PC Minutes 1979-02-06ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION February 6, 1979 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chairman Harris presiding. Present are Commissioners Fischer,. Gorsline, Moots, Simmons, and Vandeveer. Commissioner Cole is absent. Also in attendance are Planning Director Castro and Plan- ner Sullivan. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon hearing no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meeting of January 16, 1979 were approved by the Chairman as submitted. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO AGENDA Planning Director Castro advised that staff is recommending the continuance of Agenda items 6.a and 6.b under Subdivision Review Board Recommendations. There being no objections from the Commission, Tentative Tract No. 692 (Marsalek), and Tentative Tract No. 761 (Rancho Grande) were approved for continuance to a later meeting date. REQUEST FOR A ONE YEAR EXTENSION ON TRACT #686, NORTH OF BRIGHTON AVE. (PRATHER). Planning Director Castro referred to the staff report, dated February 1, 1979, advising that the extension requested is for one year to allow the Engineering De- partment to finalize the plan checking of the proposed project. The proposed project fronts on Brighton Avenue between Fair View Drive and Ledo Place. Staff sees no ob- jection to the requested extension. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commis- sioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Simmons, and unanimously carried, that the request for a one year extension on Tract #686 be granted. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 77 -103, "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, GRANDE HIGHLANDS (GEARING). Planning Director Castro advised that a communication was received from Warren Douglas Thompson, architect for the project, dated January 31, 1979, requesting that the matter be continued for an indefinite period of time. The reason for the request is to allow time to complete the extensive drainage studies of the site. Mr. Castro advised that because of the fact the rezoning case may be delayed for several weeks, the public hearing will be re- advertised to allow ample notice to all interested citizens. After a brief discussion, it was unanimously agreed by the Commission to continue Rezoning Case No. 77 -103. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - USE PERMIT CASE NO. 78 -278, BUILDING MATERIAL PIPE STORAGE YARD IN A "P -M" PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, 1166 GRAND AVE. (HARRIS & COCKS). DUE TO A CONFLICT OF INTEREST, CHAIRMAN HARRIS LEFT THE MEETING AND VICE CHAIRMAN GORSLINE ASSUMED THE CHAIR. Planning Director Castro referred to the elevation plan of the proposed building and the site plan identifying the location of the storage area. He advised that the property includes the existing office and is as long linear piece of property backing up to the apartments on Linda Drive. He pointed out that one of staff's primary con- cerns is the landscaping consideration for the slopes being created at the rear of the property, and the type of screening that should take place to provide some protection to the adjoining property to the south, if and when it is developed, from the pipe storage yard. He described the concerns that staff has with the turning radius of the truck traffic, a conflict with the parking spaces, and the problems involved with right hand turning movement'onto Brisco Road. With regard to the turning movement on Brisco Road, he pointed out'that'a'right hand turn will be almost impossible, and staff would recommend that it be prohibited. Mr. Castro further advised that the petitioner has noted on the map that they will be using 18 ft. trucks, and that the 18 ft. is the only possible length that could be maneuvered. He stated the most critical problem that he, the City Engineer, and Chief of Police can see is traffic backing up on to Grand Avenue, because of the heavy traffic. He suggested that if the Commission is so disposed in granting the Use ' Permit, one of the conditions be that truck traffic backing on to Grand Avenue is prohibited, and that any violation of this condition shall automatically void the Use Permit. Upon being assured by Planning Director Castro that public hearing for Use Permit Case No. 78 -278 had been duly posted, published and property owners notified, Vice Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing open. Mr. Jerry Kauffman, Arroyo Grande, stated he would be running the operation for the Parkson Company, and that both retail and wholesale business will be conducted. He further advised that they would not allow backing on Grand Avenue. Mr. Mitch Walker, engineer for the applicant, stated there is no question that this is a tight 061 052 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -6 -79 Page 2 site, however, he felt that the solutions that Mr. Castro outlined are all complete- ly livable as far as they are concerned. He further pointed out that the reason they are here is because of the open storage. The applicant can come in and, b basically pull a building permit for enclosed storage as a permitted use within the zone, however, in his opinion, this would further complicate the turning radius problem by filling that site up with structures. He further stated he felt that an open storage area like this is possibly the only use for that site for its zoned use. Vice Chairman Gorsline stated he was concerned about the chain link fence along one side of the property and, realizing that it is just an open field at the present time, the existing building there now on Grand Avenue is not a substantial one and sooner or later it is going to come down and, in his opinion, it might be better to have the site screened, off. Mitch Walker stated he had discussed that matter with the applicant, and it was agreed that if there was some use proposed, it might be very desirable to have some sort of architectural screen in there, however, without knowing what that is right now, they would be more than willing to go with the chain link fence in the interim. There being no further comments from the audience, Vice Chairman Gorsline declared the hearing closed. Mr. Kauffman, of Parkson Company, stated he would be running this operation, and in answer to the Commissioner's concerns regarding the unattractiveness of a pipe storage yard on Grand Avenue, advised that Parkson Company has received beauti- fication awards for their operations; one in Santa Fe Springs, one in Morpark, and also one for their San Marcos operation. Mrs. Ellis Harris stated she was a 60% owner of the property and noted that what is there now looks awful and, in her opin- ion, any type of improvement would be better than what is there now. She stated they are very anxious to get something going there, and even though it is a very narrow piece of property, the landscaping and other improvements that can be seen from Grand Avenue and Brisco Road will greatly improve what is there now. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 79 -650 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO. GRANDE GRANTING A USE PERMIT, CASE NO. 78 -278. On motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Simmons, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Gorsline, Simmons and Vandeveer NOES: Commissioners Fischer and Moots ABSENT: Commissioner Cole and Chairman Harris the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of February 1979. REQUEST FROM LANCO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY; INC.; TO USE PROPERTY LINE ABUTTING HALCYON ROAD FOR SETBACK PURPOSES IN LIEU OF PLAN LINE: Planning Director Castro advised that the City has a plan line approved from the Frontage Road to Grand Avenue. Lanco Co. is interested in building on this lot and they request that they be allowed to go from property line rather than observe the street plan line. Both Planning and Engineering feels that as redevelopment of the property occurs, the City will one day have the need for that right of way and we should protect the setback line at this point in time. Mr. Glen Felmlee, representing Lanco, stated they are not objecting to the plan line; they would like to get away from the 20 ft. setback from the plan line. He pointed out that drainage is the primary concern, and that by dividing the pro- ject into two buildings, the land in the existing terrain would have a grade break between the two buildings and they could take care of drainage,on their own property from the back half, and they would be draining only the front part on Halcyon Road and adding that to the City drainage. Planning Director Castro pointed out that under the "P -M" District, we are only talking about a 3 ft. setback. Mr. Felmlee pointed out that they didn't have any great problem with this one way or the other, however, not more than three years ago there was a building permit granted where the owner built right out to the sidewalk and they were wondering if they were being discriminated against. Basically, they wanted to avoid creating a prob- lem with the drainage, however, they can work with whatever the Commission decides. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -6 -79 Page 3 After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer, and carried with Commissioner Moots opposing, that the request from Lanco Development Co., Inc. to use the property line abutting Halcyon Road for setback purposes in lieu of the plan line be denied. CHAIRMAN HARRIS IS NOW PRESENT AND ASSUMED THE CHAIR. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 79 -302, 324 WALNUT STREET (HOBBS). Planning Director Castro requested that this matter be continued for two weeks to allow the engineer time to present a drainage plan. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 79 -303, LOT 5, TRACT 600, BRANCH MILL ROAD (POOLE /HEAD). Planning Director Castro referred to Minor Subdivision Committee Action, dated January 31, 1979 and recommended five conditions of approval. In re- sponse to Commissioner Moots' request, Planner Sullivan reviewed the map for Tract No. 600. Commissioner Moots' stated it was his understanding that when that map was recorded, it was to be the final dividion of the property. Planner Sullivan advised that the zoning was approved "A -D ", with the " -D" indicating 5 acre minimum parcel size. He further advised that the proposed lot split is in complete conformance with the General Plan and with the zoning of that area. After further discussion, on motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Gorsline, and unanimously carried, that the matter be continued for two weeks to research past minutes for a clarification of previous action on Tract 600. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 78 -183, 6 UNIT APT. COMPLEX - RESUBMITTAL (VICK PACE CONSTR.)] Planning Director Castro reviewed the plans for the project, and the eight conditions of approval recommended by the Architectural Review Committee listed in their action of January 31, 1979. Mr. Castro advised that staff sees no major problems with the project as submitted. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Gorsline, and unanimously carried, that Architectural Review Case No. 78 -183 be approved with the conditions noted in Architectural Committee Action, dated January 31, 1979. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 79 -185, 2 - 4 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX, 1286 AND 1290 ASH STREET ( VICK PACE CONSTR.). Planning Director Castro referred to the elevation plans of the proposed development and the eleven conditions listed in Architectural Review Committee Action, dated January 31, 1979. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Gorsline, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, Architectural Review Case No. 79 -185 was approved subject to the conditions noted in Architectural Review Committee Action of January 31, 1979. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 79 -181, 2 - 4 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX, ELM STREET - MODIFICATION (MC HANEY). Planner Sullivan reviewed the changes of the plans altering the roof design, noting the additional condition of approval in Architectural Committee Action of January 31, 1979. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Moots, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, that Architectural Review Case No. 79 -181 be approved as modified, subject to the additional con- dition in Architectural Committee Action dated January 31, 1979. REVIEW OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 75 -227 (LEMON). Planning Director Castro advised that at the last meeting, the Commission requested information dealing with the Lemon lot split be presented to them. He reviewed the information that was added on to the Evaluation of the EIR, and also advised that Mrs. Honeycut had expressed concerns about the fire breaks made by Mr. Lemon. Staff requested the Fire Chief to go out and inspect the fire breaks, and his report, dated January 22, 1979, has also been furnished to the Commission. Mrs. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, stated since she had complained about the fire hazard at the last meeting, the Telephone Company crew cleaned up what she was complaining about. She advised that there are still dead trees on the hill, and she has been advised by her attorney to have a letter written to the City to have these trees cleaned up because they could cause a fire on their wooden structures. UO) Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 2 -6 -79 Page 4 Mr. Richard Lemon; 570 Lemon Lane, advis'ed'that for 26 inspector ona Class IFFire Department;'working'in weed' abatement and control`' burning. He further advised he•had - talked the'matter over with the'Fire Chief regarding the fire breaks and they both agreed that was the only way it could be done in the proper manner, and that it is going to have to happen every year. With regard to other fire breaks that Mr. Lemon referred to, Planner Sullivan advised that he would have to have a grading plan approved by the City Engineer, and the City Engineer will consider the concerns expressed and the report attached to the conditions of the lot split. Mr. Lemon advised they would just be clearing the brush, and not distrubing the earth. Commissioner Gorsline stated'he was con cerned interns of the area according•'to'the original stipulations that was put on the property that this - work be done by'hand and tlattthere is not'sup posed to be any heavy' equipment up - there.' Chairman Harris'stated'it is his'under standing that if there is any type of clearing done which would require any.earth moving at all,'or putting 'equipment where it is'restricted,'that a permit has to ' be obtained from the City and some approval'prior to"dding it; Mrs. Honeycutt stated, in 'her opinion, when you'live'in'a city you have Cer- tain protections, and when the conditions of the Negative were put on the hill, it was her feeling those conditions would protect that hill. Chairman Harris stated know'of any action the Commission could take that would be appropriate, because essentially what we are dealing with is an ad- ministrative function, which the City is already charged with carrying out. He pointed out that if an' individual =drdinance relating to a particular piece of prop- erty is being violated, it should be brought to the attention of City officials and if it is not taken care of, then bring - it to the attention of Planning Com- mission, and ultimately :to the ' City Council.. REQUEST FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - ELM STREET SPORTS' COMPLEX (CITY OF ARROYO - GRANDE). Planning Director Castro advised that the Request for Negative Declaration stems from the City's recent application for the Roberti /Z'Berg Urban Open'Space and Recreation Program:Grant. He noted that in reviewing the development, staff found that the areas of:lighting, sewage and'circu'lation to be the major concerns. Staff is recommending granting the Negative Declaration subject to the requirements listed in the Assessment of Negative Declaration Request, dated January 17, 1979. He advised that on sewage,.there'were three alternatives reviewed by both Planning and Public Works, and. it was felt that "c" would be the best solution. There being'•no camments from either the audience or''Commissioners, the follow- ing action was taken: . =RESOLUTION 'N0.' 79-651 tilt.' RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DECLARATION. On motion by Commissioner Simmons, seconded'by Commissioner Moors, and by the, following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners'Fisdher, Gorsline, Moots; Simmons, Vandeveer and ' 'Chairman' Harris NOES: ' None ' ABSENT: Commissioner Cole the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of February, 1979. ADJOURNMENT ' 'There being further business before the Commission, the meeting was a journed by the Chairman at 9:38 P.M. • ATTEST: .C2_01 Secretary