PC Minutes 1984-09-04ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION September 4, 1984 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Fischer, Moore, Moots, Olsen and Soto. Commissioner Carr is absent. Planning Director Eisner and Associate Planner Stonier are also in attendance. MUM AME 1N Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of August 21, 1984 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Soto, and unanimously carried. nicamcluzu, BIELEA CASE NO. 84___315 F „UNIT MAIM= ALL. LUZ .6.69E STREET 1 MIE. "R -G" DISTRICT. (GARY WHITE) - Planning Director Eisner advised that the drawings for this project have not arrived and the applicant is asking for continuance to the meeting of September 18, 1984. PUBLIC k1 '.Al2TNG = LOT SPLIT CASE LIS2.. 84 -398, 73Z PRTNTZ ROAD IN TIM "R -S" DTSTRICL (F, KIRKPATRICK). :Manning Director Eisner advised that the applicant is requesting a division of property into two parcels, and the proposal complies with City Standards for minimum lot size in the R -S Zone. He further advised that the applicant has offered for dedication a seven foot strip for right of way on Printz Road. A cross easement of twenty feet on Parcel 2 and twenty five feet on Parcel 1 is proposed for access (ingress /egress), drilling, operation and maintenance of a well, sewer, water, public utilities and drainage. Upon being assured by the Planning Secretary that public hearing for Lot Split Case No. 84 -398 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. F. J. Kirkpatrick, applicant, spoke in favor of the Lot Split being approved. He stated that the 7 ft. easement was deeded about 5 years ago, so that requirement has been taken care of. He further stated that the easements are shown on the map. Mr. Heorge Hiester, 1414 So. Miller, Santa Maria, stated he owns the property contiguous to Mr. Kirkpatrick, and he has a 20 ft. easement that is not specified across the north side of the property. He stated he would like to have that easement specified in the split. Mr. Eisner advised that there are overlapping easements and they are there by deed restriction. Mr. Kirkpatrick commented that the easement is specified right on the title report. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed lot split, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion, Lot Split Case No. 84 -398 was approved, subject to the recommended conditions in the staff report, dated September 4, 1984, on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and unanimously carried. =41C Emma Ids SPLIT fASE NO. 84 -399, LINDA nglyE Tf "P-M" DISTRICI.. ilia HAMRTTES AM BLAMEEDQI BROS. ) Planning Director Eisner advised that the subject property has already been split by the construction of Linda Drive and the purpose of this procedure is to formalize the legality of the parcels as separate entities so that the applicants can list them with the County as separate parcels. He commented that the request complies with all of the standards of the City of Arroyo Grande, both in terms of zoning and the subdivision. Upon being assured by the Planning Secretary that public hearing for Lot Split Case No. 84 -399 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Upon hearing no comments for or against the proposed lot split,'Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Moore inquired if there is a pond on Parcel B, and if the ponds have been discontinued in the Fair Oaks Area? Planning Director Eisner advised that the existing pond is on Parcel B and it has been there for quite awhile. Mr. Moore inquired about the pipe line to Walnut Street. He commented they are putting up a 36 inch riser 2 ft. above the ground, and the water is going to go to Walnut Street and Maple Street. He stated that about a half mile down the line, after the water leaves Walnut Street, it comes by 123 124 Arroyo Grande Planning Conunission, 9 -4 -84 Page 2 his place, and his concern is that some of his neighbors' property is 2 ft. below the water on Walnut Street, and his question is, when is this pipeline going to be built? Planning Director Eisner advised he did not know about the pipeline, and he was not sure if the question would be germane to the request for a ministerial lot split. Commissioner Moore questioned if we are prepared to take care of the water? Chairman Gerrish stated he• doesn't quite understand why there is a city street in here with parcels on both sides of that street with the same parcel numbers. He further commented that if there is any development on the parcels, they would have to take care of their own water. After further discussion, Lot Split Case No. 84 -399 was approved on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and carried, with one "no" vote and one abstention. �-[ HEARING = Lca S LIT .SAS NO. 84 -40.11,. . 5.j LE .B IM.7 r ME "R -1" DTSTP.I�' l.S�T mia F IL .ERTM. AGE ESE A.. POLF7TI) . Planning Director Eisner advised that the subject lot split is noted as a lot line adjustment under the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California. He noted the request is to re- orient two existing lots, one of which does not now comply with the Zoning Ordinance, so as to create two lots of 7,000 sq. ft. and 7,100 sq. ft. respectively. He further noted that the adjustment, as proposed, would meet the minimum standards of the Zoning Ordinance, including the side yard setback for the existing house. Staff recommends that this parcel alignment be conditioned that any improvements on Crown Terrace or on LePoint Street required by the Public Works Department be completed in accordance with the adopted atlas of the City of Arroyo Grande. Upon being assured by the Planning Secretary that public hearing for Lot Split Case No. 84 -400 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Jim McGillis, Surveyor, San Luis Engineering, 136 Bridge St., representing the applicant, stated they would ask the Commission for consideration in timing of the improvements and ask that the Commission condition the improvements on the application for building permits rather than recordation. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed lot split, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. With regard to Mr. McGillis' request, Planning Director Eisner advised that staff would have no problem with conditioning the improvements at the time of application for a building permit. After a brief discussion, Lot Split Case No. 84 -400 was approved on motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, subject to recommended condition, amended to read: "completion of improvements prior to issuance of building permit ". ZGBLLG _i = = .14AP. TBAC.1' NO. 1223, MAGNOLIA 0.13,T 8 L $,F _ T L L BIJBDIVISION IN TEE "R -1" DISTRICT. _LN HANEY) . Planning Director Eisner briefly reviewed the staff report, dated epten,ber 4, 1984. He advised that the Staff Advisory Committee had reviewed_ the application and recommended the following special conditions over and above the standard conditions of the City of Arroyo Grande. 1. A fire hydrant as approved by the Fire Department. 2. Curb, gutter and sidewalk as approved by the Public Works Dept. 3. Conformance to the Halcyon Rbad plan line as approved by the Public Works Department. 4. Pavement of cul-de -sac shown on property "not -a- part" of this development; curb, gutter and sidewalk on this portion of the street is not a requirement of this development. 5. Appropriate easements as required by public utilities. Upon being assured by the Planning Secretary that public hearing for Tract No. 1223 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman_ Gerrish declared the hearing open. Joe Mautz, 950 The Pike, questioned if the street would go through to Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 9 -4 -84 Page 3 Halcyon Road? He further questioned how the residents of the proposed subdivision would get to their property? Mr. Eisner responded by advising that the extension of Magnolia Street would serve the 8 parcels in the subdivision, and access to the project would be one of two ways; it would either be off Halcyon down Sycamore Drive to Mulberry and then east again on Magnolia to the subdivision, or along The Pike into Gaynfair Terrace, into Magnolia and then into the property, but Magnolia would not be pushed through to Halcyon. Jim McGillis, representing the applicant, placed a large map of the proposed tract on the board for review by the audience. Chairman Gerrish declared a 5 minute recess. The meeting was reconvened at 8 :15 P.M. with all Planning Commission members present as shown on roll call. Mr. McGillis advised that all of the improvement water and drainage water will drain into the street. The lots are basically more than the normal 6,000 sq. ft. lots; it is a standard City street and meets all of the City requirements. He requested the Commission's consideration regarding recommended condition No. 4 requiring pavement of property "not -a- part" of the development, noting that normal requirements are building one parking lane and one driving lane on the developed side of the street, and the applicants are asking for the same consideration, even though it is a cul-de -sac. Mrs. Wade, Sycamore Drive, stated she is concerned about more traffic on Sycamore Drive, and she doesn't think it is fair to but more houses in there without having an access. Jay Melton stated he owns the property that is not included in this subdivision, and he was concerned about the elevation . of the cul-de -sac; he conuented that right now the present ground level is about 16" higher than his house. Mr. McGillis stated they would have the cul- de -sac lower than Mr. Melton's house so the flow line in front would be lower than his house. Mr. Melton inquired about shortening the street so that it doesn't take so much out of his yard. Chairman Gerrish advised there is no way the City can require the applicant, or Mr. Melton, to do that section of the street at this time. Mr. Eisner advised that the radius of the cul -de- sac, even without that piece, is wide enough to serve the needs of the property owners and emergency vehicles. Curt Nelson, Mulberry Lane, stated he is curious about the agreement that the "not -a -part" portion would not necessarily be finished, and what it would look like; the sidewalk would end at "not -a- part ", and the street would simply be paved, but there would be no curb, gutter and sidewalk. Mr. McGillis advised Mr. Nelson he is correct. He commented they had explored shortening the cul-de -sac, however, the City was very adamant about not having access onto Halcyon Road. As an overall comment, Mr. McGillis pointed out that the property is located in the City with all types of City services available to it and, in his opinion, it should be supported. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed subdivision, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Planning Director Eisner advised that a letter from the San Luis . Obispo County Health Agency was received and is on file, indicating that as a standard condition, if any wells are found on the property, they should be capped and destroyed.in accordance with County and State Standards. Commissioner Soto inquired if the proposed lot sizes are compatible to other lot sizes in the area. Mr. Eisner advised that they are compatible. Commissioner Moore inquired if we are leaving Mr. Melton with an unsolvable problem. Mr. Eisner commented that, in taking a look at it, he could probably get two lots out of his property; there are 150 ft. across the back, so he could get two 75 ft. lots, even though the depth would be restricted a little bit because of the cul-de -sac. After discussion, it was agreed to delete No. 4 from the list of special conditions recommended by staff. There being no further discussion, the following action was taken: 125 126 Arroyo Grande Planning Ccrwnission, 9 -4 -84 by the AYES: NOES ABSENT: the foregoing ATTEST: RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1012 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY CF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT NAP NO. 1223, FILED BY DON MC HANEY, AND REFERRAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Commissioners Fischer, Moore, Moots, Olsen, Soto and Chairman Gerrish None Commissioner Carr Resolution was adopted this 4th day of September 1984. Page 4 On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and following roll call vote, to wit: AEGOURNIEET There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 8:30 P.M. 1