PC Minutes 1980-01-15172 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION January 15, 1980 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Gorsline presiding. Present are Commissioners Cole, Fischer, Moots, Sebastian and Simmons. Commissioner Carr is absent. Planning Director Castro is also in attendance. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meet- ing of December 18, 1979 were approved as prepared on a motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - CONTINUATION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 79 -209, PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING, 1164 GRAND AVENUE. (MINTZ). Planning Director Castro commented that this application was before the Commission several months ago and due to non - conformance between the zoning and the General Plan, no action was taken. That problem has now been resolved by Council action and the Commission can proceed with the architectural review. Mr. Castro reviewed the recommended conditions of approval listed in the report from the Committee, dated January 9, 1980. In addition to the conditions listed in the report, Mr. Castro recommended other conditions to be added as follows: That a fence be provided from the 20 ft. radius back to avoid the traffic move- ment going from the Gas & Save across the property and using the other driveway. Also, the widening of the ramp is going to affect the street tree, which is a specimen tree, and it was recommended by John Keisler, Parks and Recreation Director, that if the tree is removed by the applicant, that the City be reim- bursed in the amount of $150.00. COMMISSIONER CARR ENTERED THE MEETING DURING THE ABOVE DISCUSSION. Chairman Gorsline commented that he liked the project, but felt that the big blank wall should be broken up in some way as it will be highly visible from Grand Avenue and, undoubtedly, there would be a lot of graffetti on it. Mr. Ron Mintz, owner of the property, stated since it is an open angle, the wall it- self will be going away from Grand Avenue. Further, he has discussed the wall with the painter about putting a stripped line through to offset the long appear- ance that it has. After a brief discussion regarding the long blank wall, the Commission felt that this matter could be worked out between the applicant and Mr. Castro. In answer to Commissioner Fischer's question if the necessity for the retaining wall is to be a condition, .Planning Director Castro stated that would automatically be included under Condition #7. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Sebastian, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 79 -209 was ap- proved subject to the conditions listed in Architectural Committee Action, dated January 9, 1980, amended as follows: #3. (Add) - Subject to Department of Public Works approval; Add Item #8 - If it is necessary for the specimen tree to be re- moved, the City is to be reimbursed for same in the amount of $150.00. Add Item #9 - Treatment of the blank wall to be worked out between the petitioner and the Planning Director. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 80 -213, OFFICE ADDITION, 209 S. HALCYON ROAD. (BRAUNINGER). Planning Director Castro advised that the building to be added by the peti- tioner is identical to the existing one. The parking being provided in front will satisfy the parking needs. Mr. Castro reviewed the conditions of Architectural Committee Action, dated January 9, 1980, and after a brief discussion, the Archi- tectural Committee Action was approved on a motion by Commissioner Fischer, sec- onded by Commissioner Moots, and unanimously carried. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 79 -130, ZONE CHANGE FROM "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, KNOLLWOOD DEVELOP- MENT. (URBAN SCIENCES, INC., AGENTS FOR BAMOD CO.) Mr. Bruce Dodson, Professional Planner with Urban Sciences, representing Mr. Duneow and BAMOD Company, briefly reviewed the history of the project. Mr. Dodson advised . that they had previously presented to the Commission what is es- sentially known as an open space plan, with the density concentrated in certain buildable areas, and that plan was intended to mitigate most of the issues that were brought up by the Environmental Impact Report. Since that time, they have had a meeting with City staff and tonight he would like to present some alter- natives to the previous plan. After the presentation, Mr. Dodson asked for the Commission's guidance to the degree that will say more or less that the plan is acceptable or if the other plan was more acceptable. He stated that they feel this project does mitigate both the concerns of the City and the Environmental Impact Report. ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION, 1 -15 -80 Page 2 Mr. Howard Anderson, one, of the developers of the project, commented with re- gard to the park. He stated it doesn't seem like the right place to have a park with soccer field, little league, etc., and he would like to see one maybe half that size incorporated around this area where you could have more of a family type park with picnic tables, etc, without having to do a lot of grading. Chairman Gorsline opened the public hearing to public comment. Mr. Dick Siegler, 276 Miller Way; Dr. Richard Lafeschski, Way; and Dr. Blair Barnett, 327 Miller Way, stated their concerns with regard to increased traffic on Miller Way, and also expressed the feeling that it is important to them that the character of the community remain the same and they would like to see other single family homes in the area rather than change the entire character of the area. Mr. Fachetti, 248 Tally Ho Road, stated he is concerned with the additional traffic on .Tally Ho Road because traffic from the fringe areas use the road now. Susan Avilas, 299 Miller Way, stated she lives at the end of the street and adjacent to the new pro- ject and is concerned about the quality of the homes, and also about the traffic and the safety of the children who live on Miller Way. Mr. Rueben Kvidt, 1035 Acorn Drive, stated he has studied the original overall plan and his main concern is the developers' ability to produce affordable homes in all categories that they are planning to do. He noted that the cost of off -site improvements has nearly doubled in the last two years and this cost has to be passed on to the home buyer, and the reasonable density that would be attained will determine the cost of each of the units. After conclusion of the public comments, Chairman Gorsline advised that the public hearing would be continued to the next regular meeting of February 5, 1980. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO. 79-63, VARIANCE FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE RE- QUIREMENTS TO ALLOW RETENTION OF AN EXISTING 18'- X 20' GARAGE IN AN "R -1 "'DISTRICT, 214 N. ALPINE STREET. (CRESPIN CONSTR., AGENTS FOR EDWARD AND CARMEN RAMIREZ). Planning Director Castro reviewed the staff report, dated January 9, 1980. He advised that he has looked at the property and sees no reason why the Variance should not be granted. There is an existing garage approximately 20' x 18' which is only lacking about 2 ft. to meet the requirements. The applicants propose a master bedroom addition to the residence and in reviewing the plans, it was deter- mined that the existing garage was not in compliance with the standard dimensions outlined by the existing ordinance. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Variance Case No. 79 -63 had been duly posted, published and property owners notified, Chair- man Gorsline declared the hearing open. Mr. Crespin, Crespin Construction and Real Estate, agent for the petitioner, advised that a survey was made of that particular block and many of the residences do have single car garages and there is one that does not have a garage at all. He further stated that in granting the Variance, there would be no particular advantage to it other than what is being enjoyed by surrounding properties in the neighborhood. He pointed out that the lot is well within the coverage ratio and would not be ex- ceeding the 40% coverage requirement. There being no further discussion for or against the proposed Variance, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed, and the following action was taken:• On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded Commissioner Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: RESOLUTION NO. 80 -719 V RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 79 -63. AYES: Commissioners Cole, Carr, Fischer, Moots, Sebastian, Simmons and Chairman Gorsline - NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of January 1980. 173 71r. ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION, 1 -15 -80 PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 79 -389, REQUEST TO_CONSTRUCT A TWO STORY BARN, 21.5 FT. IN HEIGHT, 315 GULARTE ROAD. (DECHANCE). Planning Director Castro referred to a copy of the plot plan noting the front- age of the property and the driveway pattern leading to the existing house, and in- dicating that the proposed barn is to be located at the southeasterly corner of the property facing Gularte Road. Mr. Castro noted that; from a field inspection, the structure should not interfere with any of the adjoining residence's views. He fur- ther noted that the property where the barn is to be built is better than 9'ft. be- low the road elevation. He stated that staff sees no problems with the proposed re- quest and is recommending approval, subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report dated January 9, 1980. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Use Per- mit Case No. 79 -389 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. Mr. Dechance, owner of the property; spoke In favor of the use permit being granted, stating that he had talked to his up -hill neighbor, Mr. Dorsey, and he in- dicated there wouldn't be a problem at all. There being no further comments for or against the proposed use permit, Chair- man Gorsline declared the hearing closed, and the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 80 -720 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 79 -389. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Sebastian, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cole, Carr, Fischer, Moots, Sebastian, Simmons and Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of January 1980. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 79 -135, 'FROM "R -1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO "H -S" HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT, 1063 AND 1065 GRAND AVENUE (LANDINI). Planning Director Castro reviewed the requested zone change, noting that there is a commercial building located on what is actually "R -1" zoning, and Mr. Landini wants to 'construct a storage facility on the property. He was advised he could not build the facility unless it was"properly•zoned to Highway Service District. There was considerable discussion regarding discrepancies in the map submitted and the Assessor's Parcel Map and, after discussion, it was agreed by both the Commis- sion and the petitioner that the matter be re- advertised and that:a clarification of the actual lot lines be submitted. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - CANYON WAY ASSESSMENT DIST. (ERVIN ENGINEERING). Planning Director Castro referred to the staff report on the matter, dated January 9, 1980, and the Description Form B with the applicants answers and miti- gations. There being no comments from the audience, after a brief discussion by the Commission, the following action was taken: On motion following roll AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Commissioners Cole, Carr, Gorsline None Commissioner Fischer None RESOLUTION NO. 80 -721 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Moots, and by the call vote, to wit: Page 3 Moots, Sebastian, Simmons and Chairman the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of January 1980. 1 1 ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION, 1 -15 -80 Page 4 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Planning Director Castro advised the Commission of the Planning Commission Institute to be held inSSan Diego on February through February 29th at the Holiday Inn. Reservations should be in by February 13th. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Planning Director Castro referred to a letter from Mr. Isaac Gifford, 815 Plata Road, dated December 21, 1979. He advised that Mr. Gifford's original build- ing plans had a three story definition. Our Building Department put a stop work order on the job and advised the applicant that the ordinance only permits a maxi- mum allowable height of 30 ft. and two stories. He stated that he presented the matter to the City Council and advised them he had no particular problem in allow- ing a three story development so long as the 30 ft. limitation is not being vio- lated. The Council's reaction was that the ordinance is specific and only allows two stories. However, if you want three stories, the matter should be taken to the Planning Commission to see what their thinking is and, if they are in general agreement, then perhaps proceed to amend the ordinance. Mr. Castro stated that after that meeting with the Council, Mr. Dan Wulfing advised him that he had pur- chased one of the lots that Mr. Lemon created on Pearwood Drive, and again, in this situation, you have the angle of the lot to the street and by cutting you are able to take advantage of that 30 ft. limitation and still be able to get three stories. Mr. Castro stated he doesn't see any harm in the proposal itself except that you would have a third finished floor. He recommended that the Planning Com- mission proceed to advertise the Single Family Residential section of the Zoning Ordinance to allow three stories so long as the 30 ft. height limitation is not violated. Mr. Castro requested the Commission's thoughts on the matter and stated if they feel there are no problems, he would like to advertise the matter for the next meeting. After discussion, the Commission was in agreement that the proposed zoning ordinance amendment be advertised for public hearing at the next Planning Commis- sion meeting. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME - TRACT NO. 761 (RANCHO GRANDE). Planning Director Castro reviewed a request from Rancho Grande Properties for a time extension on Tract 761. He advised that Rancho Grande received final ap- proval on the map on February 28, 1979. He noted that the Ordinance, for some reason, states that your first tentative map approval consists of 18 months, with a one year extension. There is some difference of opinion between Paul Karp, City Engineer and the City Attorney. The State law states "...for a period of one year, or not to exceed 18 months... ". City Attorney Shipsey is of the opinion that the ordinance of the City is incorrect. If his interpretation is correct, Rancho Grande will expire on February 28, 1980. Also, Mr. Shipsey pointed out that, according to the ordinance, the map can only be extended for one year, therefore, until this matter is resolved, the extension can only be granted to February 28, 1981. Mr. Castro stated it is his understanding that Rancho Grande should be ready to proceed with the implementation of the first unit within a one year period. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commis- sioner Sebastian, and unanimously carried, granting a one year extension to Tract Map No. 761, Rancho Grande, from February 28, 1980 to February 28, 1981. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business by the Chairman at 10 :25 P.M. ATTEST: 175