September 6, 1990
The Arroyo Grande Planning commission met in adjourned session at 7:00 P.M.
in the Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers with Chairman Carr presiding. Present
are Commissioners Moore, Souza, Brandy, and Soto. One vacancy exists on the
Commission. Also in attendance are Long Range Planner Sandra Bierdzinski, City
Attorney Judy Skousen, Public Works Director /City Engineer Paul Karp and City
Water Coordinator Karen Williams.
Long Range Planner Sandy Bierdzinski reviewed the City Water Policy staff report
dated September 6, 1990. She stated that an alternative was handed out regarding
Attachment C.
City Attorney Judy Skousen reviewed Attachment A, a draft ordinance regarding an
amendment to Title 8, Chapter 14 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code requiring
the installation of water saving devices (including ultra -low flush and flow
fixtures) in all new construction, when replacing plumbing fixtures in existing
structures, upon sale of existing structures and in all commercial and industrial
structures by the year 2000. Chairman Carr stated that he would prefer that the
word "perilously" be deleted in the third paragraph of the ordinance (Attachment
A). He also suggested D. of the ordinance to read:
"On new construction only the hot water pipes shall be fully insulated.
The City Attorney agreed with the Planning Commission to delete the two
modifications stated by Chairman Carr.
The Planning Commission and the City Attorney discussed paragraph E. of the
ordinance and agreed on deleting paragraph E until further notice.
Ms. Skousen reviewed Attachment B, "An Ordinance Amending Title 6 Chapter 7 of
the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code To Require Water Consumers To Repair and
Maintain Water Fixtures and Plumbing ". She stated that the Code Enforcement
Officer or the Police Department would be the appropriate parties to enforce
Section 6 -7.29 of the Municipal Code.
Karen Williams discussed water condition stages (Attachment C) and reviewed the
alternative normal water supply conditions. The Planning Commission approved of
the alternative normal water supply conditions dated September 6, 1990.
Chairman Carr stated that #7 on Slightly Restricted Water Supply Conditions and
on Normal Water Supply Conditions be renumbered as #1.
Paul J. Karp discussed Attachment D, a proposed ordinance regarding water demand
neutralization for new projects. Chairman Carr questioned No. 5, Allocation of
Water to Projects. Mr. Karp stated he would modify No. 5 to be understood
regarding the definition of allocations. Chairman Carr modified sentence I.A.
to read:
"A. Applications for building permits to construct or modify
single family dwellings shall be accepted at any time
upon receipt by the building department of a letter of
request and copy of a recorded deed ".
Sandy Bierdzinski reviewed the outline of discussion items on the Preliminary
Draft Development Code dated September 6, 1990. The Commission moved discussion
of signs to the first item on the agenda.
Long Range Planner Bierdzinski discussed the Sign Regulations staff report dated
September 6, 1990, and the summary of proposed changes in comparison to the
existing regulations.
Ms. Bierdzinski reviewed sign height and explained Note A., page 4 of the sign
comparison. Heather Jensen, representing the Chamber of Commerce, requested that
in the third sentence in Note A., "whichever is lower" be modified to "whichever
is higher ". The Planning Commission concurred with staff, to leave it as written
in Note A. Ms. Bierdzinski reviewed the sign area definition and calculations
of sign area of existing and proposed regulations.
Ms. Bierdzinski discussed neon signs and questioned the Planning Commission if
neon signs were appropriate for the Village area. The Planning Commission agreed
on limiting neon signs in size and quantity citywide, and recommended citywide
neon standards. She then questioned the Planning Commission if wood signs are
more appropriate then plastic signs. The Planning Commission stated they were
in no position to prohibit exterior plastic signs. Chairman Carr asked Ms.
Jensen how the Chamber of Commerce felt about standard materials. ?lieather Jensen
stated that the Chamber Sign Committee would like a variety of materials for
signs so that each applicant had their own individuality. Mn. Jensen also
questioned plastic signs with changeable letters. The Planning Coranission agreed
that changeable copy signs would be judged on their own merit.
Ms. Bierdzinski reviewed temporary signs. Heather Jensen stated that 32 square
foot signs are more reasonable for temporary signs, and that the 60 day limit per
year may be too strict. She would like the maximum size of temporary signs to
be 32 square feet in lieu of 12 square feet, and the time period deleted. The
Planning Commission agreed to modify the maximum size of temporary signs to 32
square feet, and exempt grocery stores from the 60 day limit per year.
Ms. Bierdzinski asked the Planing Commission if the sign ordinance should apply
to all signs or just new signs. The City Attorney reviewed. aaortization of
signs, and recommended that the sign ordinance apply to all old, nEk, and illegal
signs. She stated that it is required after 6 months of adopting a sign
ordinance, to prepare an inventory of illegal signs. Judy Skousei recommended
not changing the sign ordinance unless the Planning Commission ; s willing to
abate signs. The Planning Commission agreed to make the s4, n ordinance
applicable to all signs.
Sandy Bierdzinski reviewed comments from the Chamber of Commerce regarding sign
illumination restrictions. The Planning Commission agreed to the restrictions.
Ms. Bierdzinski discussed various sign categories. Heather Jensen zugYested the
following: The maximum size for Contractor Signs be modified to 3.' scz"_'are feet
in lieu of 8 square feet; the maximum size of Future Tenant Signs b: mot* .fied to
32 square feet, and delete "remove sign within 10 days of close of ascr.:i "; the
maximum size of Agricultural Signs of 4 square feet is too small; and addc.o Open
and Closed Signs, "one sign at each entrance ".
The Planning Commission agreed to: modify Contractor Signs not to exc•, d 32
square feet; that 4 square feet is to small for Agricultural) Signs and
recommended 12 square feet during harvest season; and did not have Fy problen. , .. ith
the open and closed signs regarding one sign at each entrance. Ms. Bierdz:
stated that staff would provide more information regarding the Future Te Llt
The Commission agreed to a special meeting on September 26, 1990, at 7:00 P. Preliminary Draft Development Code Workshop.
There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Carr
adjourned the workshop at 10:56 P.M.
4 1Mona L. Prelesnik, Commission Cl
Robert W. Carr, Chairman