HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1985-05-07ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION May 7, 1985 The Arroyo Grande Planning Conirrission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Fischer, Soto, Olson and Moore. Commissioners Carr and Boggess are absent. Planning Director Eisner is also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meetings of April 2, 1935 and April 16, 1985 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried. CONTINUATION - (PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED) - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 85 -409, 513 MAY STREET IN TIE "RA -B3" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. (JEFFREY CAR RTTHERS). Planning Director Eisner advised that the subject property faces on May Street at Paseo and includes a legal lot of record and the railroad right -of -way. He reviewed that originally the applicant - presented a proposal to the Planning Commission as a lot line adjustment and included a 6,000 .sq. ft. lot. At the time this matter was heard by the Subdivision Review Board, a recomrnendation was made that the line be extended to the northerly boundaries of the railroad property, with a line coming across and straight down. The applicant, at the request of the Commission, has now submitted a tentative parcel map. The Staff Advisory Committee reviewed the proposal according to the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance of the City. The conclusion that came about .was that the proposed 6,000 sq. ft. lot is in conflict with the Zoning Ordinance.. He recommended the matter be continued and the applicant submit a request for a rezoning.. Commissioner Olsen pointed out that when the matter was before the Commission originally, they were_not sure what the space was from the corner to the railroad right of way. After a brief disco lion, a motion was made to continue the matter pending the processing of a zone change application._ Jeffrey Carrithers, applicant, stated he would lake to have some direction for the resubrnittal if the matter is continued. Chairman Gerrish pointed out that the Commission could not accept the resubmitted map showing three parcels, however, the Commission could approve the original lot line adjustment map. Planning Director Eisner advised there was a question brought up during the public . hearing as to where the house would be located and what would happen to the portion of the property that falls away. He stated that Mr. Carrithers has submitted a sketch that shows where the house is to be located. There was also a question raised about the drainage. He advised that the Public Works Department has indicated that there are no particular drainage problems in the area, and if they do exist, they would be at the upper left portion of the property. After further discussion, Commissioners Olsen withdrew her motion, and Commissioner Soto withdrew his second to that motion. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Chairman Gerrish, and unanimously carried, the originally submitted lot line adjustment was approved subject to the conditions recommended at that time. Planning Director Eisner noted that the Commission action is proper, since the public hearing for the original request for lot line adjustment had been held and closed, and the matter continued pending resubnittal. USE PERMIT CASE NO. 85 -385, FREE STANDING SIGN, 1012 GRAND AVENUE, GRAND AVENUE SELF STORAGE, IN THE "H -S" HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT. (ROCKY'S WOODWORKS, AGENTS. FOR RONALD HARRIS). Planning Director Eisner advised that originally staff had recommended this matter for continuance pending conclusion of another item relative to the driveway locations for the project. It has since been deteu„ined that continuance is not necessary. He briefly reviewed the site pian and the f.-ketch of the sign itself. He stated staff recommends the Commission approve the sign as it is structures, with the condition that it be placed on the subject property no closer to the street than shown on the plans. COMMISSIONER CARR ENTERED THE MEETING DURING THE ABOVE DISCUSSION AND IS NOW PRESENT. Upon being assured by the Planning Secretary that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 05 -385 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Mr. Jim McGiliis. Surveyor for San Luis Engineering, spoke in favor of the use permit on behalf of the applicant. I-Ie advised that the sign will not be placed in the asphalt, but will be placed adjacent to the driveway. Rocky, of Rocky's Woodworks, briefly described the proposed sign. Hearing no further co.anents for or against the proposed use permit, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed and, after a brief discussion, the following action was taken: 179 180 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 5-7-85 Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 85 -1039 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO, 85 -385, APPLIED FOR BY ROCKY'S WOODWORKS, AGENT FOR RONALD HARRIS.' On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Cornrnissioners Fischer, Moore, Olsen, Soto, Carr and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Boggess the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of May 1985. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 85 -190, ZONE CHANGE FROM "RA -B2" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "RA -Bl -D" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT COMBINED WITH DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, 225 TALLY HO ROAD. (JEFFREY CARRTTHERS, AGENT FOR PATRICIA LAUTHBURY). Planning Director Eisner advised that the property in question is located at the corner of Tally Ho Road and James Way. He pointed out that at the present time the property is surrounded by RA -B2 zoning, and there is RA -B3 zoning on the southerly side of Tally Ho Road; the lots in the surrounding area are of varying sizes, and the question has been raised as to what the significance of the lots would be and whether it would be consistent with the surrounding zoning. Mr. Eisner advised that if the zone change is approved, a condition of the subsequent tentative parcel map will be the dedication and full width improvement of James Way and Tally Ho Road. Upon being assured by the Planning Secretary that public hearing for Rezoning Case No. 85 -190 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Jeffrey Carrithers, representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the zone change. He stated that if the zone change is approved, a parcel map will be submitted proposing dedication of 32 ft. right of way to widen James Way and a 10 ft. right of way dedication on Tally Ho Road for purposes of widening those rights of way and bringing them up to City standards. He pointed out that there is no economically feasible way to put in those improvements without splitting the property. Spence Thomas, 141 James Way; Chuck Fellows, 202 Canyon Way, and Sally Weitkamp, 251 James Way, stated they were concerned about the size of the parcels being smaller than adjacent parcels, and the possibility the requested change would be spot zoning. Harold Lee, 150 So. Halcyon Road, pointed out that there are two lots immediately to the east of James Way under 20,000 square feet and, also, there are many lots in the immediate vicinity that are under the 20,000 square foot minimum. I- Iearing no further comments for or against the proposed rezoning, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Carr commented if the property is rezoned to RA -B1, we are going to have three sub- standard lots adjacent to an RA -B2 zone and, in his opinion it should remain as RA -B2. Chairman Gerrish stated he doesn't feel the zone change to RA -B1 is appropriate, and two parcels are probably appropriate for that property. After further discussion the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 85 -1040 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECO:IMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CHANGE FROM "RA -B2" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "RA -B1 -D" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT COMBINED WITH DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, APPLIED FOR BY JEFFREY CARRITHERS, AGENT FOR PATRICIA LAEJfHBURY. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 5 -7 -85 Page 3 On motion by Couunissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Moore and Fischer NOES: Conmdssioners Carr, Soto and Chairman Gerrish ABSTAIN: Commissioner Olsen ABSENT: Commissioner Boggess the foregoing resolution was defeated this 7th day of May 1985 by a majority vote. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 85 -1041 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CHANGE FROM "RA -B2" RESIDENTIAL AGRICUL- TURAL DISTRICT TO "RA -B2 -D" RESIDENTIAL AGRICUL- TURAL DISTRICT COMBINED WITH DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, APPLIED FOR JEFFREY CARRITHERS, AGENT FOR PATRICIA LAUTHBURY. On motion by Con - issioner Carr, seconded by Chairman Gerrish, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: the foregoing res affirmative votes. Commissioners Carr, Soto and Gerrish Commissioners Moore and Fischer Commissioner Olsen Commissioner Boggess clt Lion- was defeated this 7th day of May 1985 due to the lack of four Planning Director Eisner pointed out that four affirmative votes are required for a zone change, and in view of the fact that the above resolutions were defeated, the matter will appear on the City Council's agenda without recommendation from the Planning Commission. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 85 -390, FREE STANDING SIGN AND WALL SIGN, 951 GRAND AVENUE IN THE "H -S" HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT. (SERVICE AUTO PARTS). Planning D Eisner advised that the applicant has not returned with a completed application on this request. Chairman Gerrish commented he does not like to see items continued on the agenda more than three times, and if the applicants are not in a position to have the matter heard at the next meeting, remove it from the agenda and re- advertise the matter when the application is complete. PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 14 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, PERTAINING TO THE HIGHWAY SERVICE "H -S" DISTRICT. Planning Director Eisner noted that in the past the Planning Commission, at various times, has talked with staff about the fact that the City at the present time has no general commercial zone. The .closest zone to a general commercial is the H -S zone, which is primarily along Grand Avenue and is a retardant of the period of time when Grand Avenue was the main highway. He stated that at the direction of the Planning Commission, and with the concurrence of the City Council, staff has undertaken to re -write all of the commercial zones with the exception of the Central Business District. Staff is recommending a new set of classifications and putting together what would now be a C -1 and C -2 zone, which are general commercial zones, and a C-3 zone which is a highway commercial zone. In recommending this to the Commission, he pointed out that the adoption of the new zones includes the zones in the ordinance; it does not change the zoning on any property in the City. Following review of the proposed zones, it would then be necessary for the Planning Commission to review the land use elements of the General Plan, and following that, a large portion of Grand Avenue, with exceptions, would probably be changed to a C -2 zone. There are areas that are now committed to highway service and should remain so, such as areas along Traffic Way, and areas near the freeway and Grand Avenue. The inclusion of the C -1 is a clarification of our existing zoning and a change in nomenclature. In terms in structure of the ordinance, staff is recommending that we move to a classification system that includes Uses Permitted, Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit, and a new category which would be "Uses that are Expressly Prohibit ed ". Upon being assured by the Planning Secretary that public hearing for the proposed amendment had been duly published and posted, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, stated she has not had an opportunity to read the material and, in her opinion, property owners in the Highway Service District should be given the opportunity to review the proposed changes. 181 182 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 5 -7 -85 Page 4 Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed amendment, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Chairman Gerrish pointed out that the proposed amendment also pertains to Article 12, which is the C -N Zone. He stated that since the amendment deals with the commercial question, perhaps input from the Clamber of Commerce and other people in the commercial zones should be solicited. After a brief discussion, Chairman Gerrish advised the matter would be continued, and directed staff to re- advertise the public hearing and to include proposed amendment to Article 12 in addition to Article 14 of the Zoning Ordinance. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 85 -328, CHURG-i FACILITY, OAK PARK BOULEVARD AND JAMES WAY. (CENTRAL FOURSQUARE CHURCH). Planning Director Eisner advised the plans have been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee and the Architectural Review Board, and the recommendation of both bodies is for approval. The architecture has been deemed to be consistent with other architecture in the Oak Park development. " He noted that a revised site plan was submitted, and the applicants have been able to work out a plan that saves all three of the trees. He also noted that the applicants have agreed to move the one small sign on Oak Park Boulevard and place it in the open space on James Way. Commissioner Carr commented that any further building on this property would have to come back to the Planning Commission for approval. There being- no further discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 85 -328 was approved subject to the 7 conditions recommended in the staff report, dated May 7, 1985, on motion by Commissioner Fischer,- seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried. Planning Director Eisner advised this matter will be reported to the City Council at its meeting three weeks from tonight. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 85 -331, REMODEL SERVICE STATION, EAST BRANCH STREET. (SHELL OIL CO.). Planning Director Eisner advised the request is for architectural approval of remodeling of the existing Arroyo Grande Shell Service Station. The Planning Commission recently made a finding that the ancillary uses within an enclosed building are consistent with the Zoning Ordinances. He pointed out that the area of remodel will be the existing porch area, and the materials, colors and overall design will be consistent with what is already there. He noted there will be some tank work done which will be subject to review by other agencies. After a brief discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 85 -331 was approved on motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 85 -324, 407 TRAFFIC WAY. SIR. AND MRS. JERRY DOWSER). Planning Director Eisner advised that this project has previously been approved by the Planning Commission. The style of the architecture is consistent with the Village, which is a part of the newly adopted expanded boundaries of the Village. Mr. Eisner displayed a colors and materials board, noting the project has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee and the Architectural Review Board, and is recommended for approval. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 85 -324 was approved as su mitt °d. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, commented that during the initial request, she had brought up the question of reconveyance of the right of way back to the property owners on Traffic Way. She asked what progress has been made on this situation. Planning Director Eisner advised the final question as to how that land is going to be reconveyed back to the property owners cannot be resolved until completion of the studies now underway by the design consultants relating to the vnderground utilities project on Traffic Way and Bridge Street. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 5 -7 -85 Page 5 ARC H I ECi IJRAL REVIEW CASE NO. 85 -332, SIGNING - F. MC CLINTOCKS SALOON, 133 BRIDGE STREET (CREEKSIDE VILLA). Planning Director Eisner advised the request is for architectural approval for two signs for McClintocks Saloon. The first sign labelled Exhibit "A" has been reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee and is recommended for approval. The applicants have also submitted a second sign, marked Exhibit "B ", to be mounted on top of a. utility enclosure. This sign is a logo only. It has been reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee and is submitted to the Planning Commission without recommendation. He noted that the location for the proposed signs is illustrated on Exhibit "C ". Mr. Eisner pointed out that, subsequent to architectural review of the above mentioned exhibits, staff received a plan for a proposed monument sign to contain a directory for all of the businesses in the condominium complex (Exhibit "D "). This submission shows the sign described in Exhibit "A" mounted atop the monument; the monument itself is 72" high, and the McLintocks' addition on top would add at least 24 additional inches, making the overall height 96 "; the newly adopted sign ordinance permits a monument sign not to exceed 6 ft. in height and, therefore, Exhibit "D" exceeds the height limit by 2 ft. He noted that, in terms of the new sign ordinance, they would have sufficient frontage to justify both signs. Mr. Eisner stated his recommendation to the Commission at this point would be to approve the sign labelled Exhibit "A" as recommended by the Architectural Review Committee, and Exhibit "D" be approved at an overall height of 8 ft. to make it consistent with the new sign ordinance. Mr. Moerrnan, -CN Signs and Graphics, explained that Exhibit "D" was not part of their submittal, however, the do want to have a directory in front of the development. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Soto, motion carried with one ''no" vote, to approve Exhibit "D ", with Exhibit "A" on top, with an overall height not to exceed 8 feet. Commissioner Carr stated he feels uncomfortable having two different designs and not having the owner present to represent himself. On motion by Commissioner Fisher, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried, Exhibit "B" was approved, not to exceed an overall - height.,of 8 feet. COMMUNICATIONS Jim McGillis, representing the Mini Storage on Grand Avenue and Brisco Road, addressed the Commission regarding the driveway locations for the project. He advised it is necessary to relocate the driveway because of an existing telephone box. He noted that the telephone people do not want to move the box and they cannot lower it enough to make the driveway work. Planning Director Eisner advised that it was the position of the Planning Director and the Public Works Director, and concurred with by the City Manager, that a modification of the driveway should be done at a public hearing as a part of the modification of a previously granted Use Permit. He noted there is nothing in the ordinance that gives staff the administrative power to modify a Use Permit. Chairman Gerrish commented his recollection of the public hearing on this request was mostly discussion between the staff and the applicant, with very little public input and, therefore, he doesn't see - the benefit to having another public hearing. Commssioner Olsen stated if staff does not object to the split driveway, she would have no objections. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, motion carried with one "no" vote, authorizing the staff to make a decision on the driveway for the Mini Storage Facility on Grand Avenue and Brisco Road. In answer to the Corrxrdssion's question regarding the liquid fertilizer storage facility on East Branch Street, Mr. McGillis advised they are looking at a piece of property in Oceano, and will probably submit an application to the County to move the operation to Oceano. AMOUR NMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 10 :00 P. M. Ate: , o ./.2 ' 1(444 Q� Secretary £2 an:m an S { , 183