PC Minutes 1990-04-03ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION, APRIL 3, 1990 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in special session with Chairman Robert Carr presiding. Present were Commissioners Flores, Soto, Moore, Gallagher, Brandy and Fischer. Also in attendance were Planning Director Doreen Liberto - Blanck and Current Planner Scott Spierling. MINUTE APPROVAL Hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the special Planning Commission meeting of December 13, 1989, were approved as submitted, on motion of Commissioner Flores, seconded by Commissioner Gallagher, and unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 90 -470 AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE 90 -446, 1064 MAPLE STREET, ARNO LASCARI Mr. Spierling referred to the Staff Report of April 3, 1990, and said the applicant is in the process of constructing a 1,527 square foot residence and detached three -car garage on this site. He showed plans of the project on the overhead projector, and said the main entrance to the house will be approximately in the middle of the south elevation. He said the main house and the second unit will be connected by a double door that is located off the dining room in the main house. He said the second dwelling unit is a studio type unit with a main living area that has kitchen facilities located along two walls, in an "L" configuration, and a separate closet and bathroom also is provided. Mr. Spierling said the colors and materials used in the structures will consist of eggshell white stucco, pewter colored wood trim, and a black composite shingle roof. He said the setbacks meet the requirements of the R -1 zone (Single Family Residential) as set forth by the Zoning Ordinance. He said the applicant is constructing a three - car garage, that will satisfy the parking requirements of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Spierling said the Staff Advisory Committee has recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution which: 1. Approves the project subject to the findings and conditions of approval; 2. Adopts a Negative Declaration; and 3. Instructs the Secretary to file a Notice of Determination. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. The applicant, Arno Lascari, said he would answer any questions with regard to the project. Commission Moore asked if Mr. Lascari has obtained a building permit, and Mr. Spierling said he has one for the house he is building, and is asking to be allowed to convert a bare -boned room into a second residential unit with a kitchen. When no one else came forward to speak, Commissioner Carr closed the hearing to the floor. There were further questions by Commissioners, and a discussion the water shortage in the City and the wisdom of allowing second residential units. Mr. Spierling said State law requires cities to approve these units on any R -1 lots. The possibility of adopting a Citywide ordinance with findings prohibiting the second residential units was discussed. Ms. Liberto - Blanck pointed out that the units are considered low- income housing, which is required by the State. 1 1(6`i1h 1'61 The following action was taken by the Commission: RESOLUTION NO. 90 -1284 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 90 -470, APPLIED FOR BY ARNO LASCARI, LOCATED AT 1064 MAPLE STREET TO CONVERT A 470 SQ. FT. PORTION OF A HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION TO A SECOND RESIDENTIAL UNIT, ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION A motion was made to adopt the Resolution by Commissioner Flores, and was seconded by Commissioner Gallagher. Referring to the City's Architectural Guidelines, Commissioner Fischer suggested that there is a need for more defined architectural guidelines with more design features, more character and more quality built into the residential units being constructed in the City. The following roll call vote was taken: AYES: Commissioners Flores, Gallagher, Carr, Brandy and Fischer NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioners Soto and Moore the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 3rd day of April, 1990. It was moved by Commissioner Flores, and seconded by Commissioner Brandy to approve Architectural Review Case 90 -446. The motion passed, with Commissioner Fischer voting no. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE 90 -473, INSTALL 50 FOOT ALUMINUM FLAGPOLE AT 1590 WEST BRANCH STREET, CARL'S JR. RESTAURANT Mr. Spierling said in response to a request to install a flag pole, the Planning Commission on September 18, 1979, determined that flag poles should be subject to approval via the conditional use permit process. He said the applicant is proposing construction of a 50 foot high flag pole, topped by a 10 inch diameter spun aluminum ball. He said the pole will be used to fly a 10 foot by 15 foot flag. He said the flag pole will be installed in a small lawn area near the main entrance to the restaurant, and the decrease in landscaping will not significantly affect the percent of landscaping provided by the restaurant. Mr. Spierling said the Staff Advisory Committee has recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution which recommends that the City Council approve this project, subject to the findings and conditions of approval. There were Commission questions of Staff. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, Chairman Carr closed the hearing to the floor. Commissioner Fischer said she believes that flag poles with American flags belong on public property and should not be connected with commercial ventures. Commissioner Soto referred to a letter from Reuben Kvidt, developer of Oak Park Acres, supporting the request for the flag pole. The following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO.90 -12$5 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF USE PERMIT CASE NO. 90 -473, APPLIED FOR BY CARL'S JR. RESTAURANT, LOCATED AT 1590 WEST BRANCH STREET TO INSTALL A 50 FOOT FLAG POLE On motion of Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Soto, Gallagher, Flores, Moore and Brandy NOES: Commissioner Fischer ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 3rd day of April, 1990. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 983, RESUBDIVISION OF FOUR (4) EXISTING PARCELS INTO SIX (6) PARCELS, 134, 141, 143 AND 145 TALLY HO ROAD, L. C. LAVINE Planner John Ashbaugh referred to his Staff Report, and explained why the Staff Advisory Board had recommended this project for denial. He said the location is in the neighborhood of Via La Barranca in an area off Tally Ho Road. He said the property consists of four acres, which are covered with heavy vegetation. He said the property has the zoning of RAB -3 on the back two lots and RAB -2 on the front two lots. He said the applicant wants to divide the front two lots into four lots. He said it is in effect a resubdivision of the property, and conditions for approval would apply to the whole property. He said there is not enough information at this time to develop conditions. He said there has been a wholesale nursery on the site, and a greenhouse remains standing but unoccupied. Mr. Ashbaugh said the sensitive issues involved include steep slopes, drainage, vegetation and sight distance at the primary access road and Tally Ho Road. He said the City Engineer has recommended a full forty foot road dedication. He said lacking the results of a study of the sight distance, the City has been unable to make findings that the proposed design and improvements of this subdivision would be consistent with the City's General Plan. He said it appears that the site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development, due to its steep slopes and difficult drainage conditions. He said further that the designation of this site in the new General Plan would limit parcel sizes to one acre or larger. Mr. Ashbaugh said the Planning Department has received authorization for a 30 -day extension beyond the six -month time limitation established by State law. He said a deposit of $575 for the traffic study also had been received. There was discussion of which General Plan the project would conform to, and Ms. Liberto - Blanck said the application was found complete prior to the General Plan Update. There was discussion of the steep slopes, drainage, existing vegetation and wild life on the property. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. O. F. Noss of 246 Miller Circle spoke about the drainage from the property, and said the project should be postponed until the problem of the water shortage is solved. Mrs. Noss spoke about the wild life including the oak trees, deer 3 163' 1 and "rafters" on the property. She recommended against further subdivision. Mrs. Robert Tyler of 511 Via La Barranca said that drainage from the property in question backs up when there is rain. She also said that the greenbelt is becoming non - existent and the Eucalyptus trees do house owls, hawks and other animals. Tom Lane of 508 Via La Barranca said there needs to be more study of the access road into the property. He said there is a lot of debris and dried brush which should be cleaned up. He said the drainage is a problem. When no one else came forward to speak, Chairman Carr closed the hearing to the floor. There was discussion by the Commission of why the applicant was not present and the possibility that he thought the item would be continued without discussion at this meeting. Commissioners said they were not in favor of the project generally because of the aforementioned issues. Mr. Ashbaugh said he would convey the serious reservations about the project on the part of the Commissioners, and recommend that the applicant not spend the money for the sight study at this time. It was moved by Commissioner Soto, and seconded by Commissioner Gallagher to continue Tentative Tract Case No. 983 to April 17, 1990. The motion passed, with Commissioners Brandy and Fischer voting no. SIGN PERMIT NO. 89 -96, 610 GRAND AVENUE, PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM, JOHN HAYASHI This agenda item was continued to the Planning Commission meeting of May 1, 1990. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 1401 (REVISED), HALCYON ROAD AND ALPINE STREET, JERREN JORGENSEN, Mr. Spierling referred to his Staff Report, and said there were seven issues which were discussed by the Planning Commission and Staff which led to the continuance from December 13, 1989. He said three of the seven issues have been resolved, and Staff and the applicant have discussed the four remaining issues. He said they have found ways the remaining issues can be resolved, but still need to do some more work. He said the applicant has agreed in writing to the continuance to April 17, 1990. There were questions by the Commissioners. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and legal requirements met, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. Dr. Jerren Jorgensen, the applicant, said he plans to remove the details on the R -1 section of the property and leave it as a separate parcel unspecified. Mr. Spierling said the applicant plans to subdivide the commercial section into three lots and leave the residential property for subdivision at a later date. Clifford R. Parson of 653 Cerra Vista Circle said he was wondering about the project's driveway interfering with his driveway. When no one else came forward to speak, Chairman Carr closed the hearing to the floor. After Commission discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Soto, and seconded by Commissioner Fischer to continue the discussion of Tentative Tract No. 1401 to the meeting of April 17, 1990. PARCEL MAP CASE 89 -482, SUBDIVISION TO CREATE TWO LOTS ON A 22,830 SQ. FT. PARCEL, PROPOSED GROSS LOT SIZES ARE 9,900 SQ. FT. AND 12,930 SQ. FT., 1040 MAPLE STREET, ALEX J. RAMEY Mr. Spierling referred to his Staff Report, and said the Planning Commission continued this item from the meeting of February 20, 1990 to the meeting of April 17, 1990. He said the City Council had given some direction on the water issue sooner than expected and the item was rescheduled for this meeting. He said the Council direction consisted on requiring projects to use water conserving fixtures, drought tolerant landscaping and drip irrigation. He said based on this direction, Staff has added mitigation measure number 4 to the resolution for approval of this project. Mr. Spierling recommended that the Commission adopt a resolution which: 1. Approves the parcel map with the findings, and subject to the conditions of approval shown on the resolution; 2. Approve a negative declaration with mitigation measures; and 3. Instructs the secretary to file a Notice of Determination. Mr. Spierling explained the particulars of the map, and said it is a two lot subdivision fronting on Maple. He said it is in a flag lot configuration, and parcel size is 20,130 sq. ft. He said new lot sizes are 12,330 sq. ft. on the rear parcel, and 7,800 sq. ft. on the front parcel. He said there is a 20 ft. access and utility easement provided for the rear parcel, and that also can serve parcel 1. He said all setbacks and lot coverage can be met, one tree may have to be removed, an archaeological study has been done, and the applicant has agreed to pay $2,656 for traffic mitigation. Commissioner Fischer asked if the Public Works Department has in place a monitoring system for the water conservation requirements on this project. Mr. Spierling said the City's Mitigation Monitoring Program requires each department to sign off prior to the time frame listed and before recording the Parcel Map. Commissioner Fischer asked if the landscaping would have to be in, and Mr. Spierling said no, just the approval of the CC &Rs which require the landscaping to be installed. Ms. Liberto - Blanck said the City will be employing a Water Conservation Director to handle these matters. There was discussion of whether the City would be involved in enforcing the CC &Rs, which are agreements between the homeowners in a subdivision, or if the City's water conservation program is more advisory in nature. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. Terry Orton of Westland Engineering said the conditions on this project are similar to those on the Olsen project which was approved recently. He said the applicant would not be opposed to having the landscaping installed prior to final approval of the building. He said that the City could be part of the CC &Rs and thereby have input into the enforcement of the water conservation measures. When no one else came forward to speak, Chairman Carr closed the hearing to the floor. 5 165 1 6 There was extensive Commission discussion of the City monitoring the CC &Rs on this lot split in order to make sure the water conservation requirements are complied with. There also was discussion of allowing second dwelling units in the City and the potential of four units eventually being built on the parcels if this lot split is approved. There was Commission concern about limiting second units because of the water shortage. Chairman Carr suggested an ordinance limiting them with findings that it would be in the best interest of the City. Ms. Liberto- Blanck said the ordinance would have to be Citywide. She said State law says the City must permit second units in R -1 Zones. She also said the second units could Se-counted as the City's low income housing. She said she would discuss the issue with the City Attorney again. After further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Soto, and seconded by Commissioner Flores, to pass a Resolution approving Parcel Map Case No. 89 -482 with an additional Mitigation Measure No. 5, which shall read, "Prior to final occupancy of any structure constructed on either Lot 1 or 2, all water conserving designs or fixtures shall be installed." RESOLUTION NO. 90 -1286 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 89 -482 LOCATED AT 1040 MAPLE STREET APPLIED FOR BY J. ALEX RAMEY, ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION AYES: Commissioners Soto, Flores, Gallagher and Fischer NOES: Commissioners Brandy and Carr ABSTAIN: Commissioner Moore the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 3rd day of April, 1990. THE COMMISSION RECESSED FROM 8:50 TO 8:55 P.M. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 90 -447, 221 E. BRANCH STREET, ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF A RETAINING WALL AND PROJECT SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, MARK GODFREY Continued to the meeting of May 1, 1990. CITY COUNCIL ANSWERED AGENDA No additional information was presented. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF ADDITION TO VILLAGE CREEK PLAZA I Mr. Spierling referred to his Staff Report of April 3, 1990, and said Mid Coast Land Company has requested permission to enclose the breezeway under the clock tower of building A with a glass enclosure. He said it would provide a wind -free seating area for the patrons of the deli which is housed in this building. He said the applicants feel this is a minor change to the building and should not be required to undergo architectural review. After questions of Staff and discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Brandy, seconded by Commissioner Flores, and the motion passed, to require the applicants to go through the Architectural Review process so that Planning Commissioners can clarify what the interior space will be used for, and whether or not the enclosed breezeway will become an extension of the delicatessen. Chairman Carr also asked that installation of just one panel in front be considered in the review. PLANNING COMMISSIONERS INSTITUTE Ms. Liberto - Blanck and Commissioner Fischer reported on the institute, and said the sessions on community themes, architectural guidelines, and water were very informative. The Planning Director said future conferences will take place in 6 Monterey. There was discussion of the Planning Commission holding workshops on subjects such as architectural guidelines and water conservation, with outside speakers invited. SIGN INTERPRETATION - LAST CHANCE LIQUOR Mr. Spierling referred to his Staff Report of April 3, 1990,/ and said Staff felt that the sign permit application constituted three signs, and as a result, only issued a permit for thesign over the arched window on the front of the building. He said the applicant disagreed with Staff and felt the three signs constitute , ,one continuous sign. CHARLES DOSTER, the applicant, 1152 Tenth Street, Los Osos, spoke in favor of the signs being considered as one sign. He said additional signs are needed on the sides.because the middle sign with the arch is not lighted. After Commission discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Gallagher, and seconded by Chairman Carr to interpret the signs as one single sign. The motion passed on a roll call vote, with Gallagher, Carr, Brandy, Moore and Soto voting aye and Fisher and Flores voting no. Chairman Carr asked Staff to research the use of plastic signs in the Village. Mr. Doster said the flagpole at the business establishment would be 20 feet high and fly only United States and California flags. COMMISSION DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPING GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES FOR THE CITY Commissioner Fischer suggested getting input from other cities, and some of the speakers at the Planning Commissioners Institute. Commissioners discussed the Village having guidelines but the rest of the City having none. They said guidelines would allow planning applicants to know what would be expected of them. Commissioner Flores said there should be a consistent theme in the commercial areas but not in residential. Commissioner Soto said he would like to see the Village historical character confirmed. After further discussion, Commissioners directed Staff to begin a review and plot a course toward general architectural guidelines for the City, and set up workshops on the subject, with the public and other cities being invited. Ms. Liberto - Blanck said she would have to include in the 1990/1991 Budget monies for speakers for the workshops. She said she has included in the budget so far a Master Trails Plan, an Historic District Plan for the Village area, a Sphere of Influence Study and a Low Income Housing study. Commissioners Fischer and Gallagher volunteered to work with Staff on developing the architectural guidelines. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Planning Director brought to the attention of the Commissioners Assembly Bill 4242, which would set up seven regional agencies throughout the State. She said the agencies would have certain land use powers, which could take some control away from local government. The Commission was reminded that the City Council would be holding its first meeting on the General Plan Update at 7:30 P.M. Monday, April 9, 1990, at the South County Regional Center. Also announced was a County -wide Planning Commission meeting on April 5, 1990, at the Embassy Suites, San Luis Obispo. ADJOURNMENT The Commission adjourned at 9:50 P.M. to the Special County -Wide Meeting at 1:00 P.M. Thursday, April 5, 1990. ATTEST: ` _ __ / / d14 N CY A. DAVIS, CITY CL 7 ROBERT W. CARR, CHAIRMAN