PC Minutes 1983-05-17ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION May 17, 1983 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Moots and Pilkington. Commissioners Cole and Moore are - absent. Also in.attend- ance are Acting Planning Director Karp and CityManager Mack. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 3, 1983 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, and unanimously carried. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 83 -277, MINI STORAGE FACILITY, 1190 GRAND AVENUE. (RON HARRIS /ORIN COCKS). Acting Planning Director Karp referred to a map showing the _ layout for the proposed mini - storage facility. He noted that a Use Permit was granted by the Planning Commission approximately a year ago to the owners ofothe . property; also architectural review for an office building was approved and a Lot Line Adjustment. He pointed out that none of the projects have come to pass as yet, although the conditions still carry on these projects. He stated that the staff feels it appropriate that some of those conditions be carried on to this development inasmuch as this seems to be the first one that is going to go. Mr. Karp referred to his memo to the Planning Com- mission, dated May 11, 1983, listing 7 recommended conditions of approval. Mr. Karp further commented that one of those conditions is a finding that the quarters defined as "office" may be used as a watchman's apartment, if required, and covered parking would be provided within one of the storage units.. He advised that the development will conform to previously approved projects for the site; there are some other conditions, such as access out on.Brisco Road,which, in his opinion, would not be appropriate at this time for this type of development. Commissioner Carr stated, in his opinion, it would be more appropriate to refer to the 7 items listed in Mr. Karp's letter as "terms and conditions ", rather than "conditions ". After a brief discussion, Architectural Review Case No. 83 -227 was approved on motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and unanimously carried, subject to the terms and conditions noted in the staff report, dated. May 11, 1983. CONTINUATION (Public Hearing Closed) - REZONING. CASE NO. 83- 169, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO.. 140 C.S. CHANGING THE 'LAND USE OF LOT 7, TRACT 604, OAK PARK ACRES FROM MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. (SAN LUIS ENGINEERING, INC., AGENTS FOR. J. E. FOREMASTER). City Manager Robert Mack advised that the Planning.Commission, at its last meeting, requested a legal opinion:from the; city attorney.as.to whether or not Ordinance 140 C. S. must be amended in order to permit the proposed use on this particular parcel of land. He further advised .that a legal opinion has been submitted by City Attorney Shipsey which, in effect, states that the ordinance must be amended if the Planning Commission wishes to change the use as proposed by the applicants. Acting Planning Director Karp commented that this is a rezoning application and the hearing to change the zoning has been held and closed, and now it would be the Comrifiss determination as to whether or not to recommend changing the ordinance to permit detached dwellings as opposed to the type of housing indicated by Ordinance 140 C.S.; more specifically, to change the type of development; the density will be pretty much the same. Mr. Karp further pointed out that these are basically the same layouts that were approved a couple of years ago and, in his opinion, the approval was inappropriate the first time, and it would be inappropriate at this time to approve the same type of map without rezoning. He noted that the proposal doesn't develop the kind of housing that Ordinance 140 C.S. stipulates, which is cluster type housing. Mr. Karp read from Ordinance 140 C.S., Page 7, Para- graph 3, as follows: "Parcel #7 (18.2 Acres Zoned "R -G ") - Uses permitted shall be medium density residences of not more than eighty -five (85) total units (4.7 per acre) by construction of either cluster housing, townhouses, condominiums, and /or apartments. Subdivision plans must use cluster or grouping suitable for recreational purposes within the parcel." Mr. Karp stated that if the applicant means to approve this map, he will need some Optional Design Standards to get around the slope problems. L, 81 92 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 5 -17 -83 Page 2 Commissioner Moots stated as he recalls the original approval, the reasons for the cluster type development was because of the typography, proximity to a commercial area, and the greenbelt had something to do with it; it was intended to be some kind of a buffer. Mr. Jim McGillis, representing the applicant, stated that basically all the applicant is asking for through development plan approval is to be able to develop residential instead of cluster housing; in other words, the request is for Planned Development low density residential. Commissioner Carr commented he doesn't have a problem with the basic request to change it from Garden Apartments or cluster housing; however, he does has a problem with calling it "R -1" and also using "P -D" to get a standard R -1 development. He stated in reading the Zoning Ordinance, Planned Development is not there to allow standard R -1 type development. Chairman Gerrish stated he does not have a problem with changing the Ordinance if the Commission now feels that the change is in the best interest of the City. He further commented that he would abstain from voting on the matter since he was not present at the last meeting when the . public hearing was held. Acting Planning Director Karp suggested that,if the Commission wants to approve the. Ordinance change, they could direct staff to prepare an amendment of 140 C.S. for the Commission's review at their next meeting. After further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Pilkington, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, motion carried with one "no" vote and one abstintion, directing staff to work with the applicant to develop an amendment to Ordinance 140 C.S. changing the uses permitted on Parcel 7 to single family subdivision use as opposed to cluster housing as stipu- lated in the Ordinance. COMMUNICATIONS Acting Planning Director Karp referred to a letter from Van's Auto Parts, dated May 17, 1983. He stated that Mr. Bonds would like to rebuild at the corner of Nelson and Bridge Street. He further stated that in a prior conversation with Mr. Bonds, he had informed him that he had a non - conforming use. He pointed out that Mr. Bonds' request is to allow him to rebuild on this corner with architectural review procedure rather than the Use Permit procedure. It was the consensus of the Commission that Van's Auto Parts is a retail business and all that would be required for the new building would be architectural review. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and unanimously carried, it was the Commission's finding that the requested use is similar to other uses permitted in the Central Business District ADJOUP.NMENT There being no further business before the Co ission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 8:15 P.M. ATTEST: Secretary airman