PC Minutes 1991-04-16PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 16, 1991 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Soto presiding. Present are Commissioners Moore, Gallagher, Brandy, Souza and Boggess. Chairman Carr is absent. Also in attendance are Planning Director Doreen Liberto - Blanck, and Current Planner Scott Spierling. PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 90 -1, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) REZONE /DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. 90 -220, WILMA PACIFIC INC. On motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded Commissioner Moore, and unanimously carried, the public hearing for General Plan Amendment 90 -1, Planned Development (PD) Rezone /Development Plan No. 90 -220, Wilma Pacific Inc. was be continued to May 7, 1991. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 91 -468, FRED NELSON, 227 LARCHMONT DRIVE Current Planner Spierling reviewed the staff report dated April 16, 1991. Mr. Spierling advised that the applicant is proposing construction of a 2068 square foot two story residence on parcel 2, with a maximum height of 26 feet above average finished grade (30 feet above natural grade). The Architectural Advisory Committee recommended approval of the project. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Souza, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 91 -468 was approved in accordance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission on April 16, 1991. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 90 VICK PACE FORD, 330 TRAFFIC WAY. Current Planner Spierling reviewed the staff report dated April 16, 1991. Mr. Spierling stated that the applicant is proposing expansion of an existing one -story office structure that is attached to an existing 18 foot high repair shop. The Architectural Advisory Committee recommended approval of the project. Chairman Carr entered the meeting at 7:55 P.M. After considerable discussion, on motion by Vice Chairman Soto, seconded by Commissioner Souza, and unanimously carried, to approve Architectural Review Case No. 90 -465 after deletion of number 14 through 19 of the conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION INTERPRETATION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 91 -469, PROPOSED GARDEN ROOM, AT 311 SHORT STREET, EDWIN J. THALMAN Current Planner Spierling reviewed the staff report dated April 16, 1991. Mr. Spierling reviewed the background on this project, and also advised that the applicant has constructed a 640 square foot second residential unit and a 740 square foot three car garage attached to the one story primary residence by a bedroom addition . The proposed garden room will be attached to the west wall of the second unit and will be over a portion of the garage and the bedroom addition. After considerable discussion, on motion by Vice Chairman Soto, seconded by Commissioner Boggess and unanimously carried, the Interpretation on Architectural Review Case No. 91 -469 was continued until May 21, 1991. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on motion by Vice Chairman Soto, seconded by Commissioner Souza, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. A EST: _QzAJ11 tll ary Ellen Leininger, Commissiof(Clerk Robert W. Carr, Chairman 283