PC Minutes 1987-09-15372 Arroyo Grande Planning Cbanfission September 15, 1987 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Soto presiding. Present are Commissioners Moore, Boggess and Gerrish. Ccxrmissioners Flores, Olsen and Chairman Carr are absent. - MINUTE APPROVAL • On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and • unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meetings of • Aunt 18, 1987 and September 1, 1987 were approved as prepared. : - , REVIEW CASE NO, 87 -396, FOUR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, CROWN HILL, TRACT NO. _ 1246 , PAXJLDING HISTORY HOUSE PROPERTY. (CORER ELLSWORTH). Planning Director Rogoway advised that the developers of the lots behind the Paulding House have submitted architectural drawings and a colors and materials board representing the type and character of • the buildings intended to be constructed on the property. Mr. Rogoway stated the Staff Advisory Carrnittee met- and generally critized the styling of the buildings, in that they were not consistent with the architectural styling of the Paulding House. The Staff Advisory Cam ittee reviewed the plans and recommended that the applicant be requested to resubmit plans. It was the Committee's feeling that the plans were not responsive to the intent of the Planning Cam fission. He read the • condition fran the Resolution 'approving Tract No. 1246 as follows: "Any applicant for a building permit proposed to be constructed on any of these properties shall be required to apply for architectural review. The intent of' this condition is to insure architectural 'design is in keeping and compatible. with the Paulding property ". Vice Chairman- Soto referred to a letter received from James Dotson Construction, Inc., one of the applicants, dated September 15, 1987 in response to the staff report, dated September 15, 1987. Jim Dotson, 801 Huasna Road, distributed pictures taken of the Paulding House and surrounding houses, noting there are a variety of architectural styles in the neighborhood. Coker Ellsworth, 129 Bridge Street, stated he is one of the owners of the project. He pointed out that the Paulding House really has no architectural design, in his opinion. He stated, basically, what they are doing is _trying to make the development as consistent as possible with the existing house. Mr. Ellsworth distributed copies of revised plans and asked the Commission to compare them with what had previously been suthnitted. He stated that the Historical Society. has looked at the plans and they were agreeable with what was submitted. Jim McGillis, Surveyor with San Luis Engineering, stated he represented the Historical Society on the 'Tract Map, and it was his recollection that the intent was the Ca nnission wanted something that wouldn't detract from the Paulding House. Richard Oliphant, 1092 Grand Avenue, Architect for the project, reviewed the revised elevations, noting that they do incorporate some victorian features. He further noted that the Paulding House is more in the line of farm house style. After a brief discussion, the revised plans submitted to the Cannission during the meeting were approved on motion by Carmissioner Gerrish, seconded by Vice Chairman Soto, and unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA 87 -1) - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO HEAVY COMMERC3AI,/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, 201 BRISCO ROAD. (RICHARD AND NADINE: RAY). Planning Director Rogoway advised that Richard Ray has submitted a request to amend the General Plan for his property located at 201 Brisco Road from High Density Residential to Heavy Carmercial/Light Industrial land use. This amendment request came as a result of the City initiating an abatement action to prohibit the sale of vehicles from the subject property. As a result of the abatement hearings conducted before the City Council, the Council suggested Mr. Ray seek a General Plan Amendment and a rezoning to make the land uses existing on the property consistent with the regulations of the City. Mr. Rogoway reviewed that the properties on Brisco Road were annexed to the City in 1979. At that time, Mr. Bay's property was zoned for ccnmercial services and the uses existing on the property were conforming to the ordinances. However, the City, during the annexation process, zoned Mr. Ray's property to "R43 ", even though it juts into the adjacent "P-M" zone. The configuration of the Ray's lots seem to indicate that the amendment designating the property for manufacturing uses would be compatible with the adjacent uses to the east. Fran Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 9-15-87 r Page 2 the Ray's property to the southwest, all of the lots are developed along Brisco Road with residential uses and, therefore, the Ray's property . firmis a departure point for the change of the General Plan classification. Mr. Rogoway stated it is staff's recommendation that the property- be changed from Medium High Density Residential to Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial. If this were accomplished, it would bring the uses on the property in conformance with the General Plan. Upon being assured by the Planning Caninission Secretary that public hearing for General Plan Amendment No. GPA 87 -1 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Soto declared the hearing open. Steve Cool, 1577 El Camino Real, representing Mr. and Mrs. Ray, spoke in favor of the General Plan Amendment, stating that they are in agreement with the staffs recannendation on this matter. Jane Schilling, 185 Brisco Road, stated she is representing the people living in the condominiums on Brisco Road protesting this proposed amendment. She stated they do not object to the use Mr. Ray has there now. But if the change is approved to Heavy Carmercial/Light Industrial, other uses could go in, such as a service station. She stated there are too many problems there now with parking and traffic. Katherine Silva, 187 Brisco Road, stated she agrees with Mrs. Schilling and she would not like to see it changed to heavy commercial use. Mr. Cool stated, in his opinion, the rezoning will actually protect against more traffic and parking problems. He pointed out that the owners could probably put 6 or 8 condominium units on that property now with the present zoning; the way it is now, a single business on the property would result in far less traffic than residential units. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed General Plan Amendment, Vice Chairman Soto declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Gerrish read the uses permitted under the proposed district, noting that the .size of the lot would . prohibit any large commercial development. Vice Chairman Soto referred to a letter received by the Commission this evening, signed by residents of Brisco Road, stating their objections to the proposed amendment. Commissioner Gerrish stated he was on the Commission when the property was annexed to the City, and recalled that the agreement with the property owners at that time was that the zoning would not be changed. He further stated, in his opinion, the requested change is compatible with what is there now. Commissioner Moore commented that the City just spent two years rebuilding Brisco Road and now it is only about half adequate, and anything that increases the traffic on Brisco Road may be just compounding the problem After further discussion, Commissioner Gerrish moved to recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 87 -1. Moton seconded by Vice Chairman Soto, and was defeated by a vote of 2 - - 2. Planning Director Rogoway advised that 4 affirmative votes of the Camrission are required for General Plan Amendments and Zone Changes. He recommended that this item be continued to - the next meeting when more Commissioners are present. On motion by Cammissioner Gerrish, seconded by Vice Chairman Soto, and unanimously carried, General Plan Amendment 87 -1 was continued to the next regular Planning Carmission meeting of October 6, 1987. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE 87 -200, PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE FROM "R -8" MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO "P-M" PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, 201 BRIS0O ROAD. (RICHARD AND NADINE RAY). Vice Chairman Soto advised that the public hearing on Rezoning Case No. 87 -200 would be continued to the next regular meeting of October 6, 1987 along with the proposed General Plan Amendment. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Planning Con nission, the meeting was adjourned at 8 :25 P.M. to a study session on the Conservation Element. 373