HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 1981-11-03380 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION November 3, 1981 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Benhardt, Cole, Moots, Pilkington, Saruwatari and Sebastian. On motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned to the new City Council Chambers. The meeting was reconvened with all Commissioners present as reported on roll call. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of October 20, 1981 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Sebastian, and unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO. 81 -82, REQUEST TO ERECT A 4 FT. CHAIN LINK FENCE ALONG THE FRONT AND SIDE PROPERTY LINE, 751 SO. ELM STREET IN AN "2 -1" DISTRICT. (VELMA CARNATE). Planning Director Hays advised that the applicant has applied for a Variance from the 3 ft. height limitation in the front yard setback to construct a 4 ft. high chain link fence around her front yard. He further advised that the applicant has a State licensed day care center, and she feels that a 3 ft. fence is not adequate to confine the children to her yard. Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for Variance Case No. 81 -82 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Upon hearing no comments for or against the proposed Variance, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Sebastian inquired if the day care center is compatible with the "R -1" Zoning. Planning Director Hays advised he had discussed the matter with the City Attorney, and was advised that Mrs.Carnate has a legal right to have a day care center in the "R -1" District After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -873 V RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 81 -82. On motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Benhardt, Cole, Moots, Pilkington, Saruwatari, Sebastian and Chairman Gerrish NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 3rd day of November 1981. PUBLIC HEARING, VARIANCE CASE NO. 81 -83, REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN 8 FT. CHAIN LINK FENCE INSTEAD OF A 6 FT. FENCE FOR SECURITY REASONS IN AN "H -S" DISTRICT, 141 SO. ELM STREET. (GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOC). Planning Director Hays advised that the applicants are requesting a Variance of the height limitation of a fence from the 6 ft. maximum to 8 ft. The proposed fence is chain link and the applicants feel that a higher fence is desirable for security reasons. He further advised that the fence area is located at the rear of the property and it does not appear that such a fence would create a visual problem to the surrounding uses. Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for Variance Case No. 81 -83 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open. Jim Garing, 141 S. Elm Street, applicant for the Variance,.spoke in favor of the Variance being granted. He stated that they would like to park cars in the back, however, because of the continual vandalism problem, they cannot at this time. He further advised that the new fence would tie in with the carport area. 1 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -3 -81 r ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -874 V RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 81 -83. On motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: Commissioners Benhardt, Cole, Moots, Pilkington, Saruwatari, Sebastian and Chairman Gerrish None None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the C.mmission the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 P.M. Secretary / hairman J Page 2 Upon hearing no further discussion for or against the proposed Variance, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed, and the following action was taken: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 3rd day of November 1981. CONTINUATION (PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED) - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81 -369, 261 JAMES WAY. (HARRY VOAKES). Planning Director Hays reviewed that at the Planning Commission's last meeting this matter was presented and Commissioner Sebastian indicated he had some concerns over the flag access and the topography, and whether or not 17 ft. 2 in. was adequate to get up to that lot considering the grading, etc. Mr. Hays referred to the memo from Public Works Director Karp, dated October 30, 1981, recommending approval of the split as previously conditioned. Mr. Hays stated that he and Mr. Karp looked at the site, and it was Mr. Karp's feeling that they could lay the access road on that grade without having to make any cuts and it would be satisfactory. Commissioner Sebastian stated, in his opinion, gradients should have been shot and cross sections drawn to assure the proper slopes so that future owners don't get into an unsatisfactory situation with driveway slopes. COMMISSIONER SEBASTIAN REQUESTED THAT HE BE EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING AND IS NOW ABSENT. Planning Director Hays advised that the slope is close to 20% if these are actual grades. He further stated that Public Works Director Karp felt that the lot could be constructed without making any cuts. There being no further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole; seconded by Commissioner Benhardt, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 81 -369 was approved subject- to .the8_coridifions3listed in Minor Subdivision Committee Action, dated October 14, 1981. 381