PC Minutes 1984-12-04ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION December 4, 1984 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Moots, Carr, Fischer, Olsen, Moore and Soto. Planning Director Eisner is also in attendance. PUBLIC BEARING - $ZONING CASE J O. 84 -184, zONE alma FROM "RA -B3" PESIDENTIAL AURICILLMEa. DISTRICT IQ "P-D" MEWED =La= DIS'T'RICT, m$T ICE ERRY A V JE. .evi MCEL.QQIER ELLSWOk1-I1 . Planning Director Eisner briefly reviewed the proposed project, noting that the applicants are proposing a 43 lot subdivision on the flat land, with an additional 3 lots in the hill area. He further noted that when this item was before the Commission before, the request was for R -1 zoning. At that time, the Commission and Council rejected the request on the basis that the lot sizes were too small. Mr. Eisner described the differences between this proposal and those previously submitted. This one has large lots on Cherry Avenue and Branch Mill Road, with the smaller lots at the interior of the project. He noted that access would be restricted to Cherry Avenue and Branch Mill Road by a dedicated easement of 1 ft., as well as the landscaped buffer area including a curvilinear sidewalk and either a berm or wall for sound control. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Rezoning Case No. 84 -184 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Coker Ellsworth, 325 So. Halcyon Road, one of the applicants for the rezoning, spoke in favor of the zone change, and briefly described the proposed development. John Orueta, 444 Lierly Lane; Dave Hook, 504 Launa Lane, and Logan Saylors, 506 Launa Lane, spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. 'Mrs. Edna Brown, 508 Allen Street; Albert Stilwell, 734 Myrtle Street; D. G. Porter, 541 Ide Street; C. S. Kurek, 603 E. Cherry Avenue; Spence Thomas, 241 James Way; Mrs. Stillwell, 734 Myrtle Street; Steve Witherly, 607 E. Cherry Avenue; Sharon Gibson, 259 E. Cherry Avenue, and Larry Turner, 323 Noguera Place, spoke in opposition to the proposed zone change. Fred Schott, Engineer for the applicant, reviewed the proposed develognent relative to traffic concerns and described drainage plans for the project. Hearing no further discussion for or against the proposed rezoning, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. After considerable discussion among the Commissioners, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1025 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION NO. 84 -184, FILED BY VICK PACE AND COKER ELLSWORrH. On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Chairman Gerrish, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Fischer and Chairman Gerrish NOES: Commissioners Moore, Moots and Olsen ABSTAIN: Commissioner Soto ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was defeated this 4th day of December 1984 due to a split vote. With regard to the tentative tract map, on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, motion carried with one "no" vote, action on the tentative tract map was continued pending Council action on the rezoning request. Mr. Ellsworth agreed to waive the State Map Act time requirements on the tentative nap pending Council action. Chairman Gerrish advised that this matter will automatically go to the City Council for their action. 145 146 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 12 -4 -84 Page 2 MAMENEENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 10 :00 P.M.