HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1989-02-07Arroyo Grande Planning Commission February 7, 1989 The Arroyo Grande Planning Connission niet in regular session with Chairman Soto presiding. The Chairman introduced new Planning Commissioner, Paulette McCann, and welcomed her to the Conmission. ITe noted that the second new Commissioner, Pete Gallagher, was unable to attend the meeting tonight. Also present are Ccirrrussionexs Gerrish, Moore, Scott, and McCann. Commissioners Flores and Gallagher are absent. Planning Director I,iberto- Blanek, Current Planner Spier•ling, and Long Range Planner Bierdzinski are also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Convnissioner• Gerrish corrected the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of December 6, 1988, Page 2, Paragraph 6, to read "Commissioner" instead of "Commission ". There being no further corrections or additions, the miunute`s of December 6, 1988 were approved as corrected on motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Scott, and unanimously carried. CONTINUED PUBLIC IIEARING - PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 88 -461 (AG 88 -087), DIVISION OF ONE PARCEL INTO TWO PAR I USING OPTIONAL DESIGN STANDARDS, 230 W. BRANCH STREET. (EDWIN NELSON/CERTIFIED FREIGHT LINES) Current Planner Spierling reviewed that the Planning Commission, at its meeting of January 17, 1989 reviewed the above referenced lot split and instructed staff to prepare an initial environmental study, a negative declaration, findings of fact, and conditions of approval so the Planning Commission could consider approval of the project. He commented that staff has complied with the request and the information has been included in the agenda packets. Mr. Spierling reiterated sc of staff's concerns and reasons for recommending denial of the project, as listed in the staff report, dated February 7, 1989. Chairman Soto reopened the public hearing on Parcel Map Case No. 88 -461. Jim McGillis, Surveyor with San Luis Engineering, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated that at the last meeting Mr. Nelson mentioned a petition he had passed around to the neighborhood in favor of his lot split. Mr. PileGillis stated he would like to submit that petition for the record. With regard to the question as to whether optional design standards is an appropriate use for this particular project, Mr. McGillis stated they based their application on the fact that with the optional design standards, the property would have a backyard facing on Larchmont. I -ie pointed out that, based on his past experience on subdivisions, particularly Tony Marsalek's property on Cherry Avenue, that particular project was opposed because they didn't want the backyards on Cherry Avenue facing the other properties. He further stated that with the condition included for curb and gutter, that would reduce the danger of erosion. • lJpon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed parcel map, Chairman Soto declared the hearing closed. Commissioner McCann stated it is her feeling that the proposal is not consistent with the general plan density so she is definitely not in favor of it. Chairman Soto referred to the Land Use E1enent of the General Plan, pointing out one of the statements made was when the land use element was first developed, it took into consideration the existing neighborhoods. He stated he doesn't understand why this area was considered low density residential when right next to it up the hill was designated medium density residential. It was his feeling that the 4.5 dwelling units per acre is a moc't point because when the general plan was first written, as they had already exceeded that density. Planning Director Liberto- Blanck stated that sometimes local governments designate areas of existing high density with lower general plan densities so lots are not further subdivided. Chairman Soto pointed out that this is the only lot left in that area that could be subdivided. Commissioner Gerrish stated his opinion that this proposal does conform, to the general plan because a lot with 6,000 square feet is allowable anywhere in the City. IIe stated, however, he does have a problem with using Optional Design Standards because he feels it is used too much and he personally would prefer to see the variance application used. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 89 -1222 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 88 -461, 230 WEST BRANCH STREET, UNDER OPTIONAL DESIGN STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE• DECLARATION (EDWIN NELSON /CERTIFIED FREIGHT LINES) On motion by Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: l3 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -7 -89 2 AYES: Commissioners Cerrish, 1l1oore, Scott, and Chairman Soto NOES: Commissioner McCann ABSENT: Commissioners Flores and Gallagher the foregoing Resolution Was adopted this 7th day of February 1989. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO. 89 -133, VARIANCE TO EXCEED SIGN ORDINANCE REGULATIONS, 525 TRAFFIC WAY. (UNOCAL CORP./YOUNG E D IC SIGN CO„). Long Range Planner Bierdzinski stated that the Planning Concussion denied th crigintd application on December 6, 1988 because it could not find that the proposal was in conformance with the Maimed Sign Program. She noted that neither the applicant or their representative were present at that r-. et ng. On January 10, 1988, the City Council heard an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision and the Council directed the Planning Con Imission to re-examine the application at a new public hearing with the applicant and station owner present. She stated, in the meantime, Planning staff reviewed the proposal with the City Attorney and it was suggested that the application be processed as a variance rather t] nn a planned sign program, since the applicant is requesting an exception to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The aplicant has agreed to process the project as a variance. Ms. Bierdzinski advised the applicant is requesting to remove and replace several signs on their property on Traffic Way. A variance from the Zoning Ordinance has been requested to allow the addition of n new sign to an existing non - conforming pole sign and to exceed the maximum sign area allowed. Ms. Bierdzinski reviewed the signs currently existing on the site and their location:.. She stated the applicant is requesting the variance in order to adcl additional square footage to an existing non - conforming pole sign. She noted it is a double faced sign and is 60 foot high. The pole sign was erected prior to the current sign ordinance taking effect. The sign ordinance restricts pole signs in the C -3 zone to 15 feet, and under those restrictions, non - conforming signs cannot be expanded or reconstructed. She further stated that the maximum sign area that would be allowed for this site is exceeded, and the variance would also cover the request to exceed the sign area. Upon being assured by the Planning Cvnrnussion Clerk that public hearing for Variance Case No. 89 -133 haci been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Soto opened the public hearing. Tom Huff, Young Electric Sign Canpany, representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the variance being granted. He described the proposed signs, stating that UNOCAL Corp. are proposing these signs for all of their locations. He stated if they lower the sign they would lose the freeway visibility and the station has a lot to lose if that goes down. He stated it is their intention to go in and remove tr lot of the extraneous signs to make the site look more attractive. 1` "arie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, spoke in favor of the variance being granted. She stated it would not only be of benefit to the owner, but also would accommodate the traveling public. hearing no further comments for or against the proposed variance, Chairman Soto declared the hewing closed. After further discussion, the following action was taken RESOLUTION NO. 89 -1223 Commissioner Gerrish stated he doesn't see anything wrong with the proposal, however, he doesn't see how the signs can be allowed under the existing ordinance, and he doesn't feel he can make the findings to grant a variance. Commissioner McCann stated she feels that this particular location is not a very good one to be seen from the freeway, and she doesn't feel like the owner should be penalized or made to bring that sign down to a lower level because it has been there for so long. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COI1M1SSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 89 -133, APPLIED FOR BY UNOCAL CORP., 525 TRAFFIC WAY. (YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN CO.). On motion by Commissioner Scott, seconded by Clrairtnan Soto, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Commissioners Cerrish, 1'rloore, Scott, None Commissioners Gallagher and Flores Resolution was adopted this 7th day of 1\lcCarin and Chairman Soto February 1989. PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 80 -295, REVIEW OF EXISTING CONDITION OF USE PERMIT ALLOWING AGRICULTURAL GREENHOUSE, 100 ORCHID LANE. (ROBERT ASBELL) Current Planner Spierling briefly reviewed the staff report dated February + He stated it is the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -7 -89 3 recommendation of staff that the Planning Commission extend this conditional use permit for another five years, at which time it shall be reviewed again to assure continued compatibility with land uses. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Clerk that public hearing for review of Use Permit Case No. 80 -295 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Soto declared the hearing open. Robert Asbell, applicant for the use permit, spoke in favor of the use permit and gave a brief history of the property. He stated he agreed with the staff report, with the exception of the requirement for review in five years. He stated it is a considerable investment and the possibility that he may have to dismantle it in five years is not appealing at all. He requested that the Commission consider something other than a five year period. Marjory Gain, 111 Orchid Lane, and Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane spoke in favor of the use permit being extended. Hearing no further comments for or against the extension of the Conditional Use Permit, Chairman Soto declared the hearing closed. In response to the requirement for a five year review, Current Planner Spierling stated that the area has seen a considerable amount of growth and, in addition, we are going through the general plan update and it is yet to be determined what the density or land uses of that area will become. As a result of that, staff feels that five years is an appropriate length of time for the review. Commissioner Gerrish commented he agrees with Mr. Asbell that five years is too short a period and he world be more in favor of ten or twenty year review. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO.89 -1224 AYES: NODS: AI3SENT: the foregoing A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 80 -295, APPLIED FOR BY ROBERT ASBELL, 200 ORCHID LANE, FOR AN EXISTING 8,820 SQ. FT. GREENHOUSE. On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: Commissioners Gerrish, Moore, Scott, McCann and Chairman Soto None Commissioners Flores and Gallagher Resolution was adopted this 7th day of February, 1989. PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 89 -448, CONSTRUCTION OF AGRICULTURAL GREENHOUSE IN ADDITION TO EXISTING GREENHOUSES, 200 ORCHID LANE. (ROBERT ASBELL). • Current Planner Spierling reviewed the staff report dated February 7, 1989. Upon being assurecl by the Planning Commission Clerk that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 89 -448 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Soto .opened the public hearing. Robert Asbell, applicant, spoke in favor of the use permit being granted and reiterated his comments made in tine review of the existing use permit, that he would like to have a longer review period than five years. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed use permit, Chairman Soto declared the hearing closed. Commissioner McCann suggested that the review period requirement for five years be increased to twenty years (Condition #2 under "Planning Department" requirements). '5 !c Arroyo Grande Planning Commi 2-7-89 4 RESOLUTION NO. 89 -1225 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMJS'SION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 89 -448, APPLIED FOR BY ROBERT ASBELL, 200 ORCHID LANE TO CONSTRUCT A GREENHOUSE. On motion by Commissioner P-JJcCar►n, seconded by Commissioner Cerrish, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cerrish, Scott, McCann, Moore and Chairman Soto NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Gallagher and Flores the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of February 1989. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING DIREICI'OR'S DENIAL OF A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT, 1219 MONTEGO STREET. (JANE MCLAIN) - Planning Director Liberto- Blanck reviewed the staff report dated February 7, 1989 and gave a brief report on the history of the application. She stated that Jane McLain, resident at 1219 Montego, filed a I -tome Occupation Permit application on Deeember 1, 1988 for cutting millinery in her home. On December 15, 1988, the application was denied because the necessary findings could not be made. Since June 1988, City staff has received a number of complaints, in writing and over the telephone, from anonymous persons regarding an alleged manufacturing business being conducted from 1219 Montego. The phone callers alleged that there were employees on site, a nuniker of UPS trucks delivering material and picking up boxes, and loud noises from sewing machines. In July, Paul Lanning, Current Planner, and Chris 'rhyming, Building inspector, visited 1 Montego and were informed by Ms. McLain that she and her friend sew for their children (a total of 22 children), A letter dated July 25th was mailed indicating that sewing as a personal hobby was not an issue, however, the operation of a business in the R -1 zone was not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. 1V1s. McLain was informed that if complaints continue, the City would have to take further action. She stated that the complaints about the alleged business use continued, and on September l6t.h, she and Paul Lanning visited 1219 Montego and witnessed what appeared to be a business. Patterns and materials were scattered throughout the garage and three individuals, who appeared not to understand English, were working in the garage cutting patterns and operating sewing machine. Ms. McLain was not available but a business card was left requesting a telephone call. Ms. McLain called to indicate that the three individuals were her friend's employees. The friend was to return to the area during the following weekend and the sewing operation would discontinue. A certified letter was railed to the owner of the property arid Ms. McClain indicating that a business was not a permitted use in the zone. She advised that the Fire Chief and Chief Building Official have also visited the site and found that there were no apparent building of lire violations. Pictures tal:en.by the hire Chief, however, do illustrate that there is a considerable amount of material stored in the garage, as well as a cutting table and equipment. Ms. Liberto - Blanck submitted a list of the findings to be used to deny the request, as follows: 1. The project will have an effect upon the public health, safety and general welfare of the neighborhood involved and the City at large, because it appears a full time business %vitth employees is being conducted from 1219 Montego, along with large amounts; of material storage; 2. The project will have an effect upon traffic conditions, bc- eciuse of the number of truck deliveries and pick -ups, and apparent employee vehicle parking along Montego; and 3. There will be an effect upon the orderly development of the area in question, and the City at large in regard to the general planning of the wnole cc rntinity because an apparent manufacturing use is being conducted in a residential zone. ``.F ;cki ^:11: Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -7 -89 5 Ms. Liberto- Blanck stated that a nurnter of items were included in the Planning Commissioners' packets such as letters and notes of complaints, and also a letter that the applicant put together with signatures from neighbors. Chairman Soto mentioned in addition to the letters, there are some photographs taken at the residence that he would like to pass around to the Con and a, petition with approximately 15 signatures • from neighbors opposing the project. Upon being assured by the Planning Conrrission Clerk that public hearing for Denial of a Home Occupation Permit at 1219 Montego had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Soto declared the hearing open. Keith Borg, Montego resident, stated he would find it desirable if the commercial operation would move to a commercial area, and he doesn't think it is consistent with the neighborhood to have any visible commercial activity going on there. Rose Torrigan, stated she lives next door to the applicant, and spoke in favor of the applicant's use. She stated Ms. McLain has found a place for her business on Grand Avenue and, in her opinion, things have quieted down quite a bit. Nancy Pife, representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the requested use. She stated that the, only operation. now being conducted from • the residence is just the cutting of material. Max Poole, 1207 Montego, spoke in opposition to the requested use. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed use, Chairman Soto declared the hearing closed. • Commissioner McCann pointed out that if she is just sewing for her ,children and her friend's children, and if that is the case, why does she need a hope occupation permit? Pl inning Director Liberto- l3lanck stated if she just "sewing rjs a hobby that is one'thing, however; the Planning Depart lent had received'carplaints that there is some sort of commercial business being run out of the residence. Commissioner Cerrish stated his feelings that a cormercial business should be run in commercial locations, and a home occupation permit is pepple who have small businesses they want to run out 'of their house. Commissioner 'Soto pointed out there are clear -cut guideline; what type of occupations can be maintained' in residential districts, and businesses cannot be conducted in a residential zone without a Home Occupation Permit. After further discussion, on-motion by Corrnassigner Gerrish, seconded by Conrnissioner McCann, and carried with one "no" vote, the Planning Commission upheld the Planning Director's decision to deny a Home : Occupation Permitat 1219 Montego Street based on the findings outlined in the staff report. Planning Director Liberto-Blanck advised that the Commission's decision can be appealed to the City Council within 10 days. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 88-418, CONST RUCTION OF MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP AND SPACE FOR A FUTURE TENANT, 509 GRAND AVENUE... (RMO ARCHITECTS) Current Planner Spierling reviewed the staff report dated February 7, 1989. Ne commented that access to the site as proposed by the applicants would be through two driveway approaches; one approximately in the middle of the project and one through a 25' common access easement that serves Crockers Lockers Mini - Storage and also the parcel to the east which is currently a used car lot. He stated that the Public Works Department, in their conditions for approval, have asked that the access to Grand Avenue in the center of the project be eliminated for reasons of public safety. He further stated the parking proposed by applicants far exceed the parking requirements. He reviewed the architecture of the proposed structures, loading areas, drainage, setbacks and landscaping, IIe commented on the five major concerns listed in the staff report, and noted that the Staff Advisory Committee has chosen to withhold recommendation on this project. It was felt that the project, with the exception of the architectural design itself, was acceptable subject to the r•ecorrrrrended conditions. Tony Orefice, Architect representing the applicant, spoke regarding staff's comments on the design of the project. He:stated he is attempting to create the village style by using types of materials, such as the split face block and wrapping that block around the front of the building and mixing with the Victorian style. Also, in response to staff's request, he presented two other variations to the original submittal. Mr. Orefice referred to staff's comments regarding access on Grand Avenue. He stated that the Public Works Department contends that the access is part of that subdivision, however, he could not find where the subdivision was conditioned for any kind of deed restriction that three businesses use the access for the mini- storage. Mr. Orefice stated he discussed with the Public Works Director the possibility of getting the red curb on the other side to allow for a left turn lane. He stated, however, looking at the site he noticed that the left turn lane would have to stop at Bell Street because there is not enough width in the street to continue the left turn lane and, in his opinion, the request for this access is well justified. He further stated it is difficult to have a 110 unit rrini- warehouse and possril ly Arroyo Grande Planning Cali ASS1011, 2 -7 -89 6 a car wash facility that is supposed to be on Parcel A, plea a Midas shop and Trans -King that are going to generate a lot of traffic converging on that one access. Mr. Orefice stated, in his opinion, the condition requiring that they have to have that left turn lane before they have the access is wrong. Commissioner Cerrish stated he recalls that when the property was subdivided the agreement ent was that the only access be that access easement to the back. Mike hing, one of the owners of the property, spoke regarding access driveway, stating that by having both accesses, customers will be able to come into the property without having to stop out in the street waiting for a vehicle coming out of the one driveway. He commented that a customer would have two shots of getting into the property in case there is saneone blocking the 25 foot middle driveway, he could then bypass the one and get into the other one and not stop in the street, which is where the traffic tie -up problem is going to occur. He stated it is his feeling that this is a far greater benefit traffic -wise than by limiting and jamming the traffic all into one driveway. Frank Bucklin, one of the owners of the Midas shop, stated it is thheir desire and intention to provide a needed service for the corn iunity, however, if the access to the property is limited to one small 25 foot driveway, he feels it would be a disaster trying to get traffic flowing into one spot. He further stated that the safety factor involved by limiting the access is a major concern. Current Planner Spierling stated that staff did not find anything that limited the access to one driveway from Grand Avenue, and staff feels the requirement can be enlarged to meet their reeds. He further stated that if the Planning Commission wanted to go that route, he sugested placing another condition on the approval of the project that the applicant submit another design to the Public Works and Planning Department for their approval. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Gerrish moved to approve Architectural Review Case No. 88 -418, subject to the conditions of approval as listed in the staff report. Motion lost for lack of a second. After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Corrnussioner Scott, and carried with one "no" vote, Architectural Review Case No. 88 -418 was approved subject to changing the white panels over the door and changing the doors to another color that blends in with the wall, and also subject to the recommended conditions listed in the staff report dated February 7, 1989, amending Public Works Condition No. 8 to read as follows: "The developer shall repair and replace frontage improvements along Grand Avenue to meet City standard". PLANNING DIRECTORS REPORT/DISCUSSION The New Regionalism. Planning Director Liberto- Blanck briefly reviewed the memo to the Commission relative to The New Regionalism. Development Fees - Discussion. There was considerable discussion among the Commissioners and staff regarcing the proposed development fees. Planning Director Liberto- ]Banck referred to the updated material developed by the City Council, noting that the Urgency Ordinance was adopted by the Council on the 24th of January. She described certain areas throughout the City where these surcharges would be applicable. Planning Commission Institute Attendance - Planning Director Liberto - Blanck referred to the information handed out on the upcoming Institute, requesting that those Commissioners interested in attending inform her by Thursday so that she can go to the Council and request the necessary funding. Interpretation of Similar Use in the CI3D Zone Regarding Liquor Stores. Current Planner Spierling stated that staff has received a request for a liquor store in the CI Zone. Mr. Spierling reviewed the uses permitted in the CBD District arid those pernitted subject to obtaining a Conditional Use Permit. He stated that staff is requesting a determination from the Commission as to whether this use cones under the permitted use category or if the requested use would come under the Conditional Use Permit category. He noted that the proposed location for the business is the old "Poor Richard's Press ". building. Commissioner Gerrish stated he has no particular problem with the use, however, he does feel that a Conditional Use Permit should be required. After' a brief discussion, the Con - mission agreed that a liquor store is a permitted use in the Central Business District subject to a Conditional Use Permit. City Council Answered Agenda. Chairman Soto noted that he likes receiving these and they, are helpful and informative. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 10:30 P.M. Mary ininger Commission Clerk / Chai `tart