PC Minutes 1981-06-1630
June 16, 1981
The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular sesion with Chairman
Gorsline presiding. Present are Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Moots and Pilkington.
Commissioners Gerrish and Sebastian are absent. Planning Director Hays is
also in attendance.
Planning Director Hays read a letter addressed to the Commission from
Jim McGillis, San Luis Engineering, dated June 16, 1981, requesting the
Commission's interpretation as to whether or not guest parking should be
considered as part of open space in the "R -G" District. Planning Director
Hays explained that several applications have been close when they have to
have a 40% portion in open space, and the requirement for 1/2 guest parking
space per unit places an extra burden on the applicant.
Chairman Gorsline stated, in his opinion, what Mr. McGillis is asking
for is that a portion of the guest parking be considered as part of the 40%
requirement for open space. He stated that possibly Mr. Hays could come up
with some ideas and directions in that respect. He further stated that guest
parking has been a requirement of the Commission and, in his opinion, it
should be in the Ordinance. The Commission concurred that guest parking is
imperative in any type of condomonium and apartment projects.
Planning Director Hays reported that he had received a phone call
yesterday from the applicant's representative indicating that they were not
quite ready to proceed with this project due to the concerns regarding
circulation and setbacks, etc. and they requested that the item be deleted
from tonights agenda.
Chairman Gorsline announced that Use Permit Case No. 81 -322 would be
continued to the next regular meeting of July 7, 1981.
Planning Director Hays stated the applicant, Mr. Poulin, has submitted
an application for a Variance to reduce the required year yard setback
from 10 ft. to 8 ft., and the front yard setback from ft. to 18 ft.
He wishes to convert the existing garage into a living area, and the new
garage will require the setback variance. He further advised that the rear
yard setback does not pose a problem and the front yard will still have
adequate room for a car to park on the driveway and not project over the
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for
Variance Case No. 81 -76 had been duly published, posted and property owners
notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open.
Mr. Poulin, 1200 Russ Court, spoke in favor of the Variance being
granted. He advised he would like to convert the existing garage into a
living room and dining room, and the way the home is situated on the lot,
reduction of the setbacks is the only way he can do that.
There being no further comments for or against the proposed Variance,
Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed. After a brief discussion,
the following action was taken:
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -16 -81 Page 2
declared the hearing closed.
to present this.information to•the
working on a report. .Chairman Gors
offered to the City.by the Universi
CASE NO. 81 -76.
On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington,
and by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES:. Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Moots, Pilkington and
Chairman Gorsline
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Gerrish and Sebastian
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 16th day of June 1981.
Planning Director Hays noted that the applicant has submitted an
application to develop a 16 unit condominium project on the south side of
Lopez Drive. The site is zoned "R -2" Duplex Residential District, which permits
condominiums subject to obtaining a Use Permit. He pointed out also that this
will take a subdivision map to complete the total application.
Matt Gallagher, 520 Leanne Drive, stated it has come to his knowledge
that the sewer plant, the share that belongs to Arroyo Grande is over
committed, and the share.that we are using is- actually the share that
belongs to Grover City and, in his opinion, the. Planning Commission should
not consider any further development until this problem has been resolved.
He further stated that, even if we get a grant.to increase our sanitation
disposal, it would take anywhere from 3 to 5 years for the development of
it. He.further stated that it came to his knowledge after leaving.the City
Council that we only had two wells in the City of Arroyo Grande that were
contaminated, and shortly thereafter it was found that all five . wells were
contaminated. Now we are spending $200,000.00 or more to drill a well in
the Elm Street Park with no idea in mind if we are going to.come up with potable
water and, in his opinion, this is_a.waste of- taxpayer's money.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman Gorsline
Chairman Gorsline commented that he had read the article in the San
Luis paper about Grover..City_suddenly realizing that we -were using more.than
our share and, -in his opinion, it .comes.down eventually that.the.City.has
got to look at resources. •He stated we drew -the line a while back on all
annexations, and it.may be the time.now.where we.are going to have to draw
the line on any developments until the Planning Commission gets some sort -
of direction on resources. Planning Director Hays stated with regard to .
the resources study, when he came on board the Council at the time indicated
they would like this item.to -be pursued and at this point the.Planning
Department is gathering this information right now, and sewer.capacity is
one of these items.. -He further advised that point it is still,premature
Commission or Council, but staff is
line commented that this service was
ty of California, and the Council did
not do anything about it and, in his mind, he has a real question about
Planning Director Hays commented that he.is.sure that all of these -
concerns are well taken, but he is not sure it, has been officially determined
that we are at certain points and, in his - opinion, there is a lot of
conjecture and there have been a lot of figures and facts thrown around
and he would be a little hesitant to go too far on this until we get some
direction. Commissioner.Cole.stated she doesn't feel the Commission can
stop and say we can't make any kind of committments because we don't have
the facts. Planning Director Hays stated he is required to accept the
applications and until we have a.certain cut off point or some word that
this is it, we can no longer accept the applications because we have reached
a certain capacity as far as water consumption, sewage capacity
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -16 -81 Page 3
and traffic capacity.. Chairman Gorsline stated the Commission is still
being asked to make decisions in regards to situations that we really do
not have the information about. Commissioner Pilkington stated that as
long as the City takes the applicant's fees, we are saying "yes" we will
hear your situation and, in his opinion, it would an injustice to shut
these people down until we have the proper direction or the answer from
the City Council. Commissioner Cole stated she feels that as an advisory
committee, the Commission has not been told by the powers that be that
they have to stop, and it is her feeling that we must continue until we
get that direction. Commissioner Fischer stated, in her opinion, some-
time someone has to take that responsibility and say there is a problem.
She commented that possibly if the Planning Commission hag not made a big
deal, maybe the water problem wouldn't have been accepted as soon as it
was, because no one had ever directed the Commission that there was a
water problem; it came up by independent people saying there was a
problem; the Commission was never told by a City official that we have
a water problem and we need to do something about it. She stated she
thinks the Commission needs to be responsible and maybe start asking
questions and making a few waves; She further pointed out that the
Commission was never directed to start a moratorium on annexations and
as responsible Planning Commissioners, took that authority and said we
would no longer accept annexations until we know for sure that we have no
water problems. Oommissioner Cole stated she feels the Commission
should continue with the agenda they have tonight because they have not
been given any definite information. Commissioner Moots stated that
until the Commission gets a responsible answer to this, he does not
want to vote on Mr. Hsu's project because he feels we have a responsibility
to somebody to say, lets find out what really is the truth -- water,
sewer, traffic circulation, or whatever. He further stated the Commission
would not be acting responsible to vote on a project when they have
even a lurking knowledge that they may be wrong..
Commissioner Fischer moved that the public hearing be continued
until the information that was brought up tonight is clarified as to
whether we have any sewer allotment left. Motion seconded by Commissioner
Mr. Hsu stated if that motion means that the Commission is post-
this, he would like to make a to the City that a
moratorium be put on all buildings and that all agenda items from 4 to
14 be continued. After further discussion, Chairman Gorsline pointed
out that a motion has been made and seconded to Use Permit Case
No. 81 -320 until we have direction from the City staff regarding our
Sanitation District The vote was taken and motion carried
with two "no" votes.
Planning Director Hays advised that at the Minor Subdivision
Committee Meeting it was determined that there was an additional problem that
needed to be resolved with regard to this item, and the applicants have
requested that the matter be continued to the July 7th meeting.
Commissioner Pilkington inquired how the Commission can hear this
matter due to the way the Commission just voted on the previous Use
Permit, which would be further taxing the situation that we have as far
as sewage allotment, which would be adding more to the same problem?
A motion was made by Commissioner Pilkington, seconded by Commissioner
Moots, that Agenda Item 6 through 11 be continued the same as Item #4
until the sewer problem is resolved. Motion carried with two "no" votes.
Mr. Meyers, petitioner for the lot split, stated that the sewer lines,
are already being put -in_ for ( three lots to his property and he is being
assessed on that basis, ana if it is not going to be approved, then the
City had better 'stop the Assessment District.
Chairman Gorsline stated that Mr. Meyers is correct in that these lots
have already been assessed on the basis that they were going to have x
number of lots. Planning Director Hays pointed out regarding the lot splits
on Canyon Way that the Assessment District has been formed and everyone has
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -16 -81 Page 4
been proceeding on the basis that, assuming that they could meet the Ordinance,
these lot splits would be approved, so we are in a situation here where it is
difficult not to proceed 'in some way.
Chairman Gorsline stated he voted to continue the items on the basis that
this was exactly the same situation as the other issue, however, now he doesn't
think that it is. Commissioner Cole pointed out that we also have sewer lines
out there where the Item 4 project was going, and we also have a committment on
Planning Director Hays pointed out that Item Nos; 6 and 7, Mr. Kopitzke
and, Mr. Meyers, have'already been through the mill, and their tentative maps
have been approved; they had submitted their final maps for acceptance by the
Council and, at that meeting, the City Attorney indicated that he felt there
should be a public hearing on these matters to clear the record.
Chairman Gorsline noted that there a motion to continue these public
hearings until we have additional information. and inquired if there is Emotion
to reconsider the motion? Commissioner ,Moots- moved that ;the .,moton. reconsidered
regarding_.Itetsi -6 through, on_ : seconded_ by ,Commissioner Fischer, and carried
WI "no" vote. •
With regard to Lot Split Case No. 80 -345, Planning Director Hays advised
that the conditions, of the split have been presented to the Commission in
their packets. He pointed out that the applicants have complied with the
conditions and have submitted their final map to be accepted by the City
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for
Lot Split Case No. 80 -345 had been duly published, posted and property
owners notified, Chairman Gorsline' declared the hearing open.
: Frances Schmandle,.Pismo Beach, inquired if it is the Planning Commission's
statement now that these are the first legal public hearings and that they
have priority as a legal right to the sewer over Item 4•on•the•agenda.which
was said to have a legal - right and was, continued? She further inquired ,
if this is discrimination? Chairman Gorsline advised that this is a judgement,
and the only difference is that these have already been approved; it has gone
through -the. Commission and City Council. .He further stated that the Assessment
Dis tghas_been_set_.,up the property own_ e hasnbeenacharged ,orgithatnumber
of units,. „ r -
Mr. Jim McGillis commented that there is a duly acting Board of Directors
for the Oceano Sanitary District and until that Board of Directors' tells the
City "you don't have any sewer ", then:you have sewers;
For the Commission's information,. Planning Director Hays noted that since
the matter of public hearings on lot splits has come up, he has contacted -
the City Attorney and it is his opinion that those items that have already
had a tentative map approved need not have the public hearing, and Mr. Myers
and Mr. Kopitzke's lot splits got caught the middle and are-being jeopardized.
Ella Honeycutt, Hill Road; stated she feels is wrong is not having
resources management, 'and all of a sudden the Commission is caught. in the middle,
and innocent people are getting hurt. She further commented that' the Sewer
District did put out these figures and the City is going to have to do some
dealing with Grover.. She-stated-that if the Commission 'has the hearings :. •
tonight they should leave it ;in the Council's-lap;-it is their responsibility
because they didn't have things given to the Commission.
Upon hearing n o ' further comments for or against the proposed lot split,•
Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed.
After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by
Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried- Lot -Split Case No. 80-345 was
approved subject to the 5 conditions listed in Minor Subdivision Committee
Action; :dated February 25, 1981. -
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -16 -81 Page 5 '
Planning Director Hays stated the conditions of approval are noted on the
Minor Subdivision Committee report and the applicants., have complied with
those conditions to this point which is necessary to file the final map. •
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for Lot
Split Case No. 80 -346 had been duly published, posted and property owners
notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. Upon hearing no comments
for or against the proposed lot split; Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing
On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by 'Commissioner Fischer, and
unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 80 -346 was approved subject to the
conditions noted in Minor Subdivision Committee Action, dated February 25,
Planning Director Hays advised that the Minor Subdivision Committee
reviewed this item and recommended approval of the map subject to the 10
conditions listed in their Action Report. '
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for
Lot Split Case No. 81 -356 had been duly published, posted and property
owners notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open.
Frances Schmandle, Pismo requested if the Commission is going to
continue the public hearings on lot splits, that they re -open Item #4.
There being no further comments, Chairman'Gorsline declared the hearing.
closed. Commissioner Pilkington stated he agrees with Mrs. Schmandle arid
if we stop one person, "we certainly can't continue with the other people.
He stated, however, he is against stopping the people because we are taking
their fees and certainly should consider their items. Commissioner Cole
recommended that the Commission continue because we do not have facts on what
has been brought up tonight in which to make any decision and, therefore,
continue with the knowledge have until the Council, or whomever provides
us with the information to make that kind of decision.
After discussion, on motion by .Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner
Pilkington, approving Lot Split Case No. 81' -356, subject to the 10
listed in Committee Action Report, dated May 27, 1981. No action was taken
due to a 2 to 2 vote, with one abstintion.
Commissioner Cole commented she does not understand how 'the Commission
can justify turning these people down when they are in the Sewer Assessment
District and most of them have paid some funds, and in her opinion, a split
vote represents a denial of the lot split. Planning Director Hays commented
that where the City has entered into an agreement on the Assessment District;
people are paying funds, and everything has been predicated on the fact that
they would be able to go ahead and split this and he feels we really need a
- legal interpretation of what sort of action the Commission could legally take
on this matter. He further stated that the information the Commission is requesting
relative to the sewer information can be gathered very quickly and these items
could be continued to the next meeting, however, he would hate to see these
matters left hanging because they have applied; have paid their money; they
are an Assessment District; and committments have been made.. Mr. Hays stated
he feels 'we are facing some real serious legal' consequences on these matters,
and as he sees it this was more of a formality and consideration that they
did meet the zoning code and subdivision ordinance relative to their applications,
and he felt it was predetermined that there would be capacity when they were-allowed
to go ahead with all of this, and he finds it hard not to proceed on these
Commissioner Cole pointed out that Commissioners Gorsline arid Fischer -
will not be with us at the next meeting and there is a possibility we will
not have a quorum, therefore, it will be a full month before we face this,
and in her opinion, in all fairness to the people who have come into agreement
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -16 -81 _ Page 6
with the, City, the Commission should vote_on this point. .Planning Director
Hays also pointed out if at the time these people come in to get their
building permit,, if, there is not capacity, they will not be able to.hook up to
the sewer.
Chairman Gorsline commented that if there would be a motion to reconsider,
he would be willing to change his vote on this, matter. On motion.by
Commissioner. Cole,, seconded, by Commissioner Pilkington, motion carried. with
one "no" vote and one abstintion to. reconsider Minor Subdivision Committee
Action on the application of C.E. Shafer, Lot Split Case No. 81 -356, Canyon
Way, and approved said lot split with the 10 conditions as stated in Minor
Subdivision.Committee Action, dated May 27, 1981.
Planning Director Hays advised that the Minor Subdivision Committee
action was for_approval of.this application.with the 9 conditions as listed.
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for
Lot Split Case No. 81 -357 had been duly published, posted and property
owners notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. _Upon hearing
no comments for or, against lot_split,.Chairman Gorsline declared
the hearing closed. On motion by Commissioner dole, seconded - by Commissioner
Pilkington, motion'carried with 1 "no" vote and 1 abstintion, approving the
action of the Minor Subdivision Committee subject to the conditions as stated
in Action report, dated May 27, J981.
Planning Director Hays advised that the application was reviewed by the
Lot Split Committee and approval was recommended subject.to the 7 conditions
noted in. the report, .
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for .
Lot Split Case No. 81 -358 had been.duly published,,posted and property
owners notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open.
Frances Schmandle, Pismo Beach,.stated she hopes the Commission will
have the courage to go back and reconsider Item #4.
There being no further comments.for.or against the proposed lot split,
Chairman, Gorsline declared.the hearing closed. On motion by Commissioner
Pilkington, seconded, byCommissioner_ motion carried with one "no"
vote, to approve Lot Split No. 81 -358 subject to the 7 conditions
listed in the Minor Subdivision Committee Action Report, dated May 27,'1981.
Planning Director Hays advised that the Lot Split has reviewed
the application and recommended approval with the 8 conditions listed in their
report. :.
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays.that public
Lot Split Case No. 81- 359,had been duly published, posted_and
notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open.
Upon hearing no comments for or against the proposed lot
Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed.
hearing for
property owners
On motion_by Commissioner Pilkington, seconded by Commissioner Fischer,
motion carried with one "no" vote, Lot Split Case No. 81 -359 was.approved
as recommended by the Lot Split Committee subject to,the 8 conditions listed
in the Committee report, dated May 27,' 1981,
Planning Director_Hays advised that the applicant has submitted an
application to divide the property into six parcels. TheKnollwood project's
total development site was originally reviewed and approved by the Commission _
and Council. The development parcel sizes conform with the different density
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -16 -81 Page 7'
allowances in the various areas, and the, configuration conforms with the
approved development plan: of the Ordinance which was approved.' He stated that
the split will essentially allow them to proceed with various phasing of the
development for financing purposes, etc. He further stated that the parcel
sizes are larger than 20 acres, which means the Commission can approve them
if they have access to an improved road. He pointed out that there are 9
purposed conditions which - will take care of'the road construction, right of
way acquisition, etc. He explained that this action will break the property
into various parcels for development that will come in on a parcel to parcel
basis for phasing.
Mr. Howard Anderson, BAMOD Co., stated this action is a formalization of
one step further in the development; every one of the conditions are
duplications of the conditions of approval which still apply This lot split
would allow BAMOD to come'in with a subdivision,_ and would break the property
down into workable parcels and, basically the conditions, would remain the
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for
Lot Split Case No. 81 361 been duly published, posted and property
owners notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open.
Mr. Paul Hsu stated he wanted to clarify why his project has to be ,
continued. He inquired if the subject project will increase housing and if
they have paid assessment fees for the sewer? Chairman Gorsline advised that
this was an approved project„and has been ;figured in ourroveraardensity.,
Judy Peterson, Printz Road, inquired as to how many homes would be . _
developed and what the price range would be. She also inquired about the concern of
over - crowded schools,.„ Howard BAMOD, stated that the overall maximum
density was 233 units, however,,he would hesitate to even answer that question
because we'are not really talking about specific at this point. He
further stated that the project has already been approved subject to a number '
of conditions, and the public will have a chance at the public hearings to
take an in -depth look at each development individually.
Ella Honeycutt asked the Director if he had seen the paper
before on the.sewer district. She stated if the matter wasn't addressed in
the EIR, then we need to go back and take a look at it. Planning Director
Hays commented that what;we are doing. right now is approving a minor sub-
Upon hearing no further comments for.or against the proposed_lot split,
Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed.
After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by
Commissioner Fischer, and carried with two "no" votes, Lot Split Case No.
81 -361 was approved subject to the 9 conditions listed in Minor Subdivision
Committee Action, dated June 10, 1981, with the'addition #10 .
as follows: "That all of the,conditions required this date also be
adhered to."
Planning Director Hays advised that the applicant has submitted a lot
split_ application to divide approximately_ 10 -1/2 acres into three individual
parcels. The property is located approximately at the corner of Oak Park
Boulevard and West Branch Street immediately adjacent to the overpass exit on
Highway 101. He further advised that this particular lot is.one of the
originally approved parcels in the Oak Park .Acres area. The parcel map is
before the Commission a specific type of development, which.is 13.a on
the agenda, the companion to this application. He reviewed that it is.
proposed on parcel A that approximately a 72,000 sq. ft. K -Mart store be .
developed;. Parcel B, immediately adjacent, would be retail shops and offices.
Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -16 -81 Page 8
Parcel C is a site for possibly a financial institution or somebody that requires
a separate parcel. Mr. Hays advised that the Lot Split Committee reviewed the
application and recommended approval subject to the 4 conditions listed in their
report. Mr. Hays pointed out that all parcels will share parking facilities,
easement and access in common.
Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for Lot
Split Case No. 81 -362 had been duly published, posted and property owners noti-
fied, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open.
Mr. Jim Wood, Koenig and Wood Development Company, briefly reviewed the
proposed development. He advised that the purposes of the parcel map is that
K -Mart is going to own Parcel A, and Koenig and Wood is going to own Parcels B
and C. He stated what they are proposing overall is a 114,000 sq. ft. shopping
center. It will consist of the K -Mart Store, and it will have 23,000 sq. ft.
of retail, and 8,200 sq. ft. of offices, and two free standing pads will be used
for financial and /or restaurant type uses. He advised there will be parking
for 585 cars; with a ratio of 5.1 per thousand sq. ft., and the access will be
mainly three retail access roads and a service road. The architecture will be
basically emphasizing a Spanish traditional type theme.
Barbara Sisson, representative of K -Mart Stores, spoke with regard to
the proposed K -Mart Store, the tax base for the community, and potential
employment opportunities for approximately 110 personnel for the store.
Mr. Paul Hsu inquired if the K -Mart developers have paid an assessment
district for the project for the sewer and water ?_ Mr. Reuben Kvidt, developer,
advised with regard to the sewer bond, they were assessed some $86,000, and
at the time the P.U.D. was approved by Ordinance 140 C.S., they were promised
certain things they could do, in exchange for certain things they would do for
the City, and one of those things was to improve Oak Park Road for a distance
of about one mile at an approximate cost of one million dollars, and it was
their understanding when they did that, they would have certain rights to
water and sewer.
Judy Peterson, Printz Road, stated she doesn't feel we need a K -Mart
Store in Arroyo Grande. Judith Wheeler, Corbett Canyon Road, stated she feels
everyone in this area could benefit with the addition of a K -Mart Store.
Frances Schmandle, Pismo Beach, stated she feels that we need a K -Mart Store
in the area very much. She also requested that the Commission make a motion
to reconsider Item #4 at the end of the Agenda.
Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed lot split,
Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed.
After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner
Pilkington, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 81 -362 was approved
subject to the 4 conditions recommended in Minor Subdivision Committee Action
dated June 10, 1981.
Commissioner Moots questioned if the paving of the parking lot and land-
scaping would be completed with the construction of the K -Mart facility. After
a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner seconded b
Moots, and unanimously carried, Architectural ReviewCase No: 81 -248 was
approved subject to the conditions recommended in Architectural Committee Action,
dated June 10, 1981, and amended by adding the following conditions:
14. Total parking lot paving - to be completed- with - the- constructio_n_of___
the K-Mart facility on Parcel A.
15. Landscaping of the entire site will be completed with the
construction of the K -Mart facility on Parcel A.
On motion by Commissioner Pilkington, seconded by Commissioner Cole,
motion lost on a 3 to 2 vote, to re -open Agenda Item No. 4, Use Permit Case
No. 81 -320.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was
adjourned by the Chairman at 10:30 P.M.
Secretary Chairman