PC Minutes 1991-01-15Arroyo Grande Planning Commission January 15, 1991 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Soto presiding. Present are Commissioners Moore, Gallagher, Souza and Boggess. Absent are Chairman Carr and Commissioner Brandy. Also in attendance are Planning Director Doreen Liberto- Blanck and Current Planner Scott Spierling. PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 90 -480, MONTESSORI SCHOOL, 216 OAK STREET (MICHAEL AND JOYCE MILLER). Current Planner Scott Spierling reviewed the staff report dated January 15, 1991. He stated the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow them to operate a montessori preschool for 22 to 26 children between two and six years of age. The proposal has been reviewed by the appropriate State agencies and has been licensed for 22 students. The State requires that one teacher be provided for each 12 students or one teacher plus one teacher's aide for each 15 students. With 22 students, two teachers will be required. Mr. Spierling reviewed the proposed parking and play area for the children. He also reviewed the environmental concerns such as water usage, traffic and noise impacts. He stated that the project was reviewed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and staff has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment provided that the mitigation measures included in the conditions of approval are implemented. Mr. Spierling advised that some concerns were expressed by citizens regarding the noise generated by the preschool. Staff reviewed the noise element of the general plan and the performance standards which are located in the zoning ordinance, and determined that it may be possible that the noise of the children would exceed the levels allowed by the zoning ordinance at the property line. Staff recommended that a noise study be conducted to assess the impact and recommend mitigation measures. The applicant did not feel that a noise study was necessary and they submitted some mitigation measures. They suggested that the children be kept in the building or in the rear or side property yard until 9:00 a.m. This would keep the children more distant from the adjacent properties until later in the morning when a higher noise level may be more acceptable. He commented that staff feels this mitigation measure may be sufficient, but has also attached a mitigation measure requiring an additional public hearing in six months to review the noise concerns that were raised during environmental review. He stated that, after reviewing the environmental concerns, staff feels that mitigation measures have been added to the conditions of approval which will reduce the level of significance of all of these impacts to the level of insignificance, providing the mitigation measures are implemented. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Clerk that public hearing for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 90 -480 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Soto declared the hearing open. Mike Miller, applicant, spoke in favor of the use permit. Mr. Miller reviewed the parking requirements and pointed out the growing need for child care facilities. Mr. Miller referred to the 33 recommended conditions of approval, stating that they can live with most of the conditions; however they are going to ask relief from 9 of those conditions. He requested that Condition #14 be modified from a limit of 15 students to 22 children to comply with State limitations. With regard to Condition #9 regarding limiting hours of operation to mitigate traffic impacts, Mr. Miller requested that this condition be deleted. He referred to Conditions #5 and 7 requiring review by the Planning Commission in one year, stating these conditions essentially places the school on probation. With regard to Condition #6 requiring that the property be retrofitted with low flow plumbing devices, Mr. Miller noted that the school will have no shower or bathing facilities, no laundry, almost no dish washing, and just one small 5 gallon water heater. He commented that they will be using less water than the previous resident. He stated that water usage will be minimized on the landscaping and outdoor water delivery system. Condition #23 requires fencing along the east and south sides of the property. He stated that the south side is already fenced, and most of the east side is fenced except the portion where the 10 foot wall of the building next door stands, and it doesn't seem reasonable to put the fence along an existing building that is 10 feet tall. Condition #27 requires them to remove or prune an existing tree on an adjacent lot. He commented this is probably illegal and asked that the owner of the property be contacted rather than expose the applicant to that liability. Regarding Condition #12, 2V3 76.fazfr4 1 1 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -15 -91 requiring that a landscape architect be hired to design the landscaping at the north end of the property, which is a narrow strip of Tess than 1,000 square feet that will require just the planting of a few plants, Mr. Miller requested that the Commission allow a licensed contractor do the work instead of a landscape architect. With regard to Condition #3, the requirement to hold the City harmless in any legal action that might ensue, Mr. Miller stated that his counsel has advised that this requirement is full of legal problems and probably won't stand up in court anyway, so he requested that this condition be removed. Cathy Silva, 350 Butterfly Lane, Nipomo; Collin Murray, 777 Manuella Way; Laura Battles, Arroyo Grande; Steve Vanerian, 668 Vetter Lane; Kim Mitchell, Nipomo; Jackie Leonard, 229 LaCresta Drive; Tom Murray, 777 Manuella Way; Sateen Bhat, 1021 Acorn; Ruth Truesdale, 201 Oak Street; Laurie Woodward, 430 Maula,. Nipomo, and Sherry Nelson, 1475 Trouville, Grover City, expressed their support for the Montessori School and spoke in favor of the conditional use permit. Judy Cechetti, 211 Oak Street, stated she does work nights and is very concerned about the noise and the increase in traffic. She noted that when the school was first opened on the 4th and 5th of September they had no license, and on October 19 received a license to operate with six children, and they operated about 5 or 6 days with more than six children and only one teacher. Dave Watson, Planning Consultant, spoke in favor of granting the conditional use permit. He spoke regarding the technical issues involved, such as water, noise and other concerns, and asked that the Commission find some flexibility to work with the City's codes and to apply them to the project. He pointed out that the State only approved 22 students attending the school. Rosalee Hill, 3747 Zion Place, Santa Maria; Dennis Kunkel, 441 Woodland Drive; Roy Buell, 304 Mason Street; John Hodges, 671 Verde Place; Tina Greetes, 767 Atlantic City Avenue, Grover City; Maureen Riley, 333 Miller Way; Robert Klam, 67 Linda Lane, San Luis Obispo; Diedra Lackey, and Annette Carlen, Atascadero, also spoke in favor of the conditional use permit. There being no further public comments, Vice Chairman Soto declared the hearing closed. Current Planner Scott Spierling briefly reviewed the recommended conditions of approval that the applicant requested either be modified or deleted as requirements. Condition No. 3. This is a standard condition and is recommended by the City Attorney. Mr. Spierling advised that the Commission may be able to add a sentence saying that this condition may be deleted if approved by the City Attorney. Conditions 5 and 7, requiring a review period - Mr. Spierling stated that these conditions were placed on the project because of the complaints received by the neighbors about the operation of the school. Beginning in September, the City received on the average of two to three complaints a month about the operation of the school; the noise and the number of students attending the school. He advised that similar conditions were placed on the Carpenters' school on Bridge Street for review. Staff feels that these conditions should be left on the project. After a detailed discussion by staff and the Planning Commission, the following action was taken on the applicant's request for modification and /or deletion of the recommended conditions of approval: Condition #7 was amended as follows: 'This conditional use permit shall be reviewed at a public hearing at the Planning Commission meeting of July 16, 1991 to determine if further noise or traffic studies are required. Prior to more than six (6) students attending school at this site, the applicants shall deposit $40.00 maximum with the City to pay for the cost of the public hearing. Should additional noise or traffic studies be required, the applicants shall pay for such studies plus a 15% administrative charge. If the noise or traffic studies find that the project impacts cannot be mitigated, the Conditional Use Permit may be revoked. As an alternative to conducting a traffic study, the Planning Commission may restrict the hours of operation of the preschool to avoid impacting the peak traffic hours." 2 245 4 royo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -15 -91 Condition #8 was amended as follows: If traffic impacts are mitigated and earlier morning hours approved, children shall be kept in the building or in the rear or side play areas until 10:30 A.M. to mitigate early morning noise concerns. Condition #9 - Delete. Condition #12 - Change requirement for licensed landscape architect to "licensed contractor." Condition #14 - Amended to read as follows: 'The number of students attending the facility at one time shall not exceed 15. The number of students can be increased to 22 if additional parking is provided to the approval of the Planning Department." Condition #23 - Amended to read as follows: Prior to more than six (6) students attending preschool at this site, the applicants shall verify or install fences on the east and south sides of the school building along property line, in conformance with City regulations. Condition #27 - Amended to read as follows: "Prior to more than six (6) students attending preschool at this site, the applicants shall prune the existing elm, and work with the adjacent property owner to cut out dead wood and tree on adjacent property." For the record, Vice Chairman Soto read the letters of support for the Montessori School which were received tonight from Shannan Johnson and Ellen Beck After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 91 -1320 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 90 -480, TO USE AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR A MONTESSORI PRE - SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN FROM 2 -6 YEARS OF AGE, APPLIED FOR BY MICHAEL P. AND JOYCE J. MILLER AT 216 OAK STREET, ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WITH MITIGATION MEASURES AND INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION. On motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners, Gallagher, Moore, Boggess, Souza and Vice Chairman Soto NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Carr and Commissioner Brandy the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of January 1991. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO. 90- 154 /SIGN PERMIT CASE NO. 90 -100, VARIANCE FROM SIGN ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS TO ALLOW THREE SIGNS, 840 OAK PARK BOULEVARD (LYONS RESTAURANT, INC. /CREATIVE SIGNS INC.) Current Planner Spierling reviewed the staff report dated January 15, 1991. Mr. Spierling stated that last spring when the restaurant was purchased by the current owners, the applicant and City staff reviewed the existing sign permits and the sign ordinance in relation to the signage proposed by the applicant. It was determined that the applicant would have to apply for a variance to exceed the allowed number of signs and a revised planned sign program to change the wall signs. The applicant was able to change the sign face of the freestanding sign without permits because the sign ordinance does not require permits for a simple face change when no changes occur in the shape, size, or construction of the sign. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -15 -91 The applicant has applied to revise the sign plan approved in 1986 for the two wall signs for Marie Callender's Restaurant. The two signs approved. for Marie Callender's were each 6 feet by 12 feet in size. The total area of the signs was 144 square feet. The applicant is proposing construction of three signs, two of which will be placed in the location of the approved Marie Callender's signs. The third sign will be placed on the building facing the parking lot, adjacent to the main building entrance where the illegal Marie Callender's sign was installed. The two signs replacing the approved Marie Callender's signs will be 5 feet by 10 feet in size, while the third sign will be 2.5 by 5 feet in size. The total area of all wall signs will be reduced to 112.5 square feet. This is within the 115.5 square feet allowed by the sign ordinance. The sign ordinance only allows two signs per street frontage. Since the applicant has only one street frontage (Oak Park Blvd.) and is proposing three signs, a variance is required. Mr. Spierling advised that the two signs which were approved for Marie Callender's Restaurant face to the south and to the east. The sign facing the east can be seen from the K- Mart shopping Center and by traffic travelling west on West Branch Street. The sign facing south can be seen from the Oak Park Blvd /Highway 101 interchange. The freestanding sign which was separately approved in 1984 is visible from Highway 101. The combination of these signs provide adequate visibility to allow the public to exit the freeway and find the restaurant. However, the restaurant and the motel have a common driveway and parking area. The applicant feels that a third sign is necessary to delineate the entrance to the restaurant once someone has parked their vehicle. Mr. Spierling stated that the subject applications were reviewed by the Architectural Advisory Committee and the Staff Advisory Committee, and they recommend that the Planning Commission adopt the draft resolutions included in the agenda packets. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Clerk that public hearing for Variance Case No. 90 -154 and Sign Permit Case . No. 90 -100, had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Soto declared the hearing open. There being no comments from the audience, Vice Chairman Soto declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 91 -1321 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 90 -154, APPLIED FOR BY LYONS RESTAURANTS, INC. LOCATED AT 840 OAK PARK BOULEVARD, EXCEEDING THE NUMBER OF SIGNS ALLOWED FOR A SINGLE USE. On motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Gallagher, Boggess, Souza, Moore and Vice Chairman Soto NOES: None ABSENT:Chairman Carr and Commissioner Brandy the foregoing resolution was adopted this 15th day of January 1991. RESOLUTION NO. 91 -1322 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM, CASE NO. 90 -100, APPLIED FOR BY LYONS RESTAURANTS, INC., AT 840 OAK PARK BOULEVARD. On motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Gallagher, Boggess, Souza, Moore and Vice Chairman Soto NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Carr and Commissioner Brandy the foregoing resolution was adopted this 15th day of January 15, 1991. 4 247 2'4 8 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -15 -91 SIX MONTH REVIEW - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 90 -447, 221 E. BRANCH STREET (MARK GODFREY). Planning Director Liberto - Blanck reviewed that on June 5, 1990, the Planning Commission approved Architectural Review Case No. 90 -447 which is Murphy's Law Office located at 221 E. Branch Street. An agreement was entered into between the City of Arroyo Grande and the owner which required access from Branch Street to the rear portion of 221 E. Branch Street. However, the applicant had to return to the Planning Commission within six months to determine whether any health and safety conditions have been created due to use of access from Branch Street. She stated that, at this time, staff is not aware of any problems, however, it is staff's understanding that most of the access is being taken from behind the City Council Chambers and, if this is true, it is difficult to determine whether the access from Branch Street would create problems. She advised that the Public Works Department has obtained bids to construct fencing behind the Council Chambers and once this is accomplished, and access cannot be taken from behind the Council Chambers, the Planning Commission should review this item for health and safety reasons again. She further stated that staff is concerned that the parking lot has not been paved, as required. The applicant has posted a bond which can be used by the Public Works Department to pave the parking area. The Public Works Director has requested that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council cash the bond and order the improvements. Ms. Liberto - Blanck stated that the two recommendations to be considered by the Planning Commission tonight are: 1) The Planning Commission recommend that the Council cash the bond and instruct the Public Works Department to make the parking lot improvements; and 2) the item return six months after the new fencing has been installed. Ms. Liberto - Blanck commented that the applicant did receive a copy of the staff report and is aware of staff's recommendations. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried, a recommendation was made to the City Council to cash the bond and order the parking lot improvements, and that this item be reviewed in six months subsequent to installation of the fence. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 90 -461, 1229 GRAND AVENUE, MINOR ARCHITECTURAL REVISION TO EXISTING BUILDING (KINNEY SHOE CORPORATION). Current Planner Spierling reviewed the staff report dated January 15, 1991, and briefly described the minor revisions proposed for the building. He advised that the Architectural Advisory Committee and the Staff Advisory Committee have reviewed the project, and approval of the project was recommended with the findings, and subject to the conditions of approval listed in the staff report. Glen Martin, 958 Grand Avenue, Commercial Property Management for Williams Brothers Market, spoke regarding the landscaping requirements listed in the conditions of approval. He advised that plans are on the drawing board for remodeling that entire shopping center, possibly within two to three years, and they would have no problem incorporating necessary landscaping into the plans at that time. The Commission agreed that the landscaping conditions listed in the staff report be excluded from the conditions of approval at this time. After a brief discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 90 -461 was approved on motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried, deleting Conditions of Approval No. 6, 10.c, 11 and 12 listed in the staff report dated January 15, 1991. 5 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 1 -15 -91 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commision, on motion by Vice Chairman Soto, seconded by Commissioner Souza, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P. M. to a special Planning Commission meeting on January 29, 1991. ATTEST: Pearl L. Phinney, Secretary 6 Soto, Vice Chairman 249