PC Minutes 1984-02-21ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION February 21, 1984 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Benhardt, Fischer, Moore, Moots and Olsen. Commissioner Carr is absent. Planning Director Eisner is also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL On motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of February 7, 1984 were approved as prepared. PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUATION) - TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. 1158 "OAK PARK VILLAS ", LOT 7, TRACT 604, OAK PARK ACRES, A 70 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION UNDER OPTIONAL DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. (SAN LUIS ENGINEERING, AGENTS FOR J. E. FOREMASTER). Chairman Gerrish advised that the public hearing on this matter is still open. He noted that only item remaining for consideration is whether or not the Parks and Recreation Commission wanted a park in the area, and that question has been answered by their memo, dated February 16, 1984, wherein they have recommended collecting fees in lieu of park land dedication. COMMISSIONER CARR ENTERED THE MEETING DURING THE ABOVE DISCUSSION. Chairman Gerrish asked if there were any further comments from the audience and, upon hearing none, declared the hearing closed. Jim McGillis, Agent for the developer, stated that the recommended conditions have been reviewed with staff and both parties are in agreement. With regard to those conditions, Planning Director Eisner pointed out with regard to Item #7, which was discussed at the last meeting, the wording would be changed reducing the sidewalk width from 10 ft. to 6 ft., and subject to design approval of the Planning Director. He commented that the developer has concurred with the change. Commissioner Carr stated that there were several points raised in the San Luis Engineering letter of January 6th during the last meeting, and one of the .more _important ones was the grading of the lots and the lot sizes. Planning Director Eisner commented that the issues which were discussed at the last meeting have all been dealt with. Commissioner Carr pointed out that one of the issues was whether that hill should be left or if it should be taken down. Mr. Jim McGillis stated, from an engineering standpoint, the lots are large enough to allow useage without a large amount of grading. He further advised that the new grading plan will allow for some grading along Oak Park Road to increase the sight distance, but basically the top of the hill will remain as it is. Commissioner Fischer stated her concerns regarding the traffic problems in the Oak Park Area, pointing out that everytime a project is approved in the area, the traffic problem is being compounded. Planning Director Eisner advised that the City Council and staff are aware of the problem and the magnitude of it, and the Mayor's Committee has been working with representatives of the three cities involved and Cal Trans. He commented that the solution is probably sometime away, but it is recognized that the problem exists and will be corrected in time. He further commented that staff's recommendations for approval of projects in this area are based on what is happening in the planning and the design level. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 84 -973 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP OF TRACT NO. 1158, "OAK PARK VILLAS ", FILED BY SAN LUIS ENGINEERING, AGENTS FOR J. E. FOREMASTER, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. On motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Moore and Chairman Gerrish NOES: Commissioner Fischer ABSTAIN: Commissioners Moots and Olsen ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of February 1984. 61 62 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -21 -84 Planning Director Eisner advised that the matter would now go to the City Council for final action. PUBLIC HEARING — VARIANCE CASE NO. 84 -96, REQUEST FOR REDUCTION OF SIDE YARD SETBACKS, 300 ALLEN STREET IN THE "R -1" DISTRICT. (STEVE PFAAR). Planning Director Eisner advised that the action requested is a variance Of a sideyard requirement to allow the reconstruction of a non - conforming structure on an existing foundation, which is 28 ft. from the property line and within 6. ft. of an existing building. Mr. Eisner pointed out that the Uniform Building Code requires that structures either be connected or that there beat least 10 ft. between structures. He advised that the applicant indicated the structure was removed for purposes of upgrading the structure. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Variance Case No. 84 -96 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Andrew David, Attorney appearing on behalf of the applicant; Myrtle Walker, 302 Allen Street; and Bob Collett, 254 Allen Street, spoke in favor of the Variance being granted. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Variance, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Planning Director Eisner referred to the draft resolutions included in the agenda packets listing findings for granting of a Variance. He advised that there are actually two actions involved; one is the 28 ft. setback from the property line, and the other is the 6 ft, distance between structures. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 34 -974 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING ZONE VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. 84 -96, FILED BY STEVE PFAAR. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Fischer, Moore, Moots, Olsen and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted this 21st day of February 1984. Page 2 Planning Director Eisner advised that this matter is finaled with the Planning Commission unless appealed to the City Council within ten days. PUBLIC HEARING - LOT SPLIT CASE NO.84 -390, NORTH ELM STREET IN THE "R -3 "DISTRICT. (LOUISE T. PASCHALL). Planning Director Eisner advised that the applicant has requested continuance of this matter to a date uncertain. After a brief discussion, Lot Split Case No. 84 -390 was continued to the first meeting in April. PUBLIC HEARING - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 84 -392, 512 AND 520 IDE STREET IN THE "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. (SAN LUIS ENGINEERING, AGENTS FOR MARGARET WORK) . Planning Director Eisner advised that the applicant is requesting a lot split to create a parcel 13,653 sq. ft. in size and a remaining parcel of 73,946 sq. ft. Parcel A contains the existing single family house and an old house to be removed. He pointed out that this matter has been reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee and the Subdivision Review Committee, and is recommended for approval subject to the conditions listed in the staff report dated 2- 21 -84. Commissioner Moore commented that this is part of a subdivision that was formerly heard by the Planning Commission, which showed a cul -de -sac on the two acre parcel and it was all going to be drained into the Arroyo Grande Creek. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Lot Split Case No. 84 -392 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Jim McGillis, Surveyor for San Luis Engineering, agent for the applicant, advised that the approved subdivision is still very much alive, and the requested Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -21 -84 action is merely a means of creating a separate parcel for the house where Mrs. Work's daughter lives. Phillips stated she owns property in the area, and inquired if the proposal is different from what was originally submitted. Chairman Gerrish advised that the requested action is merely to separate the parcel where the house is from the proposed subdivision. There being no further comments for or against the proposed lot split, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Planning Director Eisner referred to Condition #4 of the staff report, requesting it be modified to include "that the final sidewalk design shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director ". Also, with regard to Condition #2, he requested it be revised to read "Solid waste be removed from the property." After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 84 -392 was approved subject to the conditions,'as modified, and with findings listed in the staff report dated February 21, 1984. Page 3 63 Planning Director Eisner advised that this matter is finaled with the Planning Commission unless appealed to the City Council within ten days. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 84 -361, FREE STANDING SIGN, 200 W. BRANCH STREET IN THE "H -S" DISTRICT. ( MINA -TREE SIGNS, INC., AGENTS FOR BANK OF AMERICA). Planning Director Eisner advised that this matter is brought before the Commission as a technical courtesy. The signing that was a part of the design for Bank of America was included in the original drawings, which have been before the Architectural Review Committee and have been approved by the Planning Commission. He pointed out that the signs fall within the guidelines of the Zoning Ordinance. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 84 -361 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman_Gerrish_declared the hearing open. Deb Parton, Mina -Tree Signs, Inc., agents for ... the applicant, spoke in favor of the use permit being granted. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Chairman Gerrish commented that the proposed sign meets the Ordinance as far as square footage however, in his opinion, it is not consistent with other signs in the Village. Commissioner Carr pointed out that the Bank of America in Pismo Beach has a monument sign and it seems to him that the proposed sign is too high of a sign for entrance into the Village area. Commissioner Olsen commented that, in her opinion, the sign is not consistent with other signs in the Village. Ms. Parton stated that originally the applicant had asked that it be 50 ft., and the reason being that the bank sets back rather far from the corner itself. Commissioner Fischer commented that she would like to see the City adopt a policy on signing in the Village area. Commissioner Moots stated he would like to see a policy established whereby sign approval be a part of the Architectural Review process. It was the consensus of the Commissioners that the proposed sign was not consistent with other signs in the Village area. A motion was made by Commissioner Carr to 'deny the application with the findings that the design of the sign is:; not consistent with other signs in the Village area and is not consistent with the architecture of the bank, and that the Planning Commission further wishes to have only a sign on the building. Motion lost for lack of a second. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, that the use permit for a free standing sign be denied as submitted with the findings that it is inconsistent with the architecture of the building and is not consistent with the architectural style of the Village area. Chairman Gerrish suggested that, rather than deny the use permit, the matter be continued to allow the applicant to come back with another design more in keeping with the architecture of the building and the Village. After discussion, Commissioner Tischer withdrew her motion for denial, and Commissioner Moots withdrew his second on the motion. The Commission indicated they would like to see a pedestal sign bordered with a wood finish and the sampling stone material at a reasonable height. 64 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -21 -84 Chairman Gerrish advised that Use Permit Case No. 84 -361 would be continued to the next meeting of March 6, 1984. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 84 -362, AMBULANCE SERVICE IN THE "P -C" DISTRICT, 1503 EL CAMINO REAL. (FIVE CITIES AMBULANCE). Planning Director Eisner advised that the request is for a use permit for an ambulance service in an existing building at 1503 El Camino Real, which is a permitted use subject to conditional use permit in the Professional Commercial District. He advised that he and the Chief Building Inspector have inspected the property as well as the surroundings and found that the building has been used for commercial uses in the past and, except for two conditions that . are recommended in the proposed resolution, they found all activities and construction to be consistent with the use proposed. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 84 -362 had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Barry Tolle, Five Cities Ambulance Service, spoke in favor of the use permit being granted. With regard to recommended Condition #1 that the shrubbery along El Camino Real be trimmed or removed, Mr. Tolle advised that the shrubbery is on another property and he has no control over it. Mr. Eisner pointed out that there is a visibility problem, and recommended that the two property owners get together and do whatever can be done to increase the visibility on the south side of the property. Page 4 Mr. H. R. Sheppard stated he owns the property on the downhill side of the subject property, and there is a fourplex rental unit on that property. He further stated he has talked to the present neighbors of the Five Cities Ambulance people. He learned that there is a noise factor involved, in that they have c:_ts_de telephone lines and a P.A. system that has been misused. He stated it is his understanding that, in their present location, almost 100% of the time when they come out of Halcyon, their sirens are going. He commented that the traffic on El Camino Real is very heavy now, and with the ambulance service in that location, they are going to create more problems. Mr. Sheppard commented that he is concerned if this ambulance service is permitted in that location, he is going to have a tenant turn -over in his rental units. Chris Hile, 1535 Chilton, stated she is concerned about the dangerous situation on Oak Park Road, and to have a vehicle that has to get on to the freeway quickly, in her opinion, would be very dangerous. Barry Tolle, owner of Five Cities Ambulance, stated in the new location there would not be a noise problem, and the use of the P. A. system would be absolutely stopped. Mr. Arnold Blakey, owner of the subject property, spoke in favor. of'!the Use Permit being granted. He stated, in his opinion, some of the remarks are exagerated. He pointed out that the property is adjacent to the freeway, and other ambulances will be using their sirens. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed use, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Moots recommended that, since there has been some opposition on this matter, that the use permit be conditioned for a review in six months. The Commission agreed with the recommendation and, after a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 84 - 975 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 84 -362, APPLIED FOR BY FIVE CITIES AMBULANCE SERVICE AT 1503 EL CAMINO REAL IN THE "P -C" PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Benhardt, Fischer, Moore, Moots and Chairman Gerrish NOES: Commissioners Carr and Olsen ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of February 1984. I 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -21 -84 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP, TRACT NO. 984 -1 "SUNNY GARDENS'', HUASNA ROAD IN THE "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. (SAN LUIS ENGINEERING, AGENTS FOR IKEDA BROS.) Planning Director Eisner advised that the subject tract is a previously approved tentative subdivision for Sunny Gardens. The subdivision has been fully developed and the tentative map, for some reason, was allowed to expire. The purpose of the Commission's action at this time is to reactivate the tentative tract map solely for the purpose of allowing the final subdivision map to be recorded. Upon being assured by Planning Director Eisner that public hearing for Tentative Subdivision Map, Tract No. 984 -1, had been duly published and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Jim McGillis, San Luis Engineering, Agents for the applicants, spoke in favor of approval of the tentative subdivision map. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed tentative subdivision map, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Planning Director Eisner reviewed the conditions of approval, stating they are the ones that were originally attached to the map. ATTEST: After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 84 -976 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 984 -1 "SUNNY GARDENS ", AND REFERRAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. On motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYE_S: Commissioners Benhardt,. Carr, Fischer, Moore, Moots and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of February 1984. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 83 -357, 17 UNIT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, 182 BRISCO ROAD. (G. GOMES, AGENT FOR DENNIS LINTNER). Chairman Gerrish announced that this matter has been continued to March 6, 1984 and, if not heard by that time, it will be dropped from the agenda and readvertised when the applicants resubmit plans. GRANNY FLATS ORDINANCE Planning Director Eisner noted that preliminary drafts of the Granny Flats Ordinance have been distributed to the Commissioners. He requested that the Commission review the material in the next two weeks, and advised the matter will be set for public hearing for March 6, 1984. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 9:40 P.M. -Pfid Secretary @hairman 65