PC Minutes 1988-11-01ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION November 1, 1988 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Soto presiding. Present are Commissions Flores, Olsen, Moore, Boggess and Scott. Commissioner Gerrish is absent. Also in attendance are Planning Director Liberto - Blanck, Current Planner Lanning and Long Range Planner Bierdzinski. ELECTION OF OFFICERS WAS CONTINUED. until a full Commission is present. PUBLIC HEARING - GPU 88 -1 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Long Range Planner Bierdzinski advised that the Parks and Recreation Element is an optional element of the General Plan. The City's Parks and Recreation Element has not been updated since 1970. However, to implement the Quimby Act, and to obtain other types of funding and state grants, the City must have a general plan that contains policies and standards for park and recreation facilities. The element consists basically of five sections; inventory of existing conditions, identification of immediate and future needs, discussion of funding mechanisms, and a listing of objectives, policies and implementation measures. The text of the element discusses public and private facilities, bicycle routes, and equestrian trails and facilities. The Parks and Recreation Commission provided substantial information for immediate and future needs of the City ranging from 0 to 30 years which was incorporated into the element. The information was translated into goals, objectives and policies. City staff projected the City's population for a ten year period and evaluated the community's needs for the present population and also for the 10 year projection. The five main objectives of the element are: 1. Neighborhood and community park facilities should be provided at a ratio of four (4) acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. 2. The City should attempt to supplement existing recreation and cultural facilities by developing new facilities at which time they are needed by the community and are economically feasible. 3. A network of recreational trails and bicycle routes should be established for use by local residents and visitors of the Arroyo Grande Valley. 4. The City will incorporate a mix of financing and acquisition techniques in the development of park and recreation facilities. 5. City parks and recreation facilities should be maintained in an attractive and functional condition. Each of those objectives are further broken down into policies and implementation measures. Each implementation measure lists the City department that would be responsible such as the Planning Department, Parks and Recreation Department, or the Public Works Department. The general plan must be internally consistent. Staff recognizes that there may be conflicts between existing elements, such as the Circulation Element. Currently the map in the Circulation Element that delineates bicycle routes does not include Class II routes except for Huasna Road. The Parks and Recreation Element is outlining Class II or Class I routes in several areas of the city. Bike routes are defined as follows: Class I - a separate off - street bike path which will require regular maintenance (i.e., cleaning of broken glass). Class II - is a striped and marked lane either in addition to or in place of a parking lane. Class III - is an unstriped lane but there is usually a sign indicating a bike route. The bicyclist is traveling in the actual lane of travel or in the parking lane. If the Parks and Recreation Element is adopted as proposed, then street standards included in the Circulation Element will need to be revised to include sufficient right -of -way. 489 490 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION, 11/01/88 Page 2 The Parks and Recreation Element also includes discussion of the Greenbelt Study in the establishment of a recreational trail along Arroyo Grande Creek. Under State law it is appropriate to discuss open space areas, trails and creeks in the Open Space Element. Implementation Measure 3.21 states that the Greenbelt Study be reviewed and updated for inclusion in the Open Space Element. This element is currently being updated along with the Land Use and Conservation Elements by a consultant hired by the City. The draft Parks and Recreation Element was reviewed for environmental impact. A Negative Declaration was drafted because it was determined that the project would have no significant effects on the environment. The Negative Declaration was circulated to various agencies and surrounding cities for a thirty -day period (as required by State law), and no comments were received prior to distribution of the staff report. The State requirement for a 45 day review period for the a general plan amendment will expire on November 10, 1988. Staff has not received any comments to date regarding the Parks and Recreation Element, and recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the resolution which recommends to the City Council adoption of a Negative Declaration and approval of the General Plan Update 88 -1, adopting the updated Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. At this time Chairman Soto opened the public hearing. Kathy Wendell, 613 Cerro Vista Circle, voiced her concerns in regards to trails along the creek behind her home. Parks and Recreations Director Keisler stated that the goal back in 1966 was the same as it is today which is the establishment of Greenbelt System. The City would like to someday provide a trail (may not be a continuous trail) all the way to the ocean. The city has obtained 10 feet along the creek in some areas plus properties behind Cerro Vista Circle and Woodland for rest or picnic areas. This is a long range goal (16 to 30 years). Chairman Soto stated that the Parks and Recreation Element does not lock up anything except the dedicated right of ways and a long term plan. Definite detailed plans would be approved at a later time. After considerable discussion, the following action was taken: PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT /DISCUSSION None ATTEST: RESOLUTION NO. 88 -1206 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN UPDATE 88 -1, ADOPTING THE UPDATED PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN On a motion by Commissioner Flores, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and boy the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Moore, Boggess, Flores, Olsen, Scott and Chairman Soto NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 1st day of November 1988. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Soto at 8:15 P.M.