PC Minutes 1979-07-17ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION July 17, 1979 . The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Gorsline presiding. Present are Commissioners Carr, Cole, Sebastian and Simmons. Commissioners. Fischer and Moots are absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chairman Gorsline noted that the minutes of the last meeting of June 19, 1979 were not available and would be approved at the next meeting. COMMISSIONER FISCHER ENTERED THE MEETING AND IS NOW PRESENT ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1979 -80 FISCAL YEAR Vice Chairman Gorsline noted that it had been recommended by staff that the election of officers and Committee appointments be postponed until a full Com- mission is present. After a brief discussion by the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Sebastian, and carried with one "no" vote, the matter was continued until such time when the full Commission is present. PUBLIC.. HEARING..- RESUBMITTAL OF REZONING CASE NO... 79- 127, . ZONE CHANGE ..FROM. ".R -A" RESIDENTIAL_AGRICULTURAL_DISTRICT TO "RA-E3" RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL .DISTRICT WITH OPTIONAL DESIGN STANDARDS, LOT 11 OF TRACT #604, OAK PARK ACRES. (KVIDT). For the benefit of the new Commissioners, Planning Director Castro described the Oak Park Acres development and the overall development plan. Mr. Castro further pointed out it was the intent of the Council, under Ordinance 140 C.S. to imply that these properties should be of one acre minimum, and the problem is that the RA District means 20,000 square foot lots. He advised that in discussing the matter with the city attorney, it was concluded that the " -D" Override was not the appropriate designation to cause a reduction in the lot size not exceeding the 40,000 square foot density. He pointed out that the Optional Design is more con- sistent with what Mr. Kvidt is trying to do, and that the density is not being exceeded from what was indicated on the map and approved by the City Ordinance. It provides for taking advantage of the topography and, in addition, there are additional greenbelt areas being added to the project. The Circulation is fairly consistent as far as the collector system is concerned. The interior circulation has varied somewhat; now they are suggesting cul -de -sacs abutting the open space system. The equestrian trail is still being maintained through this development and will be tied in to the greenbelt area. The conditions reflect the improve- ments to be done regarding the equestrian trail as well as the approval of the project itself. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Re- zoning Case No. 79 -127 had been duly published, posted and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Grosline declared the hearing open. Mr. Mitch Walker, representing the petitioner Reuben Kvidt, spoke in favor of the zone change. He advised it was their feeling that some of the property that is steeper than others would be better utilized in larger lots, and use the flatter areas down below to the smaller acreage. He further pointed out they are not exceeding densities, and are providing more amenities than were required by the original ordinance. Mr. Bill Langworthy, Printz Road, stated in his opinion the transfer of density makes sense and the additional Greenbelt area will be important to the project, and the overall proposal seems to make sense. Mr. Reuben Kvidt, petitioner, commented with regard to the open space. Mr. Lou Caballero, Route 2, Arroyo Grande, engineer for the petitioner, advised that from an environmental standpoint, this project is sound, and there will not be any extensive grading at all. There being no further discussion for or against the proposed rezoning, Vice Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed. Commissioner Sebastian expressed concern with regard to lots 37, 38 and 39 as far as the slope is concerned, and suggested some type of design con- straints for these three lots. In answer to Commissioner Fischer's concerns about tree removal, Mr. Kvidt advised that they want to keep all of the trees they possibly can and that they have planted about 500 new trees in there. Also, there is a statement in the C. C. & R.'s restricting tree removal. In response to Commissioner Sebastian's concerns regarding the slopes for the three lots, Mr. Walker indicated they would be more than willing to submit to archi- tectural review on the design for those lots. Planning Director Castro recom- mended that the design requirement be added to the subdivision conditions of approval. 123 `2If Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -17 -79 Page 2 After further discussion, the following actian taken: RESOLUTION NO. 79-682 Z RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING, ARTICLE 32 OF SAID CODE. On motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Cole, Fischer, Sebastian, Simmons and Vice Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of July 1979. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS CONDITIONS - TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 824, LOT 11 OF OAK PARK ACRES. (KVIDT). Planning Director Castro reviewed the Subdivision Review Board Recom- mendations for Tentative Tract No. 824, advising that Item #11 under "Planning Department" should be corrected to read: "Street tree fees at $35.00 each /50 ft. frontage increments ". He further recommended that the Subdivision Review Board Recommendations be amended by adding the condition that building designs for Lots 37, 38 and 39 are subject to review and approval of the Planning Com- mission. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 79 -683 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT NO. 824, LOT 11 OF OAK PARK ACRES AND REFERRAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Sebastian, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Carr, Cole, Fischer, Sebastian, Simmons and Vice Chairman Gorsline NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of July 1979. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - ADDITION OF RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN DISTRICT. Planning Director Castro read letters from the following property owners in favor of the 2 -1/2 acre minimum proposed in the new district: Tom and Pat Spalding, Printz Road; Martin N. Fuller, Printz Road; Arthur F. and Jean M. James/ C. W. and Janice O'Brien. He also referred to a letter from Mr. William E. Lackey, dated July 16, 1979, wherein he stated he could see no need for the proposed ordinance, since it is already zoned "A" District and, in his opinion, this is much more versatile. Mr. Castro pointed out that one of the intents of the new District was to tie both the County and the City in similarity as far as lot sizes and zoning are concerned. Also, the creation of the proposed district would give the City the kind of control that they want and would be compatible with the County and in keeping with the policies that they have more or less noted for the projects like Rancho Grande. With regard to the draft of the proposed ordinance, Mr. Castro pointed out there were some concerns expressed at the last meeting with regard to the equestrian establishment and the lot sizes and setbacks. He advised he had contacted Mrs. Honeycutt and she provided him with a report from the Conser- vation District with regard to grazing on small area rangelands, and he would recommend inclusion of the conservation measures that are being suggested. With regard to the building sites, Mr. Castro advised, in his opinion, the proposed dimensions are reasonable and that the minimum yard requirements would provide a reasonable buffer between urban and rural developments. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -17 -79 Page 3 On the question of wells, Mr. Castro advised he had talked to Joe Anderson, Director of Public Works, and it was agreed that well water should be permitted for irrigation purposes, and they didn't see any, problem with using well water for domestic purposes provided that the well was certified by the Health Depart- ment. With regard to sewers, they didn't see any problem with septic tanks pro- vided that each system is engineered and subject to the City's approval. After a brief discussion by the Commission, Vice Chairman Gorsline opened the public hearing for public discussion. Bill Langworthy, Printz Road, stated he is in support of the proposed new zoning. He further stated he was concerned about stating absolute numbers with regard to livestock and also restricting the raising of crops for personal use only. He pointed out that some of his neigh- bors frequently raise more than they can eat, and he would hate to have a docu- ment written that would be so restrictive that they couldn't sell some of their crops. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Printz Road, stated he was in favor of the proposed new district. Mr. Nooker, Printz Road, stated he was very much in favor of the proposed district. Mr. B. J. Burke, property owner in the area, stated he felt the setback requirement is too restrictive. There being no further comments from the audience, Vice Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed and restricted further comments to the Commission. It was the general consensus of the Commission that they were in favor of the 2 -1/2 acre zoning and the concept for the district, however, some of the Commissioners felt the proposed ordinance might be too restrictive in some areas. After discussion, Planning Director Castro advised that, based on the Commission's comments tonight, he would like to re -draft the proposed ordinance and bring it back to the next meeting. Vice Chairman Gorsline announced that the matter of the proposed Residential Suburban District would be continued at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 79 -313, LOT 5, TRACT NO. 50, LOCATED BETWEEN TODD LANE AND OLIVE STREET. (LACKEY). Planning Director Castro reviewed the recommended conditions of approval as listed in his memo of. July 12, 1979, noting that Item #6 regarding street tree fees Should be changedto read "$35.00" instead of $15.00 as noted. Commissioner Simmons noted that the property in question is the same piece of land that Mr. Garing brought before the Commission several months ago and, at that time, there was some question about the ownership. Planning Director Castro advised that, under the Subdivision Map Act, Mr. Lackey has to define this property as one ownership. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Sebastian, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and unanimously carried, that Lot Split Case No. 79- 313 be continued pending receipt of a Title Report. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 79 -196, 8 UNIT OFFICE COMPLEX, 145 S. HALCYON ROAD. (HUNT AND MALONE). Planning Director Castro reviewed the Architectural Committee Action dated July 11, 1979, recommending approval subject to the six conditions listed. Commissioner Sebastian asked if the no parking situation in the area would cause a problem. It was noted that there is quite a bit of parking outside of the apartment building and there would be quite a bit outside of the two doctor's offices. Planning Director Castro suggested making a recommendation that the Public Works Department and Parking and Traffic Commission review the red curb- ing in the area along Halcyon Road. After discussion, on motion by Commissioner Carr, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and unanimously carried, approving Archi- tectural Committee Action dated July 11, 1979, amending Item No. 6 as follows: "That frontage improvements along Halcyon Road shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Public Works. Further, that said improvements match the City's Plan Line, and traffic safety along Halcyon Road be subject to review by the Public Works Department and Parking and Traffic Commission." REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 79 -197, DUPLEX ADDITION, 223 SO. ELM STREET. (MORENO). Planning Director Castro advised that the proposal is for an addition to an existing residence, and that the applicant wishes to add a rental unit to the rear of the property, and that the setbacks meet the provisions of the Ordinance. Mr. Castro reviewed the recommended conditions of approval and, after a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Simmons, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and unanimously carried, accepting Architectural Committee Action, dated July 11, 1979. 125 26 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 7 -17 -79 Page 4 REFERRAL FROM CITY COUNCIL - LAND USE AND OR ZONING RECLASSIFICATION OF THE BADEN PROPERTY ON BRIGHTON AVENUE. Planning Director Castro advised the Commission that the reason this matter is before them is because the City Council did not accept their recommendation that the Baden property be identified for high density use; they are of the opinion that it should be retained in the low density designation. He also pointed out that the matter is strictly between the City Council and Commission and it is not a public hearing, however, he did address a letter to the surround- ing property owners advising them of what action was going to be taken tonight. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that public testimony should be heard on the matter. Mr. Siegfred Baden, owner of the property, spoke in favor of the high density use, stating he hopes that the Planning Commission will reaffirm that the Baden property shall be "R -3" District. Mr. John Silva, 195 Fair View Drive; E. K. Rose, Newport Avenue; Helen Dosey, Newport Avenue; Joyce Feeler, 1304 Brighton Avenue; James Cooley, Fair View Drive; Will Sweeney, Brighton Avenue; Cleo Silva, 195 Fair View Drive; Bill Dosey, 1371 Newport Avenue; Florence Rose; 1305 Brighton Avenue, and Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fair View Drive, spoke in opposition to the high density designation on the property in question. After discussion by the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Simmons, seconded by Commissioner Fischer, and carried with one "no" vote, that the Baden property be retained in the low density classification. COMMISSIONER'S REPORT ON CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Vice Chairman Gorsline advised he had attended the last Council meeting and the Greenwood Subdivision was discussed, and the matter will be coming back to the Commission for a determination. The Council is requesting that the Commission hold a public hearing to resolve the matter. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. Vice Chairman Gorsline advised that he would not be present at the next Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by the Vice Chairman at 10:55 P.M. ATTEST: