Le Pointe Street option, Commissioner Carr stated, did
not deserve any comments. He said we need to think about what kind of conversion of land uses
will occur, expressing concern regarding agricultural land the City has protected for many years
having a highway through it. Commissioner Carr said he totally supported Mr. Inouye corning
back with more details to assist the Commissioners.
Commissioner McAustin said he agreed with Commissioner Hatchett because no matter which
option was selected, some people would be upset. He felt the Commissioners' function was to
weigh all options and choose what was best for most of the people. Commissioner McAustin
said there were many valid questions presented, and that the process of arriving at certain
statistics should be clarified.
Commissioner Soto complimented Mr. Inouye on a good job, stating he was pleased Omni -
Means would carry the study a step further and return with more information. Commissioner
Soto said, regarding the James Way extension, that improvements can be made at Corbett
Canyon and Tally Ho Road to eliminate the overcrossing and streamlining that intersection might
help, and it could be done soon. He said Options 4, 5, and 6 all seemed interesting, but
encouraged Mr. Inouye to maintain the east /west corridor, which would eliminate Option 6
unless it could be tied in with El Campo Road. Options 4 and 5, Commissioner Soto stated,
kept the east /west corridor open and still provided services within the City.
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Commissioner Beck said that Option 1 would take care of the east /west problem.
Commissioner LaPlante said she could see the advantage of Option 6 because Northbound people
heading for San Luis Obispo would probably use that as an alternate route to Route 227 and it
would alleviate some of the dense traffic on Highway 101, especially in the summertime.
Commissioner Jensen commented she wanted to refine the James Way to Route 227 option, but
favored the El Campo Road option, but not access to Stanley Lane could be moved further East,
which would be in a less congested area.
Commissioner Tappan said he did not feel that we would ever have the money to implement any
options except 1 or 3. He said the annexation to the south was the long, long range.
Commissioner Tappan said looking at the current General Plan takes care of the east /west
circulation problem, though he did not like one -ways, it seemed cost -wise more viable with the
Mason Street enhancement rather than the creek crossing. Options 4 and 5 were two that he
would lean to he said if money was not an object.
Commissioner Pilkington said he preferred Option 6, suggesting routes to avoid existing
residences and that commercial enhancement would increase revenue to the City.
Chairperson Franks said for short -term improvement of east /west through the Village, Option
1 is viable. Regarding traffic, trying to alleviate Route 227 north /south traffic, he was in favor
of Option 6, though he said he did not agree with the alternative connection because it would
only handle north and south traffic off Huasna and would still leave Corbett Canyon and Route
227 free to go through the Village.
Chairperson Franks addressed the audience stating the various City Commissions invited
comments and corrections, but he would like to see the public offer alternative suggestions of
what they think should be done. He said there would be two meetings; one with the Planning
Commission and one with the City Council before anything would be done, so there would be
great opportunity to give input. Chairperson Franks said that the City will grow; that it has
grown for thirty years and that if it ceases to grow, it will go downhill. Therefore, he
continued, though the City may not have the funds today, we still need to plan for the future;
we may have the money tomorrow. Chairperson Franks said we must plan for future growth
of our City. He ended by thanking Omni -Means for a great job.
Chairperson Keen said he favored Option 6 without the alternate connection, which does not take
care of the needs of both Corbett Canyon and Huasna Road. He said on Option 5, he liked
getting Fair Oaks extended to the freeway and if there was not a way to incorporate a similar
design in Option 6, by making the frontage road alongside the freeway from the interchange
back toward town and going over to Fair Oaks in the similar manner listed in Option 5.
Chairperson Keen said he appreciated the time and effort spent on the study.
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There being no further business before the Traffic Commission, on a motion by Commissioner
McAustin, seconded by Commissioner LaPlante and unanimously carried, the meeting was
adjourned at 10:10 P.M. to the next regular meeting. There being no further business before
the Planning Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Tappan, seconded by Commissioner
Soto, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. to the next regular meeting.
Nancy Bro ommission Clerk
Richard Franks, Chairperson