PC Minutes 1983-01-04ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION January 4, 1983 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Cole, Moots and Pilkington. Commissioner Moore is absent. Also in attendance is Planning Director Hays. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of November 16, 1982 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and unanimously carried. COMMISSIONER MOORE ENTERED THE MEETING AND IS NOW PRESENT. REVIEW REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION TO EXISTING SIGN - ROUND TABLE PIZZA, TOWN AND COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER. Planning Director Hays referred to the sketch showing the proposed addition of.flags- to:the existing sign. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Benhardt, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and carried with two abstintions, the proposed addition of flags to the existing sign was approved as per drawings submitted. PUBLIC HEARING - FOCUSED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR SHANNON RANCH BUSINESS PARK, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTHERLY OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY LIMITS ADJACENT TO HIGHWAY 101. Planning Director Hays reviewed that several months ago the applicant approached the Commission with a proposal for prezoning and annexation of the area known as Shannon Ranch. The proposal was for prezoning and ultimate annexation of the. area to be prezoned "P -M" Planned Industrial. At that time the Commission felt that to making any recommendations to the City Council certain environmental information would be required prior to making a recom- mendation. A Focused Environmental Impact Report was required. The report was completed and sent to various agencies for review. After this review period, the next step calls a public hearing on the report to obtain additional input and to determine the adequacy 'of the report... The matter will then go to the City Council. It will come back to the Commission for prezoning after the City Council has certified the Focused Environmental Impact Report as being adequate. - Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for review of the Focused Environmen.tal.Impact_Report - -- for - Shannon Ranch Business Park has been duly published, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Mr. Bob Garing, of Garing, Taylor & Associates, commented on the preparation of report. He stated it was an interesting report to prepare and he was somewhat negative to the project when he started, however, he became more interested in it as it went through. He pointed out that in preparing the report no attempt was made to design anything on this project; they said that an interchange would be needed if the project goes through. They also said that two water tanks would be needed if the project goes through. He stated that they did not try to design the sewer system; they said there is adequate sewage capacity for the project providing certain improvements are constructed and that the overall growth rate of the District is moderate. He stated, with regard to the visual impact, they merely stated there will be visual impact caused by the construction of buildings, roads and parking areas. He further stated that the growth inducing aspect was not as great as they had anticipated it would be, primarily because the project would create 535 jobs, but they would be the type of jobs for people that are here now and are out of work. Mr. Garing stated that there was one comment from Cal Trans which dis- turbed him which, in effect, stated that the EIR was inadequate because of the fact that the location of the interchange was too close to the one to the north. He referred to Exhibit "A" in the EIR, pointing out that it is from Cal Trans and it is their location of the interchange. He stated that the County and the State signed the agreement for that and this is an exhibit from the freeway agreement. The agreement is signed by two different parties and cannot be changed until those two parties go back and renegotiate. Commissioner Carr questioned the amount of Water that would be used compared to the sewage treatment capacity. Mr. Garing advised that some of the water goes to irrigation and does not all go to the sewer plant. Commissioner Cole inquired about utilizing what is known as "gray water ", and if this particular type of development would lend itself to something like that. Mr. Garing stated that the use of gray water would depend on the development, and it could be mentioned if ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION, 1 -4 -83 . Page 2 the Commission would like to have that looked into in the development of the project. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, stated she had talked to Mr. Hays prior to this meeting and he advised her that she shouldn't be concerned, however, she is concerned about the cost of the interchange and the drainage systems, etc. Also, she is worried that if this is approved, the industrial zone may be expanded towards town. She further stated it is her feeling that possibly redevelopment monies would be used for these improvements and that adjacent property owners, who would not necessarity benefit from this project, would be included in the payment of these monies. If-this happens, as adjacent property owners, it would be prohibitive for them to remain there and be included in any such assessment district or redevelopment district. She stated if the project is approved, she would like to have it so stipulated so that the properties concerned would bear the costs of the improvements. Upon hearing no further comments regarding the adequacy of the EIR, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Chairman Gerrish referred..to letters received from the County and the State, noting that the County, for any number of reasons, does not think the EIR is adequate. Planning Director Hays stated that, basically, what the County is against is the procedure we are going through. It is their feeling that the City should go- -ahead and prezone this and then let the applicant apply for annexation and have the applicant do a major EIR at that stage. He stated it is his contention that the Commission should be looking at these items addressed in the Focused EIR, and focus in on whether or not these items are significant, and you would make that determination in the prezoning. He pointed out that in the Draft report, it was not clear as to the exact procedure on this, and._._ the .project description said it would be annexation of the area. The County's various agencies who reviewed the report, mainly`the,Emvironmental Coordinator's office and the .Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo), felt that if it was annex- ation, , they didn't want any part of reviewing this because it:was_..their feeling they should be the -ones preparing the report; therefore, they decided they did not want to comment other than saying that the report was inadequate. Mr. Hays further stated that the page - has been amended saying that the project. is prezoning, and it doesn't change - anything in the report as far as impacts are concerned. Commissioner Carr stated he was particularly interested in the reference in the report that subdivisions bring in more revenue to the City than what the City has to- expend in serving the subdivision. He felt that the City should know in- dollars and cents the cost benefit of a project such as this at some point along the line. It wouldn't behoove the City to expend more money than it-will gain in revenue and, in his opinion, some detailed analysis of that should-.be- .included somewhere in the report, and he finds the report to be somewhat inadequate in that regard because it doesn't have that infor- mation. He commented that the report also says that most of the people that would work here would come from the local labor force, and that is not sub- stantiated in the report_either. Also, it only seems to discuss the growth inducing impacts within the confines of the industrial business park, but there are other related impacts which occur as a result of this project going in, however, those seem to be ignored, and a lot_of those would probably be beneficial to the City if the project occurred. Commissioner Carr stated, in his opinion, if the Commission finds this report to be adequate, they need to have some guarantees that those questions be addressed in an adequate manner before we get way down the line and there is no turning back and then find out how much money it is going to cost us. Planning Director Hays advised that this is specifically one of the items that is touched upon in the annexation process, and that is the whole economic situation. He agreed that it is well to have as much information as early as possible, but most of that information comes out in the annexation stage and the City may well say, after we see the figures, that they don't want the project because it isn't worth it. Commissioner Moots stated that if it goes as far as annexation, he has some questions regarding sewer, water and traffic, and if they build an inter- change; where is it going to go and who is going to pay for it. He further stated, in his opinion, the mitigation measures are not full blown. Planning Director Hays stated that these are items that will be discussed at the an- nexation hearings. He noted that their proposal is conceptual and to finalize a plan, they have to have an idea that they can get prezoning and annexation; that is when the wheels actually start turning and they develop a plan. 1 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION, 1 -4 -83 Mr. Garing pointed out that the report doesn't tell you how much more revenue is going to be coming to the City from taxes because we don't know yet , what_mithe =development.__ is going to be. It is written on a concept; it doesn't really say how many rooms in a motel, it:doesn't.say how_many:buildings, etc.; it just points out that they will encourag'? the types of businesses that only use so much water. This report is only written on that very vague concept and at a later date, if you like the project, there will have to be a development plan of the project. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Carr commented that he feels satisfied with what has been discussed tonight and the only question is whether or not some of the information that Mr. Garing said would be attached to the report when it comes back to us, if it would be included in the report when it goes to the City Council, specifically the report regarding develcpments paying for themselves, and some kind of demonstration that the jobs would be filled by people within the area if there is indeed information about that. If it cannot be verified, then it should be taken out of the report. Mr. Garing advised that he obtained information from the Employment Development Department. Also, his firm completed a study on the Hilton Inn in San Luis Obispo, and at that time they went into great depth as to what type of employee works in a motel, etc. He pointed out that there wouldn't be very many people that would be drawn from outside of the area because the majority of the jobs ..are low skilled type jobs. Chairman Gerrish suggested if that report Mr. Garing just referred could be put under reference in the back of the EIR,aperhaps that would solve the problem. After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, and carried with one "no" vote, that the Focus Environmental Impact Report be-forwarded to the City Council together with the written com- munications received and the items discussed here this evening. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - ..REZONING CASE NO. 82 -165, ZONE CHANGE FROM RA -B3" RESIDENTIAL_. AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, MAY AND PASEO STREETS. (JEFFREY CARRITHERS). Chairman Gerrish advised that this item would be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting of January 18, 1983. REVIEW - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 82 -339, FAMILY AMUSEMENT CENTER IN THE "H -S" HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT, 1238 GRAND AVENUE. (JAMES R. SMITH). ----.-Planning Director advised that one of the conditions of approval of this Use Permit was that the Commission review the operation at the end of 6 months to determine. if there -were any problems associated with the use. He commented that he -has observed the operation and there were no apparent problems. He further stated - that he has not received any complaints regarding the operation. Commissioner Benhardt stated he has also observed the operation and has found it to be orderly and well kept. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Moore, and unanimously carried, it was noted that the Commission has - reviewed the Use Permit and could find no reason to either revoke or further review the Use Permit at this time. CONSIDERATION OF SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. Planning Director Hays advised that the Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCo) has requested information from the City regarding the proposed Sphere of Influence study they are conducting. He noted that the Sphere of Influence or probable ultimate physical boundaries and service area of the City is very important to the future of the City After considerable discussion on this matter, the Commission felt they would like to have more information and requested the Planning Director to invite the LAFCo Executive Director, Paul Hood,_.to attend the next Planning Commission meeting to give a presentation on the proposed Sphere of Influence, and what the City's input should be. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the ommission, the meeting was adjourned b the Chairman at 9:20 P.M. ATTEST: Secretary Page 3 Chairman