PC Minutes 1988-04-19Arroyo Grande Planning Canmrision April 19, 1988 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Carr presiding. Present are Conmissioners Soto, Boggess, Moore, Gerrish and Flores. Commissioner Olsen is absent. Current Planner Lanning is also in attendance. VARIANCE CASE NO. 88 -119, VARIANCE FROM EMERGENCY HEIGHT ORDINANCE, 565 WOODLAND DRIVE. M. & P. CALDWELL. Current Planner Lanning opened discussion on this item by stating that the applicants are proposing to develop the subject property with a single - family residence with an average height of approximately 29 -1/2', as measured by the zoning ordinance. The proposed home is approximately 2,500 square feet in size. The front yard setback is 20', with side yards of 8 -1/2' to 10' in width. These setbacks meet or exceed the minimum yard requirements. The rear yard is approximately 75' in depth, with the majority of the slope area occuring in this region. Mr. Lanning continued that the proposed residence is located in an area that has been or is being developed with single - family residences. The homes to the west of the subject property are the most susceptible to having their views affected by this development. These homes, which include some 2- story, look across the subject property towards trees that line Arroyo Grande Creek. These trees are at least 30' high and block most of the easterly view. The trees provide an existing barrier to views, and the addition of the proposed project should not ,add significantly to the blockage of viewsheds of the westerly homes. Mr. Lanning stated that the homes to the north and south have views across the subject property that run parallel to Woodland Drive. Due to the flatness of the land and the existing residential development, these homes do not appear to enjoy significant views. The addition of the proposed home should not significantly affect these homes' views. To the east of the subject property lies Arroyo Grande Creek and County land, which is being used for agriculture. No residential views exist at this time. Mr. Lanning continued that given the facts that the applicants have demonstrated a sensitivity to the preservation of views on the adjacent parcels, that the proposed structure has been designed as much as possible to keep within the intent of the ordinance while maintaining continuity and character with the surrounding homes, that the applicants have demonstrated alternatives are not viable, and that the intent of the ordinance is to preserve existing viewsheds, Staff believes the applicants' request represents a reasonable development of the property. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Clerk that public hearing for Variance Case No. 88 -119 had been published and propoerty owners notified, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open. Hearing no comments from the audience, Chairman Carr declared the hearing closed, and the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 88 -1167 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 88 -119, APPLIED FOR BY MELVIN AND PEGGY CALDWELL AT 565 WOODLAND DRIVE On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and by thefollowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioner Flores, Boggess, Moore, Gerrish, Soto and Chairman Carr NOES: None ABSENT: Cammrissioner Olsen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of April, 1988. VARIANCE CASE NO. 88 -120, VARIANCE FROM EMERGENCY HEIGHT ORDINANCE, 602 CERRO VISTA LANE. F. & C. FREITAS. Current Planner Lanning opened discussion on this item by stating that the applicants are proposing to add an additional 1700 sq. ft. to an existing 2500 sq. ft. single - family residence. Over half of this addition will_ be contained in a second story. Presently, the home has an average height of 14' 6 ". The proposed addition will have an average height of 25', and will be located on the rear one -third of the lot. The front yard setback of 24', which is not affected by this addition, satisfies the 20' setback requirement in this zone. The side yard setbacks of 5' and 9' will not be affected. A deck will encroach 2' into the western side yard setback, but this is under the 3' encroachment limit allowed by the zoning ordinance. The addition will reduce the rear yard setback to 16', which still exceeds the 10' setback requirement of this zone. 414.-Lanning continued that the subject property is located in a neighborhood of existing single - family residences. The surrounding land slopes upward from Arroyo Grande Creek, located to the east, to a crest at S. Alpine St., located to the west. Hanes' views most affected by this development lie to the north. Sane of these hares have views of the Nipomo Mesa. This proposed development may affect 433 434 Arroyo Grarde Planning Connnission, 4 -19 -88 Page 2 these views. He also stated that homes to the west are located at higher elevations than the subject property. These homes' views to the east include the trees along Arroyo Grande Creek. These trees, plus a very tall tree next to the eastern boundary of the subject property, block most of the existing views in this direction. Based on these observations, it does not appear that hares to the west will lose significant views. Mr. Lanning stated that the homes to the south and east lie either below or on the same level as the subject property. These hares look across the subject property towards flatter portions of the City. Due to the lower or equal elevations of these properties, it does not appear that they enjoy significant views; therefore, staff feels that they are not anticipated to be significantly affected by this development. Mr. Lanning closed by stating that given the facts that the applicants have demonstrated a sensitivity to the presentation of views on the adjacent parcels, that the proposed structure has been designed as much as possible to keep within the intent of the ordinance while maintaining continuity and character with the surrounding homes, that the applicants have demonstrated alternatives are not viable, and that the intent of the ordinance is to preserve existing viewsheds, Staff believes the applicants' request represents a reasonable development of the property. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Clerk that public hearing for Variance Case No. 88 -120 had been published and propoerty owners notified, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open. Mr. Frank Freitas, one of the applicants, stated that he concurred with the staff report and thanked staff for their assistance. Hearing no comments from the audience, Chairman Carr declared the hearing closed, and the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 88 -1168 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TAE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 88 -120, APPLIED FOR BY FRANK AND CONNIE FREITAS AT 602 CERRO VISTA LANE On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Canmissioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioner Flores, Boggess, Moore, Gerrish, Soto and Chairman Carr NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Olsen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of April, 1988. VARIANCE CASE NO. 88 -121, VARIANCE FROM EMERGENCY HEIGHT ORDINANCE, 292 GULARTE ROAD. ANNE ROBERTSON. - Current Planner Lanning opened discussion on this item by stating that the applicant is proposing to develop the subject property with a single - family residence with an average height of approximately 23'. The proposed have is approximately 2,400 square feet in size, with a front yard setback of 20', and side yards of 5' to 8' in width. These setbacks meet or exceed the minimum yard requirements required by code. Mr. Lanning continued that the proposed residence is located in a tract which is currently undergoing development. Existing views of homes which might be affected lie to the south and west. The hones to the south of the site are at a lower elevation and enjoy views of rolling hills as they look across the site to the north. Any development of the proposed site above approximately 8' to 10' will block these present views of the hills. The homes to the west are newly constructed and lie within the same tract as the proposed home. These homes view a small hill to the east and the rooftops of homes to the south. It does not appear that the construction of the proposed home will deprive these residences of any significant views. Mr. Lanning stated that the properties to the east and north are predominately vacant. The only homes to the east are at the top of a small hill and enjoy views which are at significantly higher elevations than the proposed homes. These homes' views will not be affected by this development. To the north lie vacant parcels which are currently undeveloped. These parcels are at higher elevations or in canyons which open to the north, away from the proposed development. The impact of the proposed have on these viewsheds is somewhat difficutl to assess, as there is no - development at this time, and projections on future development are theoretical, at best. Given these facts, Staff believes the applicant's request represents a reasonable development of the property. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Clerk that public hearing for Variance Case No. 88 -121 had been published and property owners notified, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -19-88 Page 3 Mr. Curtis Wetter, 216 La Cresta Ave., expressed his concerns regarding the "skyline effect" this project would have, as any 2 -story development in this tract loans over the neighborhood. Dr. Mike Ziggleman, 231 La Cresta Ave., stated his opposition to this project, and requested the Ca mission to hold to the variance for a 1 -story development on the basis that this project provides a nuisance and privacy value, thereby degrading the neighborhood. Mr. Tom Cutler, 229 La Cresta Ave., voiced the same concerns in that he would be looking at the rear of a house in excess of 30' in height. Mr. Jeff Gardner, 225 La Cresta Ave., expressed his opposition due to the fact that his backyard privacy would be destroyed. Mr. Ed Dorfman, 224 La Cresta Ave., stated his concerns based on the grade difference between the two tracts, and with that difference a 2 -story structure becomes a 3 -story situation, thereby destroying any privacy. He asked that the Commission thoroughly study this issue. Charlotte Harvey, 235 La Cresta Ave., expressed her opposition to the project due to the loss of privacy and views. Bruce Robertson, the applicant's representative, stated that the proposed project is located on the site quite a distance, 40 to 50 feet, from the neighbors' yards and is also separated by a fence. He stated that due to the narrow lot shape, a 2 -story residence was required for the site. Mr. Wetter asked if there was the possibility of a forced greenbelt between the two tracts that could be retroactively instituted. He stated that the fence between the tracts is at the top level with the grade on the proposed site. Wilma Reynolds, 233 La Cresta Ave., stated her opposition to the proposed project due to loss of privacy in her home. Hearing no further continents from the - audience, Chairman Carr declared the hearing closed. After a lengthy discussion involving definition of the emergency ordinance, various plantings that could screen the project, and alternatives that the applicant might make to the project to make it more agreeable to the neighborhood, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 88 -1169 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE 1'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 88 -121, APPLIED FOR BY ANNE ROBERTSON AT 292 GULARTE ROAD On motion by Commissioner Boggess, seconded by Cartir issioner Flores, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioner Flores, Boggess, Moore, Gerrish, Soto and Chairman Carr NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Olsen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of April, 1988. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 555, UNIT 5 (PHASE 1 AND 2), LA CR.ESTA DRIVE/HUASNA ROAD AREA. OAHCRFST ASSOCIATES (ED DORFMAN) As background information, Mr. Lanning reviewed that Tract 555 was originally approved in 1978 as a 91 -lot subdivision. Since that time, Tract 555 has been developed in several different stages. Unit 5 represents the final stage of development of the "Oakcrest Estates" and contains 33 lots. The tentative tract map for Unit 5 was approved by the Planning C xnmission on July 7, 1987. He advised that the applicant is now proposing to develop Unit 5 of Tract 555 in two (2) phases. The first phase will involve the development of 14 lots, numbered 59 through 72 (see attached plans). The second phase will involve the development of 19 lots, numbered 73 through 91 (see attached plans). This phasing will be in conformance with the previously approved tract map, as no changes are occurring to the layout and design of the tract, and appropriate conditions related to the phasing are being attached. The phasing proposal is the result of previous work on the tract associated with the installation of a water line. This installation has resulted in some grading occurring to lots 59 through 72, and a sewer system being installed. The net result is that 14 of the lots have sane improvements installed and 19 of the lots are unimproved. The phasing is proposed to expedite the development and sale of the 14 partially improved lots. The tract remains the same as the proposal approved by the Planning Commission in July, 1987. The current proposal merely divides the previously approved tract into two phases. 435 436 Arroyo Grande Plannbg Camnissicn, 4- 19-88 Page 4 Mr. Lanning advised that the applicant is also requesting a waiver of fees associated with this request (please reference the attached letter). From an environmental standpoint, Mr. Lanning stated that staff does not anticipate any significant impact to the environment from the proposed project, as it is merely a phasing of an existing tract. A Negative Declaration has been prepared, and Staff is recommending that the Negative Declaration be approved by the Planning Commission. A Negative Declaration was prepared and approved for the tract approval of last year. Mr. Lanning stated that the Staff Advisory Committee has reviewed the proposal and recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the Negative Declaration, and approve the phasing for Tentative Tract No. 555. As to the waiver of fees, Mr. Lanning stated staff feels the fees should not be waived, as staff expense was incurred due to staff review time, advertising costs, costs incurred from the mailing of notices, and staff time spent in preparation of the project for_ review by the Planning Commission. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Clerk that public hearing for Phases 1 and 2 of Tract No. 555, Unit 5, had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Carr declared the hearing open. Ed Dorfman, 224 Cresta Drive, applicant, stated that the map is the same that was approved last July, with the exception of the phasing. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed request for phasing, Chairman Carr declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 88 -1170 A RESOLUTTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE e11'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 555, UNIT 5, OAKCRES'P ESTATES. On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Com nissioner Soto, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Soto, Boggess, Moore, Gerrish, Flores and Chairman Carr NOES: None - ABSENT: Commissioner Olsen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of April 1988. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN FOR RANCHO GRANDE PARK After considerable discussion, the following action was taken: With regard to the applicant's request for a waiver of fees, on motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Flores, and unanimously carried, the request for waiver of fees was denied. John Keisler, Director of Parks and Recreation, reviewed with the Commission a conceptual design and proposed master plan pertaining to the park site in the Rancho Grande development. He pointed out that the park site is proposed to serve the developments in Oak Park Acres, Rancho Grande and Royal Oaks. After considerable discussion, Chairman Carr thanked Mr. Keisler for his presentation, and expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to review the proposed park development. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 26, "OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS ". (CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE) - Current Planner Lanning reviewed the proposed changes to the parking requirements as outlined in the staff report dated April 19, 1988. Chairman Carr re- opened the public hearing for discussion. Rob Strong, of the Planning Mill, representing Loomis and Scolari Marketplace, spoke regarding stall sizes, parking ratio and related parking concerns. Randy . Poltl, also representing the Scolari and Looms Marketplace project, spoke regarding the proposed amendment to the parking requirements. Hearing no further comments from the audience, Chairman Carr declared the hearing closed. 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning 031Eli sion, 4 -19-88 RESOLUTION NO. 1171 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND ADDING AN OFF- STREET LOADING AREA SECTION. On motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners issioners Soto, Boggess, Moore, Gerrish, Flores and Chairman Carr NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Olsen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of April 1988. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 9:25 P.M. A'1TI251': Planning Commission Clerk / Chairman 437