PC Minutes 1992-03-311 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 31, 1992 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in a Special Meeting to discuss Long Range Planning. Present are Commissioners Soto, Moore, Souza, Boggess, Groves and Chairman Brandy. Vice Chairman Carr is absent. Also in attendance is Doreen Liberto - Blanck, Director of Planning. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None AGENDA ITEMS Director Liberto - Blanck reviewed the staff report on Long Range Planning and asked Commissioner Soto to review the Long Range Planning Report finalized by a City Council appointed Ad Hoc Committee in 1988. Commissioner Soto reviewed each section of the Long Range Planning Report and responded to questions. The Commission also discussed Implementation Actions of the General Plan which need to be implemented. The Commission also discussed the transportation and circulation needs of the City; whether additional jobs are needed in the City; and need for affordable housing; and funding for future needs of the citizens of Arroyo Grande. The Commission identified affordable housing, bike and pedestrian trails, and economic development as the three General Plan implementation actions which should be addressed immediately. Commissioner Groves volunteered to work on affordable housing, Commissioner Brandy volunteered to work on bike and pedestrian trails, and Commissioners Soto and Souza volunteered to work on economic development. The Commission agreed to put Long Range Planning on each Commission agenda to provide input and receive updates. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 P.M. ATTEST: Doreen Libe Tgaict - Blanck, Director Drew randy, Chairman 355