PC Minutes 1984-07-17ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION July 17, 1984 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Moots presiding. Present are Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Moore, Olsen and Soto. Chairman Gerrish is absent. Planning Director Eisner and Associate Planner Stonier are also in attendance. COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Carr commented that he had attended the City Council meeting last week when they discussed the proposed Parking Ordinance. He stated they indicated they were looking at moving certain uses out of the industrial category to a different category, which would increase the parking requirements for those uses. Commissioner Carr stated his feelings that the Council should be discouraged from making those changes; we are talking about industrial manufacturing type uses as opposed to retail sales uses and, in his opinion, these uses should be kept in the industrial type category. He stated if the use is not in public sales, he does not see the need for increased parking. He further commented that the County Management Plan discourages having parking for every car to encourage more car - pooling. Planning Director Eisner advised that the Council was looking at uses such as plumbing shops, cabinet shops, etc., as places that do a retail level of business as, well as manufacturing, and it was their feeling that those uses should have a category of their own with more parking because they attract customers. Commissioner Carr stated he doesn't like to see someone who is in manufacturing and has two employees, having to put in 10 spaces just because of the square footage of the building. P[JBLIC HEM - USE PERMIT SAE N_ 84 -377, MINI- STGRAGE FACILITY, 1166 GRAND EVE UE IN um HIGBWAY S> ICE7 DISTRICT. (ORRIN S /RUN HARRIS) . Planning Director Eisner advised the application for a mini storage facility has been before the Commission before, both individually and as part of a larger project for the property. He commented that the application before the Commission this evening is basically a renewal of the Use Permit application for the mini- storage. Mr. Eisner reviewed the staff report, dated July 17, 1984. He commented that the Staff Advisory Committee has recommended that the access out to Grand Avenue be eliminated because of traffic on Grand, and that the major access be brought out to Brisco Road. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 84 -377 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. Jim McGillis, Surveyor with San Luis Engineers, representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the Use Permit being granted, and gave a brief . review of the history of the property. He stated that a mini storage facility had been approved for this site in 1983 and, at that time, the approval included access to Grand Avenue. He stated they tried to put that project together, but it didn't make sense financially, so they redesigned it, expecting the same conditions to apply. Mr. McGillis referred to the recommended conditions listed in the staff report, dated July 17, 1984, requiring a 24 ft. paved access from Brisco Road and improve water line on Brisco Road. He commented that, basically, under a development plan or building permit, the City can only require those improvements that need to be mitigated by the building being done, and to try to put the road improvements and the water line on the proposed development would shut down the mini storage. Mr. McGillis pointed out that the project was approved a little over a year ago by Paul Karp, who was Acting Planning Director at that time, and the applicants are requesting that those conditions that were not on the original approval of June 21, 1983 be deleted. Mr. Ron Harris, one of the applicants for the Use Permit, spoke in favor of the proposal, and briefly described the proposed parking and driveway plan. He noted that it has been planned that subsequently a driveway would be put in where Mr..Figueredo's welding shop is now on Brisco Road, however, it was their intention to leave him there as long. as possible until the lower half is developed. With reference to the water line, Mr. Harris stated he doesn't think the City can require that the developer put in the 8" water line; the State standard for a Use Permit is considered reasonable and 112 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -17 -84 Page 2 allowable only if it is necessary to take care of service demands by the development and, in his opinion, a watchman's quarters does not require putting in an 8" water main. Mr. Harris also questioned the requirement for a wall at the back of the property between this property and the residential property. He noted that the back of the building is concrete block and there is landscaping there and, if a wall is required back there to hide something, it would require a 20 ft. wall; there is an existing wood fence in back of the duplexes or triplexes. Planning Director Eisner noted that the wall is to provide a sound barrier. He stated that a 6 ft. wooden wall would suffice. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Carr questioned whether or not it would be appropriate to require the access to Brisco Road within a reasonable period of time to eliminate more traffic going out on to Grand Avenue. Vice Chairman Moots recommended that another condition be added to assure that all of the storage take place within the units, and that no outside storage be allowed, including vehicles. With regard to the Brisco access, he stated there needs to be some kind of time frame to get that in and to eliminate the one on Grand Avenue. He stated he felt the other conditions should be left as recommended and, if the applicants disagree, they could appeal to the Council. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1002 A RE9OLLPITON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 84 -377, APPLIED FOR BY ORRIN DOCKS AND RON HARRIS FOR A MINI - STORAGE FACILITY AT 1166 GRAND AVENUE IN THE HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT. On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Moore, Olsen, Soto -and Vice Chairman Moots NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of July 1984. Planning Director Eisner advised that this matter is finaled with the Planning Commission unless appealed to the City Council within ten days. PUBLIC HEARTNG - 3I,5E PERMIT OF NO. 84 -378, BE= f'4$ A MASTER SIGNING IP ,AN MI LIZ GRAND& MOM .I AM MILE CAL LENDER' S RES'TAUBMIT . BRANCH M AM MK Ma BLVD.. DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. (CN SIGNS gNl GRAPHICS, AGENTS EQ$ APPLICANZS) . Associate Planner, Linda Stonier, advised that the request is for approval of a master signing program for the motel and the restaurant. The applicant has submitted a series of alternatives, which are outlined in the staff report. Ms. Stonier briefly reviewed the alternatives and the staff recommendations. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 84 -378 had been duly published and property owner notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. Mr. Carlos Moreman, representing CN Signs and Graphics, introduced Mr. Lee Webb, applicant. Mr. Webb advised that they are asking for exactly what the Planning staff is recommending, but they would like to have the sign 38 ft. high. He stated that with the present sign arrangement, they are suffering an identification problem. Upon hearing no further comments for or .against the proposed Use Permit, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -17 -84 Page 3 Planning Director Eisner commented that, according to Mr. Webb's statement, the alternatives have been eliminated and what the applicant is asking for now is the addition of the Marie Callender's sign, relocation, and 38 ft. height. With regard to the height, Mr. Webb pointed out that the Motor Inn gets 90% of their business off of the freeway, and unless the sign is at least 38 ft. high, it will not be visable to the southbound traffic. After discussion, the Commission indicated they were in agreement with staff's recommendations and the following action was taken. RESOLUTION NO. 84.10,03 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COPMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 84 -378, APPLIED FOR BY C/N SIGNS AND GRAPHICS FORA SIGNING PLAN FOR CASA GRANDE MOTOR INN AND MARIE CALLENDER'S RESTAURANT IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, WEST BRANCH STREET AND OAK PARK BOULEVARD. On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Moore, Olsen, Soto and Vice Chairman Moots NOES: None ABSENT: 'Chairman Gerrish the foregoing resolution was adopted this 17th day of July 1984. Planning Director. Eisner advised. that, because this is a "P-D" zone, the matter will automatically go to the City Council for their approval. EMIC HEARING - RIM= SAM NO. 84 -98. REDDEST MR VARTANC E 7 t a 211E mum Lat Nma REQUIRED "R -3" DISTRICT, ITLE A 10 MI APARTMENT I „ 180 BRISCO ROAD. (KUDEN /FRADES). - Associate Planner Stonier reviewed the staff report, dated July 17, 1984. She pointed out that in order for the Commission to grant a Variance, according to State law, certain findings must be made; that because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zoning classifications. She stated that the Staff Advisory Committee felt that the proposed project does not meet the requirements for such findings to grant the variance, and this viewpoint was concurred with by the City Attorney. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Variance Case No. 84 -98 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. Jim MdGillis, 132 Bridge Street, spoke, representing the applicants. He noted that the project meets all of the ordinance requirements relative to coverage and setbacks, and they can meet the 24 ft. driveway requirement.. He stated that the problem is, basically, one of density, and the request for a variance is based on justice and history. He reviewed that the City wanted this property into the city limits and the property owners were told that if they agreed to come into the City, that nothing would be changed. Now, the City wants to widen Brisco Road and, after the required dedication for the road, the applicants will only qualify for 9.5 units instead of 10. He pointed out that there is a 10 unit apartment right next door on a parcel of property exactly the same size as the subject property. Mr. John Kuden and Manny Frades, applicants, spoke in favor of granting of the Variance. Upon hearing no further•conunents from the audience, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. 113 114 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -17 -84 Page 4 After a brief discussion among the Commissioners, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 84 - 100.4 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 84 -98. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Carr,. and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Olsen, Soto and Vice Chairman Moots NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Moore ABSENT: Chairman Gerrish the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of July 1984. Planning Director Eisner advised that this matter is finaled with the Planning Commission unless appealed to the City Council within 10 days. Emacazeuu=a2MTIM TRACT 118E NO. 1132 (REVISED), "RANCHO GRANDE° AM PROPOSED AMBER= LELINANCE 186 C.S. IBOURDON BURKARr, AMU BE OTTSE. INC.) Planning Director Eisner advised that the combined submission is required to meet specific conditions established by the gas company, and to complete certain other contractual obligations that are a part of the Rancho Grande development. The adjustments are considered minor in nature and do not represent substantial conceptual changes to the overall development plan. He stated the tentative tract map is being revised to permit a clear easement through the Rancho Grande property to meet the needs of a major gas line passing across the site. Mr. Eisner pointed out that the number of lots in the subdivision has not changed (134), and the only substantive change is the removal of a cul- de-sac and the creation of a loop street system, which is felt by staff to be a substantial improvement - to the overall project design. He further advise& that the . ordinance amendment is necessary only to modify' Exhibit "A ", a project design map attached to Ordinance 186 C.S. Mr. Eisner stated that one modification to conditions is requested by the applicants, and recommended by staff, which is a result of the Oak Knoll project being deleted from the improvement district. That modification reads as follows: "The developer is to construct James Way between Rancho Parkway and the existing development to the following sections: Full width, grading and minimum drainage; pavement 24 ft. on center of 2" asphaltic concrete over an approved 6" base; minimum utilities necessary to serve the tract with water and sewer are not required (these are to be installed by the adjacent property developer); curb, gutter and sidewalk on James Way adjacent to Lots 30, 31 and 32." Mr. Eisner advised there is another item relating to this project, which will be coming to the Commission in about four weeks, and that is a lot line adjustment which has been recommended for inclusion in Exhibit "A" of Ordinance 186 C.S. Since this is substantially a technical matter, and to avoid having to modify the ordinance a second time, the Commission is requested to include this change in Exhibit "A" at this time. Mr. Eisner noted that two separate actions are required at this time: (1) Approval of Tract Map 1132 as revised, and (2) approval of a proposed amendment to Ordinance 186 C.S. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for proposed amendment to Ordinance 186 C.S. and the revision to Tentative Tract Map No. 1132 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -17 -84 Page 5 Jim Garing, of Garing, Taylor & Associates, engineers for the project, spoke in favor of the amendments, and stated he is available to answer any questions the Commission may have. Hearing no further comments from the audience, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. Planning Director Eisner stated that, basically, what is needed is a resolution of action of Tentative Tract Map 1132, which takes into account the revision of the lots and the street alignment and, secondly, a motion of recommendation to the City Council approving an amendment to Ordinance 186 C.S., which substitutes a revised Exhibit "A ". Also, we are revising the wording to the conditions of the tract map as noted in a, b and c listed in the letter dated June 29, 1984 from Lyon, Miller & Walter taken: After a brief discussion by the Commission, the following action was On motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: by the ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1005 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE REVISED TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP OF TRACT NO. 1132 FILED BY BOURDON & BURKART, AGENTS FOR OTTSE, INC., SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. -Commissioners:Carr, Fischer, Moore, Olsen, `Soto and Vice Chairman Moots None Chairman Gerrish resolution was adopted this 17th day of July, 1984. RESOLUTION NO. 84 -106,6 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 186 C.S., EXHIBIT "A ", RANCHO GRANDE CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN. On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, following roll call vote, to wit: Commissioners Carr, Fischer, Moore, Olsen, Soto and Vice Chairman Moots None Chairman Gerrish Resolution was adopted this 17th day of July, 1984. AAJOURNMEN There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chairman Moots at 9 :45 P.M. Vice Chairman and 115