PC Minutes 1994-10-04ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 4, 1994 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairperson Keen presiding. Present are Commissioners Soto, Carr, Deviny and Hatchett. Absent is Commissioner Tappan. Planning Director Doreen Liberto - Blanck is in attendance. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None NON - PUBLIC HEARING - SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY MASTER PLAN TO REDUCE DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE (REVIEW AND MAICE RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL) Planning Director Liberto - Blanck presented this item to the Commission referring to the packet they had received and pointing out the "Model Alcoholic Beverage Outlet Conditional Use Permit Ordinance ". She stated that the City Council requested the Planning Commission review the packet. Discussion was held by the Commissioners, who agreed that the "model" ordinance was too restrictive, especially for a small city like Arroyo Grande. Inquiry was made if Planning Director Liberto - Blanck knew of any city that had adopted a similar ordinance and she responded several had, but they were mainly larger cities. Commissioner Soto said he felt most of potential problems were handled through our conditional use permit procedure. Commissioner Carr suggested this item be continued until input is received from the Police Department. Planning Director Liberto - Blanck was asked to request that the Police Chief attend the next meeting to discuss this item with the Planning Commissioners. On a motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Deviny, and unanimously carried, it was agreed to continue this item to the regular meeting of October 18, 1994, at which time either the Police Chief, or his designee could be in attendance. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - LETTER TO COUNTY PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING SUPPORT FOR REDUCTION OF SECOND UNIT SIZES (AUTHORIZE CHAIRPERSON TO SIGN LETTER) Planning Director Liberto- Blanck gave a brief summation of this item to the Commission, referring to the proposed amended language to the County's Land Use Ordinance. During the discussion, Commissioner Deviny stated that the FAX copy of the Ordinance clarified the meaning and that the letter to be signed by the Chairperson should be changed to incorporate reference to the proposed amended language to the County Land Use Ordinance. On a motion by Commissioner Deviny, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried, that the proposed letter reflect the conditions as outlined in the FAX copy of the Ordinance and that Chairperson Keen be authorized to sign said letter. 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2 October 4, 1994 NON - PUBLIC HEARING - UPDATE ON LONG RANGE PLANNING PROJECTS Planning Director Liberto - Blanck advised the Commissioners of the recent Long Range Planning Committee meeting. She mentioned that the Long Range Planning Committee is the steering committee for the circulation and traffic improvement studies currently being prepared. Commissioner Soto indicated that Alex Hinds, County Planning and Building Director, was at the last meeting and gave an overview of County projects affecting Arroyo Grande. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - DRAFT OF CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PAMPHLET (REVIEW AND COMMENT) Planning Director Liberto - Blanck asked for comments on the CEQA pamphlet. Commissioner Carr was concerned about the flow chart being across two panels and suggested the information might be presented in prose form. Discussion continued on this aspect and a majority of the Planning Commission agreed that the flow chart usage was easier for people to understand. Planning Director Liberto - Blanck will schedule it for the next City Council meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS Planning Director Liberto - Blanck reported on the Planning Commission Training Workshop held on October 1, 1994, stating there were over forty attending. Positive comments of the information presented were made by Chairperson Keen and Commissioner Carr. Chairperson Keen also said that being able to meet and discuss various issues with other Planning Commissioners in the area was extremely helpful. Planning Director Liberto - Blanck said they were already beginning to work on the next workshop. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chairperson Keen noted that there was a FAX copy of the proposed amendment to the County Land Use Ordinance from Alex Hinds, County Planning and Building Director, regarding Second Unit sizes. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Deviny, seconded by Comrnissioner Carr, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. to the regular meeting on October 18, 1994. ATTEST: Nancy Bro Commission Clerk