PC Minutes 1984-11-06ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION November 6, 1984 The Arroyo Grande Planning Corrmnission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Moore, Moots, Olsen and Soto. Planning Director Eisner and Associate Planner Stonier are also in attendance. Lam. APPROVAL Chairman Gerrish corrected Page 3, Item No. 1 under Lot Split Case No. 84- 402, to read: "A road reservation of an additional 20' be included for extension of Valley Road in accordance with the General Plan ". Hearing no further additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of October 2, 1984 were approved as corrected, on motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried. ARCHT Crr[TRAT E EZi. CASE NO.. 84 -319, 21 UNIT maim, THE "H -S" HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRTCT, GRAND AVE. (ALAN RYZNER) Planning Director Eisner advised this matter is being continued pending resubmission of plans. He commented that the Architectural Review Board determined that the drawings were unsatisfactory, and the applicant chose to resubmit. eastummala Planning Director Eisner noted that in their recent study session, the Planning Commission left in abeyance what action to take on the Guidelines for the Architectural Review Committee. He advised that the guidelines will go to the City Council as an information item, and the Commission may want to wait to hear the Council's comments. Staff could then take the Council's comments and the Commission's comments, make those revisions to the guidelines, and then bring it back to the Planning Commission for adoption. Commissioner Olsen stated, in her opinion, after adoption, their should be some policy set up for a periodic review of those guidelines. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that the guidelines come back to them for adoption after the revisions have been completed. PUDr,TC A ,AR , 1 - REZONING CASE NO. 84 -183, ZONE MEL la3QU "RA-B3" REST LAL mum= DISTRICT IQ .7___121 MELO= DISTRICT, EROPE;EY GENERALLY LOCATED ORTH QE HTIASNA EOM R EATIE2 LANNF, AND Q$Q =M 41 4 ImM IQ r4ILtWOOD RANCH. _CEQUAT R.. OLSON). Chairman Gerrish relinquished the Chair to Vice Chairman Moots because of a possible conflict of interest on this item. Chairman Gerrish is now absent. Planning Director Eisner briefly reviewed the staff report, dated November 6, 1984. He pointed out that this application had previously been submitted to the Commission with a request for R -1 zoning, and the request was denied by the Consnission. He referred to the staff report, stating that the report indicated there were problems with the original map, and those issues have been corrected with the new map included in the Commission's agenda packets. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Rezoning Case No. 84 - 183 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. Terry Ortin, Westland Engineering Company, representing the developers of the project, spoke in favor of the proposed zone change. Mr. Ortin pointed out that their previous application was for R -1 zoning, with a plan for 22 units. Since that time, it was felt that "P-D" zoning would have better control and could address some of the concerns expressed by the adjoining property owners. He stated that the revised tentative map is less dense. He further stated it is the applicant's feeling that the drainage problems in the area will not be worsened by this developnent plan; if we cannot mitigate the drainage conditions, we cannot get a final reap approved. With regard to traffic concerns, Mr. Ortin stated that with the small number of units they are asking for, it is their feeling that the traffic . generated by the proposed tract will be insignificant. With regard to water availability, Mr. Ortin stated he has gone to the City Engineer and asked him if there is adequate water available for this subdivision; he feels that there is. 135 136 Arroyo Grande Planning Conunission, 11 - - Page 2 Craig Carver, 210 Oro Drive; Phil Schaaf, 214 Oro Drive; James Boyle, 230 Oro Drive; Bruce Nlccowan, 238 Oro Drive; Rich Portesi, 255 Oro Drive; Nancy Gerrish, 823 Plata Road; Mary Miller, 270 Oro Drive; Steve Beard, Plata Road; Bill Burke, 203 Oro Drive; and Joyce Maloney, 263 Oro Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposed zone change because of drainage concerns, increased traffic, water availability and density. Hearing no further conu:ents for or against the proposed zone change, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Fischer stated she lives in the area and she is against the density because of traffic problems and drainage problems, and she is opposed to access being granted through an already existing lot. Also, she feels it is too large of a project to only have one access in and out. Commissioner Olsen commented that the project is only two lots smaller than the previous plan and, in her opinion, the problems are the same, and the drainage problems and traffic problems would be compounded by this proposal. She further stated she would like to see a survey from the City giving an update on our water, traffic and sewer facilities. Commissioner Soto stated he feels this project may be a little too dense for the site, and it does not address the traffic problems on Huasna Road. Commissioner Carr stated he feels the project is too dense; that the traffic situation may be compounded by this project; the access is very questionable, and it doesn't seem like there was very much innovation in the design of the project. Conunissioner Moore commented that the developer is going to have to solve the watershed problem, and until that problem is solved, there isn't going to be a project. After further discussion, the following action was taken:. RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1015 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING DENIAL, WITHOUT PREJUDICE, OF A ZONE CAE FROM RESIDrNTIAL AGRICULTURAL ( "RA -B3 ") TO PLANNED DEVELOREITT ( "P-D ") , AND ACCOMPANYING GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, APPLIED FOR BY RONALD R. OLSON. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, t� wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Moore, Olsen, Soto an Vice Chairman Moots NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Gerrish The foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of November 1984. Vice Chairman Moots declared a 10 minute recess at 9 :20 P.M. The reeting was reconvened at 9 :30 P.M.. with C'nairrran Gerrish presiding and all rnewwers present as recorded in roll call. $DLLs BEARING - USE PERMIT c. A F ILK , 84-380, 30 UNIT OFFICE' COMOMMIT_J 4 PROJECT, ElAmrsn. LE DO _Ma PARK ACRES) THE. '_12:f" PROFESSIONAL WM.Y.4MCIAL DISTRICT. Imam T ��ND Sam Associate Planner Stonier advised that the application is for a 30 unit office condominium project in the Oak Park Acres development, which is zoned "P-D" Planned Develoiznent, and subzoned "P-C" Professional Commercial District. Ms. Stonier s taled there were some problems with the development plan as submitted; (1) three additional parking spaces are required. She stated the developers have indicated that those spaces could be provided. Ms. Stonier advised the other problem was that no sign plan was submitted. The applicant indicated that approval of the use permit and tentative reap could be conditioned on approval of a sign plan. Upori being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 84 -380 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 1240 had been duly pub].isbe_? :: nd property owners notified, C"ha..n??an Gerr.;.sh declared the hearing open. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -6 -84 Page 3 Jack Ghormley, representing Bonita Land Company, 1203 Pike Lane, questioned Condition No. 4, requiring provision of a fence between the subject property and St. Patrick's Cemetary to the south, with design approval of the Planning Director and the Catholic Church. Mr. Ghorrnley stated they are going to install a fence, but he would prefer the approval be with the City only and not an adjacent property owner. The other condition he questioned 'was No. 5, "Full improvements of West Branch Street and Camino Mercado to City design standards." Mr. Ghormley stated he hopes the condition does not mean they have to improve West Branch Street along the frontage of the cemetary. Planning Director Eisner stated the condition was written to deal with the 5 ft. the developer has on West Branch Street. With regard to Condition #4, Mr. Eisner agreed with Mr: Ghorrnley, pointing out that the design of the fence would have to be in accordance with the design of the building, and shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director and the Planning Coilunission. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed 'Use Permit and Tentative Tract Map, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Olsen inquired about the status of the soil being removed from the subject site. She noted that there a lot of people concerned about the cemetary. Mr. Ghormley advised that until a grading plan is approved by the City, they cannot get a grading permit. He further avised there is grading plan in the City Engineer's office for review and once that plan is approved by the City Engineer, it is their intention to remove the material that is no longer needed on that site. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1016 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT CASE NO. 84 -380 APPLIED FOR BY BONITA LAND COMPANY TO PERMIT AN OFFICE CONDOMINIUM IN THE "P-D" DISTRICT, OAK PARK. AGES, (SUBZONED "p-C" PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT), SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. On motion by Corrmissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moots,. and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Moots, Olsen, Soto and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Moore ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of November 1984. RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1017 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. 1240, FILED BY BONITA LAND CC PANY, On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Moore, Moots, Olsen, Soto and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of November 1984. On motion by Conu Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 84 -321 was recommended for approval subject to the Standard Conditions of the City, and certain special conditions. IDBLIf lam TRACT PAP NO, 1246 : . 551 CELL .STREET, Biz rr,EN'TAL EMDIVISI0N IN THE "R SINGLE F 2 Li RESIDENTIAL •DT _ ICI. LSrEVE ffQ14,_ AUNT FM WYE PAULDIML, 137 138 Arroyo Grande Planning Conu,ission, 11 -6 -84 Page 4 Planning Director Eisner advised that this is a request from the Ruth Paulding Estate, represented by Mr. Steve Cool, for a five lot subdivision. The proposal is to create four residential lots of approximately 6,000 sq. ft. each, with the remainder of the property being used for the Paulding History House, which would be a museum. He noted that discussions have taken place with the City Council regarding dedication of the parcel known as Lot 5 to the City. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Tentative Tract Map No. 1246 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Mr. Steve Cool, Attorney for Ruth Paulding, explained that there are two things they are trying to do: one is to take care of Mrs. Paulding, and the second is to make sure that her house and the surrounding area will be preserved for the benefit of the citizens of south county. He stated Mrs. Paulding would like to give the house and the grounds to the City of Arroyo Grande. He further stated there is a need to generate funds to take care of Mrs. Paulding while she is living, and after that,the funds will be used to take care of the property. He pointed out that the money from the sale of the property will go into an independent trust; the trust will be managed by three trustees. He commented that, after Mrs. Paulding passes away, the City assumes the responsibility of the house and the grounds. The City will set all of the operating hours for the house, the fees, maintenance programs, etc. The building will be taken care of, not only by the trust, but also by many private donations to the trust. He noted that the deed also includes virtually all of the personal property in the house. Mr. Cool advised that he appeared in front of the City Council on June 26th, and was told by the Council to apply for a legal subdivision. traffic. Mr. Bob Sanders, 526 May Street, stated he is concerned mainly about the Mr. John Edward Caswell, stated he is the husband of Mrs. Paulding's cousin, and spoke in favor of approval of the tentative subdivision map. Jim McGillis, Surveyor with San Luis Engineering, 136 Bridge Street, spoke in favor of the proposed subdivision map and, in his opinion, it is the proper way to develop the parcel. He stated there are two concerns with staff's recommended design changes: One is the requirement that the private road be developed to 24 ft. wide; 20 ft. of pavement is more than ample to serve that access; what is shown on the map is in no way substandard from anything around the City today. He pointed out that there will be a minimal of grading and a minimal of tree removal. With regard to the second concern, Mr. McGillis stated he doesn't see the need for a looped system. Planning Director Eisner advised that the Fire Department was concerned about the ability to hove in there and make that radius. There was also the feeling on the part of the Police Department that once residences are in there, they would want to get in for surveillance. He further stated, as far as the width of the street is concerned, staff is simply recommending the standard section of 24 ft. Staff reconu<<ends that they either widen the street to 24 ft. and then they could leave the 8 ft. alone, or get adequate parking in there. He stated, with regard to the turn- around or double access, staff has assumed that if it is going to be a museum or history house, it is going to be used, and that there is going to be parking in there. Barbara Carlson, representing her mother who lives at 555 Crown Hill, stated she is in favor of the proposal. She also spoke on behalf of the South County Historical Society, noting that the Society has agreed to lend its support to the proposal. With regard to the traffic and the use of the history house, she stated that traffic would be on a limited basis, with only a few people going through at a time. Barbara Hackett, 56]. Crown Hill, stated she is concerned about the traffic and, even with Crown Hill blocked off, it is still being used for a speedway. She was concerned that 4 more houses up there will add more traffic both on Crown Hill and Branch Street. Bill Cooley, stated he lives on Crown Hill and shares a driveway with Ms. Hackett, and he is concerned about the driveway. Also, there is hardley enough room to Eerk on one side of the street that is serving them now and still have two cars pass each other; it is a very narrow street. Also, the water pressure up there is almost negligible. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -6 -84 Page 5 Barbara Carlson commented regarding the water pressure. She stated her mother has lived there for 43 years and the water pressure on the top of the hill is terrible, however, houses are still being built up there and the situation hasn't changed in 43 years. Mr. Cool stated concern about the encroachment of the people using the two driveways and suggested the Commission might want to require a 6 ft. fence along the distance of the outside edge. Mr. Cooley commented he is not objecting to the proposal, but he was curious about where the driveway is going to be. He further commented he knew Mrs. Paulding's house was going to be a history house, however, nothing was supposed to happen with the rest of the property. Upon hearing no further cormnrents for or against the tentative subdivision map, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Carr inquired if the 36" live oak would be lost. Mr. McGillis stated they would probably put the curb around it. After a brief discussion, Tentative Tract Map No. 1246 was approved subject to the standard conditions of the City, and the following special conditions: 1. Private road to be 24 ft. wide for entire length. 2. Private Road to be a completed "loop" to be used for emergency access only. 3. On street parking to be 10' x 20'. 4. On street parking should be restricted on Crown Hill. 5. Drainage plan subject to approval of the Public Works Department. 6. Grading plan subject to approval of the Public Works Department. 7. Fire protection plan, including quantity and pressure subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1018 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TrIE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 1246, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS, AND REFERRAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. On motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Moore, Moots, Olsen, Soto and Chairman Gerrish NOES: Commissioner Fischer ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of November 1984. IPBLIC IFS $jam - REZONING F , 84 -185, .PROPOSED ORDINANCE 3 221 TO NK?DIFY CONCEPTUAL EMIER PLAN, DINE KNOLL IMF (FORMERLY "FNOLLWOOD ") . (OAK KNOLL VENTURES) . _ Planning Director Eisner commented that this development .plan and tentative tract map were presented to the Planning Commission and then sent on to the City Council. He advised that there is now in effect an approved and recorded develojxrent plan and tract map. This represents a modification of that original tract map and development ordinance. When this matter was previously before the 139 140 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -6 -84 Page 6 Commission, there was general agreement that the road system was substantially better on this submittal than the original one, however, it was agreed that the . density should not be increased. Also there were two issues brought out; one was whether or not Miller Way should be shown as extending through, and the second issue was how to deal with the existing grove of oak trees. When the matter went to the City Council, they agreed they would cul-de -sac Miller Way and, as far as the oak trees are concerned it has been suggested that the trees can be protected and taken care of by a Homeowners' Association. Mr. Eisner advised that what we have tonight is a determination recognizing that the applicants have complied with the desires of the Council in dealing with the two remaining issues. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Rezoning Case No. 84 -185 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Mr. Joe Danley, one of the applicants, commented that Planning Director Eisner had summarized the events pretty well up to this point. He reminded the Commission that there is a recorded subdivision now, and everyone, including the developer, agrees that it is a poor plan, and the plan that is before the Commission tonight is responsive to the wishes of the City. Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed rezoning, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Fischer commented she thinks Miller Way should be a through street, and she also thinks the oaks should be in private ownership. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Fischer made a motion recommending approval of Rezoning Case No. 84 -185, with the added conditions that (1) the Oak Tree Groves to be dedicated and maintained by the City as a public park; and (2) Miller Way be shown as a through street. Motion lost for lack of a second. After further discussion, the following action was taken: ATTEST: RESOLUTION NO. 1019 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COrtMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMN MENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 221 C.S. TO MODIFY CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN, OAK KNOLL DEVELOPMENT. On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Moots and Chairman Gerrish NOES: Commissioners Fischer, Olsen and Soto ABSTAIN: Commissioner Moore ABSENT: None the fore3oing Resolution was defeated this 6th day of Novemher 1984 due to a split vote. Following a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and carried with one abstention, Lot Split Case No. 84 -404 was denied. AJOUP NF,NT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 12 :00 P.M. Secretary nairman