PC Minutes 1984-04-1780 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION April 17, 1984 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Moots presiding. Present are Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Fischer, Moore and Olsen. Chairman Gerrish is absent. Planning Director Eisner is also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meetings of March 6, 1984 and March 20, 1984 were approved on motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CPUSE NO. 84 -310, REMODELING, INTERIORS BY ,AMANDA, 124 W. BRANCH STREET. Planning Director Eisner advised the request is for architectural approval for renovation of a residential dwelling to be used as a boutique, a related use to Interiors by Amanda. He noted that the house was originally built as a parsonage for the church now occupying the front portion of the property. This matter has been reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee and is recommended for approval subject to the conditions listed in the staff report, dated April 10, 1984. Mr. Eisner briefly reviewed the proposed elevations. He stated it is his understanding from the applicant that this is the second part of a multi - phased project to completely renovate the property. In answer to Commissioner Moot's question regarding the extension of LePoint Street, Mr. Eisner advised that Public Works Director Karp is in the process now of designing the alignment and, it was his understanding that' Mr. Karp will take the matter to the Council in the near future. After a brief discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 84-310-was approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report, on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, and unanimously carried. £.IBLIc HEARIIS. - SR3ERAL PLAE AMEND 1J I NO. 84 -1. LAND USE D E S I G MAIIQN RRQM AaRIQIiLIRRR S 5 ACRE MIlL._l TQ I& i MULL = RESIDENTIAL. FAIR OAKS AVE. (GARING. TAYLOR AND ASSOC., INC., AGENTS FOR GRIEB FAMILY). Planning Director Eisner pointed out that this is the first of the three General Plan amendments that are permitted to cities and counties each year under. State law. He stated the holding of this public hearing is consistent with Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California. Planning Director Eisner advised the request is for a General Plan amendment for property identified as Parcel A and Parcel B, Lot 107, Tract 550, generally referred to as the "Grieb Property." The property is located on Fair Oaks Avenue and is bounded by the Arroyo Grande Creek, and presently carries a General Plan designation of "Agricultural - 5 Acre Minimum (Class I and II agricultural soils) ". The property is presently zoned "A" Agriculture and has been used for agriculture, primarily in walnuts, since the turn of the century, according to the applicants. The applicants are requesting a change to "Low Density Residential (.2 - 4.5 dwelling units per acre)." Mr. Eisner stated that the adjoining property on the east side of Arroyo Grande Creek is zoned for agriculture except for a small triangular piece which is zoned "P -C ". The property to the west and across the Arroyo Grande Creek is zoned for, and developed., as "R -1" Single Family, with the general exception of the properties that house the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital, which are zoned "P -C" Professional Commercial. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -17 -84 Page 2 81 In analysis, Planning Director Eisner noted that this land appears to be part of a good quality agricultural land resource within the City of Arroyo Grande. There appears to be few, if any, immediate development pressures that would justify a change in basic general planning policy at this time. This proposal has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee, and their recommendation is to deny the request and continue the General Plan policy of agriculture in this area. He stated if, however, the Commission chooses to further consider this request, a full EIR should be prepared for this site to make sure that whatever development does take place is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning, and is also consistent with the environmental concerns of the City, of the County, and those spelled out in the California Environmental Quality Act. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for General Plan Amendment No. 84 -1 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. Bob Garing, representing the Grieb family, presented a copy of an old General Plan and Zoning map, pointing out that in 1962 the land was zoned "RA -B3 ". Mr. Garing reviewed the information submitted in his letter to the Planning Director, dated September 2, 1983. He pointed out that the proposal before the Commission for housing and open space on the Grieb property. With regard to the necessity for a full EIR, Mr. Garing made the following comments: Fair Oaks Avenue was planned as a full arterial; the City, not the developers, using gas tax funds bought the right of way and constructed the center two lanes and it was intended that development construct the remaining two lanes, two parking lanes, and curbs, gutters and sidewalks. He stated that the project would contribute only 500 to 1000 trips per day, with a design capacity of about 6,000 cars per hour. Regarding water line capacity, he stated that. existing 10" and 12" lines on either side of the project would be connected. The sewer line capacity: the project would be connected to the sewer trunk line which is parallel to Woodland Drive. Regarding water availability, Mr. Caring pointed out that recent EIR's prepared for other .projects indicated that water is available; sewer plant availability - recent EIR's indicated that the plant is capable of handling sewerage to the year 2000; Drainage - the existing Fair Oaks Avenue bridge was constructed to handle a 100 year storm. The existing catch basin and storm drain will handle Fair Oaks Avenue drainage in its final stage. Visual impact - an attractive wall along Fair Oaks Avenue frontage, new trees, landscaping, etc. School impact - The City recently took action requiring developers to pay for and eliminate this growth inducing impact. In summary, Mr. Garing commented that a change of the General Plan and accompanying Zoning change would be beneficial to the City, the Griebs and the citizens. Gertrude Schaffer, Rt. 2, Box 1259, Smith River, stated her father and mother lived off of the ranch their whole life time and, during the later years of their lives, the land was unproductive and gradually the properties have been sold off because there was no way of making a living out of it for them. She stated what few parcels that are left, her father left to the children to be divided and there is no way of dividing it up without making an illegal subdivison, so they are trying the best they can to get the estate settled. Andrew David, Attorney representing the Grieb family, commented on Mr. Eisner's statement that there are few development pressures. He stated he gets calls every day from developers asking what they can do to get some development in the City and what property will be available for housing. He stated developers know that houses are sold as soon as they are done and, in his opinion, that is development pressure and there is a big demand for housing. He 82 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -17 -84 Page 3 further stated that this land is setting right in the middle of the City and its highest and best use is not agriculture, and with development of this property, we will get a chance for some money to come into the City. Mr. Don Schaffer, Rt. 2, Box 1259, Smith River, thanked the Commission for giving this matter consideration. Conrad Grieb, 303 So. Halcyon Road, stated when he started to farm the land it was just barely a feasible operation, and within two or three years he was not able to produce sufficient walnuts because the older trees were in decline. He stated they planted young trees in there but the public would come in there on horses and the young people came in there and broke the young trees down and, at that time, he told his folks that it . was not a feasible operation; there was not sufficient land there, and the cost of change over from walnuts to row crops would not be feasible. He commented that, as far as this land is concerned, no one could take that land and make a living and exist. Mr. D. G. Porter stated he believes that the Griebs are entitled to just compensation for their land the same as any other developer in the area. They do not deserve to be told that they have agricultural land, and it must be in agriculture at whatever price it will bring; in his opinion, this is not fair and every person in this room owes a debt to that parcel. He stated he doesn't think the 15 acres are capable of supporting a family at this time, but there are persons that will farm it. He pointed out that there is one thing in this valley that you can't find anywhere else; and that is three crops a year. He stated there are probably some young people here that may want to remove those trees and farm that piece of land. Mr. Porter presented a letter to the Commission from LeRoy Saruwatari objecting to the change of land use. Commissioner Olsen asked Mr. Porter how he suggests the Griebs get equitable treatment. Mr. Porter stated, in his opinion, it is going to take outside help; there is machinery in operation such as land trust, where a non- profit organization controls the land once it is purchased. They pay the owner a fair market value and in turn sell the land to an agriculture person, but he has to farm through perpetuity. Mr. Porter stated that the owners are entitled to a fair share of the money but, in his opinion, housing is not the answer because it is encroaching on other people's rights. Ida Mae Grieb, 303 So. Halcyon Road, stated she understands that the Saruwataris, in the past few years have tried to develop their property by getting a zone change. Mr. David stated he agrees with Mr. Porter regarding the land trusts, however, we don't have a market for them here; this city is not set up for that. With regard to Mr. Porter's comments for a farmer to farm the property, Mr. David stated it could only be done by a large farmer because a little farmer could not afford it. Mr. David stated that agriculture is not the highest and best . use of the property; it is housing. He further stated that the Griebs tried to prevent the extension of Fair Oaks Avenue through their property. There was no intent to freeze that property into agriculture when they put that road through; they knew it was going to go into residential, and that is why they put the road through and that is why the bridge was built the way it was Claire Sorensen, 901 Ledo Lane, stated eventually it is going to go to development anyway and she would like to see it go that way now. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed General Plan amendment, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Olsen stated her feelings that, in a sense, the Grieb family are in a position where they are being penalized because Fred Grieb had such a love for farming, he did not sell off his Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -17 -84 Page 4 83 land. She stated she has known that land since childhood and she feels very strongly about it, however, she doesn't know what the equitable answer is. She doesn't see how they can be forced to stay in farming when it can't be done. Commissioner Fischer stated she believes the County of San Luis Obispo needs to keep Class I farm lands in agriculture, but there needs to be some way to do it equitably. Commissioner Carr stated, in his opinion, Valley Gardens was a mistake, and the churches on Fair Oaks Avenue are a mistake because that land should have been left in agriculture. He commented he feels this Commission should pursue other alternatives to rezoning the land for residential use to see if something could be done to provide the heirs of the Griebs an equitable return on that property before it is rezoned. Commissioner Benhardt stated he can symphathize with the Grieb family, but a lot of their property has been sold off to development, and a lot of that property was where the walnut trees were. Commissioner Moore stated he is sympathetic with the Grieb family because they are not speculators that just moved into the area recently; they have been here for a hundred years or more. He further stated he hates to see prime land disappear because, in his opinion, the time will come when we will suffer from it, and he would like to have a little more time to look into other alternatives, such as land trusts. Vice Chairman Moots commented he understands the position the Grieb family is in, and he also understands the need for farm land. He would like to see the City try somehow to establish what a good value would be so that the Griebs can get along with their lives, and the farm land can be saved. Mr. David inquired if the direction the Commission is thinking about is some sort of land trust? Vice Chairman Moots advised the Commission would like to have a little time to look into land trusts and other alternatives. Mr. David requested a brief recess to discuss the time element with the Grieb family Vice Chairman Moots declared a 5 minute recess. The meeting reconvened with all Commissioners present as shown on roll call. Mr. David suggested that the matter be continued in 45 days. The Planning Commission felt: more time would be needed to analyze the alternatives. Commissioner Olsen moved to postpone a decision for 60 days so that a land study in agriculture could be made. Motion seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried. In answer to Commissioner Olsen's question as to whether it would be possible for staff to come up with some sort of study relative to the City buying development rights, Planning Director Eisner stated this is a question that should be directed to the City Council. Mr. David suggested that the Commission appoint a committee to discuss this with members of the family and see if a plan or idea can be realized to deal with the problem. Vice Chairman Moots suggested continuing the matter for 60 days and send a request to the City Council to request the formation of the Committee to investigate putting the land into some type of land trust. He appointed Commissioners Olsen and Moore as committee members from the Planning Commission, noting that perhaps Mr. David could appoint the rest of the Committee. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, a recommendation was made to the City Council that a committee be formed to investigate the feasibility of putting the Grieb property into agriculture trust or other appropriate land classification. -PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 84 -367, FULL SERVICE BEAUTY SALON, 1530 W. BRANCH STREET. OAK PARK PLAZA. (OAK PARK V.I.P. SALON DE BEAUTY). .Planning Director Eisner advised this request is to operate a full service beauty salon in the Oak Park Shopping Center. He stated 84 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -17 -84 Page 5 that a beauty shop is a permitted use in the district, however, the application included a licensed masseuse, which is not included in the uses permitted for the district, therefore, this application is for the massage aspect of the operation. He stated that should the Planning Commission and the City Council approve this use, the applicant will be responsible for State licensing approval, as well as any approvals required by the Arroyo Grande Police Department. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 84 -367 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. Erik Ansetta, owner, spoke in favor of the Use Permit being granted. He stated the proposal is for a full service salon and is a very professional operation. He further commented that everyone in the salon will be licensed by the State. There being no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken. RESOLUTION NO. 84 -983 RESOLUTION OF_THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. RECOMMENDING - APPROVAL OF A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 84 -367, APPLIED. FOR BY OAK PARK V.I.P. SALON DE BEAUTY TO ALLOW FOR A FULL SERVICE BEAUTY SALON, INCLUDING A MASSEUSE, IN THE HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT. On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Moore. and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioner Benhardt, Carr, Fischer, Moore, Olsen and Vice Chairman Moots NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Gerrish the foregoing resolution was adopted this 17th day of April 1984. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 84 -368, OFFICE CONDOMINIUM, EAaT B$AU.CE_,aTREET IN THE "C -B -D" CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. Planning Director Eisner advised that this project has already been before the Commission for architectural review. The reason it comes back for a Use Permit is because the applicant, Mr. Ellsworth, has decided to offer the project as an office condominium. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 84 -368 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. Coker Ellsworth, applicant, spoke in favor of the Use Permit being granted, stating the project, basically will have the same conditions as a residential condominium project, such as restrictions in the C.C.& R.'s, etc. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. Planning Director Eisner advised that this project has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee and is recommended for approval. He recommended that, if the Commission wishes to approve the project, that the following conditions be included as part_ .of the ar.,proval: Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -17 -84 Page g35 1. C. C. & R.'s be submitted for final approval of the Planning Director and /or Public Works Director. 2. No modifications to the structure as approved by the Architectural Review Board. This requirement to run with ownerships of the land and not only with the applicant. Commissioner Carr recommended that the C. C. & R.'s be referred to the Planning Commission for final approval. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 84 -984 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 84 -368, APPLIED FOR BY COKER ELLSWORTH FOR AN OFFICE CONDOMINIUM IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. On motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and by,the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Fischer, Moore, Olsen and Vice Chairman Moots NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Gerrish the foregoing resolution was adopted this 17th day. of April, 1984. Planning Director Eisner advised that this matter is finaled with the Planning Commission unless appealed to the City Council within 10 days. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 84 -369, LAUNDROMAT, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GRAND AVENUE AND NO. HALCYON ROAD (ADJACENT TO 7- ELEVEN STORE), HIGHWAY SERVICE DIST. (EDWARD GRIMSHAW). Planning Director Eisner referred to a site plan and elevations of a proposed laundromat on the southeast corner of Grand Avenue and Halcyon Road. He noted that the property is substantial in size and has been developed in a piece meal fashion over a period of time, and this is the last remaining undeveloped portion of property. The matter has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee, as well as the Architectural Review Committee, and is recommended for approval subject to the conditions of the Architectural Review Com- mittee listed in the staff report, dated April 9, 1984. Mr. Eisner advised that the parking standards for the City are 5 spaces for 1,000 sq. ft. of leasable area and the applicant has indicated they can provide 12 spaces. He stated that, after re- viewing the drawings as submitted, it was determined that the park- ing lot design is going to have to be modified and, with those modi- fications, including the handicapped space, it will be possible to get 11 spaces. He further stated that the City will be requiring that a drainage easement be provided from the site out to the street, or that there be engineering submitted to indicate that the drainage is carried out to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 84 -369 had been duly published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing open. 86 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -17 -84 Page 7 Michael Brady, agent for the applicant, spoke in favor of the Use Permit being granted. With regard to the drainage easement, he stated that the land is under one ownership and has common drainage and, in his opinion, it shouldn't be necessary to have a separate drainage easement. Diane Pippen, 4343 Leanna Drive, stated she and her husband are the owners of the Grand Carburetor Shop located in the center, and her main concerns are parking and traffic. She stated there is a problem there now, and with the extra cars and extra parking that the proposed laundromat will generate, she is concerned about safety. Jim Deering, 819 Park Way, stated he is amazed at all of the businesses in there now and, in his opinion, it doesn't look like the parking is sufficient. He further stated that the traffic that goes in and out of those exits now is hazardous, and he is definitely opposed to the proposed use. Dave Pippen, of Grand Carburetor Shop, stated his concerns regarding lack of sufficient parking now, and delivery trucks coming in and taking up more parking spaces. Mr. Brady stated, in his opinion, there should be some order given to the respective parking areas and it appears that people are parking on this vacant land. He further stated he would like to develop a parking pattern that would help slow down that thoroughfare in there. Mr. Grimshaw, applicant for the Use Permit, stated he doesn't see any problem with the parking, and if cars are racing through there, he suggested the possibility of a speed limit sign being installed. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit, Vice Chairman Moots declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Fischer stated she has some questions regarding sizes, dimensions, widths and parking that is already granted to existing businesses, and before she could approve a new building on the site, she would want to have those questions answered. Commissioner Carr agreed with Commissioner Fischer and, in addition, stated he would like to have the entire parking reviewed for existing and proposed uses. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, and unanimously carried, Use Permit Case No. 84 -369 was continued pending receipt of answers to the questions raised tonight. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 84 -176. ZONE CHANGE FROM "P -C" PROFEaaIQNAL LQMMLBLIAL alamEiLI IQ "$ - 2" 111LIL LL EA11IL' RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, SO. HALCYON ROAD, NORTH OF FAIR OAKS AVENUE. After a brief discussion regarding the subject zone change and related Variance Case No. 84 -97, the Planning Commission felt that the administrative course taken was inappropriate. The applicant withdrew the applications, and staff was directed to refund the filing fees, minus the cost of publishing and postage for notices. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. on motion b Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unani ..sli c Chairman,'