eptember1 1981
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with
Chairman Gerrish presiding. Present are Commissioners Benhardt, Cole,
Pilkington and Sebastian. Commissioners Moots and Saruwatari are absent.
Planning Director Hays is also in attendance.
The minutes of the Regular Meetings of August 4, 1981 and August 18, 1981
were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by
Commissioner Benhardt, and unanimously carried.
COMMUNICATIONS - Lot Split Case No. 81 -365, 331 and 321 Tally Ho Road (Lechner
and McLaughlin).
Planning Director Hays briefly reviewed Lot Split Case No. 81 -365, which
had been approved by the Commission at their last meeting. He pointed out that
subsequent to that approval, one of the applicants, Mr. McLaughlin, came in and
talked to him about the way the lots'were set up, and he was..going to run into a
problem when he files his final map, and it may not be in conformance with the
approved.tentative. Mr. Hays advised that:the.changes are minor, :however, he
wanted the Commission to be aware of the : s:iltuation .. He further advised that the
revision still meets the ordinance requirements. After a brief discussion, the
Commission felt that the proposed change was close enough to the approved tenta-
tive map that there would be no problem with the revision.
Planning Director Hays briefly reviewed the proposed lot line adjustment.
He advised that the proposal meets the minimum lot size for the "R -1" District.
He further pointed out that a Lot Split Committee meeting was not held and,
therefore, he was recommending the 8 conditions listed in the staff report,
dated August 27, 1981, if the Commission approves the lot split.
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that Lot Split Case No. 81 -366
had been duly published, posted_ and property owners notified, Chairman Gerrish
declared the hearing open.
Roger Fuller, 222 McKinley Street, applicant for the Lot Split, stated
he has no further comments at this time, but would be happy to answer any
questions the Commission may have.
Mr. Max Harris, 212 McKinley Street, inquired if this was just one lot.
Mr. Fuller advised he is taking two lots and making them into -,iot.
Upon hearing no further comments, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing
Commissioner Sebastian expressed concern as to the ability of a large
vehicle, such as a moving van or recreational vehicle, getting in there because
of the width of the access.
After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded
by Commissioner Benhardt, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No.81 -366 was
approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report, dated August 27,
1981, and with the addition of Condition #9 as follows: "That staff work with
the applicant to insure driveway opening is 'adequate to provide for access for
a 45 ft. moving van.
Planning Director Hays advised that the applicant has applied for a Use
Permit to allow a pet and gift shop at 106 N Halcyon Road. The site is zoned
"H - S" Highway Service District, and the main building contains approximately
1600 sq. ft. of floor area. He pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance requires
a minimum of 8 parking spaces, and the applicant is providing 7 spaces, however,
the spaces are small and there is not sufficient room to back out of the parking
area. He further pointed out that only an 8 ft. driveway will serve the parking
area and this will be the only means of ingress and egress.
Mr. Hays stated that the applicant, upon receiving word about the
problems, submitted a revised plan showing three on site spaces and indicating
parking on Halcyon Road for three cars. He pointed out that there is room for
about one car directly in front of the existing structure. He stated that,
based upon what has been presented, staff feels that there is inadequate parking
and recommends that the Use Permit be denied.
rroyo Grande Planning Commission, 9/1/81
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for
Use Permit Case No. 81 -327 had been duly published, posted and property owners
notified, Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing open.
Carol Brummett, applicant, spoke in favor of the Use Permit being
granted. She stated that with the type of business they have, they rarely
have more than 1 or 2 cars at a time and the people usually do not stay more
than 10 minutes. She further stated that with the building on Halcyon, there
are three on street parking spaces that would seem to be adequate to her since
the customers are not in the store any length of time.
Marjorie Cass, 371 Jaycee Drive, San Luis Obispo, stated she is the
owner of the property at 102 and 104 N. Halcyon Road, next door to the subject
property.and she is opposed to the Use Permit. She stated there is only one
space in front of 106 No. Halcyon Road and that is not exclusively for the
tenants use; it is for public use. She further stated there may be a couple of
parking spaces in the back, however, there is not room for people to turn around
and they have to back out a long way between the two long buildings on to Halcyon
Road, which is very dangerous. She further stated that people backing out have
caused numerous holes in her building. She advised that the occupants of 106
No. Halcyon Road have used her parking lot for their garbage bin and, in her
opinion, there is not enough room there for parking and other essential oper-
ations such as garbage collection. She pointed out also that the customers at
106 No. Halcyon use her tenants' parking spaces and are _trespassing on her
Chuck Luther, 411 Coach Road, real estate agent ,representing the
applicant, stated they have no intentions of encroaching their customers on to
the neighboring property, and he suggested having it fenced off so that people
from the subject property couldn't encroach on to the adjoining property.
Upon.;_hearing no.:further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit,
Chairman Gerrish declared the hearing closed.
Commissioner Sebastian:stated if the business is highly successful in
this area, then the amount of parking they have shown will probably be in-
sufficient, however, if the business is going to be so successful that they
need additional parking, they would probably be willing to remove those storage
buildings to create more parking. He suggested that the Commission allow them
to begin their business and evaluate it on an annual basis.
Chairman Gerrish stated with regard to the time limit on the permit,
he would not be in favor of it because these people are going to purchase the
building. He further stated, in his opinion, 3 parking spaces are not adequate
for a 1600 sq. ft. building. Commissioner Cole stated that if the business
were to grow, certainly they would realize the value of adequate parking for
growth and would eventually. -- have take something out to get adequate park-
ing. She further stated she realizes the problems existing with the parking,
but she is also concerned about the fact that this is a business that wants to
go in the area and it is going to be a low traffic type of business at this
particular time, and she feels it would be better to have the building being
used than to leave it vacant_ Commissioner Benhardt stated he feels that the
property should be used, and with the amount of business they will be doing,
in his opinion, they will have ample parking even if they only park 1 or 2 cars in
the back.
After further discussion, the following action was taken:
On motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner
Benhardt, and by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Commissioners Benhardt, Cole, Pilkington and
NOES: Chairman Gerrish
ABSENT: Commissioners Moots and Saruwatari
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 1st day of September 1981.
royo Grande Planning 9/1/81
Commissioner Sebastian referred to the situation off of Miller Heights
where the gentleman was going to do some landscaping prior to winter, which has
not been started yet, and he would like to see Planning Director Hays and Public
Works Director Karp see that this winterization is completed before the rains
start. Planning Director Hays advised that the gentleman has no later than
September 15th to begin hydro- seeding.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was
adjourned by the Chairman at 8:45 P.M.
ATTEST: ( 4 1/4 _, ( 12