PC Minutes 1981-06-021 .ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION June 2, 1981 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gorsline presiding. Present are Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Pilkington and Sebastian. Commissioners Gerrish and Moots are absent. Planning Director Hays and Public Works Director Karp are also in attendance. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 81 -240, EL CAMINO REAL, 24 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT. (HILL TOP DEVELOPERS). Planning Director Hays stated that the Architectural Review Committee had approved the application subject to the 16 conditions listed in Architectural Committee Action report, dated May 27, 1981. Planning Commissioner Sebastian noted that the requirement for the siding to be of weather resistant materials was not listed as a condition. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 81 -240 was approved subject to the conditions listed in Architectural Committee Action, dated May 27, 1981 and with the addition of Condition #17 as follows: 17. That exterior siding be of weather resistant material, such as redwood, cedar or cypress. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUATION - REZONING CASE NO. 81 -152, ZONE CHANGE FROM "RA -B3" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, "WALNUT VIEW' ESTATES ", SO. OF CHERRY AVENUE. (KUDEN /ELLSWORTH). Planning Director Hays stated that at the Commission's last meeting, the matter was continued in order for the applicant to prepare some additional in- formation relating to drainage and traffic information fdr this project. He further advised that the applicant has requested that this item be continued to the July 7th meeting. Chairman Gorsline inquired if anyone in the audience is here to speak specifically on this item who cannot be present at the July 7th meeting. Upon hearing no response, on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and unanimously carried, public hearing on Re- zoning Case No. 81 -152 was continued to the July 7th meeting. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 81 -319, 21 CONDOMINIUM UNITS IN THE "R -G" DISTRICT, 239 AND 247 SO. ELM STREET. (BIAFORA, WEINER & RANELLETTI). Planning Director Hays advised that the applicants have submitted an appli- cation for a Use Permit to develop a 21 unit condominium project on the east side of Elm Street between Maple and Ash Streets. The site is approximately 1.26 acres in size and the General Plan designates this area as Medium High Density Residential, with a maximum density of 17 units per acre. He stated that the proposal meets the parking requirements of two on site spaces per unit, and also complies with the Commission's policy of providing additional guest parking. It includes both an adult and children's recreation area. Also, he pointed out that if the developer wishes to develop this project as a Planned Unit Development, they should request Optional Design Standards. Mr. Hays further noted that the Architectural Review Committee has reviewed this project and recommended 15 conditions as noted on the report, dated May 27, 1981. He advised that the applicants still must submit a tentative subdivision map upon approval of the Use Permit. Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that Use Permit Case No. 81 -319 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. Mr. Jim McGillis, Surveyor with San Luis Engineers, representing the applicant, briefly described the proposed project, advising that the appli- cants preferred a Planned Unit Development and, if the ordinance requires Optional Design Standards, then they would request that. Upon hearing no further comments for or against the proposed Use Permit, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed and, after a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -824 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: 325 26 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -2 -81 Page 2 AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Pilkington, Sebastian and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Gerrish and Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of June 1981. RESOLUTION NO. 81 -825 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 81 -319. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Pilkington, Sebastian and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Gerrish and Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of June 1981. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 81 -244, 21 CONDOMINIUM UNITS, ELM STREET. (BIAFORA, WEINER & RANELLETTI). Chairman Gorsline stated he had some safety concerns regarding the water as part of the landscaping. Mr. McGillis stated the applicants would not have any problems with eliminating that feature, however, the architect suggested that the water would only be 3 or 4 inches deep. Planning Commissioner Sebastian commented that, in his opinion, 21 units are too many for the project. Chairman Gorsline stated that rather than trying to make the units smaller, he personally would like to see one less unit.. Mr. Ranelletti, applicant, stated that the price situation is pretty well scaled out and it is true that the density can turn a developer the other way and they have to be competitive.. Commissioner Cole stated she believes in maximum use Of our land and that we can no longer sit and look at open spaces because we have to consider the natural resources. She further stated she is concerned with the circulation and the guest parking. Mr. Ranelletti stated he would like to submit a revised plan showing a circular circulation plan. Chairman Gorsline announced that Architectural Review Case No. 81 -244 would be continued pending resubmittal of plans. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - CONSTRUCTION OF DEEP DOMESTIC WELL. (CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE). Public Works Director Karp briefly reviewed the City's request, stating that the proposed water well is an answer to the State Health. Department's letter, advising the City that we could no longer pump our existing wells into the water system without blending. He advised that the new well is to replace one or more of the existing wells, and would probably allow the City to abandon three wells. Commissioner Sebastian commented that we are at capacity now at the sewer treatment plant and it seems like we not only have an immediate water problem, but we also have the reverse. He stated we need this well for meeting our commitments next fall to the water treatment facility, however, it is difficult for him to approve a Negative Declaration when we continue to produce more water than we have the ability to treat. Mr. Karp pointed out that even with the new well, the City will not be pumping any more water than it is today. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -826 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Pilkington, Sebastian and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Gerrish and Moots 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -2 -81 Page 3 the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of June 1981. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 81 -321, FREE STANDING SIGN IN THE "H -S" HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT, 1106 -C GRAND AVENUE. (PAINTMASTER). Planning Director Hays advised that the application is to obtain permission to install a free standing advertising sign. The proposed sign is to be 4 ft. by 6 ft. in size, two faces, non - rotating and non - illuminated. It extends to a maximum height of 15 ft. and will be set back from Grand Avenue. The project location is on the north side of Grand Avenue between Williams' Realty and Steffan's Carpets and is zoned "H -S" District. He further advised that staff recommends approval of the request, subject to the 3 conditions noted in the staff report, dated May 28, 1981. Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that Use Permit Case No. 81 -321 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. Commissioner Sebastian stated that so long as the Planning Director and Public Works Director look at the proposed sign from a traffic safety point and how it blends in with the surrounding buildings, he would like to leave it up to them to work out. Commissioner Cole stated she agrees with Commissioner Sebastian and, after a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -827 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 81 -321. On motion by Commissioner Pilkington, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Pilkington, Sebastian and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Gerrish and Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of June 1981. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO: 81- 322; 10 CONDOMINIUM'UNITS IN'THE "R =G" DISTRICT, ASH STREET. (LINDSEY). Planning Director Hays stated that the applicant has submitted a Use Permit application to construct a 10 unit condominium project. The Architectural Review Committee reviewed the proposal and it was determined that the application was not complete and recommended that the applicant re -do the design. Therefore, staff is recommending that the item be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting. Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 81 -322 had been duly published, posted and property owners noti- fied, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. Upon hearing no comments from the audience, Chairman Gorsline advised that the public hearing would be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO. 81 -75, REQUEST TO REDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 10 FT. TO 5 FT. IN THE "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT, •410 COACH ROAD. (SALITORE). Planning Director 15,4M) advised that the application is for a Variance to reduce the required side yard setback from 10 ft. to 5 ft. for purposes of con - structing a 12 ft. x 24 ft. garden shed and greenhouse on a level area closer to the side yard. Upon being assured by Planning Director Hays that public hearing for Variance Case No. 81 -75 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. Mr. Gabe deLeon, 450 Coach Road, stated he lives across the street and he has no objection to the proposed Variance. There being no further comments either for or against the proposed Variance, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed, and the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -828 V RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 81 -75. 327 328 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -2 -81 Page 4 On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Pilkington, Sebastian and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Gerrish and Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of June 1981. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 81 -242, DUPLEX ADDITION, POPLAR STREET. (HOGAN). Planning Director Hays advised that the property is zoned "R -2" which permits duplexes, and the applicant wishes to construct an additional two units as shown on the elevations, with garages and storage area underneath. He noted that the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the proposal and recommended approval subject to the 9 conditions listed in Architectural Committee Action, dated May 27, 1981. Members of the Commission expressed some concern regarding the storage of hazardous or flammable materials underneath residences. Planning Director Hays advised that the type of construction required is based on the type of occupancy which determines the type of fire resistance that is mandatory in a structure. He suggested that a condition be added requiring the applicant to submit in writ- ing what he intends to store in there and have it approved by the Building In- spector, and the type of construction will be based on that letter prior to issuance of a building permit. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Pilkington, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 81 -242 was approved subject to the conditions listed in Architectural Committee Action, dated May 27, 1981, amending Condition #1 as follows: #1. Applicant submit in writing the purposes of the storage and the types of materials to be stored in the area. Letter to be approved by the Building Inspector, and the type of construction to be based on that letter, prior to issuance of a building permit. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 81 -243, PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING ON EL CAMINO REAL AT BARNETT ST. (VELAND) Planning Director Hays advised that the request is for a proposed office building located on El Camino Real. The Architectural Review Committee met on this matter and recommended approval with the 9 conditions as noted in the report dated May 27, 1981. Commissioner Sebastian pointed out that there are no trash receptacles noted on the plans, however, there would be adequate land in the encroachment area. Commissioner Fischer stated that as long as adequate trash receptacles are made a condition of approval by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit, she would be in favor of the proposal. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Pilkington, seconded by Commissioner Cole, motion carried with one "no" vote, approving Architectural Review Case No. 81 -243, amending Condition #4 as follows: #4. Adequate trash receptacle be provided with adequate screening subject to the Planning Director's approval. COMMUNICATIONS Planning Director Hays read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cox, dated May 22, 1981 regarding a Bed and Breakfast Inn at the Pitkin - Conrow House located at 789 Valley Road in the "C -N" Neighborhood Commercial District. He stated that nowhere in the ordinance under the "C -N" District does it mention overnight facilities or the type of restaurant that they are sug- gesting. He further stated if the Commission finds that the requested use is similar to uses in the District subject to a Use Permit, then a Resolution could be adopted allowing the use under Use Permit procedures. It was the consensus of the Commission that the use would be compatible and, after a brief discussion, the following action was. taken: Arroyo) Grande. Viannng Commission, 6 -2 -81 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 81 -829 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF_ARROYO GRANDE DETERMINING THAT-A BED AND BREAKFAST INN IS SIMILAR• IN CHARACTER TO USES PERMITTED IN THE "C -N" NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL. DISTRICT SUBJECT TO OBTAINING A USE PERMIT. On motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Cole, - and-by. the following roll--call vote, to wit:- • - AYES: , Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Pilkington, Sebastian and- - Chairman Gorsline NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioners Gerrish and Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of June 1981. Planning Director Hays read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Miller, dated May 19, 1981, requesting consideration of a Montessori School_at 387 Corbett Canyon Road in the "RA -B3" District. Mr. Hays advised that a Day Care Center would be compatible to the uses permitted in that district subject to- obtain -, ing a Use Permit. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed that a Day Care Center would be use in the "RA -B3" subject to -Use Permit procedure. Planning Director Hays read a letter from residents of East Cherry Avenue, Greenwood Manor and Huasna Road expressing their. concern about the traffic situation relative to the "Walnut View Estates" subdivision. He stated he advised the lady-who submitted the letter that maybe the most appropriate thing to do would be to refer the matter to the Parking and Traffic Commission for their review. • With regard to the Huasna Valley oil extraction, Public Works Director -- Karp advised that the City of Arroyo Grande has written a letter to the County of San Luis Obispo requesting that when the field does go into production,- that the truck traffic be channelled via ranch roads onto Highway 166 in Santa Barbara County. He further stated he has received a letter back from the -- County saying that they appreciate our support, but•when they want it, they'll • ask for it. - He . further advised that Cherry Avenue residents have been to the Parking and Traffic Commission, and that Commission is aware of the traffic - concerns on Cherry Avenue:- Rod Gibson, 277 E. Cherry Avenue, stated they have been trying to get•-some police patrol there and they are trying to get a stop sign out there.. They attended the Traffic Commission meeting -and, at•-that meeting, Mr. Karp mentioned. that it was a truck route. He stated they feel that it is a residential thoroughfare; it is not a commercial thoroughfare, and.they are concerned about the on -going commercial endeavor i.n•the Huasna area because the road is-in- adequate and designed for that type of•use. After considerable discussion•,_ on motion by Chairman Gorsline, seconded-by. Commissioner Sebastian,-motion carried with one - "no" vote, the Commission - concurred with the Cherry Avenue- traffic group•in their concerns about the heavy vehicular traffic resulting in the development -of the Huasna oil - fields. - - - ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 10 -:10 P.M. ATTEST: Secretary Chairman