PC Minutes 1980-06-17222 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION June 17, 1980 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairperson Cole presiding. Present are Commissioners Carr, Moots, Sebastian and Simmons. Commissioner .,Fischer and Chairman Gorsline are absent. City Engineer Paul Karp is also in attendance. REQUEST FROM LEE LOVETT REGARDING PROPERTY ON MASON STREET. Vice Chairperson Cole advised that this matter has been requested to be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting. She commented that the request of Mr. Lovett is to add an additional rental unit to his property in the Central Business District. PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 80 -299, REQUEST FOR TWO FREE STANDING SIGNS, TO BE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 450 FEET DUE EAST FROM OAK PARK ACRES ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF HIGHWAY 101 - RANCHO GRANDE. (BENNETT). City Engineer Karp described the location of the proposed signs, stating they are to be placed about 350 ft. back from the freeway, and the signs are proposed to be 8 ft. wide by 20 ft. in length. He stated that since the Planning Director has recommended approval, he would assume that they meet all of the ordinance requiremc. =._.. -_ ments. Upon being assured by City Engineer Karp that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 80 -299 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Vice Chairperson Cole declared the hearing open. Mr. Ronald Bennett, 1190 Highway 101, petitioner, spoke in favor of' Use Permit being granted. He stated his only concern is Planning Director Castro:`s recommendation that the Use Permit be granted for a period of six months. He pointed out it will cost about $6,000 to put up the signs and, in his opinion, the restriction of six months on the signs is'not reasonable. There being no further comments from the audience, Vice Chairperson Cole declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Sebastian stated he feels that the signs are appropriate for identification of the project and also he is receptive to Mr. Bennett's concern about the time limit, and he could see no reason to review the matter in six months and would suggest the time be extended to at least an 18 month period. Commissioner Simmons commented her concern with going to 18 months is she has seen planned projects fall apart and the signs deteriorate. Mr. Bennett advised that the signs are already made and he assured the Commission they would last longer than 18 months. Commissioner Moots stated he agrees that there is a need for a sign there to identify the project, and he sees no problem with extending the time to 18 months. Com- missioner Carr stated that the Planning Director's staff report indicates that the time normally given for such signs is six months, and he would favor approving the signs for six months, with review for extension at that time. Vice Chairperson Cole stated one of the things that should be considered is the time involved in this project, and she felt the Commission should to along with a longer time. After considerable discussion regarding the time element, the Commission agreed that the Use Permit be approved for a period of 12 months, with further review at that time. RESOLUTION NO. 80 -748 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 80 -299. On motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Sebastian, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Moots, Sebastian, Simmons and Vice Chairperson Cole NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Fischer and Chairman Gorsline the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of June 1980. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 80 -297, CONSTRUCTION OF 22 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT IN THE "R -2" DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, 1259 FARROLL AVENUE. (FULLER /DAVINO). Vice Chairperson Cole advised that the revised plans have not yet been received and the matter will be continued to the next meeting of July 1, 1980. Arroyo Grande,Planning Commission, 6 -17 -80 Page 2 Also, Architectural Review Case No. 80 -219 pertaining to this project would be continued to that same meeting. CONTINUATION SUBDIVISION._REVIEW - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 741, WILDWOOD RANCH DEVELOPMENT, CORBETT CANYON ROAD. (TEMPUS). City Engineer Karp advised that Mr. Castro has written a memo outlining some of the changes which have transpired since the Commission last saw the tentative map. Mr. Karp suggested that the developer review those changes for the Commission. Mr. Bob Richmond, with the architect firm of Richmond, Rossi and Montgomery, briefly reviewed the architectural floor plans and building elevations for the various units proposed for the Wildwood Ranch Development. Mr. Richmond ex- plained some of the philosophy that went into the design of the project and re- sponded to some of the concerns that the Commission and Council had that were reflected in the Conditions of Approval. He stated one of the major concerns was to preserve the natural beauty that Wildwood has, which includes not only preservation of the trees, but also the slope conditions that occur where the major building is going on. Mr. Mike Callaghy, engineer for the project, advised that the tentative map recapped the corrections and additions that Mr. Karp asked to be made, and the footprints have been changed to reflect the actual property that the home owner will own. He further advised that the lots are shown in their intended position, and they have ironed out the problem of fire flows in the area with the Fire Chief and Mr. Karp. He stated the requirements of Zoning Ordinance No. 214 C. S. have been incorporated into these plans so that all of those require- ments have been included, and the map meets the requirements of the Siubdivision Map Act of the State of California, and all of the requirements of the City of Arroyo Grande. With regard to the ponding, Mr. Callaghy explained the upper and lower ponding, pointing out that the ponding part that has to do with drain- age disposal is actually just the lower pond. After considerable discussion, Mr. Karp referred to the Planning Director's report, dated May 29, 1980, and recommended the following amendments and additions: AMEND Item #2. The developer shall hook up to the new Stagecoach tank, subject to payment of a fee of $720 per unit, payable with tract fees; or bonded for and fully paid prior to tract improvement final; or some other means acceptable to City to be resolved prior to recordation. ADD Item #6. That the Platino Lane Entrance to the project be reviewed by Planning Commission prior to recordation of map. ADD Item #7. Applicant to provide the City with a copy of the Project's C. C. & R.'s for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map. ADD Item #8. Final map shall include only the common areas of the project, the road alignment for easement purposes, and those lots to be deeded individually to the property owners. In addition to the above, Mr. Karp advised that the Commission should make the finding that the tentative map is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning. After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Simmons, and unanimously carried, approving architectural review of Tentative Tract #741, Wildwood Ranch Development. RESOLUTION NO. 80 -749 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT NO. 741, "WILDWOOD RANCH ", AND REFERRAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THEIR APPROVAL PURSUANT TO CITY ORDINANCE NO. 214 C.S. On motion by Commissioner Simmons, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: 223 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -17 -80 Page AYES: Commissioners Carr, Moots, Sebastian, Simmons and Vice Chairperson Cole NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Fischer and Chairman Gorsline the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of June 1980. On motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Simmons, and unanimously carried, the Commission finds that the Tentative Subdivision Map for Tract #741 is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 80 -225, PARISH HALL ADDITION, 501 FAIR OAKS AVENUE. (ST. PATRICK "S CATHOLIC CHURCH). Commissioner Sebastian pointed out that the conditions listed on Architectural Review Case Nos. 80 -225 and 80 -226 were reversed and should be amended. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Committee Action, dated June 11, 1980, was approved with the conditions amended as follows: 1. That the improvements of said property will occur in two phases with the proposed addition; patio area as Phase 1; Phase 2 would be the expansion of the parking and proposed drainage basin. 2. That approval of the drainage basin shall be subject to the approval - of the Department of Public Works. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 80 -226, RESOURCE CENTER, HIGHWAY 101 AND BRISCO ROAD. (ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL). City Engineer Karp read a memo from Fire Chief Marsalek, dated June 17, 1980, recommending installation of a fire hydrant, at a location to be determined, from the 12 inch main off of North Halcyon extension. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Sebastian, and unanimously carried, Architectural Committee Action, dated June 11, 1980 was approved with the conditions amended as follows: 1. Installation of fire hydrant to be located by petitioner's engineer and to be approved by City Engineer and Fire Chief, from the 12 inch main off of North Halcyon Extension. 2. Approval subject to plans as submitted. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 80 -222, RADIATOR COOLING SYSTEMS. PARTS AND SERVICES, 406 E. BRANCH STREET - RECONSIDERATION OF PLOT PLAN. (CHASTAIN). The architect for Mr. Chastain advised that the original plot plan showed a flat piece of property, and that is what the measurements were taken from. However, when they actually went to lay out the building, they found that the last 60 feet of the property goes down into the creek. He further advised that the building has not been changed; it is just being moved up 24 feet. Commissioner Sebastian reviewed the previous action of the Commission with regard to the parking requirements. He stated with regard to the present plan, he personally could not approve a 15 ft. driveway for two -way traffic from a safety standpoint, and he feels that a 20 ft. driveway is the absolute minimum for the driveway. He further stated he has no objection to moving the building, so long as we have a safe situation on Branch Street. Mr. Chastain advised that if he widens the driveway, he would have to do away with some of the landscaping in front of the parking area and relocate the utility pole. After considerable discussion, on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried, Architectural Committee Action, dated May 14, 1980, was amended by adding the following conditions to that action. 10. Building relocation approved as per revised plot plan. 11. Reduction of landscaped area approved for relocation of parking. 12. Driveway apron to be redrawn, and utility pole to be appropriately relocated by applicant. 13. Minimum flat base of 20 ft. for the driveway. 14. Specimen trees to be saved. 15. Plot plan to be redrawn and reviewed and initialed by the Planning Director. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 6 -17 -80 Page 4 REQUEST FROM REUBEN KVIDT TO PERMIT TEMPORARY CATTLE GRAZING ON PARCELS 6 AND 7 OF TRACT 604, OAK PARK ACRES. City Engineer Karp advised that Ordinance 140 C. S. permits grazing on the Open Space Lots 13 and 14 of Oak Park Acres,'and Mr. Kvidt is asking permission to temporarily extend that use on to Lots 6 and 7. He further stated that Planning Director Castro indicated he sees no problem with the temporary use. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Carr, and unanimously carried, recommending to the City Council that a temporary variance be granted to Reuben Kvidt to allow cattle grazing on Parcels 6 and 7 of Tract 604. Said temporary variance to be revokable at any time, and to expire upon recordation of the map. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Simmons advised this would be her last meeting as a Planning Commissioner because'she has declined re- appointment. Vice Chairperson Cole thanked Commissioner Simmons on behalf of the Commission, and commented that it has been a pleasure working with her. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chairperson Cole at 10:00 P.M. ATTEST: Vice Chairperson 225