PC Minutes 1994-05-171
MAY 17, 1994
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Carr presiding.
Present are Commissioners Soto, Reilly, Deviny, and Keen. Absent are Commissioners Tappan
and Hatchett. Current Planner Scott Spierling is in attendance.
Commissioner Deviny explained that he and Commissioner Reilly abstained on this item at the
last meeting because of potential conflicts of interest. However, they have checked with both
the City Attorney and the Fair Political Practices Committee and, because they have no real nor
financial interest in this project, were advised they could hear this item tonight.
Current Planner Spierling gave a brief summation of this item to the Commissioners. He
pointed out a possible issue that may arise regarding the requirement for constructing curbs,
gutters, and sidewalks, stating that the City Council allowed St. Patrick's to postpone this
requirement on the Conditional Use Permit last year for the modular classroom by entering into
a written agreement requiring installation at a later date. Current Planner Spierling went on to
say however that that action by the Council has no affect on the item being presented this
evening. Therefore, if the school wishes to have the curb, gutter, and sidewalk requirements
postponed again, they will need to appeal Conditions 9 and 10 to the City Council. He pointed
out that the major difference between this application and the previous application is that
approval of this application will increase the number of students attending the school. He
concluded by stating Staff recommended approval of this resolution.
Chairman Carr opened the public hearing.
Raymond Burnell, Principal of St.
Commissioners and Staff, which he
Commission waive Conditions 9 and
sidewalks. Mr. Burnell went on to say
and felt they should not be required to
Patrick's School, gave copies of an appeal to the
then read. This appeal requested that the Planning
10, which involve installation of curbs, gutters, and
that they had a written agreement from the City Council
pay an additional $95.00 for this appeal.
Mr. Burnell asked for clarification of Condition 13, stating that it was his understanding that the
Fire Chief said that this might be a need, rather than the verbiage which stated it was to be
done. Mr. Burnell called Greg Soto, the project architect, from the audience to clarify this item.
Mr. Soto stated that his understanding from talking with the Fire Chief at the Staff Meeting was
that, at present time, the school did meet the standards. However, if a certain amount of
students are added, according to Article 14, then it would trigger a possible need to upgrade the
rest of the school. Chairman Carr asked if this had only to do with the alarm system and Mr.
Soto answered in the affirmative. Chairman Carr then suggested adding verbiage at the end of
Condition #13 to read: "to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief ". Therefore, if doing nothing
satisfies him and also Article 14, that would be his determination. Chairman Carr then inquired
if the other Commissioners were in agreement with this verbiage being added and they
concurred. Mr. Burnell was also asked if this clarified Condition #13 for him and he answered
in the affirmative, further stating they would always want to comply with anything regarding the
safety of the children.
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Responding to the appeal to the City Council regarding Conditions #9 and #10, Current Planner
Spierling was asked why this was necessary and he responded that if the requirement was waived
the Development Code requires the applicant to post a cash bond. Therefore, he continued, to
modify the City Code, the City Attorney felt most comfortable with the Council making that type
of determination. Commissioner Keen advised Mr. Burnell that he could also ask the City
Council to waive the $95.00 charge and Chairman Carr added that he could ask that the Planning
Commission recommend the waiving of the $95.00 fee. Mr. Burnell did so.
With no further comments from the audience, Chairman Carr closed the public hearing.
During. the discussion by the Commission, Commissioner Soto
Commission did recommend approval, they should also recommend
the $95.00 be waived because there is already an agreement
Commissioners concurred.
The following action was taken adding to the end of Condition #13,
Fire Chief ":
Chairman Carr opened the public hearing.
said he felt that if the
that if it is appealed, that
in affect and the other
"to the satisfaction of the
On motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Keen, and by the following roll
call vote, to wit: •
Commissioners Soto, Reilly, Deviny, Keen and Chairman Carr
Commissioners Tappan and Hatchett
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 17th day of May 1994.
Commissioner Soto then made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Deviny, and unanimously
carried, that if Conditions #9 and #10 be appealed by St. Patrick's School that the Planning
Commission recommends that the $95.00 filing fee be waived.
Current Planner Spierling gave a report to the Commission, pointing out pertinent information
on this project.
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James Dotson, applicant, spoke briefly and requested approval, stating that he agreed to all the
conditions. Ile responded to a letter from Henry Sullivan concerned with heavy equipment on
his property. Mr. Dotson said he had eight and a half acres and occasionally he has a tractor
to mow the weeds.
Ron Olson of 640 Cerro Vista Circle, then spoke stating that his property is northeast of the
Dotson property and adjacent to it. Mr. Olson said he backed Mr. Dotson's request for
With no further comments from the audience, Chairman Carr closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Reilly questioned Mr. Dotson regarding the equipment mentioned in Mr.
Sullivan's letter, asking him if he was running a business on the property. Mr. Dotson
responded in the negative, saying the only equipment he had on his property was to take care
of his eight and a half acres and it was there only occasionally.
After a discussion by the Commissioners, the following action was taken:
On motion by Commissioner Deviny, seconded by Commissioner Reilly, and by the following
roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioners Soto, Reilly, Deviny, Keen and Chairman Carr
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Tappan and Hatchett
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 17th day of May 1994.
Current Planner Spierling presented the staff report using the overhead projector to point out
various aspects on this project. He ended his report by stating that approval was recommended.
Commissioner Soto asked why, if the present structure was legally built in 1991, was it
necessary to issue a Conditional Use Permit, to which Current Planner Spierling responded that,
when constructed, it was just a big, open room, but if the application were approved it would
now become a legal dwelling unit. Commissioner Keen asked if there was a bath and kitchen
presently in this unit and Mr. Spierling responded in the negative.
Chairman Carr opened the public hearing.
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Richard Shaffer, the applicant, answered no in response to Commissioner Soto's question if he
was the property owner in 1991. He stated the building in question has never been occupied
since he has been the owner. In response to Commissioner Keen's question if he intended to
use it personally or rent it out, Mr. Shaffer stated his intent is to rent it out.
After a discussion by the Commissioners, the following action was taken:
On motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Deviny, and by the following roll
call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioners Soto, Reilly, Deviny, Keen and Chairman Carr
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Tappan and Hatchett
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 17th day of May 1994.
Chairman Carr stated that before the staff report was given, he wanted to provide some ground
rules. After the report was given, this item will be opened up to the public. He stated that the
intent was to receive public testimony, discuss the ordinance, provide direction to Staff, and then
continue this item to a future date. At the next hearing with any amendments made by Staff,
it would hopefully then be acted upon by the Planning Commission.
Current Planner Spierling began his report by stating that the reason this item was being
presented is because of concerns regarding the use and storage of recreation vehicles within the
City, thereby requiring the Staff to update this chapter, originally entitled House Trailers and
adopted in 1954. Since public concerns were brought to the attention of the City, Staff revised
this ordinance which is being presented this evening. Mr. Spierling stated that the main
concerns were about RVs being stored on public streets and by them being used illegally as
living quarters.
Current Planner Spierling pointed out other items considered in these amendments, ending by
stating that after public testimony, Staff would like to receive comments from the Commission
regarding revisions they would like on this first draft. He also recommended this item be
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Mr. Spierling then instructed the audience that, 'after the meeting, those who would like to
receive personal notice of future meetings on this subject, should write their names and
addresses on a sheet that he would provide in the foyer.
Chairman Carr opened the public hearing.
David Duceshi of 681 Garfield Place was the first to speak, reading a letter that he afterward
gave to the Clerk. In the letter he stated that the need to update this ordinance was apparent,
but he felt that it was too restrictive in that it was necessary to hook up to utilities and to do
maintenance. Mr. Duceshi further said that when not in use his trailer is in a storage lot, but
when they need to do maintenance or prepare for a trip, it was necessary to park it on the street.
Chairman Carr mentioned that letters had been received from Larry and Nancy Anderson,
Arthur and Joan Coplin, Dick Franks, and Dean and Mary Ann Shaw.
Carolyn Knute, 326 Noguera Place, agreed with Mr. Duceshi's comment regarding connecting
the RV to utilities, stating she was on a cul -de -sac and could not park the RV anywhere but in
her driveway. She ended her comments by requesting that a reasonable time be allowed to
connect to house electricity, as well as cleaning, packing and unpacking. Chairman Carr asked
if she had to run her cable across a public sidewalk when she was plugged in. Ms. Knute
responded that the whole unit was across the sidewalk because she has a 29 foot unit. She did
state that in the past there were complaints, but not any more. She ended by stating that her RV
is in storage when not in use or being prepared for use, and that she felt 72 hours was sufficient
for those purposes.
Bruce Steude, 840 Quail Court, stated he had a large RV parked in his yard, though occasionally
he did park it on the street when coming and going. Mr. Steude stated that his concern is
parking his own RV off the street and in his yard in back of the 20 foot front yard setback. He
stated he has built three houses in the tract where he lives and all three have a 10 foot side yard
intended for parking RVs. He went on to say that this tract is off Oak Park Road, that there are
80 homes in this tract. Mr. Steude said that in the early 80's when they were built, only a 5
foot side yard setback was required.
Mr. Steude then continued with a concern about the screening requirement, inquiring if they
would accept a 12 foot fence at the property line and asked what kind of a door would they put
in. Chairman Carr asked Current Planner Spierling if that was taken out to which Mr. Spierling
answered that it was not and Staff would like to have both the public and the Commission
respond to this issue. Mr. Spierling said that when the Staff Advisory Committee looked at the
proposed ordinance, it said that an RV parked in a side yard could not be visible from a public
right of way. The Staff Advisory Committee felt that was too restrictive and recommended that
they should be screened from the public right of way.
Mr. Steude then pointed out that if the fence had to be a certain height, then the gate would have
to be the same height. He said at the time the homes were built, they were acceptable for RV
parking and to now rescind it would be a hardship on the homeowners.
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Mr. Steude said he had no objection to a 72 hour limit for on- street parking. He said that
several times his neighbor has complained about not being able to see out of her yard because
of his vehicle being parked in the yard. He said he had built prior to her moving in and had the
vehicle there and did not feel she was justified in her complaints.
Mr. Steude then said that he has had the Police Department come out for a disturbing the peace
complaint. He stated the Police responded that it wasn't noise but rather the odor of the engine
running. Mr. Steude said he was ordered to turn off the engine and was told he could run it on
the City street, because it was a licensed vehicle but that he could not run it in his yard.
Mr. Steude again mentioned the three houses he allowed ten foot setbacks from the property
line, which is eight feet for an RV and two feet for walkways. Chairman Carr asked him if he
had reviewed the setback in the proposed ordinance to which Mr. Steude responded that he had
not; only what was in the newspaper. Mr. Steude went on to explain that ten feet from a
neighbor's house to the RV with only a five foot setback from the neighbors, means that anyone
building a house within five feet of the property line would require an additional five feet -- and
you can't do it. If you've already got ten feet there, you can't go back fifteen feet.
Chairman Carr again wanted to clarify that the purpose was not to inquire about those violating
an existing or potential future code, but attempted to find out what is going to work regarding
RVs in the community of Arroyo Grande.
Chairman Carr then asked Current Planner Spierling to explain the setback requirements. Mr.
Spierling stated that there were a couple of setback requirements, based upon whether the unit
is occupied or not. He went on to say that if someone is simply storing the unit on private
property, Section 6 -5.07:
"Recreational vehicles may be parked on private property within any residential zone in
the City, if not used for human habitation as follows:
(a) On designated residential driveways where vehicular access to the garage
is not obscured, provided the recreational vehicle is located at least ten
(10) feet from the nearest structure on adjoining property; and
(b) In side or rear yards, so long as the recreational vehicle is screened from
a public street or right -of -way.
Chairman Carr asked if "human habitation" meant sleeping in it to which Mr. Spierling
responded in the affirmative.
Current Planner Spierling then said that if it is being used for sleep quarters or guest quarters,
Section 6 -5.02, (b) would apply, which states that it cannot be placed nearer then ten feet from
the occupied dwelling on the premises nor shall it be located less than ten feet from any other
building or living quarters, nor shall it be located less than five feet from a lot or boundary line.
Chairman Carr summarized that the RV could be stored closer to the dwelling unit on the
premises, but it would have to be a little further away than the minimum if it was going to be
slept in overnight. Current Planner Spierling responded that that was correct.
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Commissioner Reilly asked for clarification on a point. She questioned whether a person
parking an RV in their driveway, and not obscuring the garage, would have to screen it, cover
it, and if they keep the RV in their yard, they would also have to screen it. Current Planner
Spierling responded that that was the way the ordinance was currently written.
Duane Marquardt, 420 Walnut Street, asked if an RV was parked on the side of a garage out
of clear view of the public, is it all right to put a screen over it? He said he had a leak in his
and had to cover it whenever it rains. He then stated he bought the property because it had RV
facilities. He also said that he wanted to be able to hook it up when he needed to and on
occasion sleep in it if he had a lot of overnight visitors using his home.
Chairman Carr asked him if he had reviewed the ordinance and did he think it would prevent
him from storing his RV on his property. Mr. Marquardt responded that his RV was rather
close to his block wall.
Bob Bowen, 1033 Acorn Drive, said he went through a similar situation in a community near
Yosemite, and when they tried to hide motor homes they really had problems. He said that they
screened them with bright orange colors and within six months it looked terrible and they
repealed the ordinance. He felt that trying to hide a motor home and make it look good was not
feasible. Mr. Bowen said the way they did it in that community was to allow an RV to be
parked on the side of one's home. If any complaints arose, he continued, they were handled on
a one by one basis.
Mr. Bowen stated he felt that those who oppose RVs have property rights, but those who own
RVs also have property rights.
Henry Spence, 222 Oro Drive, stated that he just found out about the meeting today and did not
feel it was publicized enough, like perhaps on a local radio station. He therefore felt he was not
fully prepared, but would mention a few items for consideration. Mr. Spence said for years he
lived near San Pedro where many people had RVs and it was rare that anyone complained. He
indicated that he saw no reason for tliis ordinance. Mr. Spence said he had a pad next to his
house where he parked his RV with four feet of space between the house and the RV. However,
it wasn't screened, but you would have to be within 25 to 30 feet of the home to see it. He also
said he didn't quite understand the 72 hour law, but felt it was restrictive, in that if he wants to
go out of town for a week he cannot leave his RV parked in front of his home and felt that was
Cleo Silva, 195 Fairview Drive, stated they had a fifth wheel in their driveway and not having
a sidewalk, they did not block a sidewalk. She also stated they did not run cords out into the
street because it sat back in the driveway. Her only question was if it is in the driveway would
they have to screen it or put it into storage. Chairman Carr responded that she would not have
to screen it in the driveway, but it cannot be obscuring the garage door. Commissioner Soto
advised her that if it was parked anywhere else on her property than the driveway that was
visible from a public right -of -way or the street, it would have to be screened. She questioned
if we had the manpower on the Police Department to patrol and measure the parking of RVs.
Chairman Carr responded that they would respond to complaints received regarding violations
rather than search for violations.
Ms. Silva ended by stating she was opposed to paying someone to store her vehicle and felt she
should be able to park her RV on her own property.
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Gary Bailey, 503 Launa Lane, said he had never seen any ugly RVs but he has seen ugly blue
tarps and that the Planning Commission should consider how the screening process would work;
i.e. canopies built, garages built, big fences, or ugly blue tarps.
Dick Franks, 879 Fair Oaks, began by saying he did not dislike RVs, stating he owned a 1965
4 by 4 which is not large, but very ugly and he parks it in front of his home. He then read a
letter he had previously submitted to the Planning Commission. He stated he was concerned
about the health hazard, fire hazard, misuses and illegal uses of RVs, giving several examples
of these. One of these examples involved releasing of grey water into the City sewer. Mr.
Franks said there was nothing that could be done locally and had to resort to the County Health
Department, who were called.
Mr. Franks also responded to Commissioner Reilly's question about an example he had
mentioned on the 500 block of south Halcyon that it was on the street and they were there from
5 to 7 days. He stated that the 72 hours is when the police come by and mark the tire, after a
complaint, and that's when the 72 hours begins, which may be two days after it has been parked
on the street. He further stated they can move it five feet and then begin all over again.
He ended by stating he felt this ordinance needed to be rewritten and that these issues and the
appearance of our City should be considered.
Mel Lusardi, 530 Los Olivos Lane, said that he is currently and has served the community of
Arroyo Grande as a volunteer fireman for 19 years. He stated he has never found a motor
vehicle or an RV that has obstructed his accessibility into a side yard. Mr. Lusardi went on to
say that he has come across fences, shrubbery, trees, and animals that have restricted his entry
into side yards, back yards, and other peoples yards. He ended by saying that he did not feel
RVs would limit the accessibility of the firemen.
Commissioner Keen asked Mr. Lusardi if he had ever received a call for an RV on fire in the
side yard and he responded that he had not.
Bill Nappier, 524 East Cherry Avenue, stated that he put 14 years on the Fire Department in
Arroyo Grande and did not feel that vehicles parked on the side of a house were a problem.
Kevin Hunstad, 743 Scenic Circle, felt that if there were any health problems, they should be
taken care of. He stated that there were areas in the City were RVs could not be parked at all
unless they were enclosed in a garage and if someone had objections to them, they live in that
type of subdivision. He felt 72 hours on the street was a good policy. Mr. Hunstad also said
he had no objection to putting them on side yards and screening them with a 6 foot fence, stating
it did not completely screen them, but it was a good compromise.
Current Planner Spierling said that he had received a phone call today from Ed Dorfman who
has a subdivision that does have CC &R's that regulate RVs somewhat and requested that Mr.
Dorfman describe how his subdivision deals with RV storage.
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Ed Dorfman, 224 La Cresta, said that this subdivision is Oak Crest Estates off Stagecoach Road
and that it involves 90 to 93 units. He stated that what they have essentially said was that
recreational vehicles, boats, and so forth cannot be parked on the street at Oak Crest and they
cannot be parked on a driveway pad, but they may be in side yards behind six foot gates. Mr.
Dorfman went on to say that he has never had a complaint. He believed there were over seventy
occupied houses and perhaps 15% of the lots have the capacity for storing an RV. He further
stated that when people go on their trips they park them in front for a day or two without any
Mr. Dorfman said as he understood the ordinance, that if you have it in a side yard and are not
occupying the RV, it still has to be ten feet from a neighboring building. Then, he continued,
if you have a side yard that's ten feet and the vehicle is eight feet wide and you have it so it's
ten feet from the fence to the building and eight feet, you have a foot on each side, and the other
building should it be five feet off the line. He said that would make it seven or eight feet to the
building and they wouldn't be able to store their vehicle there and felt we would not gain
anything from that and would be retroactively hurting a lot of people who already have their set
Commissioner Keen pointed out that regarding the ten foot setback, normally the setback is to
the building not to the roof overhang, and most RVs are higher than the overhang, therefore you
don't have ten feet to park it in unless you have a two story house. Therefore a ten foot setback
is not adequate to park a normal RV in it.
Art Coplin, 856 Farroll, commented about the RV parked on Halcyon which Mr. Franks had
mentioned. He said that it is almost impossible to pull out onto Halcyon with that RV parked
there. Mr. Coplin then questioned if the 1954 rules said anything about RV storage alongside
your house. He stated they have a situation where their neighbor had an RV which was parked
less than four feet from their house and blocked their side windows totally. Mr. Coplin asked
if this was legal according to the old rules. He went on to say that it was a shame that they
could not even look out of their windows and see sky, but all they see is a big, ugly corrugated
Chairman Carr stated he believe that under the current ordinance that there is nothing to prohibit
that from happening and Current Planner Spierling stated his assumption was correct.
Bruce Steude returned to the podium saying it was unclear how far an unoccupied RV had to
be from the adjacent house. Commissioner Deviny read from Section 6- 5.07(a) and (b), stating
that he did not see any setback for the side yard. Current Planner Spierling stated there was
none proposed for parking in the side yard at this time.
Mr. Steude asked where the side yard started and the driveway stopped. Chairman Carr stated
that he did not feel that they could define in this ordinance a driveway versus a 'side yard, but
would have to be on a case by case basis. Mr. Steude retorted that as far as the 10 foot from
an adjacent structure, when you build off property line and then the other house is built five feet
off property line, he did not see how a ten foot setback from a neighbor could be enforced.
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Joan Coplin, 856 Farroll, read from Section 6- 5.02(b). She then said that the way she
interpreted this was that if you did not occupy the RV, you can park it right cuddled up to your
building, but the minute someone sleeps in it you have to move it ten feet away. Ms. Coplin
then said it seemed if someone was going to use it for sleeping purposes, they would have to
have that amount of land available.
Dick Frank returned to the podium, stating he needed to clarify his position in that he did not
object to people parking their RVs on private property. His concern was the illegal use of
plugging them in, leveling them, and using them for axillary living quarters.
With no further comments from the audience, Chairman Carr closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Soto summed up his thoughts by stating we did not have a clear ordinance for
protecting visibility at intersections. He said that RVs can legally park near a stop sign when
it is not red curbed, but it does block the view. The other concern he mentioned was the safety
problem of utilities across a public right -of -ways and that some ordinance should be in force for
the protection of the residents. Commissioner Soto said it was a problem if people are illegally
using them for living quarters. He felt that for safety purposes and protection of an RV, it
would be a good idea to screen it, but it should be at and for the owner's convenience.
Commissioner Keen stated he was concerned with cords and water lines going across the
sidewalks and long RVs that block sidewalks. Another concern he said was the RVs parked on
the street even for short periods of time that block sight distance so the neighbors can't get
safely out of their driveways and living in the RVs. Commissioner Keen was concerned about
writing 30 days a year into the ordinance, but did not see how it could ever be enforced. He
stated he was not in favor of people living in them and they should not be parked on the street
for more than 72 hours. He ended by saying he was not concerned with the setback issues, as
he did not feel it was being abused.
Commissioner Deviny stated that if someone sleeps overnight in front of his house, he did not
feel that was a problem. Commissioner Deviny then addressed cords and water for pre -trip
maintenance, saying that was acceptable, but when finished, these pieces of equipment should
not be left overnight unattended. Regarding the screening issue, he said he felt the six foot
fences helped, but did not advocate ten foot fences or blue tarps. He went on to say that the
proposed ordinance is more restrictive than necessary, but unsafe conditions or living in RVs
should not be allowed.
Commissioner Reilly stated she drove around in the Village area and was shocked by how many
large RVs she saw, but they were not hooked up. She said she then went to Poole Street
between Mason and Short and there were two dumpy little trailers that were rather obviously
lived in, as they were hooked up across the sidewalk to the houses and felt these abuses should
be addressed. Commissioner Reilly stated she felt those in the audience are responsible RV
owners and the complaints are not levied at this type of people. She further said she agreed with
the other Commissioners that the draft is rather restrictive. Ms. Reilly went on to say that
setbacks should be from neighbor's property, but not so restrictive as to what you want to do
on your own property, noting that the two firemen who spoke did not feel they were a problem.
She ended by stating people's property rights should be considered, but consideration should also
be extended to their neighbors, and that the abuses be stopped.
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Chairman Carr then summed up his input by saying that he did not feel screening was an issue.
He then referred to Section 6- 05.02(a) where it discussed utilizing an RV for overnight purposes.
People who come to visit should be allowed to park overnight and stay in it and should be made
clearer. He then said that in (c) of the same section needs to be clarified regarding the
Temporary Use Requirements as to whether that applies in a mobile home park and assumed in
that instance it would not apply. Regarding the setbacks, Chairman Carr felt concern for those
who do not have an RV, though he realized existing conditions at this time would be a problem
to solve. He also said that the public and City liability needed to be considered regarding cords
and hoses across public right -of -way. Mr. Carr also addressed sanitation in the ordinance and
have some grey water and sewer prohibitions for when people are parking their RV either on
their property or in the street. He then mentioned his concern about parking RVs as well as
other large vehicles near corners. At this point someone from the audience mentioned that in
Atascadero there were signs prohibiting large vehicles from parking within 20 feet of certain
Chairman Carr then asked Current Planner Spierling if there is any record regarding complaints
about RVs over the past year. Mr. Spierling said he did not feel we were getting any more or
any less complaints within the last couple years and actually felt that the most complaints
occurred in the late 80's. He further responded that because different departments received
input, he did not know if he would be able to obtain an accurate record of the number of actual
complains received over the past few years.
Further discussion was then made by the Commissioners regarding the stringing of cords and
hoses across public sidewalks. Current Planner Spierling then poled the audience regarding how
many used these, how often and for how long.
Current Planner Spierling said he felt Staff had been given direction, which was what they
needed. He also said they would be contacting Atascadero regarding the parking restrictions that
were mentioned. Current Planner Spierling said when they were ready to come back to the
Commission they would re- advertise it and send out notices.
A motion was made by Commissioner Keen, seconded by Commissioner Soto and unanimously
carried to receive letters from Mr. Franks, the Shaws, the Andersons, the Coplins, and David
Duceshi into the records.
A motion was made by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Deviny and
unanimously carried to continue this item to a future date.
Commissioner Soto then requested the Commission take Item B under item V, as he would need
to leave Chambers shortly. This was a request for a Planning Commission workshop with the
City Attorney and Planning Staff on planning issues that this be scheduled. On a motion by
Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Reilly, and unanimously carried to have a
workshop after Commissioner Reilly's replacement is on board.
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Current Planner Spierling gave an overview of this item to the Commissioners.
Kevin Hunstad then spoke with the Planning Commission discussing this project addressing
issues such as the driveway placement, trash enclosure, Fire Department turn around, open
space, guest parking, possible neighboring property owner concerns, and so on.
Regarding the joint City and County meeting, the next available date proposed by the County
was September 22, 1994. Those present were agreeable to this date.
Commissioner Keen asked what was going to be done with Union 76 station and Current Planner
Spierling responded that a gas station and mini - market was being considered. Commissioner
Keen then asked about the situation at K -Mart using the parking lot for landscaping items and
being in violation of using parking area for this.
Commissioner Reilly then inquired if Von's had requesting a building permit yet. Current
Planner Spierling responded that they had not but had been assured that they would be doing so.
There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Reilly
seconded by Commissioner Deviny, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at
10:30 P.M.
ommission Clerk
Robert W. Carr, Chairman