PC Minutes 1986-04-01ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING CO.'(IIS,SION April 1, 1986 • The Arroyo Grande Planning Corornsion met in re altar session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Olsen, Flores, Moore, Carr and Soto. banning Director Eisner and Associate Planners Iversen and Rosen are also in attendance. Comaissioner Bogg is absent. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE. NO. 86 -358, REQUEST FOR TWO WALL SIGNS, 840 OAK PARK BOULEVARD. (MARIE CALLEITDE tS RESTAURANT). Planning Director Eisner advised that he had received a telephone call from the applicant of Agenda Items 1 and 2 asking for a continuance of two weeks due to the fact that their slide presentation of the issues at hand are incomplete. clearing no objections to the continuance, Chairman Gerrish advised that Architectural Review Cerise No. .86-358 and 86 -359 are being continued to the next meeting of April 15, 1936. COr',MISSIONER BOGGY ENTERED Ti-U3 MEETING DURING TIM ABOVE DISCUSSION AND IS NOW • N. T. PUBLIC HEARING — USE PERMIT CASE NO. 86-405, REQUEST TO INSTALL CAR WASH AND RFT1OCATE STORAGE BUILDING, 222 GRAND AVENUE. (IHATCBIK ACHADJIANJARROYO GRANDE SIhELL). Chairman Gerrish turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Carr. Planning Director Eisner advised the request is to add an automatic car wash to the Shell Service Station facility at the cover of Grand Avenue and East Branch Street. The building will be a brick veneer with a new rock roof to match the existing service station. The application has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Co,-rrrittee and is forwarded to the Planning Commission with a list of 7 conditions that, if the Commission following public hearing chooses to approve this, should be added to clarify any concerns that staff has. Commissioner Soto inquired about the condition to • reverse the flow of traffic. Planning Director Eisner stated that in reviewing the applicantion, there was some concern that if the traffic flow was from the west to the east, it would create a situation where cars would stack up and tend to be out on the sidewalk. If the flow of traffic ran from east to west through the car wash facility, there is a larger area for drying and no traffic hazard would be created. Commissioner Boggess inquired regarding additional parking. Mr. Eisner stared • there. is no additional parking required for this facility since it is fully automatic. The eight spaces now available on the site meets the requirements for the service station facility. Vice Chairman Carr asked about the amount of water used in an automatic car wash such as this. Mr. Eisner stated that the concerns of the Staff Advisory Committee had more to do with the condition of the water going back into the sewer system rather than the amount used. Upon being assured by the Plannin Secretary that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 86 -405 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Carr declared the hearing open. Mr. Achadjian, Arroyo Grande Shell, 222 Grand Avenue, spoke in favor of the . Permit being granted. He d the proposed facility as being one where you drive th car • in, it is automatically washed and blow dried. He stated there is a new method of purifying the water through a recycling system, so the water is not wasted. l ;i •l Gerrish, 823 Plata Road, stated at Grand Ae E, Street uses about 5 acre. feet t water T ,� stted that the car wash v � �-• at riLP. and ..m �J �...,. let t of wa er• year. The ; ^gash, water is recycled for the rinse wat a then goes out through the sewer. r45.r. Achadjian business and he doesn't regard to the flow of because there is plenty get into the car wash. traffic more on Branch stated that the service station is not geared just for a car wash expect to have excessive useage with this type of an operation. With traffic, he advised that the reason it was designed the way it was is of room in the back on station property to take care of cars waiting to He stated, in his opinion, reversing the flow of traffic will back up Street. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit, Vice Chairman Carr declared the hearing closed. . Comissioner Boggess stated, in his opinion, it seems like quite a :few uses are being crowded onto a small lot here and some traffic is going to be created. Mr. Eisner stated staff does not anticipate that the overall impact is going to be great. Vice Chairman Carr .stated it seems they are cramming a lot of building on that small lot,. and he also has some concerns about the water useage. He stated his feelings that the Commission should be presented with more information beforehand on issues such as this. 260 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -1 -86 After further discussion, the following action was taken: RR SOLUTION NO. 86-1081 " A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING USE PERMIT CASE' NO. 86 -405, APPLIED FOR BY KHATCHIK ACHADJIAN /ARROYO GRANDE SHELL, AT 222 GRAND AVENUE. On motion by Commissioner Flom, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Moore, Flores, Soto and Olsen NOES: Commissioners Bogge and Vice Chairman Carr ABSENT: Chairman Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 1st day of April 1986. Architectural Review Case No. 86 Planning Director Eisner advised that the design is appropriate and is in keeping with the design of the existing service station. On motion by Commissioner Flores, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 86 -360 was approved. CHAIRMAN GERRISH ASSUMED '11E CHAIR AND IS NOW PRESENT. PUBLIC TEARING - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 86 -426, (REVERSION 10 Aa EAGE), PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF HALCYON ROAD AND DODSON WAY. (JORGENSSEN /GILTON/M11 LER). Planruring Director Eisner noted that the public hearing was advertised as reversion to acreage, however, technically it is a resubmission of a previously approved and existing parcel map for the purposes of removing a notation on the map which reads "This parcel can only be disposed of to adjacent property owners to the west or south". He stated the purpose of this notation was to remove the possibility of creating a landlocked parcel and, subsequent to that approval, Alpine Street has been extended and now provides direct access from a dedicated City street. He pointed out that the only object of this hearing is for the purpose of removing the stated - notation. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary that public hearing for Lot Split Case No. 86 -426 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Hearing no comments from the audience for or against the proposed lot split, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Carr inquired about the access to Parcel 2. Planning Director Eisner advised that, depending on the development plan proposed, access could be on Alpine Street or it could go back out to Halcyon. He commented that it is staff's understanding that the applicant is proposing to modify the General Plan to create 4 or 5 single family lots facing on Alpine Street and designating the other portion as "P -C" for sorrie type of medical facilities. Mr. Eisner stated that the application has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Corrnittee and is submitted with the following recommendation: 1. Owner's Certificate shall be changed to reflect the deletion of the notation on Parcel "B ". After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Boggess, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 86 -426 was approved subject to the recommended condition noted above. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL ZONES. Planning Director Eisner reviewed that in June of 1985, at the direction of the City Council, an amendment to the Comprehensive General Plan of the City was prepared and was set for public hearing by both the Planning Commission and City Council. The purpose was to adopt the agricultural soil designations prepared by the Soil Conservation Service which designated prime agricultural soils. He noted that the classifications of Class I or Class II soils, or general soil classifications were not used, but provided designations such as Prime Farmland which included Class I and mss II soils, and in sorne cases Class III soils; also in some cases Class I and II soils are deleted. He stated that after study sessions before the Planning Commission and two public hearings, and after a study session and public hearing with the Council, the General Plan was amended and the categories added, including "Prime Farmland" area with a minimum size of ten acres. I 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -1 -86 Page 3 Mr. Eisner pointed out that the General Plan Map has been amended, and staff was directed by the Council to prepare the necessary ,implementing ordinance sections. He advised that the issues before the Planning Commission are six -fold: 1. Deletion of the existing "A" Agricultural zone from the Zoning Ordinance 2. Recommend adoption of a designation "Prime Ag ieultural District" or "A -1" Zone to implement the General Plan. 3. Recor:n:end adoption of a proposed designation of Agricultural. or "A -2" zone. 4. Redesignation on the map of land presently zoned "A" to "A -2" Agricultural zone, where the development standards in terra of land size would remain the same. 5. Designation of those areas now . zoned Agricultural and identified in the Soils Report as not Prime farmland to "A -2". 6. Modify "RA -B3" zoning on Prime Farmland to "A -1" zoning. Mr. Fisner reminded the Commission that the general policy has already been adopted, and that is that the General Plan has already identified those areas of "A -2" - 1 -1/2 acres, and those areas of Prime Farmland have already been identified and changed to 10 acre minimum. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary that public hearing for proposed Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map amendments had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. H. E. Bean, 1212 Flora Road; Rev. B'Gjorgen, Pastor of the Assembly of God Church, 207 Pilgrim Way; Tom Runnels, Valley Road; Daniel Leaf, Bank of America, repr the Dixson Ranch on Cherry and Branch Mill. Road; Ray Jones, 831 E. Cherry Avenue; Gabe DeLeon, Coach Road; L. E. Vandeveer, 756 Myrtle Street; Mrs. Stilwell, 734 Myrtle Street; Tony PMIarsalek, 536 E. Cherry 'Avenue; C. S. Curicic, 603 E. Cherry Avenue; Glen Peters, 706 Myrtle Street; June Waller, 1098 Huasna Road; Coker Ellsworth, 129 E. Bridge Street; Raul Fstes, 811 E. Cherry Avenue; Scott Runnels; Joe Marsalek, Marsalek Estate on Cherry Avenue; John Oreuta, 444 Lierly Lane; Barbara Grieb, Lopez Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposed amendments. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, inquired as to how the change will affect the RA -B3 properties off of So. 'll.affie Way Extension. Planning Director Eisner advised the properties will remain exactly the same. • Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed amendments, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. He asked Mr. Eisner if there were any property owners included in this proposal that did not object to the change. Mr. Eisner suggested that, all things considered, it aright be of benefit to continue this matter and allow staff time to map and identify the parcels. owned •by those persons opposing the amendments and, perhaps bring it back to the Cbinwission for a study session on the 29th • of April, and back on the Corimrriission agenda the first meeting in May. Commissioner Flom stated he doesn't think the Carrnrission can create agricultural land just like that, and he was impressed with the discussion by the property owners here tonight. He further stated it doesn't make sense to classify land as . agriculture when it can't be used as such and, in his opinion, when we start tairang about this in concept, we have to look at parcels that are economically feasible as agricultural lands. Commissioner Olsen stated her feelings are that if the City has to bring something into conformity, then it should be done by charging the General Plan. Commissioner Carr stated he is in favor of the suggestion to do more detailed work on the matter and bring it back to the Commission the first meeting in May. He further stated he feels special consideration should be given to those parcels that are too small to be farmed. He commented he would like to see some information that says you can convert an old walnut orchard and make money, or is it really prohibitive? He questioned if we are honestly attempting to preserve prime farmland and, if we are interested in doing that, then we should have the kind of information to use to make the right determination; we need to have better detail on what we are looking at and more information on what is feasible. Chairman Gerrish stated, in his opinion, it is a waste of time to consider this any more, and he would recommend to the City Council that none of these changes be made, and ,that we change the General Plan back the way it was before. Commissioner Carr stated the Commission has been charged•by the City Council to look at these properties. and, in his opinion, it is the Commission's responsibility to give an honest look to determine whether or not any or all of that property should be rezoned. After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner. Carr, seconded by Corrrrassioner • Boggess, and carried with three "no" vot to review this matter at a study session on April 29th, requesting staff to provide the information indicated, such as information on the parcels we are dealing with, and that the matter be back on the Commission's Agenda for the May 6th meeting. 262 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -1 -86 Page 4. PUBLIC HEARING - SAFETY AND SEISMIC SAFETY ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. Mr.. Eisner referred to the draft of the revision to the Safety and :seismic Safety Element of the General Plan. He advised that the draft has been reviewed by the Police Department and Fire Department, other City departments, and has been distributed to all necessary public agencie . He stated that the draft element was previously sent to the Commission for review and, following the public hearing, staff suggts that a recommendation for adoption be forwarded to the City Council. Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary that public hearing for the Safety and Seismic Safety Element of the General Plan had been duly advertised, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. - Marie Cattoir, 105 Orchid Lane, commented on the apparent lack of public interest in issues of public safety. She referred to Diablo Canyon as being the greatest potential for damage that could affect al of the population of this area. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Element, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Associate Planner Nancy Iversen pointed out that this document is not an emergency plan; it is an element of the General Plan. Eisner stated that this is not intended to be the answer to all of the prepardness planning that has to be done. The State Law says that within the scope of the General Plan, sorne basic framework has to be established. After general discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 86 -1082 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMENDING TO '!lit CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE SAFETY AND SEIS MIC SAFETY FLFR,IENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. On motion by Commissioner Soto, seconded by Cor:•nrissioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: - -- AYES: Commissioners Soto, Moore, Carr, Olsen, Flores, Boggess and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 1st day of April 1936. ADJOURNWMIT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 10:50 P.M.