PC Minutes 1980-07-01226 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION July 1, 1980 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gorsline presiding. Present were Commissioners Fischer, Moots and Sebastian. Three vacancies exist on the Commission. Also in attendance is Planning Director Castro. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the adjourned meet- ing of June 3, 1980 were approved on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 17, 1980 were approved on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried. REVIEW REQUEST FOR RESIDENTIAL USE IN THE "C -B -D" CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. (LOVETT). Planning Director Castro advised that several weeks ago Mr. Lovett inquired if a building permit could be issued for an additional dwelling unit on his prop- erty on Mason Street between Nelson and Branch Streets, presently zoned "C -B -D ". He stated that the present ordinance does not allow the future expansion of a non - conforming use. He noted that there are provisions in the non - conforming ordinance where if a non - conforming use is existing and you wish to use a portion of it, or where you can modify a portion of that building you can do so, subject to the issuance of a Use Permit, but you cannot permit another non - conforming use on the property and prolong the life of that property in that manner. Mr. Castro discussed the possibility of a General Plan Amendment to allow multiple residential uses in the commercial district, which could be done when the General Plan is reviewed in_September,. Commissioner Sebastian commented that just changing from a "C -B -D" District to an "R -2" District for convenience sake seems to be a little short - sighted, and he feels that the Commission should take a look at what the long term best use of that land would be. After considerable discussion, the Commission felt they would like to leave the options open and perhaps take a look at the possibility of some type of mul- tiple housing in the Central Business District when the General Plan is reviewed in September. CONTINUATION -USE PERMIT CASE NO. 80 -297, CONSTRUCTION OF 22 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT IN' "R -2" DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT,1259 FARROLL AVE. (FULLER /DAVINO). Planning Director Castro briefly reviewed the staff report dated June 26, 1980 with regard to Circulation, Unit Design Recreation Areas and Guest Parking. Mr. Castro pointed out that there is one area that he hasn't been able to re- solve as yet. He stated that the way the Ordinance reads now is confusing, be- cause on one hand a Use Permit is required for condominiums, and then it states "subject to the requirements in Section 9- 4.711 ", which refers to the Optional De- sign Standards. The Optional Design Standards provides the Commission with the flexibility to vary the design from the normal, providing that you do not ex- ceed the densities allowed in that district. It also makes reference to the lot size of the development to be not less than 4,000 square feet, however, when you relate the lot size to a condominium, it violates the proposal. He further stated that he has asked City Attorney Shipsey for an interpretation as to whether the Ordinance means a townhouse project and not a condominium, which could then relate to the 4,000 square foot lot area. He stated he should have some confirmation on that question within the next couple of weeks. Mr. Castro stated that the density figures correctly and the covered areas and open space areas have been looked at, so there are no problems with that. The question is the relationship between the Optional Design Standards, which is the only way the Commission can approve this project, and the wording of "Condominiums" and the 4,000 square foot minimum requirements. Mrs. Evelyn Tallman, Carol Place, stated she is representing the neighbors of the surrounding area, and they are concerned about the proposal for two story structures. It was pointed out by Commissioner Sebastian that the two story struct- ures are to be placed at the rear of the property abutting the Grandmothers' Mobile - home Park. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -1 -80 Page 2 After considerable discussion regarding the design of the project, the matter was continued to the next regular meeting of the Planning'Commission pending sub - mittal of modified plans and a ruling from the City Attorney. REQUEST FROM SAN LUIS ENGINEERING FOR ISSUANCE OF PARKING CERTIFICATE. Planning Director Castro described the property at 118 Nevada Street, stating that an existing house is being converted to an accountant's office. He stated the problem is that the property is just outside the Parking Assessment District of the City, which means that these properties will have to comply with a 1 -5 parking ratio instead of a 1 -3 ratio. He further stated he had discussed the matter with the City Attorney, and Mr. Shipsey advised that there are parking certificates that the Planning Commission may issue in lieu of parking when there is not enough land to accommodate the parking requirements. The only difference is that money has to be labelled separate from the Parking Assessment money, however, the City Council can use the money and combine it with the Assessment District if they so wish in improving the downtown area. He stated the value for each certificate is $1,000. After considerable discussion, on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, approving the issuance of three parking certificates to Mr. Schmandle at the rate of $1,000 per stall for his property at 118 Nevada Street. ADJOURNMENT There being no furt at 9:15 P.M. ATTEST: P NNING D ussion, the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman 227