HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1991-07-16The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 7, 1991 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and unanimously carried. The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 21, 1991 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - FISCAL YEAR 1991 -1992 Chairman Carr opened the floor for nominations for Planning Commission Chair. On motion by Commissioner Brandy, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, Commissioner Gallagher was nominated for Chairman. There being no other nominations, Chairman Carr closed the nominations and a unanimous ballot was cast for M. P. "Pete" Gallagher as Chair of the Planning Commission for the Fiscal Year 1991 -1992. Chairman Carr opened nominations for Vice Chair. On motion by Commissioner Boggess, seconded by Commissioner Brandy, Robert Carr was nominated for Vice Chair. There being no further nominations, Chairman Carr closed the nominations and a unanimous ballot was cast electing Robert Carr as Vice Chair for the Fiscal Year 1991 -1992. Arroyo Grande Planning Conunission July 16, 1991 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Carr presiding. Present are Commissioners Gallagher, Boggess and Moore. Commissioners Brandy, Souza and Soto are absent. Also in attendance are Planning Director Doreen Liberto -Blanck and Current Planner Scott Spierling. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A gentleman from the audience stated he was told that Agenda Item No. III, the Public Hearing on the Central Coast Bowl project, was going to be continued to August 6th. Mr. recommended that if the matter is continued, that more publicity be given to the project and the possible closing of Courtland. Chairman Carr advised that this would be considered during discussion of Agenda Item M.A. regarding the bowling alley. COMMISSIONER BRANDY LEFT THE MEETING BECAUSE OF A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST ON THE FOLLOWING ITEM AND IS NOW ABSENT. PUBLIC HEARING - VIEWSHED REVIEW CASE NO. 91 -31, 424 TOYON PLACE, SECOND STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. (DAMIEN AND CAROLYN BROOKS) Current Planner Spierling reviewed the staff report dated July 16, 1991. He advised that on May 13, 1991 the Planning Department received an application for a viewshed review for this project and on June 7th, 1991 the application was found to be complete for processing. The proposal is construction of an 868 square foot second story addition. On June 12, 1991, a Notice of Intent to Construct an Addition or Structure was sent to property owners within 150 feet of the subject property. Property owners were given 12 days from the date of the letter to express concerns about the project. On June 24, 1991, the last day of the response period, staff received a letter from Cynthia and Michael Rohla. The Rohlas live at 423 Platino Lane, directly to the south (down slope) of the proposed project. In their letter, Mr. and Mrs. Rohla expressed concern that the proposed addition would significantly reduce their privacy, both in the back yard and in their house. The applicants were given a copy of the Rohlas' letter and asked to meet with them to try to resolve their concerns. The applicants returned to Planning staff about a week later and indicated that they were unable to contact the Rohlas. In reviewing the project, it appears that the proposed deck off the second story office would pose the greatest potential for reduction of privacy for the downhill neighbors. The viewing height from the proposed deck will be about 30 feet above the finish floor height of the Rohla's residence. This height differential will allow anyone on the deck to look down into the Rohla's back yard. 303 304 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -16 -91 Mr. Spierling reviewed the factors that were considered in sssifige the i mead of the impact on the neighbor's privacy. First, the deck is off an upstairs dining room accessible to the more commonly used rooms ° sed thani f it the to o ne of the more or family room. Thus, the deck will be commonly used rooms. Also, this addition is consistent with the pattern of development in the surrounding neighborhood. The neighborhood is built on rolling homes hills which common n grade a t his differences between adjacent houses. Additionally, two story neighborhood. This combination of factors has the potential to duplicate the height differential in many places throughout the neighborhood. He advised that the Staff Advisory Committee reviewed the application and recommends that the Planning Commission approve Viewshed Review by report dated with the findings and subject to the conditions of approval listed in the sta 16, 1991. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary property ow not fi fo r Vi Review Case No. 91 -31 had been duly published P P r Chairman Carr declared the hearing open. Damien Brooks, applicant, spoke in favor of the Viewshed Permit being granted. In answer to a question from the Commission, Mr. Brooks stated that the spa will be enclosed on s all sides except the side facing south. He also stated he the has ro'ect�Chai man Carr declared t l e neighbors. Hearing no further comments for or against project, closed. area where Commissioner Boggess stated it seems that ita ds a common situation in of other properties. th After a brief most residents are looking down into the back yards Viewshed Review Case No. 91 -31 was approved on motion by Commissioner Boggess, seconded by Commissioner Gallagher, and unanimously carried. COMMISSIONER BRANDY ENTERED THE MEETING AND IS NOW PRESENT. PUBLIC HEARING (CONT.) - PARCEL MAP CASE NO SE CASE C 90-457, TIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 90- 479 /ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COAST BOWL, 1524 GRAND AVENUE. (MERILEE PECK - NEWDOLL) Mr. Spierling advised that the final EIR for this project has not yet been completed and, nning therefore, staff is recommending that the public hearing hat City staff the next wath the e Commission meeting of August 6, 1991. He stated there are still issues the consultant must EIR consultant to produce the final EIR, however, is respond to before the final EIR can be distributed• tinued several timevised that the applicant and has agreeable to the continuance. Also, since the hearing has been con only been advertised once, the Commission could request that another notice be published in the ion by paper giving the date and time of the continuance. a s t taff was Commissioner Boggess, seconded by Commissioner Brandy, and unanimously carried, by directed to re- advertise the public hearing on the ssioner Boggess, Coast and On carried th Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Comm gg ess matter was continued to August 6, 1991. SIX MONTH REVIEW - CONDITIONAL MICHAEL RIND T CASE NO. JOYCE MILLER) 90-480, MONTESSORI SCHOOL, 216 OAK STREET. Mr. Spierling reviewed the staff report dated July 16, 1991, and requested that the review of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 90 -480 be continued until staff has time to look into the situation and publish the matter for public hearing. There being no discussion, on motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried, review iew o f Co di staff. Use Permit Case No. 90 -480 was continued to a time more appropriate Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -16 -91 RANCHO GRANDE MASTER RECREATIONAL TRAILS AND CIRCULATION PLAN Planning Director Liberto -Blanck advised that conditions of approval for the Rancho Grande projects included Mitigation Measures 24 and 26 requiring the submittal of a Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan, which must be reviewed by the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. She further advised that the Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Planning Departments have reviewed the plan and requested a number of changes. She referred to some of the recommended changes regarding the Pismo Clarkia and one of the problems staff has is not to put trails in that area if it is going to cause a problem to that plant. Another concern is, originally there was a sidewalk shown going along James Way and a portion of that has been deleted. The Public Works Director feels that section of sidewalk needs to be installed. Jeff Ferber, RRM Design Group, representing the applicant, reviewed the background and specifics of the plan. He stated the plans are in response to Condition of Approval #20 and Mitigation Measures 24, 25 and 26, which ties in with the Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan. He stated that since these are public trails, it is their feeling that the City should own and maintain all of the trails. With regard to the sidewalk that was deleted from the plan, Mr. Ferber stated they realized that a 10 acre park is going in that area, and it was their feeling that they made a mistake in dealing with the park in the first place and, in his opinion, that is why it was deleted. Ms. Liberto - Blanck stated that this needs to be resolved and worked out with the Public Works Director. After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and unanimously carried, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan subject to modifications and resolution of the staff's concerns, including protection of the Pismo Clarkia. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: Pearl L. Phinney, Secretary 3 Robert Carr, Chairman 3 © s