NOVEMBER 12, 1992
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in special session with Chairman Brandy
presiding. Present are Commissioners Souza, Soto, Moore, Tappan, and Reilly. Absent is
Commissioner Carr. Planning Director Doreen Liberto - Blanck is in attendance. Mike Multari
of Crawford Multari & Starr is present.
Chairman Brandy began this session by welcoming the newest Planning Commissioner, Maureen
Planning Director Doreen Liberto - Blanck stated that the purpose of this meeting was to receive
public and Planning Commission comments on housing needs in the City. She then introduced
Mike Multari to the Commission members, advising them that he was preparing the Housing
Element for the City.
Mike Multari stated that his firm would be submitting an assessment of the housing needs of the
City of Arroyo Grande, which would include goals, objectives, policies, and programs for
meeting these needs. He pointed out that the Housing Element is the only part of the General
Plan that is reviewed by and certified by the State (Department of Housing and Development),
who also sets certain deadlines for receiving update input from the cities. He pointed out that
the City's Housing Element is out of compliance as of July 1992, and the City's ineligibility for
certain State funds, including CDBG monies.
He urged input from the Commission and the public.
Commissioners and Chairman Brandy queried Mike Multari on various aspects of the Housing
Melinda R. of 219 South Mason, Arroyo Grande spoke of her concerns regarding her difficulties
as a single parent in finding affordable housing. She said she and her son are living ir; a studio
apartment with no tub or stove.
Scott Smith, People's Self -Help Housing, 1411 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, spoke of this
organization's involvement in the Arroyo Grande area and presented some recommendations for
solutions to the housing needs, and appreciation for the City's cooperation.
Tony Orefice of 980 Robin Circle in Arroyo Grande and member of the Architectural Advisory
Committee presented his comments including raising the number of units per acre in the City
and lessening fees.
Susan Ostrov, 2700 Christmas Tree, Oceano and County Planning Commissioner for the 4th
District, encouraged the City to consider the density bonuses, granny units, and fee waivers.
Scott Smith returned to the podium to give the Commission a report on the applications received
by their organization for units in Nipomo.
Bernard E. Burke, 1227 Priscilla Lane, Arroyo Grande and member of the Senior Advisory
Commission spoke of the seriousness of the State regarding their funding for affordable housing.
Several questions from the Commission were directed at and answered by Mike Multari.
Planning Director Liberto - Blanck stated that the City Attorney indicated that the City could fine
someone $10,000 for installing a shower without a permit.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Page 2
November 12, 1992
She reported on the proposed Senior rental project on Elm Street. John Keisler, Bernie Burke,
Norm Stevens and she visited a similar project in Santa Maria where the rentals cost 30% of
gross income.
She reminded the Commission of the Economic Development Special Meeting on Thursday,
December 3, 1992, at 3:00 P.M., advising the December 1 Planning Commission meeting to
be adjourned to this special meeting.
Regarding the Bike /Pedestrian Prop. 116, a final decision would be made on November 18 at
9:00 a.m. at the San Luis Obispo City Council Chambers. She also stated that an application
would be submitted to the. State for funds for the bridge along Fair Oaks across Highway 101.
Another update she presented was regarding the Countywide Design Guidelines that Crawford,
Multari and Starr are preparing for the County Planning Department. These guidelines are in
the preliminary stage.
There being no further business before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Soto
to the next Regular Planning Commission Meeting on November 17, 1992 at 7:30 P.M.,
seconded by Commissioner Tappan, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:21
Nancy Browrb Commission Clerk Drew randy, Chairm