PC Minutes 1987-07-21ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION July 21, 1987 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Carr presiding. Present are Commissioners Flores, Soto, Olsen, Boggess and Gerrish. Commissioner Moore is absent. Planning Director Rogoway is also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 16, 1987 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried. REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION (ORDINANCE 140 C.S.) - PARCEL 3, OAK PARK ACRES (KIRBY K. GORDON) Planning Director Rogoway advised that the request for interpretation concerns Parcel 3 of Oak Park Acres, which is the property next to the proposed Manorcare facility. Mr. Gordon wants to develop that property and indicates that since the approval of Manorcare facility, his property is somewhat limited as to the uses allowed. Mr. Gordon indicates that an appropriate alternative use would be seniors' housing and is asking the Commission to allow this use as an alternative. Mr. Rogoway referred to a letter from the City Attorney, Art Shaw, dated July 7, 1987, stating his concerns about the suggested alternative. Most of Mr. Shaw's concerns relate to the intensity of the requested use, and the overall limitation of the number of residential units to no more than a total of 304 units. Mr. Rogoway pointed out that the Environmental Impact Report that was prepared for the Oak Park Acres development prescribed a limited amount of residential units for the entire property, and that number will be reached at the build out at the existing design of Oak Park Acres. Chairman Carr referred to Mr. Gordon's letters of June 19th and July 17, 1987 requesting consideration of an alternative use of senior housing on Parcel 3. Kirby Gordon, 401 Indio Drive, Pismo Beach, spoke regarding the property in question. He stated that the idea for this project came from Ordinance 140 C.S. itself in that there were certain goals set in that ordinance. The guidelines that were set out by the ordinance include, "(2) Provide affordable residences for senior citizens in pleasant and quiet surroundings with on -site facilities to meet most of their physical, social, and health needs." Mr. Gordon stated to his knowledge the Manorcare facilities were not assigned densities and he felt his parcel should have the same type of treatment as Manorcare as long as he abides by the goals. He further stated he is willing to accept a number of conditions to assure that the project stays a seniors' project. In summary, Mr. Gordon referred to the senior housing facility like the one on Elm Street as a good model facility and, in his opinion, there is a need for this kind of development. Comnisioner Moore Entered the Meeting During the Above Discussion. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, motion carried with one "no" vote, that the applicant's request to allow for a senior housing facility on Parcel 3 of Oak Park Acres was found to be non - conforming with Ordinance 140 C. S. as it is currently written. REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION - DRY CLEANING BUSINESS IN THE "C-2" GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (HARRY M. PAINE) Planning Director Rogoway advised staff has had a request for interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance regarding a dry cleaners in the Lucky/Payless Shopping Center. He stated the problem staff has with the interpretation is because of the equipment that is intended to be installed in the building, it could be classified as a dry cleaning plant and, in looking through the Ordinance, it appears that dry cleaner plants are only permitted in the "P -M" Planned Industrial District. He noted that the Zoning Ordinance does allow Laundromats in the "C -2" Districts and he interprets it to allow the tumbler type dry cleaners, however, this particular use is going to have equipment in it. He stated it is staff's feeling that the proposed use is a full- dressed dry cleaning plant. There was a request to act upon another steam cleaning plant a couple of years ago and they were required to locate in the "P -M" District. Mr. Paine, applicant, stated that the dry cleaning industry has gone through major changes as far as the equipment they use. He briefly described the dry cleaning operation and the units used. Les Crist, City Manager of Pismo Beach, stated he is a friend of Mr. Paine. He commented that the industry has changed and with the modern technology that has been developed, in his opinion, this use should be in the Zoning Ordinance as a permitted use. 361 362 Arroyo Grande Planning C ni nssicn, 7 -21 -87 Page 2 Bill Nickerson stated he had a dry cleaning plant on Grand Avenue for 17 years until he was evicted' from the premises, and when he tried to locate in Arroyo Grande he was turned down because of the boiler they used. He further stated he had to move to an industrial area on Farroll Avenue in Grover City. Dennis Bodine stated he purchased the plant from Mr. Nickerson approximately 4 months ago and when they checked into the possibility of moving the plant downtown they were told it was . not a proper operation for the downtown area. Mrs. Shirley Bodine stated she had checked with Grover City, Arroyo Grande and Pismo Beach about locating their plant downtown, and were denied because of pollution problems, because of the steam, because of the boilers and because of the noise. Commissioner Soto expressed concerns about the safety and pollution requirements or any other hazards that might be involved and, without more information, he didn't feel that a logical determination could be made. Commissioner Gerrish commented if the use . is classified as a permitted use subject to a use permit, more information would be available on the overall safety issue regarding dry cleaning equipment. After a brief discussion, on motion by Cammissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and carried, the finding was 'made that a dry cleaning business is a permissible use in the "C -2" Zone subject to approval of a Use Permit. Commissioner Moore commented that this is just one incident where businesses have had to move out of the City and maybe we have a problem in Arroyo Grande. He stated that we do not have a industrial/carmercial area and, in his opinion, there is a need for such a zone. He suggested calling this to the attention of the City Council to look into the possibility of adding such a classification to the Ordinance. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Gerrish, and unanimously carried, requesting the City Council to consider the possibility of adding an industrial/comnercial zone to the Ordinance. PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUATION) - REZONING CASE NO. 87 -201, PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE FROM "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO "R -1 -D" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT WITH A DESIGN .OVERLAY, HILLCRFST DRIVE AREA. (ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION). Planning Director Rogoway advised that the Hillcrest Drive rezoning matter would be heard at the meeting of August 4, 1987. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 87 -198, RANCHO GRANDE, AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE 186 CS. (OTISE, INC.) Mr. Rogoway advised that this matter is being continued at the request of the applicants. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 9:30 P.M. Chairman