PC Minutes 1987-05-19342 Arroyo .Grande Planning Ccrrmi yion May 19, 1987. The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Moore, Boggess, Olsen and Soto. - Commissioners Flores and Chairman Carr are absent. REVlW OF BUILDDIG M)D GRADING PLANS - MANOR CARE,. ENC., SKILLED NURSING FACILITY, OAR PARK ACRES. _ • Planning Director Rogoway reviewed that several months ago the Commission and Council approved a 180 unit skilled nursing home on the Oak Park Acres development. He noted that Manor Care has proceeded to bring in building plans for a building permit, and the applicants felt there needed to be Some changes to the drawings in order to make them - more suitable to their needs. The plans they have submitted are different from those approved by the Commission and Council. Staff has been attempting to assist Manor Care to develop plans that were in keeping with the approved plans, and to evaluate the changes that were proposed. After reviewing the plans, staff found itself having difficulty in determining that the changes were insignificant, and determined that the matter should be brought back. to the Conrnission and Council for approval of the changes.. Mr. Rogoway reviewed the differences between the original plan and the revised plan, pointing out that if the Commission finds it is an .insignificant change, they can make their recommendations and allow staff to process the application and issue a building permit. Vice Chairman Gerrish stated, in his opinion, the revised plan is better. Commissioner Soto commented that, visually, the development is going to look the same from the street. Mr. Rogoway pointed out that they meet the parking requirements of the ordinance, and the turning radius is satisfactory to the Fire Department. . After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried, that the proposed changes be forwarded on to the City Council with a favorable reconmerdation for approval.. C ONTDii7ATION - CP BL.UC HEARING CLOSED) - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 87 -443, CREATING. 4 RES'IDENTTIAL Lars AND 1 LOT TO BE RETAINED FOR A MUSEUM (PAULDING PROPERTY), CROWN HILL, IN THE "R -1n SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. (SLO COUNTY HISI'ORICA.L SOCIETY). Planning Director Rogoway reviewed that this matter was continued by the Commission at their last meeting. He stated 'there was a proposal before the Corrlrission that advocated 6 • parcels; - 4 single family lots, a roadway with a parking lot as a separate lot; and the museum on the remaining lot.. It was requested by the applicant at the last meeting that the -lot designated as a roadway and parking lot be_ made part of the museum property with an easement and a mutual agreement that would designate a. maintenance responsibility that would be equally divided among all of the ownerships. Staff is suggesting that the map be amended indicating a private drive from Crown Street that Gvould serve- the 4 lots, and also provide access to the parking lot, and that the driveway that would serve these lots .would be -improved to a width of 24 ft. In addition, the Cerm ssion suggested that there be some kind of condition that would require an architectural review of the houses to be built on the 4 lots. Staff is suggesting an additional condition which calls for architectural review with the intent to construct buildings in keeping with the Paulding House. Oin McGillis, Surveyor with San Luis Engineers, stated that. at the first meeting there was considerable discussion about not requiring sidewalks on Crown Hill, and the staff report indicates sidewalks are still being required. He noted that at the last meeting, Steve Cool, representing the Historical Society, stated he felt it would be their position that the 4 homes maintain the roadway and that the Historical Society maintain the parking lot. He further coirnented that the hammerhead, as designed, meets the approval of the Fire Chief. Mr. Rogoway commented with regard to the sidewalk requirement, stating Public Works Director Paul Karp had indicated he would go along with the Planning Corrniission's decision. -After a brief discussion, recommended conditions were amended as follows: 1. The applicant show water service to the property and on the property, which service has • adequate fire flow sufficient to meet the standards of the city. Applicant shall design a complete water system to serve fire and domestic demand for the subdivision subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. That system may include loop or an alternative arrangement of service connections for the water system for the lots created by the tract. 3. Parcel, 5 shall contain Paulding History House, parking lot and the access - _ easement 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 5 -19 -87 After NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing to the other 4 parcels. An agreement shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works assigning maintenance and upkeep responsibility to all 5 parcels equally. The road easement and parking lot shall be improved to a width of 24 ft., with appropriate drainage and pedestrian access structures constructed integral to the pavement as required by the Director of Public Works. 4. The applicant file a grading and drainage plan covering the , entire property, and including standard improvements on Crown Hill street, with the exception of sidewalks, in accordance with the Local Street Section. 5. The applicant provide the Director of Parks and Recreation a tree removal plan showing which trees are to be removed. The staff recommends that the applicant preserve the live oaks existing on the property. 6. The applicant provide an indication on the plan about the intended use of the parking area and a plan showing pedestrian access on the westerly side of the property, to be approved by the Planning Director. 7. The applicant shall state the intended status of the garage located on the property 8. The applicant shall provide the Director of Public Works with the intended program and income sources for the maintenance of all roads and improvements in. common on the property. 9. Any applicant for a building permit proposed to be constructed on any of these properties shall be required to apply for architectural review. The intent of this condition is to insure architectural design is in keeping and compatible wih the Paulding further discussion, the following action was taken: On motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: RESOLUTION NO. 87 -1118 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMJ.S'SION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT. MAP NO. 1246, APPLIED FOR BY S.L.O. COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ON CROWN HILL. Commissioners Moore, Olsen, Boggess, Soto and Vice Chairman Gerrish None Commissioner Flores and Chairman Carr Resolution was adopted this 19th day of May 1987. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 87 -197, PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE FROM "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT' TO "RA -B2 -D" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (20,000 SQ. FT. MINIMUM BUILDING SITE) WITH A DESIGN OVERRIDE. (ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION). Planning Director Rogoway advised that a committee from the Hillcrest neighborhood visited his office several weeks ago asking whether certain amendments could be made to the zoning of the neighborhood that would give them the security and protection to maintain the environment which they feel is important to them. The committee represented they had the support of most of that neighborhood. He stated it is his feeling that the Planning staff is there to try to assist property owners in the City and, therefore, he helped them prepare a draft ordinance. As a result of that draft ordinance, a letter was sent to the Planning Commission indicating, in his opinion, what might be appropriate changes that could made to the neighborhood that would accomplish the protection they sought. Mr. Rogoway commm.ented that their main concerns were to protect front yard setbacks and to change the minimum lot size from Single Family Residential to Residential Agricultural minimum lot size of 20,000 sq. ft. Another thing they would like to see is view protection. As a consequence, staff attempted to figure out a method to assure that if a second story structure is constructed, approval of surrounding neighbors would be necessary. Also, the proposed draft includes minimum lot width and minimum lot depth; some of these standards would be associated with creating a new lot. • Mr. Rogoway pointed out that the City of Arroyo Grande has what is called "an overlay zone ", and this is that staff is attempting to accomplish by a " -D" Override on the R- A zone. He pointed out that there is one issue that will probably be of concern to many, and that is the question of creating non - conformities. He stated that in creating such a zoning, Page 2 343 344 Arroyo Grande Planning C emission, 5 -19 -87 Page 3 non - conforming situations are also created and these are legal non - conformities, however, difficulties arise when there are non - conformities on a lot, or a person wants to alter a house; or it is damaged in some way and a person wants to rebuild; or if they desire to change the character of the house. In the Ordinance, wherever there is a non - conformity and a change is desired, the property owner has to go through the Use Permit procedure. This is to insure that the Planning Commission becomes aware of the changes and that non - conformities do not. increase and become damaging to the area. Mr. Rogoway referred to a map of the area to be rezoned and pointed out the properties that would be non- conforming. He stated that some of' the neighbors have expressed concern about the non - conformities. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary that public hearing for Rezoning Case No. 87 -197 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open, and requested those in favor of the proposed change be heard first. Don Dennison, 1353 Hillcrest Drive, stated some of the residents were not aware of the possible ramifications of the proposed non - conforming lots, and many feel that the risk as the result of the non- conforming lots is worth the piece of mind and resulting stability of the neighborhood. He stated, however, he cannot speak for the majority of the people who signed the petition. He further stated it may be necessary to re- address the people who signed the petition to acquaint them with some of the issues. It might be in their best interest to reconsider and perhaps modify their existing proposal to eliminate a considerable number of the non - conforming aspects and still keep the intent of the original concerns. He commented that he had talked to several lending institutions and found that there are difficulties that would be incurred. He stated if the rezoning proposal is postponed, then he would ask that consideration of the proposed Lot Split on the agenda tonight also be postponed. Richard Duffin, 1398 Newport Avenue; Robert Mitchell, 1360 Hillcrest; Mr. Axtell, 1401 Hillerest Drive; Kirk Glenn, 1315 Hillcrest Drive; Sam Stagg, 1353 Sierra Drive; John Stagg, 1353 Sierra Drive; Joe Zdara, 1341 Hillcrest Drive; Glen Holzer, 1485 Hillcrest Drive, and Madeline Steele, 1598 Hillcrest Drive spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. Kim Hughes, 1320 Hillcrest Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning. He pointed out that 84% of the existing lots under the proposed zoning would turn into non- conforming substandard lots. He read a letter from John E. Vermazen, 1300 Hillcrest Drive, also opposing the proposed rezoning. He referred to another letter from Stanley D. Osborn, 1533 Hflcrest, withdrawing his signature from the petition. Gabe LaVine, 1425 Hillcrest Drive; Colleen Phelan, Hillcest Drive; Kathleen Ballagh, 1531 Hillcrest Drive; Leonard Lenger, 1203 Carpenter Canyon Road; Jane Ballagh, Hillcrest Drive, and Stan Osborn, 1533 Hillcrest Drive spoke in opposition to the proposed zone change. Hearing no further contents for or against the proposed zone change, Vice Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Vice Chairman . Gerrish stated, in his opinion, the RA zoning is not an appropriate zoning for this area. He suggested considering the R -1 District with a " -D" override to take care of the residents' concerns. He further stated that before this issue appears before the Planning Commission again, he would like to know specifically how many homeowners want the zoning and how many do not. Also, he suggested taking a more logical look at the proposed boundaries. After further discussion, Rezoning Case No..87 -197 was continued to the 2nd meeting of June with direction to staff to consider other potential zoning designations, investigate the proposed boundaries, and conduct a survey of the homeowners' zoning preferences. PUBLIC HEARING - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 87 -444, CREATING 2 LOTS, 1320 HIUCREsT DRIVE IN THE "R -1" SPIGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. (KI?vi AND CYNTHIA HUGHES) On motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 87 -444 was continued to the Planning Commission meeting of June 16, 1987. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 87 -198, PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF OAK PARK BOULEVARD AND JAMES WAY (LOT 5, OAK PARK ACRES). (ROBERT D. MANNING). Planning Director Rogoway advised that staff has been working with Dr. Manning on this application for sometime and, in his opinion, it is not yet ready for hearing and is being reconrnended for continuation. He stated there is SCAM ambiguity of language in the "P -D" Zone relative to uses. Staff has taken the position that the land uses permitted on the property needs to be clarified by the Planning Commission first and, therefore, we are requesting that the Commission review the proposed land uses suggested by Courtyard Associates to make a determination whether they are in compliance with the intended development envisioned by the Co!Tnuission and Council at the time of initial zoning. - Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 5- 19=87 Dr. Manning referred to the uses permitted in the TTC -3" District. He birefly described the propcsed project, stating the concept is to develop the subject property into something that would be a unique° contribution to the community, . • Vice Chairman Gerrish comented that the issue before the Commission right now is whether the addition of a convenience type store is a permitted use under - the pre ordinance. He stated he doesn't have a problem with what the applicants propose, however; in his opinion, the intention of that corner was to have a professional office building, and he feels the request requires a rezoning. After a brief discussion, Rezoning .Case No. 87 -198 was continued to the next regular meeting. PUBLIC BRING - REZONING CASE NO. 87 -195, 232 JAMES WAY, PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE FROM "RA -B2" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (20,000 SQ. FF. MIN. BLDG. Sim) TO "RA -B1" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (10,000 SQ. FT. MIN. BLDG. Srl'E). (ED CHADWET.L). Planning Director Rogoway advised that the applicant, Mr. Chadwell, has requested continuance of this item to the Planning Commission meeting of June 2, 1987. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Cornmission, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chairman Gerrish at 10 :30 P.M. Page 4 345