PC Minutes 1978-11-21Arroyo Grande Planning Commission November 21, 1978 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chairman Gorsline presiding. Present are Commissioners Cole, Fischer and Vandeveer. Commissioners Moots, Simmons and Chairman Harris are absent. Also in attendance are Planning Director Castro and Planner Sullivan. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no additions or corrections, the minutes of the regular meet- ing of November 7, 1978 were approved as prepared on motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer, and unanimously carried. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO AGENDA Planning Director Castro advised he had received a request from Jack Johnson, of Johnson & Williams Construction Co., for an .extension to a Tentative Parcel Map on Huasna Road that will expire in January of 1979. In view of the fact that he will be unable to. complete the necessary improvements which were requested by the City on the.project, he is asking=for'a six month extension. Mr. Castro stated he has talked to City Engineer Karp in this regard, and there seems to be no problem in granting the extension. Mr. Castro requested that this matter be added to the Commission's agenda. REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 78 -181, 4 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX, ELM STREET (MC HANEY). Planning Director Castro briefly reviewed the conditions of approval as listed in Architectural Committee Action dated November 15, 1978. Commissioner Cole commented that although it is not now a requirement, she would like to see soundproofing of apartment buildings become a requirement sometime in the future. After a brief discussion, Architectural Review Committee Action dated November 15, 1978 was approved by the Commission. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 77 -113, "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P -D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, "KNOLLWOOD" (FORMERLY HALCYON HILLS), PROPERTY LOCATED EASTERLY OF RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT. (JONES). Vice Chairman Gorsline advised that a request has been received to continue the Knollwood development to January of 1979. Planning Director Castro commented that a letter was received today from Ken Jones requesting the continuation. Enclosed with the letter was a copy of a revised land use study indicating the various types of development and showing 15 acres of park land, as requested by the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Castro further advised that, in accord- ance with the Commission's policy, the public hearing on the project will be re- advertised at that time. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, that the public hear- ing on Rezoning Case No. 77 -113, the Knollwood development, be continued until January 16, 1979, with the stipulation that it will be re- advertised. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME - HUASNA ROAD, PARCEL MAP AG 78 -106 (LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 77 -269). (JOHNSON & WILLIAMS) Planning Director Castro read the letter of request from Mr. Johnson, dated November 11, 1978 requesting an extension of time on the development of Parcels B, C and D on Huasna Road. He advised that he had discussed the matter with City Engineer Karp and they see no objection in extending the matter for six months, at which time the improvements will be in and can then be accepted by the City. He pointed out that at the time this project was approved, Mr. Johnson had 18 months to complete it, and this time will expire in January of next year. Mr. Johnson has indicated that the contractors have been unable to do the work because of other projects, and he didn't think he could have the improvements completed before the expiration date. After a brief discussion, on motion by Commissioner Vandeveer, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and unanimously carried, the request for a six month ex- tension on Lot Split Case No. 77 -269 was approved. WRITTEN /ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Planning Director Castro advised that a written request had been re- ceived from Ms. Shirlee Davies regarding Ms. Davies and Mr. Zogata's request for rezoning a parcel from "RA -B3" to "P -D" District, officially withdrawing the item from the Commission's agenda. He advised that a portion of the fees will be refunded to the petitioners. Mr. Castro noted that a letter had been received from Mr. Wilson Hubble, City Planner of Grover City, who has been coordinating the Office of Planning and Research Training Seminar, which was previously mentioned to the Commission. The matter is scheduled for��December 14th and 15th at Cal Poly. He further advised that copies of the notice will be duplicated and sent to the Commission members. 01+3 Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, 11 -21 -78 Page 2 In response to a question from the audience with regard to the joint meetings with the School Board and also with the City Council, Planning Director Castro advised he has not yet received a response to the request to meet.'_with the School District. With regard to the joint meeting with the City Council, he advised he had talked to City Administrator Butch, and they are tentatively looking at the idea of a joint meeting with the City Council after the Commission's next meeting of December 5th if the agenda is light. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M. ATTEST- Plan ing Director