PC Minutes 1987-09-01370 Arroyo Grande Planning aonmi.sian September 1, 1987 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Carr presiding. Present are Commissioners Moore, Soto, Olsen, Boggess, Flores and Gerrish. Planning Director Rogoway is also in attendance. • ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1987 -88. Chairman Carr stated that at the last meeting he had expressed his feelings that it would be appropriate to hold the election of new officers of the Planning Commission for the new fiscal year, and he requested that this item be placed on this week's agenda. Chairman Carr opened nominations for Chairman. On motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Chairman Carr, William Gerrish was nominated for the office of Chairman. On motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, John Soto was nominated for the office of Chairman. On motion by Commissioner Flores, seconded by Commissioner Gerrish, Robert Carr was nominated for the office of Chairman. Commissioner Flores moved that nominations be closed. Motion seconded, by Commissioner Boggess. Written ballots were cast, resulting in two votes for William Gerrish, two votes for John Soto, and three votes for Robert Carr. Chairman Carr expressed his feelings that the Chairman should be elected by a majority vote of the Commission, and further, in his opinion, the Chairman should not continue from one year to the next. Commissioner Gerrish stated he disagreed and he sees the Chairman's job strictly as a function of running the' meeting and is not necessarily influential. Commissioner Soto stated he would like to decline from the nomination because his - appointment to the Commission is not too official. Some of the Commissioners did not feel this was a valid reason for declining. After further discussion, Chairman Carr reopened nominations for Chairman of the Planning Commission for the fiscal year 1987 -88. Commissioner Gerrish moved to elect Robert Carr as chairman; motion seconded by Commissioner Boggess. The nominations were closed, and by a 6 to 1 vote, Robert Carr was elected as Chairman of the Planning Commission for the fiscal year 1987 -88. Chairman Carr opened nominations for Vice Chairman. Commissioner Olsen nominated John Soto for the office of Vice Chairman. Motion seconded by Ca missioner Boggess, and nominations were closed, and by a 6 to 1 vote, John Soto was elected as Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission for the fiscal year 1987 -88. On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Carmissioner Olsen, and unanimously carried, Pearl Phinney was appointed as Secretary of the Planning Commission for the fiscal year 1987 -88. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 87 -393, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, 136 VISTA CIRCLE IN OAK PARK ESTATES. (PAULA BURCHETT). Planning Director Rogoway advised that the proposal is to build a large single family residence on Vista Circle in Oak Park Estates. He stated that the property is located near the cul- de-sac end and is sloping away from the street. The property abuts an open space easement which is intended to be used for drainage purposes. The lot is 21,352 sq. ft. and considerable grading of the lot is expected to take place. A 24" retaining wall is proposed at the rear of the house, which will enclose the back yard. Another wall off the front of the house will designate the front entrance. A complete landscape plan and color and materials board have been submitted showing the house to be constructed of natural rough cut stucco, dark brown wood trim and red tile roofing. All of the landscaping will be installed with irrigation by automatic sprinkling and drip system. The driveway is to be graded to a slope not to exceed 15%, and the garage is on the rear of the house. Mr. Rogoway stated that the application has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee, and if the conditions listed in the staff report, dated September 1, 1987, are acceptable, staff recammends approval of the architectural review. In answer to Chairman Carr's question as to why this application for architectural review for a residence is before the Commission, Reuben Kvidt, of Oak Park Acres, advised that at the time the Oak Park Estates development was approved, there were three lots which were the steepest in the development, and the requirement was made that these come before the Commission to make sure that the drainage is taken care of. Mark Vasquez of Design Graphics, representing the applicant, spoke regarding the height of the structure. He stated he didn't see any problem with the conditions as set forth in the staff report, dated September 1, 1987. 1 1 Arroyo Grande Phuming Counission, 9 -1 -87 Page 2 Chairman Carr expressed concern with regard to Condition No. 1 pertaining to "...an appropriately sized non - erodible drainage swale per AG Standard 391 A.G." He suggested adding to the end of the sentence "...or other acceptable non - erodible surface." After a brief discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 87 -393 was approved on motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and carried with one "no" vote, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report, dated September 1, 1987, as amended by Chairman Carr. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 87 -198, RANCHO GRANDE, AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE NO. 186 C.S. (OT IBE, There was a brief discussion regarding this item being carried on the agenda for an extended period of time. Planning Director Rogoway advised there is a possibility that the applicants will withdraw their application. On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried, Rezoning Case No. 87 -198 was continued to November 3, 1987. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Carr advised the Commissioners of the League of California Cities meeting scheduled for October 4th through the 7th in San Francisco, and asked if any of the Commissioners are interested in attending to contact Mr. Rogoway or City Manager Robert Mack. FURThhER DISCUSSION ON THE CONSERVATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN (SOILS). General discussion was held on the Conservation Element relating to soils. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. �y Chairman 371