PC Minutes 1989-07-1862 Arroyo Grande Planning Qamrmission July 18, 1989 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Flores presiding. Present are Commissioners Gallagher, Brandy and Carr. Commissioners Moore, Soto and Chairman Gerrish are absent. Planning Director Liberto- Blanck and Current Planner Spierling are also in attendance. Vice Chairman Flores welcomed Robert Carr back to the Commission, and introduced new Planning Commissioner Drew Brandy and welcomed him to the Commission. MINUTE APPROVAL On motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 1989 were approved as submitted. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1989 -90 Due to the absence of three Commissioners, Vice Chairman Flores continued this item to a meeting when a full Commission is present. NON - PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 89 -426, ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SHOP AND ARROYO DRUG CO., 130 AND 132 EAST BRANCH STREET, REMODEL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES (RAIPH BUSH CONSTRUCTION.) Current Planner Spierling stated that the Planning Commission discussed this matter at their last meeting. Sane of the concerns expressed by the affected business owners were safety during the remodeling process and business loss. He stated that the item was continued from the June 20th Commission meeting to allow the applicant an opportunity to work out an agreement between the business owners and the landlord regarding these concerns. He pointed out that staff has not been contacted by the business owners to determine whether or not an agreement was reached. Mr. Spierling stated that the Staff Advisory Committee and the Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory Board have both recommended approval of the project based upon the findings and conditions listed in the staff report dated June 20, 1989. Ralph Bush, representative for the property owner, stated he talked to both of the business owners and gave them a copy of the artist's rendering of the project and explained in detail that some of the work was to make the building conform to the seismic safety code regulations, and some of it was going to be a face lift. It was also explained to them that much of the job could be done without scaffolding, without any interruption to their business, and the only time there would be a false wall to interrupt traffic would be a period of 7 to 8 working days, however traffic would still be able to enter and exit through the front. He commented that both business owners seemed to be happy with the proposal. Mr. Bush briefly described the security measures being taken to protect the businesses during the construction period. Jens Wagner, Arroyo Drug Co., stated that what Mr. Bush outlined is essentially acceptable to them. After a brief discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 89 -426 was approved on Motion by Commissioner Gallagher, seconded by Commissioner Brandy, and unanimously carried, subject to the two conditions listed in the staff report dated June 20, 1989, and the following additional condition: 1. State Pharmaceutical Board shall submit an approved letter on the proposed plan prior to issuance of a building permit. NON - PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Vice Chairman Flores referred to Viewshed Review Permit No. 89 -05, a second story addition to a residence at 234 Garden Street, applied for by Mike Rhodes, and Viewshed Review Permit No. 89 -08 for a second story addition to a residence at 2551 Lancaster Drive, applied for by James Biddison. He stated that these items are informational only unless someone wishes to comment on the proposal. There were no comments either from the audience or the Commission. Revised Architectural Review Case No. 88 -413, So. Traffic Way (St. Barnabas Church.) Current Planner Spierling reviewed that on September 20, 1988 the Planning Commission approved this architectural review for development of St. Barnabas Church on South Traffic Way Extension. The City Council subsequently approved a Conditional Use Permit for this project on October 12, 1988 subject to 37 conditions. Mr. Spierling stated that basically, because of funding difficulties, the applicants are Arroyo Grande Planning Corm fission, 7 -18 -89 . 2 requesting permission to construct the church in two phases. Phase I would be 9600 square feet in size and includes the sanctuary, parish hall, offices, parking and landscaping. Phase II consists of a total of 1800 square feet of building and includes six classrooms along the rear of the structure. He advised that the request for phasing seems to be minor, and the Staff Advisory Committee recommends that the Planning Commission approve the request. In answer to the Commission's question regarding a time limit for completion of Phase II, Current Planner Spierling stated that if the Planning Commission wishes, they could condition the approval by adding a time limit for canpletirg the second phase. Planning Director Liberto- Blanck noted that the Commission could also request the applicant to come back before the Comnission if the second phase is not started after a year. Vice Chairman Flores noted that the only thing the Commission is asked at this time is to approve the phasing request. Curt Illingworth, architect for the project, stated that the church has every intention of building the entire project within two years. In answer to Vice Chairman Flores' question if there are any of the conditions that cannot be met with Phase I if Phase II is deferred, Mr. Illingworth stated he didn't think so because most of the conditions are pretty well met. Ms. Liberto- Blanck suggested a condition be added requiring the applicant to come back before the Commission for architectural approval before beginning Phase II. Commissioner Gallagher suggested putting possibly a two year cap on Phase II. Mr. Illingworth stated it will be at least a year from now before Phase I gets built, and maybe three years is more realistic for Phase II. Ms. Liberto-Blanck stated a report could be submitted to the Planning Commission in two years informing them of the current status. After further discussion, on notion by Commissioner GA1lsgher, seconded by Vice Chairman Flores, and unanimously carried, Revised Architectural. Review Case No. 88 -413 was approved with the following additions: 1. The applicant shall return within two years with a status report on Phase II. 2. When the applicant is ready to construct Phase II, they shall return to the Planning Commission for architectural review. Revised Architectural Review Case 87 -388, 1450 W. Branch Street (Oak Park Home Design Center). Current Planner Spierling stated that on June 16, 1987 the Planning Commission recommended approval of the architectural review and conditional use permit for development of the Oak Park Home Design Center at 1450 W. Branch Street. The City Council subsequently approved the project on July 14, 1987. He noted that the project was constructed as planned, with a split level floor plan designed so that each of the three businesses had interior access to one another. He stated that one of the tenants, Amador's Fine Furniture, is requesting modification to the entrance to their store, since the hours of operation between the tenants do not coincide. He pointed out that this problem was not foreseen in the original plan. Amador's Fine Furniture has an exterior entrance along the southeast face of the building. However, it is difficult to find if customers park in the lot northwest of the struture. To eliminate this problem, Amador's would like to add their own entrance to the northwest side of the building. The proposed entrance would be architecturally consistent with the neighboring entrance at Phillip's Floor Covering and linked to the parking lot by way of an extension of the existing walkway. He noted that no parking spaces would be taken up by the modification, however, a minor amount of landscaping would be lost. Mr. Spierling advised that in reviewing the request, it was staff's feeling that amendment of the Conditional Use Permit would not be necessary since the revision is a minor design change, and not a charge that would affect the approved design concept or use. Richard Koepecke, stated he is the architect for Mr. Amador, and they concur with Mr. Spierling's recommendations. There being no further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Vice Chairman Flores, and unanimously carried, Revised Architectural Review Case No. 87 -388 was approved as proposed. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT/DIBCUSSION City Council Answered Agenda for July 11, 1989. Planning Director Liberto - Blanck 63 `6'4 Arroyo Grande Planning Camission, 7 -18 -89 briefly reviewed the Council's answered agenda, noting that on the Rancho Grande project, basically, the Council came down with a motion to deny without prejudice and staff is coning back to the Council on Tuesday with findings so that the Council can adopt a resolution of denial without prejudice. Appoint of 2 Planning Cannimioners far Joint Meeting. Ms. Liberto - Blanck reviewed that in May the Cormmission discussed the possibility of meeting with Planning Commissioners from Grover City and Pismo Beach. Pismo Beach and Grover are in favor of the joint meetings, and are in the process of appointing Commissioners as their representatives. She stated that the purpose of the joint meetings will be to sit down with other representatives from other Commissions to organize and schedule a meeting and came up with some goals and policies on what we will be talking about at joint Planning Cammisssion meetings. After discussion, Commissioner Gallagher and Vice Chairman Flores volunteered to represent the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission at the joint meetings with the cities of Grover City and Pismo Beach. Request by Security Pacific Bank. Current Planner Spierling advised that Security Pacific Bank has approached staff about removing their drive -up window, updating the facia and installing an automatic teller. Staff felt this is a minor architectural change to the building and that the modification could be approved at staff level. However, staff wanted to get the Commission's input before making a determination. The Commission expressed concern regarding security and possible elimination of drive -thru facilities for purposes of air quality. Commissioner Gallagher stated he would like to see some feedback from the Police Department regarding security concerns. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Vice Chairman at 8:20 P.M. ArilOr Commission Clerk Tony Flo Vice 3