PC Minutes 1981-04-21312 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION April 21, 1981 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gorsline presiding. Present are Commissioners Fischer, Gerrish and Moots. Commissioners Cole, Pilkington and Sebastian are absent. Planning Director Castro is also in attendance. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS AGENDA Planning Director Castro advised that Item #1 on the agenda regarding the complaint filed by Mrs. Grantham has been deleted at her request, and he has several items for the Commission's consideration under "Communications ". REQUEST FOR EXTENSION - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP #741. (TEMPUS). Mr. Castro read a letter from Chuck Tempus, dated April 17, 1981, requesting a 12 month extension on Tentative Tract Map #741. Mr. Castro advised that the grant- ing of the extension would be in order with the Subdivision Ordinance, and staff would so recommend. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried, a 12.month extension was granted on Tentative Tract Map #741, "Wildwood Ranch ". PAYLESS DRUG STORE - COURTLAND AND GRAND. Planning Director Castro displayed plans showing the details. of the air conditioning units that were going. to be screened. He stated that the only other alternative to the roof units, would be to require that no mechanical equipment be installed on the roof. The Commission briefly. reviewed the elevations as presented. Planning Director Castro advised that no action is necessary, and the matter was merely being presented for their information. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 81 -318, 24 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT IN AN "R -G" DISTRICT, EL CAMINO REAL. (HILL TOP DEV.) Planning Director Castro referred to the plans and the staff report on the subject project. He noted that the Planning Department has on file the recorded subdivision, approved by the County and, in discussing the matter with Jerry Shipsey, he and Jerry felt that there are no issues with the approval since it is an air space condominium and there is only one lot involved, and any concerns the Com- mission may have with the design of the project can be resolved without affecting the tentative map. He further stated that the Commission is only reviewing the actual plans that were presented to the County, and he doesn know if the County ever approved their, however there was no building permit issued and it was at that time the property was annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande. Mitch Walker, engineer for the applicant, stated he. has three letters in his possession indicating that the City was notified from the start regarding this project. He further stated that the project and the engineering plans were reviewed by the City, and they have an agreement with the City, and part of that agreement states that they put a covenant on the property and also that they pursue annexation. He stated they were committed to keep applying for annexation and, during that same process, they were applying for this map. Mr. Castro stated his only concern is that the plot plan does not define where the, front of the property is and, consequently, it is difficult to make an evaluation on the parking or setback requirements. He further stated that he was primarily looking at El Camino Real as a frontage, although the Commission could consider Robles Road or Hillcrest Drive as a frontage. Mr. Walker stated they have had the thing fully.engineered and checked both by Public Works Director Karp and the County, and it would require a totally new refiling of the whole appli- cation to move anything around, and he requested that the Commission consider the map as it is. Mr. Castro pointed out that if Robles Road or Hillcrest Drive is considered as the frontage, the 10 ft. setback is adequate and, in that case, the plot plan would be adequate and if the Commission wanted to take the property description that way, then it meets the requirements of the Ordinance and the density would be alright. He further stated that being that there are three frontages, so to speak, Robles Road could be considered as a front and Hillcrest Drive as the rear, or vice versa. Mr. Walker pointed out that the planting strip indicated on the plans has been changed to a road going through as requested by the Fire Department. Mr. Castro expressed concern that staff has not checked the actual map and could not be sure that the road is the only change. He questioned the point of continuing with the public hearing if the Commission does not have the right map to approve. Mr. Walker pointed out that the only change is the elimination of the planter strip. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -21 -81 Page 2 Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 81 -318 had been duly published, posted and property owners noti- fied, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. Elizabeth Jackson, 308 Fair View Drive, inquired how the Commission can address the question when there is a question on the maps and staff does not have adequate information on same. Roger Fuller, 222 McKinley Street, inquired if the Commission is just voting to approve the Use Permit now, or. if they are going to approve the total concept of the project. Planning Director Castro ad- vised that the public hearing is for the Use Permit. Mr. Fuller commented, in his opinion, the applicant is asking for a Use Permit for the condominium project whether the architecture has been approved or not, and it seems that the Com- mission should make a decision on the Use Permit. Mrs. Wright stated she lives across the street on Robles Road and asked about the road going into the project. Mr. Walker advised that the.road will be off of Robles Road. There being no further discussion for or against the proposed Use Permit, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Fischer commented that if the only change is the planter area then, in her opinion, the Commission could go ahead and discuss the project itself. Commissioner Moots stated he did not have any problem with the Use Permit. Chairman Gorsline stated he would be inclined to approve the Use Permit now and when a new map is submitted, the matter could then be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee and the Planning Commission for approval. After discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -816 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. "81 -318. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Fischer, Gerrish, Moots and Chairman Gorsline NOES:. None ABSENT: Commissioners Cole, Pilkington and Sebastian the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of April 1981. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUATION, PREZONING CASE NO. 81 -151, SHANNON RANCH, "P -M" PLANNED INDUSTRIAL AND "RA" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS. (DECKER). Planning Director Castro referred to the staff report on the three prezoning applications, dated April 16, 1981. He stated he has no further comments at this time on the Shannon Ranch proposal. He further pointed out that at the last meet- ing, the Commission's action was to continue this matter until we have had some definitive word from the City Council as to an annexation policy. Commissioner Fischer commented that in Mr. Castro's staff report he notes that the Council has said they will not do any resources study until the new planning director is on board. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, the public hearing on Prezoning Case No. 81 -151 was continued until the Planning Commission has some definitive word on the agri- cultural preserve status of the property and pending word from the Council on the resources study. PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING CASE NO. 81 -155, STEM ANNEXATION ON FARROLL AVENUE, "R -3" MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. ,(CITY' ARROYO ' GRANDE). Commissioner Gerrish advised he had a conflict of interest on this item and would not be able to participate in the review. Chairman Gorsline advised that Prezoning Case No. 81 -155 would be continued due to the lack of a quorum. PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING CASE NO. 81 -153, STAGECOACH ROAD - TRACT #953, "R - S" RURAL SUBURBAN DISTRICT TO "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT.''(KUDEN). Commissioner Fischer moved that the public hearing on this item be con- tinued until the Commission receives information from the City Council and staff on a resources study. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moots. Chairman Gorsline stated he would have no objection to hearing public testimony tonight if the other„Commissioners are agreeable. Commissioner Fischer withdrew her motion that the hearing be continued in order to allow for public testimony. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for prezoning Case No. 81 -153 had been duly published, posted and property owners 313 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -21 -81 Page 3 notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open with the understanding that it is going to be continued with no action taken until the resources study and direction from the City Council is reached. Susan Christie, Old Stagecoach Road and Sharon Rosco, Stagecoach Road, stated they are opposed to the smaller lot sizes. Pam Cooper, Lopez Drive, stated if the City does annex this property • she - would like to see the City provide some police protection for the area. She stated they have a lack of police protection out there now and they have had some bad incidents lately. Mr. Caffmistro stated he objects to anything smaller than one acre parcels. Sam Burton stated he lives off of Stagecoach Road, and he is concerned with traffic problems and, in his. opinion, with this tract in there, it would only add to the congestion that they already have. He further commented he wouldn't object to one acre parcels. Chet Cooper stated that the Land Use Plan in this case is Rural Suburban, and the zoning stipulation is 1 to 1 -1/2 acre parcels,and if that were the case, he would have no objection if the property is annexed to the City. Tony Azevedo stated he is adjacent to the property in question and spoke in favor of the property being annexed to the City. Paul Haddox, 587 Valley Road, stated he is not opposed to the property being annexed to the City; he is opposed to the small developments. Jim Gaging, Engineer for the developer, stated he would like to hold off on his presentation until the Commission is able to make a decision. Upon hearing no further comments, Chairman Gorsline advised that the public hearing will be continued until the Commission has the. information to act on. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP, TRACT 954, "VILLA LOS.BERROS ", LOS BERROS ROAD AND VALLEY ROAD. (GARING FARMS). Planning Director Castro referred to the overall plot plan, the tentative map and the lot definition that Mr. Garing is proposing for the project. He noted that there is one driveway being proposed off of Valley.Road that was identified during the review of the preliminary plans some months ago and there are 8 units being proposed. He further stated that the plan identifies the size of the units, the elevations are single story in keeping with the concerns of some of the property owners in the adjacent project. Mr. Castro advised that Public Works Director Karp met with one member of the Architectural Review Board and recommended the 9 conditions noted in the staff report, dated April 15, 1981. In addition to the conditions noted in the report, Mr. Castro stated the only other condition he would add would be that the elevations and exterior materials as noted shall be made part of the exhibit. Mr. Jim Garing, applicant for the project, advised that they intend to take the concept presented and .refine it, and if it is necessary for them to come back to the Planning Commission for final architectural :review, that would be acceptable to him. Mr. Thompson, Bambi Court, stated he lives across the road from the pro- posed project, and he and his wife are very pleased that this little area is going to be improved and they feel that the development will be an improvement to the area. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -817 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP, TRACT 954 "VILLA LOS BERROS", AND REFERRAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. On motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Fischer, Gerrish, Moots and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cole, Pilkington and Sebastian the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of April 1981 In discussing the matter further, Mr. Castro was requested to review the elevations and, unless some drastic changes are made, Mr. Castro was authorized Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -21 -81 Page 4 to approve them administratively. Also, the following additional requirements were to be added to the conditions of approval: 10. The elevations to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. 11. The exterior shall conform with the elevations noted on Exhibit "A ". ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 81 -236 ; RESUBMITTAL, WOOD VOAKES FUNERAL HOME, FAIR OAKS AVENUE. Planning Director Castro referred to the revised plans, stating he is concerned with the resubmittal, in that the architectural theme of the project has been completely changed from a Spanish style design to a contemporary design. He suggested that the Commission request the applicant to hire a professional person to depict the building as it is actually going to be. Commissioner Gerrish stated he would like to see it go back to the Committee for architectural review and not come back to the Commission until they have something definitive to review. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 81 -236 was continued pending resubmittal of plans. LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81 -353, EL CAMINO REAL. (ARCHIBALD). Planning Director Castro distributed copies of a revised map showing the contours on the property. He stated he has checked the contours and they do not exceed the 20% cross slope, therefore, the lots as proposed are adequate. Mr. Castro then read the recommended conditions drafted by Public Works Director Karp as. follows: 1. Dedications and frontage improvements on El Camino Real and Chilton Street. (Curb, gutter, sidewalk apron, appropriate retaining walls). Pavement widening if appropriate to provide for parking. 2. Park fees and street tree fees. 3. Streetlights.. 4. Relocation of sewer and water services to front of new lot. 5. PaymentLof. sewer and water fees with building permit. 6. Provide appropriate sewer easements. 7. Fire hydrant to Fire Department requirements. 8. Drainage plan to be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. 9. Mylar copy of recorded map to be furnished to the City. Findings were made that the tentative parcel map, as conditioned, will be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning. In addition to the above, Mr. Castro stated it is his recommendation that the easement previously recorded be removed and that Parcel 1 be required to come in through El Camino Real. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken on the Request for Negative Declaration: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -818 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Gerrish, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Fischer, Gerrish, Moots and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cole, Pilkington and Sebastian the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of April 1981. With regard to the lot split, on motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 81 -353 was approved with the conditions as noted by staff. 315 316 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -21 -81 Page 5 LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81 -354, 571 TRAFFIC WAY. (RITCHIE). Planning Director Castro advised that staff has checked the contours of the property and there is no problem; in fact there is already an existing house where the most severe slope conditions exist. Mr. Castro read the recommended conditions drafted by Public Works Director Karp as follows: 1. Design So. Traffic Way between and including driveways. Need at least 24 ft. to be paved. 2. Construct standard drive aprons, sidewalk, curb and gutter, and conform paving frontage with Traffic Way. Construct standard drive aprons to the dwelling unit proposed on Parcel 2. 3. Drainage plan to be submitted for Public Works Department approval. 4. Payment of appropriate water and sewer fees with building permit. 5. Street tree fees and easement. 6. Park fees. Mr. Bob Garing, Engineer for the applicant, advised that his clients had this split approved by the City in 1974 but did not follow through, and now he is again requesting approval. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, stated if this is the same division that was proposed years ago and the use is single family residential, she has no objections to the proposed split. After discussion, the following action was taken on the Request for Negative Declaration: RESOLUTION NO. 81 -819 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Fischer, Gerrish, Moots and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cole, Pilkington and Sebastian the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of April 1981. With regard to the lot split, on motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried, Lot Split Case No. 81 -354 was approved subject to the conditions noted by staff. SB 1960 - MOBILE HOMES ON SINGLE FAMILY LOTS Planning Director Castro referred to the preliminary draft of the staff's proposal for controlling the implementation of Senate Bill 1960 concerning mobile homes on residential lots. He pointed out that the proposed ordinance included all of the districts where single family residences are now permitted. He noted that he and Tom Sullivan,. Planning Director of Grover City, have been working closely on this and both ordinances are identical with the exception of code sections. They were both of the opinion that some consistency would be in order for all persons that may want to apply this particular law. He advised that some of the requirements are being made mandatory by the State, such as the age of the units and whether or not they conform to the Mobile Home Con- struction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, and all of the other requirements are basically addressing the minimum size. He stated the ordinance makes reference to cross slopes of no greater than 7 -1/2 %, and the setbacks are going to be the same as the district in which the mobile home is placed. As far as the type of architectural treatment, the ordinance is requiring that the unit be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Castro advised that he has discussed the matter with City Attorney Shipsey, and it was his feeling that the proposed ordinance was reasonable. After discussion regarding the proposed ordinance, on motion by Commissioner Gerrish, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, a public hearing was set on Senate Bill 1960 for the first Planning Commission meeting in May. 1 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 4 -21 -81 Page 6 COMMUNICATIONS For the Commission's information, Mr. Castro advised that on Mr,. White's Lot Split application on Printz Road, he had talked to Jerry Shipsey about it and Mr. Shipsey is very much opposed to using the Optional Design Standards, because he is already in violation of the "R -S" District which requires 2 -1/2 acre minimum, however, the applicant did receive approval for his original proposal. What he is proposing now is a further reduction of a lot that is already in- consistent based on the "R -S" requirements and he feels if the Commission feels strongly enough, then the property should be rezoned. Mr. Castro further stated that Jeff White has submitted a letter requesting consideration for Optional Design Standards, and Mr. Castro advised him he would advise the Commission of Mr. Shipsey's concerns. He stated he would talk to Mr. White and see how he wants to proceed with the matter. Mr. Castro referred to a map regarding parking lot improvements on property at Grand Avenue and Oak. Street. He advised that what has occurred is a person has purchased three lots facing on Grand Avenue and Oak Street, and when he came in and inquired about conditions to convert the existing residences to office use, he was advised that he would have to provide parking for the square footage com- bined in all three lots. He indicated he wanted to maintain the existing resi- dence and not disturb the landscaping that is on the corner lot. Mr. Castro stated he advised.the applicant that a recorded agreement would be required that goes with the property, conditioning the parking to all three parcels. The applicant's attorney, Mr. Geihs, has drawn up an easement grant guaranteeing to the City that this parking will be held in perpetuity for this amount of parking at this time. .Mr. Castro recommended approval of the parking as noted, subject to the agreement being certified by City Attorney Shipsey'. He advised that the parking meets the total square footage of 5 per 1,000, and there are no exterior changes being made. Mr. Castro advised that the foregoing information is being submitted for the Commission's information. With. regard to the Planning Commission's next scheduled meeting of May 5th, Mr. Castro advised that he will be gone for 3 or 4 days of that week and Paul Karp, Public Works Director, will be on vacation. He recommended that the meeting be cancelled because no one will be present to handle. the reports. After a brief discussion, the meeting scheduled for May 5, 1981 was cancelled. Commissioners Moots and Gerrish. advised they will be absent from "the May 19th. meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30: P.M. by the Chairman. ATTEST: Secretary Chairman 317