March 5,`1985;
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular
Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Fischer, Carr, Moore,
Soto, Boggess and Olsen. Planning Director Eisner and Associate Planner
Stonier are also in attendance.
session with
Hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular
meeting of February 5, 1985 were approved as prepared on motion by
Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried.
Planning Director Eisner referred to a draft ordinance that was
prepared by the City Manager's office as a response and follow up that was
discussed by this Commission and the City Council about 4 months ago. He
noted that the ordinance reflects on the concerns and comments expressed at
the time of the original review. He pointed out that, if and when the
ordinance is adopted, it will be an ordinance that will primarily be
administered by .the Parks and Recreation Commission and then .sent_ on -to the -. .
City Council.
Commissioner Olsen stated she has read the ordinance and, in her .
opinion, it is too restrictive and leaves too much power to the staff and does
not leave the citizen with _recourse to the City Council. Mr. Eisner commented
that while the .ordinance ;itself .. is staff intensive, this ordinance and all
other ordinances_of the City are appealable at any time to the Commission
responsible for its administration, .and thereafter any decision can be ,,
appealed to the City Council. ;
After further discussion, on motion by. Commissioner Olsen, seconded by
Commissioner Moore, and unanimously carried, the matter of the Community Tree
Ordinance was set for public hearing for April 2, 1985.
Planning Director Eisner advised the request is for a variance for
property along Traffic Way to extend the front yard to within 3 ft. of the
street. The plan submitted by Mr. Bowser proposes construction to commence at
the property line adjacent to the right of way previously established for "
Traffic Way when it was the state_highway. Mr. Eisner pointed out that same
portions of Traffic Way right of way have previously been abandoned.
At the present time the City is in the planning process for undergrounding
utilities and improving the visual. quality of Traffic Way and, at this time,
no final plan line has been established.. He commented that the plan line that
normally is associated with right of way is in a state of transition at the
moment relative to the underground improvement and, because of that planning
that is going on, we, don't have a firm plan line. _
Commissioner Olsen stated that within the last 10 years the City
Council ordered all of that property to be dedicated back to the property
Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary that public
hearing for Variance Case No. 85 -100 had been duly published and property
owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open,
t erry Bowser, 510 Woodland Drive, owner of the property, spoke in
favor of the Variance. He advised that down toward Cherry Street, the
original State highway was 100 ft. and had been reverted back to an 80 ft.
right of way, and 10 ft. of that right of way had been deeded back to the
original owners; also, property owners on Allen Street were given back 16 ft.
of the original right of way.
Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, stated they recommend the development,
but question the placement because of its affect upon their property, and they
are asking that Traffic Way be held to the 80 ft. established line.
Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Variance,
Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed.
Arroyo Grande Planning Couudssion, 3 -5 -85
Page 2
Commissioner Olsen stated she is disturbed that the property was not
reverted back and, since it was not done, she feels that W. Bowser should be
allowed to have the zero setback. Commissioner Moore stated he does not want
to vote for this without legal advice and suggested that this matter be
continued for two weeks pending a legal opinion from the city attorney.
Chairman Gerrish commented that in order to grant the Variance, the
Commission must make the four findings listed in the staff report of March 5,
1985. He noted that there are at least two other properties whose property
lines run another 20 ft. out, and it seems unlikely that the City will use
that right of way and, in his opinion, the question should be addressed to the
City Council. Commissioner Carr recommended splitting the issues and acting
on the Variance request. After a brief discussion, the following action was
CASE W. 85 -100.
On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and by
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioner Boggess, Soto, Olsen, Moore, Carr,
Fischer and Chairman Gerrish
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 5th day of March 1985.
On motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and.,
unanimously carried, a recommendation was made to the'City Council that they
carry through as was originally planned by reverting right of way on Traffic
Wray back to the adjacent property owners.
Planning Director Eisner advised the request is for a lot line
adjustment to a create lot of 6,000 sq. ft. on May Street using an existing
legal non - conforming parcel and adding to it from a parcel formerly used as
railroad right of way. Mr. Eisner stated staff is recommending that, as a
part of the Commission's action, the applicant be required to remove the lot
line running along the'south side of the former railroad property in order to
eliminate another non - conforming triangular parcel adjacent to the subject
property. Staff also recommends that a survey be submitted to the City prior
to recordation of the map to verify that the remainder of the railroad
property is one continuous lot, and that no legal encumbrances divide the
property in a manner other than that illustrated on the tentative map. Mr.
Eisner advised that the matter has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory
Committee and the Subdivision Review Committee and is recommended for approval
subject to the conditions noted in the staff report datedMarch 5, 1985. He
further advised that this is an RA -B3 zone, but because these are lots of
record, 6,000 sq. ft. would be a legal non - conforming lot.
Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary that public
hearing for Lot Split Case No. 85 -409 had been duly published and property
owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open.
Jeffrey Carrithers, applicant, commented that this is an attempt to
configure a lot that would be appropriate to build on; the present
configuration presents enormous problems to build on.
C. J. Macy, 525 May Street, inquired as to what would be built on the
lot. Planning Director Eisner advised the lot could only be used for. a single
family resident. He further advised that because of the slope and other
physical issues related to the site, it will require a grading and drainage
plan. Steve Holton, 520 May Street, inquired as to the right of way.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 3 -5 -85
Planning Director Eisner advised that the right of way was purchased
by Mr. Ca.rrithers. and is developable.. Mr. Sanders, 526 May Street, stated he
is concerned about the property that is left, and inquired if another house
could be built in there? Mr. Eisner advised this is a subdivision that was
approved a long time ago and these are lots of record. If someone were to
exercise their options on a legal non - conforming lot, they could go in and
make use of that lot. He further advised, as a matter of information, that
the subject lots, including the right of way parcel, are lots of record and,
if the lot line adjustment is not approved, in his opinion, there is a
question that the properties could be used in their present form, and they are
substantially smaller in size.
Chairman Gerrish summarized that what we have are three lots, and if
the proposed map is approved, then end result is two lots.
Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed lot split,
Chairman Gerrish declared the :hearing closed. -
Commissioner Moore inquired if this matter has anything to do with the
proposed drainage.project.that has been under study for the Tally Ho Road
area. He asked _if the City.has abandoned the Tally Ho Creek as a drainage -
project? Mr stated that the map has been reviewed by the Public Works. -
Director and is, -being submitted to the Commission without comment.
Commissioner Carr stated he is concerned about.leaving that 6 ft. gap back
there, and he that the lot line adjustment be altered to leave more -
usable space to-the-rear-of-the 6,000 sq.-- ft:. .lot.. Mr.. Eisner stated that the
problem the applicant is facing is he is trying to leave the existing parallel
lot lines alone. Comnissioner Boggess stated . he -supports adding on to the
triangular section without going into the easement because, in his opinion, it .
doesn't look like a suitable lot to build on, especially with the drainage
casement in there. .
After considerable discussion relative to the drainage and slope
conditions, on motion by Commissioner Boggess, seconded by Cc„m:issioner Moore,
and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No.._85 -409 was continued pending
resubmittal of the lot line adjustment. Chairman Gerrish advised the audience
that this matter is being continued to the first meeting in April. •
Panning Director Eisner advised the request is for a minor lot line
adjustment for the purpose of equalizing parcels for personal family reasons.
He noted that both the existing parcels and those to be created by the lot
line adjustment are deemed consistent with the provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance. Mr. Eisner further advised that this proposal has been reviewed by
the Staff Advisory Committee and Lot Split Committee, and is recommended for
approval with the condition noted in the staff report dated March 5, 1985.
Upon being assured by the. Planning Commission Secretary that public
hearing for Lot. Split Case No. 85 had been duly published and property
owners notified, Chairman Cerrish declared the hearing open.
Howard Niankins, applicant for the lot line adjustment, spoke in favor
of the request, stating it is all vacant property and the reason for the
submittal is an estate planning problem.
Hearing no further discussion for or against the proposed lot split,
Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed.
After a brief discussion, Lot Split Case No. 85-410 was approved on
motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously
,.arried, subject to the condition listed in the staff report dated larch 5,
t•.TS. RI BR C4-1T)
Planning Director Eisner briefly reviewed the staff report dated March
5, 1985, noting that it is staff's feeling that the application is a
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 3 -5 -85
Page 4
consistent request with what the City Council had in mind at the time
Ordinance 140 C.S. was adopted. He commented that the.applicants have
previously been before the Commission with conceptual drawings andohave taken
some direction from the Commission. They are returning now With 'a specific
request under Ordinance 140 C.S. •
Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, stated she had sat through hours of
hearings on the Environmental Impact Report for Oak Park Acres, and the EIR
comments show a zero density on that parcel and, at the time cf those
hearings, Mr. Kvidt agreed to 800 people in the Planned Development, and now
with this plan we are talking about something like The Huntington in Morro
Bay, and those people are permanent residents. She commented if they intend
to change that then, in her opinion, the EIR should bP re- written. She stated
that the main concern at that time was the density.
Upon being assured by the Planning Ccuiuission Secretary that.public
hearing for Use Permit Case No. 85 -387 had been duly published and property
owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open.
Anita Fulbright, one of the applicants; gave a slide presentation and
briefly described the proposed project, commenting on the services and
facilities being offered.
Tony Orefice, architect for the project, reviewed the site plan and
how it relates to the land area. Reuben Kvidt, Oak Park Acres, spoke in favor
of the project, stating that we. have a lack of facilities of this type here
and, in his opinion, we have a need for this type of facility very badly. He
stated he feels this would be an appropriate use for the site, and he had
never heard of a density being given to a convalescent home, etc. He further
stated this is a good location and it will be close to the new proposed
hospital. He stated the project would generate considerably less traffic than
other permitted uses.
Sue Felt, Los Osos, stated she is in charge of Discharge Planning for
discharged patients at the hospital, and she feels there is great need for a
facility of this type in this area, and she urged the Commission to approve
this kind of project.
In answer to Marie Cattoir's questions regarding the number of people
at the facility and how much traffic would be generated, Ms. Fulbright stated
there would be 200 people, and the traffic generated would be mostly staff
Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit,
Chairman Ge'rrish declared the hearing closed.
Chairman Cerrish stated he agreed with Mrs. Honeycutt that we went
through a long EIR process and, after long deliberations, it was decided there
would be so many units and that was the way it was going to be. He further
stated he doesn't remember any discussion about nursing homes, convalescent
homes, etc. Commissioner Olsen stated her basic objection is the overall •
traffic generation in the area. She stated she agrees it was to be zero
density, and also that rest homes were never discussed and, in her opinion, it
just sort of slipped into the ordinance. Commissioner Boggess stated he feels
we need the facility and he ha's no objections to it being in that area.
However, the biggest problem we have is the Oak Park and Highway 101
intersection. He pointed out we have no commitment from the State regarding
the interchange, and he feels the timing is not right at this time.
Fr, Orefice stated the water is net available in that area, and is a
year to a year'and a half_ down the road. Basically, what they are after'at
this time is the land use approval so that they can go ahead with the planning
of the project. He further stated they feel they are'within the Ordinance and
would like to hear a "yes" vote of the Commission.
Commissioner Fischer stated she thinks the project is needed, however,
she feels it should be placed somewhere else in Arroyo Grande because of the
traffic problems. Cuin'issioner Carr suggested going back and looking at the
ordinance and the density. He stated he would like to see some kind of
analysis done that would indicate whether or not this proposed use is
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission,.3 -5 -85
significantly greater than the original use and, if it is, then the Commission
should direct their efforts toward reviewing those issues that were hot
addressed in the EIR. Pe stated he also has a problem with the grading and
with the conditions rectaun,ended in the staff report. He stated his main
concern would be whether the EIR adequately covered this use. If it did, then
we still have to address the concerns about the traffic at Oak Park Boulevard
and, if not, then he feels there has to be some additional EIR work done that
was not covered in the original EIR; and water, traffic and sewer would be
three areas that should be reviewed.
Cvz,utissioner Soto stated he feels all applicants should be addressing
the problems such as water, sewer and traffic. Regarding the proposed
hospital, he inquired if they are going to be allowed to go in there. He
stated his feelings are that anybody wanting to develop anything on that side
of the freeway are just spinning their wheels. Commissioner Boggess stated he
would be in favor of any projects on that side of the road if we only had
something to alleviate the traffic..- Commissioner Carr stated he feels that
the City Council has more or less indicated their position that they have
provided direction that it is O.K. to continue to develop in that area while
they work to solve the traffic problem. He suggested that maybe the
Commission should take a stand that they will not approve any more projects
over there until the traffic problems are taken care of.
After dis- cussion, Commissioner Olsen moved to deny the Use Permit
because of the traffic, water and other problems on the subject site. Motion
seconded by Camzmi- ssioner Moore. Under discussion,. Commissioner Soto suggested
the project be approved in concept, pending resolution of the traffic
problems. Commissioner Carr commented it is his feeling that the Commission
needs to provide some kind of firm direction on how they are going to deal
with projects in this area, and he feels it is premature to deny the project
without any further information on it. He further stated he would like to see
a review of the environmental information come back before_ the project is
reviewed again. The foregoing motion failed on a 3 to 4 vote.
Commissioner Fischer moved to continue Use Permit Case No. 85 -387
pending review of Ordinance 140 C.S. relative to increase in the density from
800 dwelling units, and also to update the original EIR to address the issues
of water usage, sewer capacity and traffic generated by the project. Motion
lost for lack of a second.
After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded
by Commissioner Carr, and carried, that Use Permit Case No. 85 -387 be
continued pending a public hearing for possible revision to Ordinance 140 C.S.
Also, staff was directed to provide additional data dealing with the original
EIR to address traffic, water and sewage capacity.
• Planning Director Eisner advised that the request is to allow a
hardware store in the Highway Service zone on property identified as Village
Creek Plaza, a shopping center to be constructed on Station Way in the
vicinity of the Arroyo Grande Fire Station and Freeway 101. He stated that
the use for a hardware store was added by Resolution to the uses permitted
subject to a Use Permit by the Planning Crrmission earlier this year. The
shopping center has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee and the
Architectural Review Committee and has been found to be consistent with all
development requirements and standards of the Zoning Ordinance, including
required off- street parking. He noted that the hardware store will occupy
10,000 sq, ft. of Building B in the Village Creek Plaza. •
Upon being assured by the Planning Commission Secretary that Use
Permit Case No. 85 -389 had been duly published and property owners notified,
Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open.
Gayle McConnell, Forrest Glen, stated the owners of the adjacent
property would like to request a two weeks continuance of this matter because
the development will create a landlocked parcel. They are requesting more
time so that their attorney can lock into the matter.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 3 -5 -85: Page 6
Keith Gurnee, Richmond, Rossi and Montgomery, planners and designers
of the project, stated'they concur with the staff reconmendations on this
proposal, and requested the Commission's concurrence of the proposal. With
regard to the "landlocked" parcel, Mr.•Gurnee stated they are familiar with
that particular piece of property and it is landlocked only in a legal sense.
He indicated that access could. be negotiated. He further stated that they
have worked a long time on this project and they now have same tenants and, in
his opinion, nothing could be served by a two weeks delay.
John Kuden, applicant for the project, stated he has tried many times
to talk with the owners of the property regarding the problem and they were
not interested in cooperating. He stated as little as about 2 -1/2 to 3 months
ago they were contacted and at that time they were not willing to cooperate.
Eugene Saruwatari, 1054- Pike, stated they were contacted about
three months ago. They attended a meeting with an official of Mid State Bank
and, at that time, alternatives were discussed. The question came up about
easement, however, that was not•an alternative open to them. He advised they
are conducting a study and would like some extra time to find out how this
development will affect them. .
Mr. Kuden stated he maintains there is no legal obligation on his part
to give an easement. He advised he has talked to LeRoy Saruwatari no less
than four times regarding this, and not once have the Saruwatari's said they
would be willing to talk about it.
Planning Director Eisner stated the question before the Commission is
approval of a hardware store in Building B of Village Creek Plaza, and the
other issues are going to have to be dealt with in some other way. He
reiterated that the Planning Commission recently added that a hardware store
is a permitted use, subject to Use Permit procedure, in the Highway Service
District, and this is a request for a Use Permit for a hardware store in the
Highway Service District.
Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit,
Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed.
Chairman Gerrish noted that there have been at least a couple of other
projects that have been proposed on this parcel, and this is the first time he
has heard anything about a landlocked parcel. Commissioner Moore commented he
attended the Architectural Review Committee meeting and the matter of the
landlocked parcel did not come up.
After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by
Commissioner Fischer, and carried, Use Permit Case No. 85 -389 was continued
for two weeks.
Cr motion by Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and
carried,'Architectural Review Case No. 85 -325 was continued for two weeks.
Planning Director Eisner referred to a draft of a proposed ordinance'
regulating satellite dish antennas. He advised the information has been
included for review and discussion, and to set the matter for public hearing.
After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by
Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried, the public hearing for proposed
ordinance on satellite dish antennas was set for public hearing April 16,
Planning Director Eisner referred to a draft resolution that was
included in the Commissioners' agenda packets. He noted that recently an
attorney brought to the City Council's attention the fact that we are not
operating in accordance with the ordinance relative to the Architectural
Review Committee. The present ordinance states that actions are final on the
part of the Architectural Review Committee unless specifically referred to the
Planning Conrissien as a whole. The alternative is that the Architectural
Review Committee takes no action at all and, after review, the. projects are
forwarded to the Planning Commission as a whole for their action..
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 3 -5 -85 Page 7
Another matter is that the present ordinance states the Architectural
Review Committee may be 3 members of the Commission, or 2 Commissioners and
the Planning Director. The present Committee is made up of two Commissioners.
Chairman Gerrish moved that the Planning Director be appointed to the
Architectural Review Committee. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moore, and
unanimously carried.
After a brief discussion, staff was directed to set for public hearing
amendment to Section 9- 4.2702 of the Municipal Code Relating to the
Architectural Review Committee.
Planning Director advised that a'request is forwarded to the Planning
Ccmission from the City Council asking that the Commission direct the staff
to review and bring back a review of the Highway Service Zone. After
discussion, on motion by Ccammissioner Soto, seconded by Coumissioner Fischer,
and unanimously carried, staff was directed to prepare a draft of proposed
ordinance changes and bring it back for review in a month or six weeks.
Jim McGillis, Surveyor with San Luis Engineers, representing E. C.
Loomis and Son, spoke regarding the proposed location of the fertilizer plant
on East Branch Street. He also mentioned that apparently there has been same
question as to whether the Commission understood all of the materials stored
cn the site. Mr. McGillis read a list of the items that are going to be used
in the process of making the liquid fertilizer. He stated he wanted to bring.
the Commission up to date on the use, stating they want to know whether they
have an accepted use, or whether they have to go back to the drawing board..
He further stated that the fertilizer tanks themselves are not low profile
tanks; they are 27 ft. high, and the applicants are coming to the Commission
to ask for some guidance and suggestions on how they want to proceed.
Planning Eisner pointed out that at the time they -came to the
Commission, they were still in the process of gathering materials and, in his
opinion, the issue has now been clarified. After a brief discussion, staff
was directed to review the proposal and report back to the Planning Commission
in two weeks.
' There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was
adjourned by the Chairman at 11:45 P.M.
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Secretary airman